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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by stefo

  1. Wow, I never thought that being a Madonna fan could become sooo boring for such a long period guys. I really can't understand why they don't think to monetize from the old unreleased materials in the infinite breaks she takes between projects. 

    1. BringUrLUV


      Couldn't agree more

  2. We really need new music guys ... and here I am again then, praying for some old unreleased to surface online. Please, be generous :pray:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stefo


      I need music, I need the Bedtime Stories session outtakes and eaely demos

    3. Andymad


      Personally I’d love the multitrack to If I Dream by RuPaul... waiting for that henny

    4. emanon
  3. Ok now that I know that she's not just writing but also directing her autobiographical movie, wich will take at least two years to see the light of the day (I honestly don't think it will be in theatres before 2023), I NEED SOMEONE TO BE  GENEROUS AND SIMPATHETIC AND SHARE SOME UNRELEASED MUSIC!!! Cause we won't get anything real before 2024 at least! And no, one new song for the movie is not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about having a new proper album (Madame X was so fucking good) Pease HEEEELP!!!

    1. emanon


      totally agree with you. I'm afraid that the tour dvd gets forgotten along the way, now that she is involved with the movie...Honestly not excited about it.

  4. Still waiting for the "Between the bars" studio demo ... it's years, by the way. Isn't it really yet arrived its time to be shared? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lap


      I also love her Secret Project performance version. Also, I would love If I had a hammer version from RH tour DVD. 

    3. stefo


      yes, absolutely that's the other one I'm waiting to be leaked, and yes, the 2013 piano version is the best one imo too :thumbsup:

    4. fernando2


      Yes please 

  5. I'm dieing to know if there are Madame X unreleased tracks. Please whoever knows anything just a few hints, especially if there's any fado oriented material left to discover. 

    1. Enrico


      We should try to contact João Ventura (pianist) to find out what happened to the song that he wrote for the album, and maybe Dino D'Santiago...

    2. emanon


      @EnricoForget about Dino Santiago, he wont even take a picture with you. Stardom went over his head after being friends with Madonna. I wonder if she is still being his friend or will be in a few years. Actually he is no longer needed by her. About stardom, people from Madonna's team were  very cool and down do earth in Lisbon...because I went to my hotel to pick up something to eat I missed a photo with Monte Pitman...But Dino was "pretensious cool" by denying to take a pic. I'm portuguese, he seemed to be a good influence on her work, and a very important part. But this Madonna thing just went over his head. Music reality show made up "star", is what he is.

      his attitude was so...that he kinda ruined the duet with her at the show for me. We really didnt know if he was gonna sing that night,  I really wanted it, after watching his pretensious attitude...I like people that are down to earth, he isnt...ate least he stoped being it after Madonna...

  6. Does anybody know if we'll ever have the chance to watch a full Girlie Show proshot unreleased concert as it happend with the New Jersey Blond Ambition show and could still happen with the Florence show from the Who's That Girl Tour? Is there any full recording left to discover?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. club78boy


      It was a TV special that broadcast Express Yourself and Fever in full and then b-roll of Deeper And Deeper, Vogue and Rain.  

    3. Enrico


      Oh... so basically 1/4 of the show. Thanks for the info @club78boy

      Do you know if any other full proshot exists?

    4. club78boy


      this user has uploaded it in three parts: 




    1. Enrico


      Have you seen this @stefo? I don't think so!


  8. So does anybody really feel to share a single old unreleased track during this shitty moment? C'me on you guys, let's raise the mood, at least with one new song to celebrate with! :pray:

    (Bedtime Stories era most desired)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Debrah


      There's always more wonderful stuff to be leaked, but the BAT New Jersey was already quite a wonderful share .... "to want more would be greed" ! :-)

    3. deathproof


      On 4/25/2020 at 7:24 AM, Debrah said:

      How about I'll PM you a list of those money-grabbing sellers' email addies? You can buy stuff for a few hundies or thousands of $ from them (because it's perfectly reasonable to sell/buy stolen material for hundreds of dollars, isn't it?) and then you can share them for free with everyone here to enjoy, how about that? No, really?  I didn't think so.  :smile:

      i still have my stimulus check. what can one get with $1200?

    4. Debrah


      With $1200 , you can get food to a family in Burundi to eat and survive for more than 2 years.   Or I guess you can buy a crappy, re-encoded and purposely cut-short "B-roll" from some greedy and dishonest seller, and watch Madonna do the same head movement for an hour.  

  9. for the italian fans @Enrico@Rupert76 and the others I don't remember, a serious and funny talk about M, where her cultural value seems being acknoledged for once, with a very interesting consideration about love  :lol:


    1. Enrico


      Ahaha me I can really imagine Murgia dressed today like at Met Gala or as in the Bitch I'm Madonna video!! Didn't know she was a huge fan.

  10. Are we really not sharing any gift in the M community during such a tough moment to alleviate the bore and the stress? Please guys, one ot two old unreleased, please, spread some love :heart:

    Of course the tone of my post is ment just for the luckiest of us ... all my respect to whoever had a loss in these weeks.

    1. chaseturtle


      I agree!!  It's nice to log on here and hope to see something new, then when it actually happens is unreal!!! Come on people!

  11. Any generous sharing in these dark days of fear and loneliness? :kiss2:

  12. No gifts for Christmas then? I'm not saying the coveted BS demos of I will always have you or Something's coming over, but at least the studio versions of some covers as If I had a hammer or Between the bars. C'me on guys let's start the new year with some M love spreading.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. theglamorous
    3. The Ghost

      The Ghost

      thanks but i don't think this it .

    4. theREALmgo


      On 12/31/2019 at 4:10 AM, rescueme said:

      I have this but it's pretty LQ


      This is definitely just a stem mix using the unused vocals that leaked. The real Something's Coming Over Me doesn't sound much Secret, according to the report we got.

  13. Unfortantelly )'m afraid it's gonna be one of the shittiest Chrstmases of my life. And yet one or two old unreleased would really give me something to smile about for a few ... think about that :crying:

    Merry Christams and much love, people of this gorgeous community!!:rose:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. somethingscomingover


      Sending some joy your way and know that we are here for you! Merry Christmas! :heart:

    3. Synchrone
  14. It's one of the loneliest days of my life. After thirteen years of love and sacrifices to survive to several tough shots life put on our path, me and my husband just decided to part our ways. I don't remember my heart ever living such a deep grief ... I have been loved. This will take time to mend.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Voguerista


      And listen to Madonna as much as you can. She and her music and dancing help to get through the good and hard times and heals and gives strength.  ??

    3. Voguerista
    4. somethingscomingover
  15. All right guys, it's december, time to express wishes for Christmas. Now, we all were expecting a full Madame X world tour immersive digital experience, but the phone banning policy stoped this to happen, disappointing some (if not many) of us. So I was thinking that a pair of old unreleased tracks (especially from the Bedtime Stories session) would really be a good gift to help us waiting for the late 2020-21 Dvd release (if she's really still interested in doing it). And I really don't wanna think of the wait we have in front of us for a new proper album, since she's going to direct a movie after the tour. My prayer is: be generous guys, share some joy with the other fandom dudes on this Christmas month. Let's enjoy these holidays together!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. poserdemadonna


      My only wish is for Madonna to come to Brazil

    3. Andymad


      ??Express??Yourself??Vocals! Come on baby. Pretty please.

    4. emanon


      Madame X demos...all!

  16. Secret Broll new excerpt clip at this link!! Once again: please let us hear the demos of I will always have you (Inside of me) and Something's coming over (Secret). SHARE THEM PLEEEEASE!!!


  17. PLEASE! Whoever has got this file, just share a HUGE gift for the forthcoming Christmas: it's years and years I'm waiting for the "I will always have you" demo (the early version of "Inside of me"). Also "Something's coming over me" (the Shep Pattibone's "Secret" early version). I'm dieing to hear them. Pleeease :pray: It's also the 25th anniversary of the release of Bedtime Stories.

  18.  The bore of this era is unprecedented, have to say ... :sad:

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. stefo


      I agree about this actually, I'm just talking under the fanbase experience perspective

    3. emanon


      sorry to tell but her songs cant really be re-invented as fado songs...

    4. Synchrone


      I love that this feels so unique and special, mysterious and almost secretive. Selfishly I want phone footage but I bet not having it in the theater makes it a different experience

  19. For the rare pics lovers: have a look at the Madonna Rare thread guys, four gorgeous True Blue cover session outtakes have leaked

  20. I was watching some vids from the Tears of a Clown show in Melbourne and there were at least three cameras recording the show. I'm sure a full copy exists and I hope we'll have the chance to watch it and especially listening to it in full one day.

    1. Rupert76


      Mhhh...  io deporrei le speranze ?


    2. Enrico


      How I miss the hacker's days :devil:

    3. Rupert76


      8 hours ago, Enrico said:

      How I miss the hacker's days :devil:

      Me too. 

      Does anybody know when he will be out of jail? ??

  21. I love this place ... I DO love this place! 

  22. We're coming Lisbooooooon!!!!!!  :Madonna014::Madonna014::Madonna014:

  23. Today Like a Prayer is 30 years old and I still remember that rainy morning when, still a child, coming back from school, I bought my first ever vinyl ... still mad about the song, still mad about my brave, creative and charismatic girl: thank you for all the music and inspiration 

    1. Enrico


      Me too! You will also remember the premiere of the Pepsi Ad on Mike Bongiorno Quiz show: "È costato miliardi".


  24. Christamas is right here ladies and gents, wich means this is the right call for a gesture of kindness and generosity. Our hearts are full of hope for a ROL demo assembly sharing! For all the rest, be happy during these holidays and get preared for an amazing new year! Love you all :heart:

    1. Rupert76


      Hope is the last to die....

      We will die first :suffer:

      Merry Christmas 

  25. So, considered that her next album is going to be released in Q2 (wich is about 5 months from now) and that the ROL demo assembly seems to be unhappily locked, I simply want to share how I'm needing anything never heard or watched before to surface. It's such a long time I don't get excitement about her: come on make us happy, we really miss this :broken:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jump8


      I don't get why she's doing all these teasers and hype on social media now, only to release it in months to come....she should release it now, right before christmas ;) Otherwise we're already bored of the wait if the time of release is true...

    3. Andymad


      I’d rather a date, then teasing. All this teasing to me seems a bit... unsure.... 

      i just really want some hot Madonna tracks to sun tan to next summer

    4. poserdemadonna


      Hasn't she learned her lesson?

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