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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by stefo

  1. And here she slays again, as she always does. A new gem, my Queen!


  2. C'me on USA, don't disappoint the world today: DO IT FOR US ALL!!!  

  3. Ok, I have to admit I put some hope in a possible close release, but it's getting boring again ... she starts teasing too early imo

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Enrico


      If you think about it, she posted the image from Messiah on July 2, 2014, adding "coming soon... #sorceress#deep". "Soon" didn't even mean "the same year", but "the same decade" :laughing: It took 5 more months and only because of the hackering!

      I really hope for September, because it's really too hard waiting. Someone here recently it was hard between Bedtime stories and Evita, but we had STR and Evita!!


    3. Frank


      I think it'll be Oct/Nov ala Confessions.

  4. Dreaming to hear the ROL demo assembly tracks in full by the end of summer :pray:

    1. MadonnaXLB


      mee too. should be leaked on Madonna's birthday

    2. Drum Dub
  5. according to Drownedmadonna M will be guest of Live With Kelly and Ryan again next tuesday, march 27th: details in the General Discussion post 

    1. stefo


      oh thank you Liam, as you can imagine, here in Italy I don't watch the show

  6. Let's celebrate this wonderful anniversary people, Ray of Light is 20 years old... spread, SHARE your love to the world! (c'me on, you know what I mean)

  7. ... oh my, something's got to happen guys! I don't remember such a boring time in M career, honestly. At least we had a pair of unreleased leaks a year, till the 2014 megashit!t

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stefo


      Absoutely, I neither heard the 2014 leaks until the official release came out... it took me 3 days to hear them all. But she should really release something in any way while she's working on her album, I mean till november like this?

    3. stormbringer


      the leaks ruined Rebel Heart

    4. Guest


      I don't really find it "boring".  It's only been three years since Rebel Heart.  We've waited longer for new music.  That said, I believe she's in the studio doing more than we think.  She's already hinted she's been in the studio, but everything has been vague. I thought that's what most fans wanted, while she was creating this new record?  Personally, I don't care if she shouts out to the world, every time she walks into the studio.  Yet, at the same time, it would be nice that in a few months, all of a sudden we get news she's finished with her album and soon to release it.  For me, I enjoy the downtime.  I enjoy her more personal postings (family, tit shots, Skin care adverts, and showing awareness of current issues).  In time, we're going to be engulfed with her music wise and excited to be seeing her on the road again.  Meanwhile, I have 35 years of Madonna music to enjoy until the new is released.  And honestly, she's not getting any younger.  Her career is winding down whether we want it to or not.  I don't want to rush it along because before we know it, it will all become history.

  8. Bedtime Story video, Lego version

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PlayPause
    3. wtg1987


      Love it !!!! :)) i wonder if they will do human nature

    4. stefo


      ahah never heard about these vids

  9. Is there anybody who can help me understand how the recording process usually works in terms of scheduling? I mean producers and musicians meet in the studio just for three, four days a month and then everybody works their part home or when they don't meet they're just busy with other projects?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. stefo


      Ok, thanx everybody for the infos.

    3. Enrico


      I read on Twitter that 3 demos have been recorded, and 2 more are planned, but they obviously don't cite the source of the information...

    4. Dazedmadonna


      @Enrico it's bullshit

  10. C'me on Madonna fandom, let's give us a Christmas present this year, let somebody generous share one old outtake to say hello to 2018!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Andymad


      Express Yourself acapella. Come on, let me make that incredible Blond Ambition Tour version. I NEEEEED. I’ve been so good (yet SO bad this year).

  11. Let's see the positive side of all this inactive phase: I'm quite a lot excited about her interest and "study" of tribal and jazzy moods, it gives me an incredibly good feeling for her next work. If well canalized it's gonna be AMAZING!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PlayPause


      couldn't agree more with stefo

    3. Fighter


      Lets hope she takes it all the way musically cos thats been the main problem of her last couple of albums. Hope she works with composers and arrangers this time.

    4. Breathless


      I hope she takes a different direction with this and it turns out amazing! I'm quite curious!


  12. Jus let me say this: the next one who's going to leak her new material I'm going to think myself about him! All these months not having a single unreleased photo, video or song leaked are starting to become soooo boring!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. bstranger


      I would love Angels with dirty faces leak.

    3. Guest


      I wouldn't say it's "boring". She's been pretty active still, with appearances and her MDNA Skin promo photos and videos. Whatever you think of the Skin line, you can't deny the photos and videos coming from it, are great, especially the last one where she's all in leather and the hat. And I thought the other video promos were quite entertaining and fun.


    4. bstranger


      The last single was released in june 2015. Over than two years without a new song and we can not even think that we are going through a boring phase since she makes advertisements for the cosmetics line.

  13. So, in this long hot summer, I like to imagine that - somehow, somewhere - M is starting to think about her next music direction

    1. Guest


      Nope, but I'm sure she's thinking about her latest film direction. ;)


  14. There are rumours about M being special guest for tomorrow Arianna Grande's event concert in Manchester after the terrorist attack of may... she just posted a picture from her NY house, so it seems impropable at the moment. What do you think?

  15. Honestly people, she should really get a move on back to music

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fighter


      well shes been in portugal, spending time with her twins as she should, and i guess supervising the stuff in malawi and her skin products. I dont want her to make music if she doesnt have time for it. we have no idea what she'll do next but i guess new music will come out in early 2019 at the earliest. im ok with her half assing a dvd but not here for her half assing an album lol.

  16. sorry people, can anyone help me to understand why the system says that I'm not allowed to use the Instagram extension on this community.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stefo


      when I tried to post an Instagram picture embedding the link, it appeared the message "You are not allowed to use that file extension on this community" (forgive my english if still not clear)

    3. Fighter


      to embed instagram you only have to paste the link on the post, are you trying to use the IMG tag?

    4. stefo


      ah ok, that's the reason... thank you Fighter ;)


  17. I need new music!! please M go back to the studio for just a brief musical project before starting the new movie, please!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vesalii


      And it's amazing!

    3. stefo


      It's a nice track, one of her best recents, but she always misses that touch for me, sorry. Anyway -yes- I thought exactly something like that

  18. ... I really really miss new music of her :(

    1. RUADJAI


      me too boo

    2. Headless.Headphones


      I NEED IT! even something old gives use some rarities woman! Your Honesty was just mean and bad song in general.

    3. stefo


      exactly, even old stuff

  19. I really really miss new songs

  20. In a fair world M would be in studio in a three months time... but this won't happen till at least one long year.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Frank


      1st thing for her now is to settle with the twins. Family comes first.

    3. stefo


      okok, I see I see... living for LEAKS then!!!

    4. James19709


      I mean she did just adopt twins


    1. RUADJAI


      i love her


  22. It just happened, Trump is President and suddenly announces a substantial protectionist and isolationist veer.

  23. ... I still miss you so much George

  24. Ok, time to start celebrating the end of this shitty year... so who's gonna give his/her fandom mates some new unreleased stuff? Song, b-roll, concert screen? We're open... your generosity will make you worthy of the beeest 2017 possible. Thanx :)

    1. wtg1987


      I doubt they will be shared ? Shame- and yes its been a terrible year - still gutted about Prince and Bowie and so sad about the others - Carrie, Alan Rickman, Victoria Wood, George Michael, list goes on :((((

  25. What?! Is really M going to shoot a new movie in 2017? Am I really supposed to be waiting two more endless years before hearing new songs?!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. stefo


      seems so... she said it in an interview for her MDNA Skin products launch on chinese TV

    3. Fighter


      hope its less complicated than making w.e., that way she wont take too long

    4. Elazul


      We knew about the movie for a while now, why are people so surprised? There was never any chance for 2017 music...

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