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Unapologetic Bitches
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    tomasjohn reacted to ChrisK in Unexpected Surprise   
    He's coming out as straight? 
  2. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to I am madonna in Unexpected Surprise   
    I certainly sure that It's no big deal and It must have nothing to do with Madonna. It's just got to do with the worst bitch's personal stuff.
    And One thing is for sure, if it's really Madonna-related then That stupid and useless moron already messed up the surprise. 
    I mean. "unexpected surprise" is truly surprising and enjoyable only when you are literally not thinking about it at all.
    So if that's really Madonna-related with a one-in-a-million chance, that idiot has ruined the real surprise and  joy of fans.
  3. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to Magic Pussy in Sandra Bernhard says "We've buried the hatchet a long time ago"   
    Those prehistoric pre-internet paparazzi shots of Sandra, Madonna (and sometimes Jennifer Grey) running around NYC and LA in their matching Levi’s cutoffs and cowboy shoes from 1989-90 calling themselves “The Snatch Batch” was a great pop culture moment; I think the tabloid term “gal pal” might have been coined during that period. IMO Sandra and Madonna’s friendship flamed out as brightly as it started because they brought out the best and eventually the worst in each other. At their best,  Sandra made Madonna funnier & edgier and Madonna made Sandra sexier & more mainstream. At their worst, I suspect Sandra’s bitterness and Madonna’s selfishness broke them apart. I saw Sandra live back in 1989  and read her first two books, which I thought were very smart and devilishly funny. I sort of fell off the wagon when Sandra started singing more than telling stories.
    Based on book excerpts and bits of interviews from back then and now from Sandra plus Ingrid’s tweets from a few years ago, it sounds like two versions of events could both be true. Version #1: Sandra and Madonna’s falling out was over Ingrid crawling over Sandra to get close to Madonna. None of the them ever confirmed if Madonna and Ingrid had a sexual relationship, aside from appearing for the SEX book, but considering what phase Madonna was going through, I think we can guess they got it on. Without naming names, Sandra confirmed that she and Madonna never had a sexual relationship in one of her books but it doesn’t mean Sandra didn’t have feelings. Whether or not Madonna and Ingrid were lovers, Sandra must’ve felt used and jealous for being dumped for her very famous friend you’re crushing on and neither one of them wants to sleep with you. Version #2:  Ingrid tweeted a few years ago refuting a statement Sandra made about Madonna’s friendships not lasting, Ingrid claiming her own long friendship with Madonna was proof otherwise and added Sandra was just butt hurt over not being asked to be in the SEX book. (If you can imagine Sandra in the SEX book, I can see how it would’ve been more funny than sexy.) In either scenario, Sandra probably felt used by Ingrid for getting close with Madonna and unsupported by Madonna for not seeing it the same way and Madonna just absorbing Ingrid’s adoration which continues to this day. I’ve seen Ingrid at the recent LA shows and in the past in Miami and she still looks p---y whipped to me; I can only imagine Sandra’s triple whammy of being dumped by a lover who takes her spot as her famous friend’s BFF, possibly as a lover AND gets included in the SEX book. Ouch. Coincidentally, in “Truth or Dare” Madonna joked about a woman Sandra was dating (not Ingrid) who would’ve “f-cked over by the time this (movie) comes out”.
    Ultimately, I think when fans like myself reminisce on "the good old days" , it's time to reflect on our own lives and realize sh-t happens and people move on. BUT it was fun to watch back in te day.
  4. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to dubbreak in Sandra Bernhard says "We've buried the hatchet a long time ago"   
    This may be an unpopular opinion here but it seems many of you just don't get it.  Sandra hasn't used Madonna's name over the years to get press -- the press has asked Sandra about Madonna over and over and over and over because, if you were around back in the late 80's, they caused quite a stir.  There was a huge fascination in their friendship. Longtime fans of both loved hearing Sandra talk about her in her shows -- because she spilled tea.  But either way, Sandra was already well on the rise before she & Madonna struck up their friendship.  Sandra starred in Martin Scorcese's King of Comedy with Robert DeNiro way before all that.  She was a regular -- and hilarious -- guest on David Letterman for YEARS.   Yes, her association with Madonna introduced her to a wider audience, but it now follows her around everywhere. 
    I am 100% certain if she showed up at a Madonna show, there'd be a ton of buzz and people trying to take her picture etc. because tales of their falling out are so well known.  I don't think she means she'd take the attention off the star, I think she means she just wants to go enjoy the show as an audience member and not feel on display.  (The way someone like Rosanna Arquette or Sean Penn or Rosie O'Donnell is gonna get attention at an M show too.) Sandra may not be everyone's cup of tea, but she's not a nobody.  She is a brilliant comedienne who continues to tour, and hosts her own show on SiriusXM.   Younger people might view her as "too negative" but that was part of her brand.  A darker, hilarious, bitter, cynical point of view.  She was brash and loud, in your face, and dangerous.  And SO much fun for those with a wicked sense of humor.
    For those of us there at the time, Madonna's times out and about with Sandra were some of the first times we got a taste of Madonna's own sense of humor, they went out to clubs and restaurants, walked red carpets, and 'caused a ruckus everywhere they went.  In gossip columns and followed by paparazzi.  This was long before Instagram and Tik Tok.  We almost NEVER got a peek into celebs' personal lives -- so when we heard about who Madonna was running around with, we ate it up.  There was something really powerful about seeing 2 strong women tearing it up and not giving a f*ck what anyone thinks of them.  
  5. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to Starchild in Madonna: Rare   
    Taken from https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/comments/t0mqf0/marysol_actually_partied_with_madonna_sonja_wishes/?rdt=45264

  6. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to Leona Helmsley in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    love this one........ i hope this story don't end like Live to tell.......
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    tomasjohn reacted to Leona Helmsley in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    right now the strategy is a total mess.....
  8. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to ChrisK in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    I wonder which producer for ROL that had the falling out - was it Pat Leonard and that's why we've not had anything with her and him since? Or David - and hence the surprise look on her face when he came on stage at the grammies when she was accepting the award?
  9. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to ChrisK in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    Yes haha I wonder if our tweets worked - so they’ve just whacked the extra mixes on at the end.
  10. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to bertrand in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    YESSSSS Thank you Emily :D
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  12. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to bluebanisters in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    Well since you mentioned it, the artwork is cropped poorly considering the text should be more evenly space around the edges since they went with the 7" cover instead of the CD version, was it too hard to zoom out a bit? 

  13. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to Would You Like To Try in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    I'm glad that they did this tracklist and used the UK cover exactly how I wanted! YESSSS 
    I thought we were getting the US Maxi with the us cover and a nasty mislabel but no we got all in lossless and digital!
  14. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to Adonna in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    I mean; think about it. Do you really think she's sitting by approving each and every upload when it happens?  Not a chance.  I'm sure she was approached long ago, and was informed that they were going to slowly build her catalog up on streaming and digital platforms. It's possible this happened back when she was presented with the new Warner deal.  Quite possibly, she is informed of a few key uploads, but for the most part, I doubt she's paying that close attention to what all is being released on these platforms from her back catalog. She has a big enough management team probably partake more in that at best.
  15. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to MPowered in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    @PanditaRulez is whoever gave you all those vinyl versions of Deeper And Deeper and Fever in digital also in possession of the two I'll Remember mixes? Because if that is the case, I wouldn’t mind them being omitted.
    Like for real…the singles that are not specifically tied to any studio album have a very low chance of ever having their remaining mixes put on streaming. WE NEED THESE SINGLES TO HAVE COMPLETE TRACKLISTS AND NOT THIS PATCHY MISLABLED BULLSHIT!
  16. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to BoyToyMark in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    Potentially some of the 12" 'I'll Remember' remixes won't be available next week and one mislabeled.
    So just trying to get it right. At the end, if they do it there's not a lot we can change.
  17. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to steady75 in Fixing GHV2   
    Girl were you talking about number Billboard 200 #1 albums because...
    Take A Bow was number 1 in the 90's.
    This Used To Be My Non Song was number 1 in the 90's 
    Vogue was number 1 in the 90's
    Justify My Love was number 1 in the 90's
    and Music was number 1 at the turn of the decade and included on GHV2
    So it had two US number one records on GHV2
    I'll Remember & Frozen number 2
    Secret & Erotica number 3
    Ray Of Light number 5
    Along with five other top 10's
    She did just fine considering the god awful SEX backlash
    If she was really pushing the HITS narrative the track listing would have looked like
    This Used To Be My Non Song Erotica Deeper & Deeper Rain I'll Remember Secret Take A Bow You'll See You Must Love Me Dont Cry For Me Argentina Frozen Ray Of Light The Power Of Goodbye Music Dont Tell Me Beautiful Stranger  
    but you can see how it starts to look very Something To Remember + and like a ballad salad. 
    Rain / Playground / You'll See excluded because of STR
    Nothing Really Matters exclusion was to avoid there being five singles from it's parent album and to stop it being Ray Of Light heavy though Drowned World not being an international single was a curious choice instead. 
    Don't Cry For Me chosen over American Pie & Fever to avoid paying royalties on three tracks that were covers. 
    All the Music singles and Bedtime singles were included.
    So what else was there to put on? Flop Girl her biggest commercial failure to the point?
    It's probably as good as it could have been in truth
    So yeah I do think GHV2 was a good compilation with a commercially smart tracklist  but it absolutely suffered in fans eyes at a measly 15 tracks. 17 Would probably have appeased some fans to match Immaculate collection but 15 tracks plus no new songs. Mama really? 
    The truth is America was largely only here for most of her downtempos in the 90's if were to believe the charts and by that time as Fever / Bedtime Story / Human Nature / Nothing Really Matters were all flops though Madonna was ready to never release another ballad for the next decade or so. 
  18. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to Anapausis in The Best Greatest Hits Package   
    Anyway, I haven't answered that question yet. Well this one:
      the one which meant to be the first of all!!!
  19. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to DoneGone in The Best Greatest Hits Package   
    She never wanted to do "GHV2", especially after coming back to the top with the "Ray Of Light" album - it was only a contractual obligation and it showed. Not much different than "Celebration" in that respect, honestly - but at least in 2001 albums still sold loads of copies.
    Remember Warner wanted to release a greatest hits already in 1999, but she managed somehow convincing them to do another studio album instead and we got "93:99" on video format and then the "Music" album the year after.
    But of course after "Music" and the "Drowned World Tour" she couldn't escape any longer.
    That said, "GHV2" was her early 90s entry for many young fans back then and it was a very successful project. Of course it didn't last after the first months, no new songs, etc. but it did its job then: selling thousands (millions) of CDs that Christmas 2001.
  20. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to Blue Jean in The Best Greatest Hits Package   
    I think she definitely put a lot of thought into the GHV2 tracklist. But it was done at a time when her head so far up her own arse she couldn’t see how bad her choices were. I don’t think Madonna today would choose this track list at all. And no, we do not have to respect her “vision.” This release has been forgotten completely with good reason.
    For all its flaws Celebration did include mostly the right songs and it’s a pretty comprehensive collection still to this day for a newbie fan to explore her hits. Guy O surveyed the fans quite a bit for that one and that is how Who’s That Girl ended up on there. He also swapped the Immaculate version of Like a Prayer for the album version and stuff like that upon fan suggestions. So it could have been a lot worse.
  21. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to Dita-84 in The Best Greatest Hits Package   
    To me it didn't seem like there was any 'vision' for GHV2. It was a release I feel was forced upon her by her record label. I don't disagree with fans who may have been disappointed by the release. It was a lazy cobbled together selection of existing songs with no new tracks, no new photos, nothing. It's difficult to understand a vision when there is nothing seemingly creative about the project. I did like the promotional posters around the time though.
    Of course, this is only my opinion and interpretation. 
  22. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to chaosmen1984mk in The Best Greatest Hits Package   
    The Immaculate Collection is the best in my opinion. One can see the effort and dedication that was put into this album and that we see demonstrated in many details such as not including the original versions (as most artists do) but slightly/radically different versions to give a touch of originality to this compilation, the chronological order in which the songs are presented, two unreleased songs whose quality is at the same level as any of their classics, the booklet that comes inside with a special photo session for this album, the Q Sound which provides a totally new experience for the listener, etc. Details probably insignificant for some but for us perfectionists they are extremely decisive in determining the excellence of a product.
    In conclusion, The Inmaculate Collection overflows with quality wherever you look at it. I wish I could say the same about the following compilations but I can't. Something curious because surpassing this compilation is not that difficult, much less in these times, but perhaps it is all about recovering that motivation to be the best at everything and not simply launching a product motivated by fulfilling a record contract, by inertia or simply to sell at all costs. When that changes perhaps The Immaculate Collection will finally be surpassed.
  23. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to Enrico in The Best Greatest Hits Package   
    My personal favorite is Something to remember but The Immaculate Collection IS the best and definitive greatest hits ever.
  24. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to bertrand in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    They're both re-edits. The original full length Nikolas & Sibley remix is 8:37 - I've posted it somewhere on this forum a few years ago
  25. Like
    tomasjohn reacted to Anapausis in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    Only on Chicago night #2.
    And to obvious reasons.
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