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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Like
    PlayPause got a reaction from EgoRod in That new video of hers. OMG 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 Another ruined classic. Them f*ckrs doing drugs i   
    "that weird woke s#it with the trans people"
    OMFG its so infuriating.
    Are you aware who M is and stands for?
  2. Thanks
    PlayPause got a reaction from martinicus in That new video of hers. OMG 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 Another ruined classic. Them f*ckrs doing drugs i   
    "that weird woke s#it with the trans people"
    OMFG its so infuriating.
    Are you aware who M is and stands for?
  3. Like
    PlayPause got a reaction from VogueMusic in That new video of hers. OMG 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 Another ruined classic. Them f*ckrs doing drugs i   
    "that weird woke s#it with the trans people"
    OMFG its so infuriating.
    Are you aware who M is and stands for?
  4. Like
    PlayPause got a reaction from Alfalfa_HampusFL in That new video of hers. OMG 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 Another ruined classic. Them f*ckrs doing drugs i   
    "that weird woke s#it with the trans people"
    OMFG its so infuriating.
    Are you aware who M is and stands for?
  5. Thanks
    PlayPause reacted to RUADJAI in That new video of hers. OMG 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 Another ruined classic. Them f*ckrs doing drugs i   
    "Weird woke shit with the trans people " "Misgendering oneself is a new trend" 
    Bigotry isn't gonna fly on this forum. I suggest you keep your spoon fed political views for your other social media. 
  6. Like
    PlayPause reacted to EgoRod in That new video of hers. OMG 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 Another ruined classic. Them f*ckrs doing drugs i   
    Yes and the Ballroom scene where Madonna got inspired for Vogue didn't have trans representation..
    Maybe it wasn't that there weren't many people but that they weren't allow to be or call  by so many other names. I remind you that in Russia they don't have gays only real men. So consider how much prejudice and hate controls what you see or want to see.
    If you pay attention to the queer history instead of getting angry at teens on line,  you'll get a better insight.
  7. Wow
    PlayPause reacted to MCL_1993 in That new video of hers. OMG 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 Another ruined classic. Them f*ckrs doing drugs i   
    @EgoRod well, actually, 10 years ago, no-one gave 2 s#its if you were trans cause there were only so many people around who were. Now every other teen who spends too much time on TikTok questions their sexual identity. So, yes, I do think being trans and intentionally misgendering oneself is a new trend.
  8. Like
    PlayPause reacted to EgoRod in That new video of hers. OMG 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 Another ruined classic. Them f*ckrs doing drugs i   
    There's nothing 'woke' about being trans. Being trans is nothing new or nothing of a culture or a trend. Don't be an ignorant.
  9. Like
    PlayPause reacted to Roland Barthes in I’m quite taken back Madonna hasn’t even acknowledge the Queens death, from one Queen   
    Why is that "x rays" troll still on Infinity ? Again, IT seized another occasion to put Madonna down. Like IT always does. Like it is what IT only does here. 
  10. Haha
    PlayPause got a reaction from Scottyx in Has anyone seen or bought this calendar and knows which are the other pictures? https   
    OMG Amazon is such a rubbish reseller. It says "official" and then "independently published". Bullshit.
  11. Haha
    PlayPause reacted to anjoel in "This last disc is hard going, purely because unless you really made a lot of effort   
    He's a 70s/80s Dad Rock fan who hasn't a clue about Dance Music. I take what he says with a pinch of salt.
  12. Like
    PlayPause reacted to DoneGone in "This last disc is hard going, purely because unless you really made a lot of effort   
    He's basically a fan, not a music critic. His website started because of his love for physical deluxe editions, so...
  13. Like
    PlayPause reacted to EgoRod in "This last disc is hard going, purely because unless you really made a lot of effort   
    Paul, who runs the blog, is a fan of Madonna. But he is more into the classic and 80-90s hits than anything else. He loves old school pop and rock. I think is a fair review and he makes clear he is not a fan of dance music of the last 20 years. I personally find so much Calderone tedious, but I love the Erotica and the most house sounds.
    I discovered he lives one street near me one day I bought a vinyl via the site and the wife offered to drop it instead of sending it.
  14. Like
    PlayPause reacted to xrayeyes in WTF I just saw, poor AL, Madonna makes him drink and take drugs, and first thing she   
    Jesus Christ. Get a sense of humour ok? Lighten up!
    It's fun. It's parody. It's comedy.
    She gave blow-jobs to DJs to get her record played while high on ecstasy. Let's not pretend she's a saint!
  15. Thanks
    PlayPause reacted to Glassy24 in WTF I just saw, poor AL, Madonna makes him drink and take drugs, and first thing she   
    You're the one making that connection, the trailer doesn't imply she's a "drunk whore." Those are your misogynistic words. A seductress? Yes, I could see that, though I haven't seen the movie to tell you that it was one-sided seduction... the Weird Al character is actually flirting right back (in the line, "I'm curious, is it autobiographical?"). A bad influence? Sure, if the Madonna character is making Weird Al's character drink more than he should (again, not enough context here). Nothing about her being a "drunk whore." She isn't getting paid for sex and she isn't even shown as drunk.
  16. Like
    PlayPause reacted to EgoRod in WTF I just saw, poor AL, Madonna makes him drink and take drugs, and first thing she   
    Do you know this a parody of biopic movies right? The idea of Madonna being a super groupy, crazy for him etc...that's the joke. That's nothing Madonna would do
  17. Like
    PlayPause reacted to stefo in   
    still remember when I saw her with this dress and was amazed 
  18. Like
    PlayPause got a reaction from proxy in   
    This kid is amazing, this pair is quite something. She's bringing great people up.
  19. Sad
    PlayPause reacted to survivalartist in Get the kids ready, take them to school Everybody knows they don't have a chance To g   
    Oh wow I just realised this is in reaction to the latest tragedy. My b for my silly reply. 
  20. Like
  21. Haha
  22. Like
    PlayPause reacted to mr00mister in Discovered Bowie's '87 Glass Spider Tour, amazed by it and wondered how much M though   
    yeah, I've read all over again how M has said her first show was Bowie when she was 15. I wanted to see which date and tour she assisted to. calculating years, she was 15 in 73/74. the Ziggy Stardust Tour had a couple of dates in Detroit, in October 72 and March 73, when she was still 14., while the Diamond Dogs Tour had two dates in June 74 (perhaps she went to one of these two), and a residence of 6 shows in October 74. Besides I remember she said the show had mimes all over, and that fits the DD show.
    When I talked about this with a friend, he noted how her make up on the Drowned World Tour looked so much as that of Bowie's during the Diamond Dogs show.
  23. Like
    PlayPause got a reaction from survivalartist in Discovered Bowie's '87 Glass Spider Tour, amazed by it and wondered how much M though   
    @DickTracyI have no idea who he is (was?) but they definitely look like a bunch of people having a ball
  24. Like
    PlayPause got a reaction from Chris in I hope Madonna will do something similar next year.   
    As for the Rihanna sets, 100+ dollars for a vinyl and a t-shirt is total rip-off. Nothing can explain or justify such a price. They're milking the fans.
  25. Like
    PlayPause got a reaction from Chris in I hope Madonna will do something similar next year.   
    About coloured vinyls: https://blog.discogs.com/en/true-colors-black-or-colored-vinyl/
    A marketing trick that targets collectors.
    It's up to you to see if you want to play that game which will make you spend more while M gets richer.
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