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  1. Haha
    LOL!  I know really!  I don't get why people come in asking to close threads that are still highly active with discussion, just because they aren't interested.  If you're bored or not interested, then just don't comment or come into the thread. There are plenty of us who still like to discuss what's possible and what's still happening regarding Warner.
  2. Haha
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Blue Jean in Madonna LIKE A PRAYER (Deadpool) EP OUT NOW!!   
    Uk Chart? No offense but who cares about the charts of a small country? The merit here is to appear, in this particular case re-enter, the charts of the United States which is one of the largest consumer markets in the world due to its more than 300 million inhabitants. N' Sync has already achieved this because they have a more daring, aggressive and up-to-date marketing team. Characteristics that are conspicuous by their absence in the case of the team that works for Madonna, by the way.
    By the way, I was looking at the pictures from the red carpet at the premiere of the movie. All the celebrity guests were smiling in the glare of the cameras as usual but when I see the pictures of Madonna with her daughters...

    I'm puzzled to see that image. I mean, Madonna's daughters didn't want to be present at the event? Why this apathetic gesture in an atmosphere characterized by joy, celebration and good humor? And I don't think it's a problem of social anxiety because if I remember correctly they have participated in Madonna's world tour and a shy person could never do that. Smiling even when we are in a bad mood does not require a superhuman effort. As a fan of their mother, I would advise them to try to smile a little more in the photos because that is precisely the objective of the photographs: to show our best smile and transmit our good vibes because nobody likes to photograph someone who looks at you with a bad face or without any interest in being photographed.
  3. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Tudors in If Nikki Harris did a Q and A what would you ask her?   
    The wisest thing you could do is not take this person's comments too seriously. And I'm not the only one saying this, but other forum users are too. Although he may be friendly at first, it's enough for you to contradict him or disagree with him on something for him to offend you and insult you as if you were his worst enemy. I think he has already received warnings due to this attitude. Anyway, it's just a piece of advice so that you don't get surprised by his unexpected reactions later.
  4. Haha
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Anapausis in Angela Becker 2024 interview: PSB, Madonna and more   
    @LongIslandTea I guess the chicken Gwyneth has chosen over Madonna's diet is the same that gave Scotch Tape a few more (biological) chicks... @Roland Barthes has some thé about I suppose.
    But OT: I guess a woman can have the right to retire from her job the time she want to without being on scrutiny of lil'medonsters; or they are implying Madonna discarded her just like a used tampon only because of "concurrence for men"? Comm'on guys, you are better than that! By the way, I believe Caresse took too personally the erase that the Berg family made Madonna to do to her since she had all her bridges burnt (out of curiosity, Caresse managed Paulina Rubio just after Madonna and Mexican Madonna/chica dorada is a fucking Kabbalist as well, so it must have sounded painful by square to poor Caresse) after what happened to M and her - I believe Caresse had nothing more to do at the showbiz so she found out that the heartstabbing could've only been cured to a deadlier wound - I know the ways things like these happen.
    But Angela is a whole different case and she's happy to be a mother and having Madonna as part of her past (while Caresse was never happy to).
    And sorry for my repulsive choice of words - well, lil'medonsters are used to use much worse things shall we be honest.
  5. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from heikeeduardo in Angela Becker 2024 interview: PSB, Madonna and more   
    "When she started out working with Madonna, Caresse was this vivacious, happy girl, and the longer she was with Madonna, her life changed dramatically. Being with Madonna was very toxic to her."
    This part of Caresse's sister's statements is very revealing to me.
    If you decide to work as Madonna's manager, you should definitely know that the job will not be easy. Working under pressure all the time, keeping her on top at all costs, putting up with her constant mood swings or satisfying even the smallest and most absurd of her whims  will challenge anyone's mental stability. Those who feel they can't deal with it all would be better off managing insignificant, middling artists like Jessica Simpson, Hillary Duff, Usher, Ricky Martin, Thalia, Robbie Williams, etc. who won't put them under high levels of stress because their careers are practically dead.
    Nobody forced Caresse to be the manager of such a complicated personality as Madonna, but sometimes family members tend to blame third parties out of anger or pain. Fortunately, Madonna decided not to name or speak about Caresse anymore, and I think that is the right thing to do in these cases so as not to exacerbate the negative feelings of her family.
  6. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Alpha in Angela Becker 2024 interview: PSB, Madonna and more   
    "When she started out working with Madonna, Caresse was this vivacious, happy girl, and the longer she was with Madonna, her life changed dramatically. Being with Madonna was very toxic to her."
    This part of Caresse's sister's statements is very revealing to me.
    If you decide to work as Madonna's manager, you should definitely know that the job will not be easy. Working under pressure all the time, keeping her on top at all costs, putting up with her constant mood swings or satisfying even the smallest and most absurd of her whims  will challenge anyone's mental stability. Those who feel they can't deal with it all would be better off managing insignificant, middling artists like Jessica Simpson, Hillary Duff, Usher, Ricky Martin, Thalia, Robbie Williams, etc. who won't put them under high levels of stress because their careers are practically dead.
    Nobody forced Caresse to be the manager of such a complicated personality as Madonna, but sometimes family members tend to blame third parties out of anger or pain. Fortunately, Madonna decided not to name or speak about Caresse anymore, and I think that is the right thing to do in these cases so as not to exacerbate the negative feelings of her family.
  7. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from WopaelWopael in Madonna LIKE A PRAYER (Deadpool) EP OUT NOW!!   
    It seems that Madonna has been stuck in time when it comes to marketing and promoting her musical material. How is it possible that it has taken her so long to come out of her lethargy and promote this song properly? And it's not now, we've already seen it with Back Up to the Beat and other songs. As an artist, one must always be up to date and attentive to new ways of promoting their musical works. We are no longer in the 90s where everything was simpler, now social media and Tik Tok are the main tools to popularize a song.
    And not only that, re-releasing the original video for Like a Prayer in high resolution and alternating the video with scenes from the movie would have been great. How much money is she losing because of these bad decisions? But it seems that for Madonna, celebrating her birthday is at the top of her priorities. If I were her, I would postpone this celebration and dedicate more time to promoting and taking advantage of this unexpected relevance thanks to a movie that is putting her on everyone's lips again.
  8. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from DoneGone in Madonna LIKE A PRAYER (Deadpool) EP OUT NOW!!   
    It seems that Madonna has been stuck in time when it comes to marketing and promoting her musical material. How is it possible that it has taken her so long to come out of her lethargy and promote this song properly? And it's not now, we've already seen it with Back Up to the Beat and other songs. As an artist, one must always be up to date and attentive to new ways of promoting their musical works. We are no longer in the 90s where everything was simpler, now social media and Tik Tok are the main tools to popularize a song.
    And not only that, re-releasing the original video for Like a Prayer in high resolution and alternating the video with scenes from the movie would have been great. How much money is she losing because of these bad decisions? But it seems that for Madonna, celebrating her birthday is at the top of her priorities. If I were her, I would postpone this celebration and dedicate more time to promoting and taking advantage of this unexpected relevance thanks to a movie that is putting her on everyone's lips again.
  9. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Tudors in If Nikki Harris did a Q and A what would you ask her?   
    Considering that Nikki was ungrateful to Madonna, my question would definitely be one loaded with negativity and seeking to make her uncomfortable. That said, my question would be:
    "How does it feel that, despite being a backup singer, you have had the opportunity to enjoy a success that was not yours and sing in front of millions of people as if you were the main artist when the real star was Madonna and that, perhaps motivated by the false friendship that you gave her, she invited you to share the stage with her on many occasions when you know that backup singers always appear in the background and are simply like supporting actors in a movie."
    It's a bit of a harsh question, but I feel that she deserves it, because if there is one type of person that I hate the most, it is the ungrateful and traitorous ones. And I feel that Nikki is one of them, having spoken badly of Madonna, who for so long saw in her a loyal and sincere friend.
  10. Dead
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Anapausis in 35th Anniversary LAP T-Shirt!!!   
    Hum... maybe some people here (and they know who I'm talking about) should learn to Bedtime Story's lyrics...
    Today is the last day
    That I'm using words
    They've gone out, lost their meaning
    Don't function anymore...
    You know your situation's very, very bad when you have fallen from grace even to...
    And all of this for a damned, bad quality, thrown away T-shirt???
    for God's sake!!!!
    Respect yourself, hey hey hey!
    EDIT: btw, am I so fucked, so very damned wrong for yearning that this thread gets its well deserved padlock too??? Atp everybody knows already M is selling some LAP 35th anniversary edition clothes or whatever at her webstore, they're so fancy, so prêt-à-porter, tyvm!!!
    EDIT 2: so sorry it seems I'll be WP'ed again. My apologies (and condolences) to y'all!!!
  11. Haha
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Blue Jean in Katy Perry Woman’s World Feat. Madonna?   
    Is this video supposed to be against misogyny? I rather see the typical video where women continue to pander to the sexist vision that men have of them by presenting semi-naked women showing their breasts and butts in close-up. Where are the ordinary women that we usually see around the corner, on the subway or in the supermarket? Flabby women, women with bellies, women who don't shave their armpits, ugly women, old women, women who burp or fart without caring about the delicacy and femininity that men so admire and demand of them? I'm glad Madonna wasn't part of this absurd project.
    Once again the inconsistency of these artists who claim to fight for minorities but at the same time are great friends of famous homophobic or misogynistic people whom they choose as producers of their albums. Fortunately, Madonna is not on that path of falsehood and hypocrisy. She is the only artist who can boast of being consistent with her convictions and does not sell her soul to anyone in order not to lose success and fortune and that's what I admire most about her.
  12. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from nito84bcn in Katy Perry Woman’s World Feat. Madonna?   
    Is this video supposed to be against misogyny? I rather see the typical video where women continue to pander to the sexist vision that men have of them by presenting semi-naked women showing their breasts and butts in close-up. Where are the ordinary women that we usually see around the corner, on the subway or in the supermarket? Flabby women, women with bellies, women who don't shave their armpits, ugly women, old women, women who burp or fart without caring about the delicacy and femininity that men so admire and demand of them? I'm glad Madonna wasn't part of this absurd project.
    Once again the inconsistency of these artists who claim to fight for minorities but at the same time are great friends of famous homophobic or misogynistic people whom they choose as producers of their albums. Fortunately, Madonna is not on that path of falsehood and hypocrisy. She is the only artist who can boast of being consistent with her convictions and does not sell her soul to anyone in order not to lose success and fortune and that's what I admire most about her.
  13. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Jitterbug in Katy Perry Woman’s World Feat. Madonna?   
    Is this video supposed to be against misogyny? I rather see the typical video where women continue to pander to the sexist vision that men have of them by presenting semi-naked women showing their breasts and butts in close-up. Where are the ordinary women that we usually see around the corner, on the subway or in the supermarket? Flabby women, women with bellies, women who don't shave their armpits, ugly women, old women, women who burp or fart without caring about the delicacy and femininity that men so admire and demand of them? I'm glad Madonna wasn't part of this absurd project.
    Once again the inconsistency of these artists who claim to fight for minorities but at the same time are great friends of famous homophobic or misogynistic people whom they choose as producers of their albums. Fortunately, Madonna is not on that path of falsehood and hypocrisy. She is the only artist who can boast of being consistent with her convictions and does not sell her soul to anyone in order not to lose success and fortune and that's what I admire most about her.
  14. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from MPowered in Did Madonna ever do the Easter egg thing like TS in her videos?   
    Exact. The truth is that after reading some comments it seems so funny to me to see how difficult it is for some people to understand these new concepts that they end up getting defensive, calling the people who do find this type of things entertaining as childish. Is it because Taylor Swift has made them fashionable? Anyway.
    An Easter Egg that I remember, not exactly in a music video, was when Madonna created a music playlist on Spotify to secretly reveal the name of her beautiful and wonderful album Madame X. I don't know if there were many, few or none who managed to decipher the hidden message at that moment but it was a very intelligent and fun way for Madonna to play the mystery with her fans.

  15. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Ayham in Did Madonna ever do the Easter egg thing like TS in her videos?   
    Exact. The truth is that after reading some comments it seems so funny to me to see how difficult it is for some people to understand these new concepts that they end up getting defensive, calling the people who do find this type of things entertaining as childish. Is it because Taylor Swift has made them fashionable? Anyway.
    An Easter Egg that I remember, not exactly in a music video, was when Madonna created a music playlist on Spotify to secretly reveal the name of her beautiful and wonderful album Madame X. I don't know if there were many, few or none who managed to decipher the hidden message at that moment but it was a very intelligent and fun way for Madonna to play the mystery with her fans.

  16. Dead
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Adonna in Did Madonna ever do the Easter egg thing like TS in her videos?   
    Exact. The truth is that after reading some comments it seems so funny to me to see how difficult it is for some people to understand these new concepts that they end up getting defensive, calling the people who do find this type of things entertaining as childish. Is it because Taylor Swift has made them fashionable? Anyway.
    An Easter Egg that I remember, not exactly in a music video, was when Madonna created a music playlist on Spotify to secretly reveal the name of her beautiful and wonderful album Madame X. I don't know if there were many, few or none who managed to decipher the hidden message at that moment but it was a very intelligent and fun way for Madonna to play the mystery with her fans.

  17. Haha
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to littlestartman in Did Madonna ever do the Easter egg thing like TS in her videos?   
    I guess in MUSIC during the cartoon sequence she has a bunch of songs named.

    Celebration video Lola wearing the wedding dress

    The discoball from Ray Of Light the video is seen in many backdrops

  18. Wow
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Adonna in Did Madonna ever do the Easter egg thing like TS in her videos?   
    I think some are confusing "paying homage" to things or people when "Easter Eggs" in the entertainment industry are actually images, messages,, or special features hidden in software, a video game, a film, or another, usually electronic medium. It isn't something Taylor Swift invented. Other musical artists long before her have been known to hide "easter eggs" in their videos/music.  It's been going on for decades.  Many seem to really pin pont the start of it in films with the cult classic The ROCKY HORROR SHOW.  However, it started even before that. The term used in this manner was coined around 1979 by Steve Wright, the then-Director of Software Development in the Atari Consumer Division, to describe a hidden message in the Atari video game Adventure, in reference to an Easter egg hunt.  Some claim it goes even back further to 1973 with the video game Moonlander, where the player may encounter a McDonald's restaurant, if played in a particular flight mode.  All in all, Easter Eggs are an actual fun aspect for film, game and/or music buffs. I'm sure many probably could go back even further in cinema and in music and find hidden messages or imagery that directors or artists have slyly added in for their amusement.
  19. Haha
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Rebel Hugo in Did Madonna ever do the Easter egg thing like TS in her videos?   
    Man, Madonna's fan base is not mainly children and teenagers like Taylor Swift's, it is obvious that Madonna would never do something so childish, if she wants to make any reference to the past she already did with The Celebration Tour and if she wants to make any reference to the future, she does it through a publication on her social networks like any normal artist would do, doesn't do "find the Easter bunny eggs" nonsense like your fans are people ages 5 to 17. 
  20. Haha
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Alpha in Do you think Madonna is a fan of Madonna (the artist)?   
    Personally, I think that Madonna should never have made those unfortunate statements (about hating singing her old classics) but I understand that she let herself be carried away by arrogance because she was at her best with the success of Ray of Light and Music and perhaps she thought that with the songs from these albums she would no longer need to sing her old past hits. Big mistake that she had to bitterly prove with the Drowned World Tour because the numerous complaints from the public towards her for not singing her old classics from the 80s caused her to have to sing them again on the Reinvention Tour, probably very much against her will.
    It is not politically correct to deny the songs that helped you become the big star that you are. It's like erasing from the history of your life those people who at some point helped you grow as a person and as a human being. Perhaps Madonna's punishment for making these unfortunate statements is to sing these songs that she claims to hate for the rest of her life. Artists cannot go against the preferences of their audience, even if they go against their personal preferences. May she always keep that in mind.
  21. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Ayham in Madonna ❌ Pride 2024   
    That's the Madonna I want to see today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, always! She was spectacular, imposing, beautiful, voluptuous, self-confident, and she owned the stage, dwarfing all those who were around her that night. I would say their names but I don't know any of them, only Tokischa. By the way, what happened to her? Didn't she have an image consultant? Both her wardrobe and her hair were a disaster. She should have improved in that aspect because this event is very important for the community and everyone had to be beautiful and spectacular.
    Anyway, I don't care about her at all. The one I adore is Madonna and I congratulate her on her good taste when it comes to dressing that night. Totally white! It's about time she stopped wearing the color black.  The color black is monotonous because it does not allow you to show off the details of your wardrobe. The color black is related to sadness and death. The color black does not help you stand out but rather makes you go unnoticed, especially in dark places. The color black ages you. And I stop here because otherwise I would fill an entire page describing the defects of this color when it comes to dressing. That's why I'm glad that Madonna finally decided to vary her wardrobe because she's been quite monotonous in that regard these last few years when there are so many beautiful colors or combinations that I think she should try. I think it is worth the risk because she is beautiful and any color will look good on her compared to others who cannot say the same.
  22. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Voguerista in Madonna ❌ Pride 2024   
    That's the Madonna I want to see today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, always! She was spectacular, imposing, beautiful, voluptuous, self-confident, and she owned the stage, dwarfing all those who were around her that night. I would say their names but I don't know any of them, only Tokischa. By the way, what happened to her? Didn't she have an image consultant? Both her wardrobe and her hair were a disaster. She should have improved in that aspect because this event is very important for the community and everyone had to be beautiful and spectacular.
    Anyway, I don't care about her at all. The one I adore is Madonna and I congratulate her on her good taste when it comes to dressing that night. Totally white! It's about time she stopped wearing the color black.  The color black is monotonous because it does not allow you to show off the details of your wardrobe. The color black is related to sadness and death. The color black does not help you stand out but rather makes you go unnoticed, especially in dark places. The color black ages you. And I stop here because otherwise I would fill an entire page describing the defects of this color when it comes to dressing. That's why I'm glad that Madonna finally decided to vary her wardrobe because she's been quite monotonous in that regard these last few years when there are so many beautiful colors or combinations that I think she should try. I think it is worth the risk because she is beautiful and any color will look good on her compared to others who cannot say the same.
  23. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from lap in Madonna ❌ Pride 2024   
    That's the Madonna I want to see today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, always! She was spectacular, imposing, beautiful, voluptuous, self-confident, and she owned the stage, dwarfing all those who were around her that night. I would say their names but I don't know any of them, only Tokischa. By the way, what happened to her? Didn't she have an image consultant? Both her wardrobe and her hair were a disaster. She should have improved in that aspect because this event is very important for the community and everyone had to be beautiful and spectacular.
    Anyway, I don't care about her at all. The one I adore is Madonna and I congratulate her on her good taste when it comes to dressing that night. Totally white! It's about time she stopped wearing the color black.  The color black is monotonous because it does not allow you to show off the details of your wardrobe. The color black is related to sadness and death. The color black does not help you stand out but rather makes you go unnoticed, especially in dark places. The color black ages you. And I stop here because otherwise I would fill an entire page describing the defects of this color when it comes to dressing. That's why I'm glad that Madonna finally decided to vary her wardrobe because she's been quite monotonous in that regard these last few years when there are so many beautiful colors or combinations that I think she should try. I think it is worth the risk because she is beautiful and any color will look good on her compared to others who cannot say the same.
  24. Thanks
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Redha DBL in Madonna ❌ Pride 2024   
    That's the Madonna I want to see today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, always! She was spectacular, imposing, beautiful, voluptuous, self-confident, and she owned the stage, dwarfing all those who were around her that night. I would say their names but I don't know any of them, only Tokischa. By the way, what happened to her? Didn't she have an image consultant? Both her wardrobe and her hair were a disaster. She should have improved in that aspect because this event is very important for the community and everyone had to be beautiful and spectacular.
    Anyway, I don't care about her at all. The one I adore is Madonna and I congratulate her on her good taste when it comes to dressing that night. Totally white! It's about time she stopped wearing the color black.  The color black is monotonous because it does not allow you to show off the details of your wardrobe. The color black is related to sadness and death. The color black does not help you stand out but rather makes you go unnoticed, especially in dark places. The color black ages you. And I stop here because otherwise I would fill an entire page describing the defects of this color when it comes to dressing. That's why I'm glad that Madonna finally decided to vary her wardrobe because she's been quite monotonous in that regard these last few years when there are so many beautiful colors or combinations that I think she should try. I think it is worth the risk because she is beautiful and any color will look good on her compared to others who cannot say the same.
  25. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Would You Like To Try in Omg Madonna survival demo   
    Survival has always seemed like a wonderful composition to me but unfortunately the style of music chosen (R&B) does not do it justice by turning it into an opaque song without the necessary power that could well have been solved with the use of synthesizers and greater quality in the bass.
    In general I feel that all the songs on the album lack power. I would have liked a production more in the style of Rescue Me. Unfortunately, that style of music was fashionable in the United States and, as always happens, the rest of the world had to adapt to the musical tastes of that country. Although not always with success because I remember that the only song that was popular in my country and broadcast on the radio was Take a Bow, which was the closest thing to pop that those of us who live in this part of the world are more accustomed to hearing.
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