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Status Replies posted by Musica

  1. Do not use that word on this site, especially as a negative. You deserve a warning but considering if I give you one you will be banned I’m giving you a second chance. 

    1. Musica


      Do what you have to do, sweetheart. :)

  2. Forget about those re-editions of albums people, we never gonna get them :drama:


  3. May be missing from the forum for some days because i am on another very nice place and i want to enjoy time

  4. Go to download it for free bitches! :)



  5. A hero would sacrifice you for the world. A villain would sacrifice the world for you.

  6. .

    1. Musica


      If Black people want to be treated as equals, then they need to stop acting as though they're superior to everyone else. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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