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Madonna getting in trouble for DC speech??


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I will say though, After reading comments on her instagram after she writes about her speech...should we throw in the towel on expecting people to be able to understand intentions and motivations anymore? Instead of expecting people to educate themselves should we give in and close our minds?


I tell ya there is a lot of ugly hatred for women and I can feel it and see it. It is coming through even louder now. The openness that people feel in using insulting words towards women is startling.


Masculine and Feminine energies are both important when one looks down on or rejects the other things become unbalanced and they lose their healthy traits and become extreme.


For one example I have seen confidence now become arrogance.


I said earlier that I wished she left out a certain part of her speech not because I didn't understand the point she was trying to make but because of the increased lack of understanding right now. Should people with a lack of understanding lead the way?


I went to the Women's March in Philadelphia and was so proud and inspired and happy to see all the people there. I am also exhausted by the election, the insults leveled at Madonna and Ashley Judd and other women. Also by the anger towards femininity in it's real sense and not what the patriarchy decided it should be.

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This is just a diversionary tactic orchestrated by those idiots that make up Trump's team. Trump bragged about high numbers at his inauguration, yet attracted possibly the lowest turnout yet recorded.... obviously a bruise to his massive orange ego. Along comes Madonna et al, speaking against him at an event that attracted the crowds and applause that he dreamed/bragged at his own moment (its rather over-simplified, i know... but this is Trump and his team... not a braincell between them all). Madonna and her statement provided them with convenient fodder to use as a distraction from their own woes.... however, its not working as they planned. They are shooting themselves in the feet so much that soon they will lose the ability to walk.


I am someone who always cringes when Madonna tries to get political, it rarely works out well for her image, however... I loved every moment of Madonna's speech at the women's march. She said everything we were all thinking... and she aired the anger that we are all feeling. She is no expert orator, but she said what needed to be said...well done to her!!

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They are only doing this to discredit the message of her speech and discourage people from speaking out.


It was the same with the way the Trump supporters went on and on and on about some shop windows (of billion dollar coorporations) being smashed by protesters the day before.


There is some serious history revisionists on social media at the moment. I've seen people claim that Republicans who were disappointed with 2008 and 2012's results "all protested peacefully." Give me a break. There are so many images that prove otherwise and most of it was graffiti, displays and the like that were incredibly racist. Personally I find that more destructive than smashing in some shop windows that will be immediately repaired.

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I think Madonna is just too real for a lot of people to take. But it's always been that way. A lot of these people marching probably found the sex book appalling once upon a time. Madonna is a revolutionary and an unpredictable one. Sometimes she's praised, sometimes she's not. What saddens me is that I feel some fans only want her to be praised and they want her to hold back to focus on being popular. They are following the wrong artist I am afraid.

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Welcome to the revolution of love, to the rebellion and our refusal as women to accept this new age of tyranny.

Where not just women are in danger, but all marginalized people.

Where being uniquely different, right now, might truly be considered a crime.

It took this horrific moment of darkness to wake us the fuck up.


It seems we have all slipped into a false sense of comfort, that justice would prevail and good would win.

Well, good did not win this election. But good will win in the end.

So what today means is that we are far from the end. Today marks the beginning.

The beginning of our story. The revolution starts here.


The fight for the right to be free to be who we are, to be equal.

Let’s march together through this darkness and with each step, know that we are not afraid.

That we are not alone. That we will not back down.

That there is power in our unity and that no opposing force stands a chance in the face of true solidarity.

And to our detractors that insist this march will never add up to anything, fuck you. Fuck you.


It is the beginning of much needed change. Change that will require sacrifice, people.

Change that will require many of us to make different choices in our lives.

But this is the hallmark of revolution.

My question to you today is, “Are you ready?†I said, “Are you ready?†Say, “Yes, we’re ready!†Say, “Yes, we’re ready!†One more time: You’re ready!


Yes, I’m angry. Yes, I’m outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House, but I know that this won’t change anything. We can’t fall into despair. As the poet W.H. Auden once wrote on the eve of World War II, we must love one another or die. I choose love. Are you with me? Say this with me. We choose love. We choose love. We choose love.



This is transcription of full speech of Madonna.


And this is the part


Yes, I’m angry. Yes, I’m outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House,


BUT I know that this won’t change anything. We can’t fall into despair.


As the poet W.H. Auden once wrote on the eve of World War II, we must love one another or die.


I choose love. Are you with me? Say this with me. We choose love. We choose love. We choose love.





But they just cut that part which the core of her speech and pretending they didn't hear last parts of her speech and they claim she is terrorist?




Common. This is really stupid.


Madonna choose love.

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I think Madonna is just too real for a lot of people to take. But it's always been that way. A lot of these people marching probably found the sex book appalling once upon a time. Madonna is a revolutionary and an unpredictable one. Sometimes she's praised, sometimes she's not. What saddens me is that I feel some fans only want her to be praised and they want her to hold back to focus on being popular. They are following the wrong artist I am afraid.

This is true...she gives me gray hairs but this is true!


I really do believe Madonna has a reason behind what she says and does. Mostly because I think she uses words and phrases that makes people think in a very abrupt way. She really does put herself out there for punishment in the name of changing minds.


It is uncomfortable but she has always been bright and I trust her judgement.

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You are re so mean!  :laughing:



Nope, just accurate.


The problem is there have been several reports of people who did go on shooting rampages and bombed places that stated publicly they were going to do it, which is why you can't even joke about it anymore, I get what you are saying, but I understand why comment like this are taken seriously. In Australia (and I think many other places) if you leave a bag unattended in public you can be detained as they will assume it is a possible bomb.


The fact is John Lennon was being mointored by the FBI for much of his career and he never even made any threats, the FBI just didn't like his ideaologies. Personally I am not a Hillary or Trump fan, the one good thing to come out of Trump winning was people are waking up to the governments of the world and their corruption and manipulations. At least more people are paying attention and questioning things and protesting, instead of just being complacent. 


Yeah, I know, but if someone was gonna blow up the white house, it's so obviously not going to be Madonna lol. She has children, as if she'd do that. Anyone who took her comment as something she's gonna do is honestly just beyond stupid.


That is not true. I do not support him but wouldn't want harm to come to him or anyone else and neither does Madonna. She made a flip expression comment that was suppose to emphasize the deep frustration felt. She could have left it out. Her overcompensating bad assness is starting to get on my nerves. She would probably tell me to **** *** but that's fine Lol. I always love her.


I feel she is so much more capable of expressing how she feels in a more innovative and empowering way.


Ok, well you're in a minority of people with that one, I'm sure. She doesn't need to express how she feels in an "innovative and empowering way", words are just words, she doesn't need to. It is what it is.


Seriously do not wish this. If Trump dies or gets Impeached and thrown out then Mike Pence will be the US President. Just take a look at his record if you don't know it. Believe me you will be praying for Trump's safety every day once you know what Pence is like. 


Well I do hope Trump gets killed. So, maybe Mike should be too then. lol. Hillary was trash too, choosing between Donald (lol at his awful name, people actually call him "The Donald", isn't that embarrassing?) and Hillary is like choosing between cancer and AIDs.

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I think it's quite ridiculous how much attention this is getting, rather than (as people have said) the more important things going on in the world right now. That aside, I just want to highlight that she said "I have thought and awful lot...". Now, I don't know what the laws are in the US, but can they really punish her for thinking something? To be honest, it doesn't make sense why somebody should be punished for thinking about something. But hey, maybe under Trump's administration it's a Brave New World.

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Let’s Avoid Fake Outrage over Madonna's Violent White House Fantasy




Let’s Avoid Fake Outrage over Madonna's Violent White House Fantasy

Safe spaces for me, but not for thee.

Brendan O'Neill | January 23, 2017

MadonnaFor proof that the snowflake tendency runs as deeply among Trumpites as it does among campus censors, look no further than the Madonna controversy.


Yes, the dowager duchess of pop, the 58-year-old who sings about being a "girl gone wild," has let her mouth land her in hot water again. Her speechcrime this time? To admit in public that she fantasized about blowing up the White House after Trump won it.


In an otherwise typically Madonna speech at the Women's March in Washington, D.C. — all "fuck you"s and "look-at-me"s — she said she had "thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House." She thought better of it, though, and decided it would be more effective to challenge Trump with a "revolution of love" and through her music. Ick. Maybe the blowing-up wouldn't have been so bad after all.



The outrage was instant and predictable. The right-wing bits of Twitter went into meltdown. This was incitement to violence, they said. Breitbart got stuck in, whipping its readers into a Twitter-frenzy with reports on Madonna's "profanity-laced speech" and claims that her violent remarks are going to be investigated by the Secret Service (it's not clear whether this is true.)


Then came the talking heads. Brit blowhard Piers Morgan charged Madonna with going beyond mere "rudeness" and instead saying something "incredibly offensive"—to which we might wonder what's wrong with being incredibly offensive. He accused her of "fueling an idea" to "assassinate" Trump. "Publicly threatening to blow up the White House is a serious criminal offence", he said, and "Madonna should be arrested."


Newt Gingrich was up next. He told Fox & Friends that Madonna is part of "an emerging left-wing fascism"—get a grip, Newt—and "she ought to be arrested." The inevitable petition wasn't far behind. There's always someone who wants to Change.org out of existence an idea or image they find offensive. So far 6,500 people have signed the petition calling on the Department of Justice to "Arrest Madonna for Making Threats Against the White House."


Here's the thing that these pearl-clutching wailers and tweeters, these right-leaning Safe Spacers don't seem to understand: Madonna made no threat to blow up the White House. Nor did she incite anyone else to. She merely talked about a fantasy she had had.


She "thought an awful lot" about blowing up the White House. She thought it. To arrest her for this would be to arrest her for committing a thoughtcrime, for imagining something. It would be as mad as arresting her for her murder of that bloke in the movie Body of Evidence, which she also didn't really do—that, too, was a fantasy, an image.


What next? Arrest film directors who have used CGI to depict the White House being destroyed? Feel the collar of anyone who's written fiction about the killing of a president? After all, those fantasies might also trigger some hothead to do something he shouldn't. Maybe all stories and dreams and thoughts of doing harm to politicians should be outlawed.


We shouldn't only defend Madonna because she didn't actually "threaten to blow up the White House," as the possibly illiterate Morgan put it. We should also defend her because heated speech, hyperbolic speech, even violence-tinged speech, is a legitimate part of political discourse and should remain absolutely free.


There was a Supreme Court ruling that put this very well. In Watts vs the United States in 1969, the justices said that political talk often includes "vehement" and "unpleasantly sharp" attacks on public officials and even forms of criticism that sound violent but which are really just crude or super angry.


They were ruling on the 1966 case of a young man who was convicted of knowingly threatening an individual's life—the President's—during a rally in D.C. against police violence, when he said: "They always holler at us to get an education. And now I have already received my draft classification... and I have got to report for my physical this Monday coming. I am not going. If they ever make me carry a rifle the first man I want to get in my sights is L.B.J." The Court threw the conviction out, ruling that it was not a realistic threat to kill President Johnson but was merely a "crude" way of expressing "political opposition to the President."


And so it is with Madonna. She was crudely stating political anger. She was expressing political exasperation in an unfiltered way. We must have space in the political realm for crudeness and nastiness and stupidity and all the rest.


Of course genuine incitement to violence, where you use words knowing that they could imminently and directly contribute to the physical harming of an individual, is not a free-speech issue. But violent fantasies are. Violent thoughts are. Violent-inducing speech is not a free-speech issue, but violent-sounding speech—"I could kill that son of a bitch," "I thought about blowing up the White House"—is. Feminists should bear this in mind. Some of them are defending Madonna today, which is cool, but in the past they've sometimes been too quick to depict porn or misogynistic music as forms of violence.


The Madonna controversy is striking for what it tells us about the Trump era. Which is that its promised war on P.C. might be a bit of a sham, and these right-wing railers against Safe Spaces and triggered youths might not be as big on free speech as they'd like us to believe. Their freakout over some throwaway comments by Madonna is as mad as when campus snowflakes lose the plot over scenes of sexual assault in Shakespeare. All of you, listen: these are fantasies; they won't harm you.

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All that hatred towards her in social media, it’s very sad, but she’s alway been hated and misunderstood… It was kinda something to be expected, considering that bizarre and twisted sense of patriotism that is very marked in the most visible social groups in the US.

Just thinking, if a little silly song like Material Girl was very misunderstood and taken so literal that it costed her a nickname and an image that she really wasn’t searching to have, having the words blowing and White house in the same speech what will it cost to her?

I don’t know, but at the end of the day it’s kinda funny (and very sad at the same time) having that government and supporters terrified about a speech that preaches about love.

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I hope she doesn't take social media frenzy to heart, especially this type as much of it is unfortunately paid noise from groups and machines preprogrammed meant to provoke and steer up emotions in people due to the sensitive topic. You'll notice certain repeat phrases. Idk how they think people don't notice. I'm sure genuine outrage is present however there is much more to be outraged about. Fuck'm

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