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After Met Gala, Madonna may announce a residency


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I'm hearing Madonna will perform at the #MetGala — possibly “Hallelujah,” and/or a Beatles tune, things along those lines. Nothing is 100%. [...]

Seems like if she does a high-profile live perf, May 8 (a date she's alluded to on Instagram) would be a good date to announce another live something or other, a non-Vegas residency has been my goal for years.

OR, she'll just do her songs and move along. She DOES have a movie to direct.




This is probably just a rumour, was being shared this afternoon by some sites.



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Just now, MadgeSlave said:

Guys, I didn't wrote this, this is from the sources. 

But do whatever you feel it's best, if you want to delete this thread, go ahead. Lol

Oh don't get me wrong I also said that to original source. 

Of course you're not that kind of person as Original source person. Aren't you?


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My intention was just share this piece of " information" with you guys. I apologise if this was not the ideal topic to make a thread.

This was being shared in some forums and sites, so I thought that MI would be a nice place to discuss this.

I didn't wrote the text above. Sorry guys.


2 minutes ago, brazilfan said:

Oh don't get me wrong I also said that to original source. 

Of course you're not that kind of person as Original source person. Aren't you?


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7 minutes ago, MadgeSlave said:

My intention was just share this piece of " information" with you guys. I apologise if this was not the ideal topic to make a thread.

This was being shared in some forums and sites, so I thought that MI would be a nice place to discuss this.

I didn't wrote the text above. Sorry guys.


Well Sorry to say this but It Does NOT a Information.

I mean, It even doesn't seems like a rumor. 

It is just a nobody's "wish list"

You know what I'm saying?

So I surprised "oh, so we can make thread of nobody's wish list as a "information" now?" That's all.

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Jesus Fuck. Calm the fuck down, ENGLISH SPEAKERS! The OP had already said he was sorry & was only sharing info that could spark some conversation regardless of how non-plausible or ridiculous it is! Jesus Christ this is a forum no?


And again... please make sure your thoughts are even intelligible when you snap back at someone. Like... don’t just use Google Translate. Teehee.

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16 minutes ago, cailohfornia said:

Jesus Fuck. Calm the fuck down, ENGLISH SPEAKERS! The OP had already said he was sorry & was only sharing info that could spark some conversation regardless of how non-plausible or ridiculous it is! Jesus Christ this is a forum no?


And again... please make sure your thoughts are even intelligible when you snap back at someone. Like... don’t just use Google Translate. Teehee.

Oh I'm loving the sass



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Well, SOMEONE went off the rails in this thread.  :Madonna033:

Anyway thanks for the info by the OP.  Though, I don't believe it for one second.  Also, Met Gala is on the 7th, not the 8th.  Again, that "8th" reference was towards Diplo's comment mocking Kanye West's "Dragon Energy" comment about Donald Trump.  Madonna obviously had no clue what Diplo was referencing and she took it as some Spiritual/mystical reference. 

That all said, I'm sure eventually Madonna will take up a residency somewhere... most likely in NYC and/or London.  But I still think we're a bit away from that as I think she still enjoys traveling the world to perform.

Again, thanks for the info even though it's B.S. 


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I personally could never see Madonna confining herself to one set spot for more than three shows. It'd be cool,especially if she came to do a residency in my hometown (Vegas) but I highly doubt Madonna is ever going to do a residency anywhere,even in somewhere like NYC or London or even Lisbon (where she recently moved to). She does not seem like the type of artist to tie herself down to one venue. I also didn't think Cher would ever do it either but she's already on her second residency show and still killing the game.

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Hear me out.... and i have NEVER thought about her taking a residency. But like, she loves to have projects. And I feel she may have a few up her sleeve... Could it be possible for her to do both? I mean it seems like it may be easier for her to direct, and have a show in the same place. Instead of traveling and doing gruelling tours. Would her life be slightly easier, with all of the projects in her head, to not tour and take a residency for the next couple years or so? I don't know, thoughts? My point is, can she get more done staying in one spot as opposed to travelling around the world. I've never considered this but I may be on to something. I'm definitely onto the wine right now so it's all making sense.....:Madonna020:

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In my opnion, the closest thing to a residency Madonna might do is more like Bette Midler did in the 70's. Put a show together and house it in a broadway theatre for a couple weeks. 

She could still travel world wide, just playing theatre's and only doing a handful of places.

Most Vegas style residencies are too long and that just doesn't seem to gel with her busy life. 

If any residency is ever announced I would be surprised.

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She already said she was going to do residencies no? Or hinted at it a while back. She's been talking about wanting to "re-invent touring" which is pretentious talk for doing residencies or something lmfao. 

i won't be surprised at all. 

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2 hours ago, GhostOrchid said:

She can do a residency show once a week, i think I read that someone used to do it that way but don't quote me on that. That way she can still get shit done AND make money on concerts

Not the most likely option, since it is financially very risky. A show needs to be performed much more often than once a week to balance the production costs. You can do one stadium here, one stadium there because you'll have 30/40K or more tickets sold each night, but for a Broadway/West End type theater you can only sell between 500 to 2300+ seats per night, so the business has to happen every day, and sometimes several times a day on weekends.

Unless she plans to sing alone with her guitar for two hours ;-))

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Residency or not, I think she could seriously consider a different kind of touring this time, so we have to be open to any eventual news. As Figher wrote, she already prepared us for this.

In my opinion, the cleverest thing would be chosing two or three adequate locations in USA (east and west) and Europe where perform her (different kind of) show for two or three weeks each time. Asking her EU fans to travel to America seems too much at the moment and I think she knows it.

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4 hours ago, Fighter said:

She already said she was going to do residencies no? Or hinted at it a while back. She's been talking about wanting to "re-invent touring" which is pretentious talk for doing residencies or something lmfao. 

i won't be surprised at all. 

I don't think a "residency" is "re-inventing touring".   She's been pretty oppose to a Vegas style show.  That said, everything else has been done, but I can see her still putting together a much lower key tour.  Tour in key places only.  I still think she's wanting to mix up her performances with more chatter, joking and such as well.  But there is no way she's going hold her self in one place for more than a few months. It's just not her style.   Maybe in another ten years or so, if she's still willing to perform.


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