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We-R-Superstars Debacle


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Well I don't consider legends to be people who constantly have hits but rather people who are influential on what they do, at least to other artists and well respected in their field. I honestly don't know enough about him to know if he's all these things. But it seems he is...


Billboard as I said is stupid regardless. No surprise they adressed the Madonna rumours, EVERYONE was talking about it being Madonna, fans, non-fans, music blogs, publications, people on social media... etc. Hopefully this didn't damage the hype for Madonna's upcoming album, but it certainly helped spread this song everywhere.


I can't help but laugh at the whole thing.  :happy:

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He's right though. Madonna fans assumed based on the wording, but to be pissed at them or him over this is ridiculous. I don't agree with how Billboard labeled him a "dance legend", but it's no reason to get irate and start writing campagns spewing hate.

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He fav'd a tweet that mentioned Madonna so he needs to be more careful about twitter and crazy stans  :speakno:

And many people/fans asked him and billboard weeks ago if it was Madonna! He nor they denied it! Until now. Leads me to believe they like the attention!
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They asked you to guess. So if we guess Madonna they could say no keep guessing!To me all very deceptive.

Personally, I think you're reading way too much into it.  It was just a fun thing to do and of course it was for attention. Who wouldn't want global attention for their song and have people assume it is connected to Madonna. Whatever you think, it still gain the song a lot of exposure and I'm sure that was the full intention. Start a guessing game.


Seriously, it's not any reason to get bent out of shape about. We're just talking about a DJ and his song who took advantage of the attention he was given. It's not like Madonna hasn't done the same throughout the years, by taking advantage of the attention she got from the controversy behind her songs and actions in videos, etc. 

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Personally, I think you're reading way too much into it.  It was just a fun thing to do and of course it was for attention. Who wouldn't want global attention for their song and have people assume it is connected to Madonna. Whatever you think, it still gain the song a lot of exposure and I'm sure that was the full intention. Start a guessing game. Seriously, it's not any reason to get bent out of shape about. We're just talking about a DJ and his song who took advantage of the attention he was given. It's not like Madonna hasn't done the same throughout the years, by taking advantage of the attention she got from the controversy behind her songs and actions in videos, etc.

Exactly my point using Madonna for attention. And I'm not getting bent out of shape.
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Exactly my point using Madonna for attention. And I'm not getting bent out of shape.

It's part of the game. Why would he say it isn't Madonna when he knows the song will get more exposure by saying nothing? It's not like he mislead people to believe it was Madonna. People just assumed it was.


What I find hilarious is those who are getting irate over this silly song. When someone creates something, they usually want to share it with people. Some people have the desire to want the whole world to see and hear their work. To do that, you have to find ways to get it out there at any means.  Madonna has done the same.


And yeah, I have to laugh at all those people were hearing "Unapologetic Bitch"... and the person who actually posted a clip of the song  singing over it, claiming he just turned it up to hear the background vocals. LOL! Nope, sorry, you just sang over the song. Yet people believed him. LOL!!

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