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Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media


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Y’all, I follow the mask guidelines but I was out back in the workplace a month into quarantine. I visit the same circle people I always do. I did get COVID over Christmas but it was from my mom who I live with so that was unavoidable. I’m back to work after two weeks working from home in quarantine. I think the situation is different everywhere. Here in South Carolina, life goes on. So while I’m concerned with her health and those around her, I’m honestly not phased when when had riots earlier in 2020 and just week ago. 

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Tbh, at this point she can't surprise me at all on instagram. Her behaviour has been inexcusable for weeks (if not months), she's literally out of touch with reality. I couldn't care less about her life at this point, all I care about is her music and her art, and we are not seeing much of it lately.

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
5 hours ago, remixed224 said:

So they already back to LA as we can see from Ricardo stories on Instagram.

Hopefully she stays put now.


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With all this filming and footage being captured of her life after the tour, editing the tour, quarantine, surgery, creating the biopic, her recent trip... I hate to say it but I smell a documentary

?wonder if this could potentially be a BAT/RIT situation? I’m guessing. Don’t come for me. Hahaha

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3 hours ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

Hopefully she stays put now.


I hope so too. I don't like to pass so much judgement on her travels, but clearly the situation in Malawi is getting pretty bad, and the president is now facing strong criticism for meeting Madonna too, as they clearly followed no social distancing protocols. There's a new covid cases surge and four senior political figures have died from the virus in the last few days. Two articles on the matter below:



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2 hours ago, madfan13_86 said:

the situation in Malawi is getting pretty bad, and the president is now facing strong criticism for meeting Madonna too, as they clearly followed no social distancing protocols. There's a new covid cases surge and four senior political figures have died from the virus in the last few days. Two articles on the matter below:




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It is not forbidden to travel. If masks were not mandatory in Malawi prior to today why would she have to wear one ? Especially since she had to provide a test before entering. The probem ay be in fact that y'all spent too much time indoors and on the internet and should probably start an internet rehab.

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
30 minutes ago, Roland Barthes said:

It is not forbidden to travel. If masks were not mandatory in Malawi prior to today why would she have to wear one ? Especially since she had to provide a test before entering. The probem ay be in fact that y'all spent too much time indoors and on the internet and should probably start an internet rehab.

It may not be forbidden to travel, but it’s still incredibly hazardous and she still does not seem to be following all of the guidelines. I respect and admire all of the work she does in Malawi, but we spend too much time indoors because we’re on a lockdown, and she should be as well.

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Wether or not wearing masks are mandatory or which countries it is allowed to travel to is besides the point if you ask me. We are in a pandemic that has held the world hostage for almost a year now. Worse, there are many who are denying the impact of the virus and are defying safety measures and regulations, sending out disinformation or ambiguous messaging is problematic right now.

Here M is visiting a country she is helping with the effects from one pandemic, HIV, regardless of the fact that she traveled from the most infected area, via the second most infected area, to pick up some unmasked offspring, that is suffering from this other pandemic, covid, and she is doing nothing to prevent her team from spreading it (apart from that Q-tip) but worse, even if she was and just takes off her mask when the camera is pointing at her, why isn’t she promoting these safety measures to others. What is the message she is sending to people who might still look at Madonna for inspiration? That there is no virus? That it’s ok as long as you rub feathers and play the ging, is she into crystals now? Traveling anywhere these days is problematic, to travel to a country with fragile healthcare (from a high risk area none the less) and thus imposing the risk of importing mutations, disrupting its healthcare system even further, you better have a good reason. Hint, opening dance studios, even if they are for charity ain’t it, spending new years eve with your pals ain’t it, demanding an audience with the newly elected president because the amount of money you brought to the country gives you the feeling you are entitled to that really is not it.

This isn’t the sex book where you can attribute the non existence of condoms in your work to the idea that your book depicts a fantasy world where there is no HIV, this is the real world.
The fight against Aids and HIV was and is for the most part awareness and education, and even with the sex book, with or without condoms, it became a talking point and part of her campaign fighting prejudice against people infected with HIV.

Today, people are being vaccinated on a global scale while most economies are still in lock down, and will be for the foreseeable future.
People around the world are deprived from medical care, kept from their loved ones, their jobs.
Her home country is preparing for the inauguration of a president she supported, while in the aftermath of a storm on the capitol, in the middle of the impeachment of the sitting president, whom she so publicly opposed.
Madonna is taking a helicopter to swim in a volcano.

I want to start a revolution, are you with me?


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On 1/13/2021 at 4:27 PM, gafuller said:

Y’all, I follow the mask guidelines but I was out back in the workplace a month into quarantine. I visit the same circle people I always do. I did get COVID over Christmas but it was from my mom who I live with so that was unavoidable. I’m back to work after two weeks working from home in quarantine. I think the situation is different everywhere. Here in South Carolina, life goes on. So while I’m concerned with her health and those around her, I’m honestly not phased when when had riots earlier in 2020 and just week ago. 

Yes, a lot of people must be from the UK which is in a strict lockdown, but it’s not that way in the US. 
Someone mentioned the violence at the Capitol and the inauguration and how that makes Madonna a terrible selfish person for enjoying time with her family. 
Well, I live right here in Washington DC. Despite all that taking place right here, people are still enjoying themselves eating outside and going shopping. Life goes on. There has to be a balance between caring about the state of the world and enjoying your life as long as you take reasonable precautions. An individual even one as rich as Madonna can’t really change the world all by themselves. If Madonna is guilty so is most of us DC residents because we are going on living and enjoying our lives. 

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1 minute ago, Glindathegood said:

Yes, a lot of people must be from the UK which is in a strict lockdown, but it’s not that way in the US. 
Someone mentioned the violence at the Capitol and the inauguration and how that makes Madonna a terrible selfish person for enjoying time with her family. 
Well, I live right here in Washington DC. Despite all that taking place right here, people are still enjoying themselves eating outside and going shopping. Life goes on. There has to be a balance between caring about the state of the world and enjoying your life as long as you take reasonable precautions. An individual even one as rich as Madonna can’t really change the world all by themselves. If Madonna is guilty so is most of us DC residents because we are going on living and enjoying our lives. 

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. Walmart’s here are just as they were before COVID just with masks. Let’s not talk about Grindr culture in the US either ? I remember when everyone blew up about her going to Steven Klein’s birthday I think it was and I was like “I just went to a farewell party for a client at a industrial plant”.

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17 hours ago, madfan13_86 said:

I just saw that wtf!!! Stupid elephant! That must’ve been a bit scary ? 

Despite the elephant hitting our legendary Queen. She handled the situation with class. 

But it was great to get another social media update from madonna.

Looks like she had an awsome africa adventure/trip.


Edited by RebelBeauty (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, steady75 said:

Christ even the elephant had an opinion on her face. Elephants are bitchy AF

Let’s see your face so I can write an editorial about it.

It might put things into perspective for you.

As a rule of thumb, never say anything online you wouldnt say to the person’s face.

It works wonders for me.


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9 hours ago, Glindathegood said:

Yes, a lot of people must be from the UK which is in a strict lockdown, but it’s not that way in the US. 
Someone mentioned the violence at the Capitol and the inauguration and how that makes Madonna a terrible selfish person for enjoying time with her family. 

I mentioned the inauguration, the riots and Trump and juxtaposed them with M’s elitist holiday, not because I think she is selfish, but because I’m confused by her message. For the past 20 years if not longer, she has been political about just about everything, it is in big part why I love her so much. As someone mentioned before, the persona that emerged during MDNA tour, all the speeches and pop up performances during Rebel Heart, the whole Madame X concept were all very political and activist, propagating tolerance, equality and freedom of speech. So it is bewildering to me, that at the hight of the tumultuous political climate in America, at the hight of a pandemic that none of us have witnessed before, she is checking out. And yes, even if I don’t necessarily think it comes from selfishness I do think it is irresponsible to disregard these things in your online activity and not use her voice and her audience for the greater good as she has often done before. Furthermore I do have serious troubles with her actions during her holiday, it is one thing how you decide to act in your own home and how many people you want to invite regardless of how dangerous and irresponsible that is, but to impose that behavior on others by visiting them without taking proper safety measures to protect them is baffling to me. Even more so because she will never let us forget how much the Aids epidemic affected her and her surroundings, she was such a good advocate on protecting yourself and your partners back then, it is mind boggling she hasn’t made the connection. But I’m digressing, my point is, her online presence is in stark contrast with her message of the past, which puts her sincerity in a questionable light.
As for the lockdown situation, we all know that the US has a different way of handeling this pandemic, and it’s different for every state as well, but I think we can also safely state that that has more to do with politics than the advise of virologists.
I am from the Netherlands, which is a kingdom (let’s not get into how ridiculous that is) recently our king thought it was alright to go on a holiday to Greece in his private jet while the rest of the country is still in limbo how we will exit this crisis, he had to return upon landing in Greece because of the uproar this caused, I would expect the same from a queen ;-)

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1 hour ago, Frank said:


And of course she was laughing about it, that's what happens with animals... u never know how they're gonna react around people. The baby elephant was like "gurl bye!" tho XDDDDDDDD


LOL it literally said back up

And M's like "?NOT.?THE.?CHEEKS"

So cuters ?

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