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"Oh I miss this Man and the Fun Times we Had!! Let's bring back. Joy and creativity, laughter and fun!2665.png♥JPGaultier 1f483_1f3fb.png1f618.png1f921.png1f3b8.png2665.png♥ photo by Herb Ritts!" -Madonna




("let's bring back" she says... something's coming over and, remembering her vault visit before Christmas, I do believe it can really be about Blond Ambition!!  :party:  :clapp:   :dance:   )

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She's right to do this anyway, it was time to select, the comments and critics she recieved were absolutely not constructive, so what's the point... now she can reject them and protecyt herself. It's the right decision. And if I can say this, I think she should strenghten her personal security service for a while too. I'm not afraid of Trumpists, but it's full of fanatists (wich means not balanced people) out there. Maybe an extreme measure but...


Especially because we know she's not gonna stop  :heart:

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No worry. With Trump pissing off more & more people each new day with his 'Executive Orders', people are starting to side Madonna. Also too many things are happening & the Madonna's episode is very minor & small in comparison. By next week, no one will be talking about it. Yesterday, it was all about the border wall & the feud with Mexico, 20% tariffs on Mexican goods. Today is all on meeting & press conference with PM Theresa May. Tomorrow will be focussed on his phone talk with Putin.


Some comments [non Madonna fans] from yesterday on Trump's comment:

[About 1,000 comments like these & all from yesterday]


Angely Nin

No, no, no, you have no right to use that word against her. You can't use that word more than anyone else. There is no one more disgusting than you in this country. She only expresses what millions of people think of you. You are a disgusting old man, she is a lady, you need to learn how to respect women. You are a shame as a man and as president. You are an asshole and a pig.


Jodi Wagner

The whole agenda of his whole campaign was to degrade and belittle everyone that got in his way...I don't why he feels we should all kiss the ground he walks on..I never will..And he is the one who is disgusting


Dot Woodall

he is so disgusting and he wants to screw our veterans so i really dont think its wrong for madonna to speak her mind like i said before the republicans and donald are destroying our country all for the mighty dollar


Donna Francis Brown

I've got a new found pride in Madonna for speaking up. I personally find 45 disgusting......


Linda Osnato

So now is talking about Madonna. What about defeating Isis or healthcare or more important matters for America. 6 days in and trump is the worst person to hold the office of potus


Christine Tannehill

She could never top the despicable words and actions and behavior of the idiotic illegitimate lying wimp in charge. Oh yeah, she can say anything she wants and I'm sure she accomplished what she wanted. She got his attention and he reacted exactly how she knew he would. Such an easy target and so predictable.


Barbara Telker

He has some nerve criticizing anyone for the words they use. This is coming from a man who called people names, called Hillary crooked and other insulting words, how he could grab women and told numerous lies.


Kate Roe

Humpety Drumpf you've said far more vial distasteful hateful, racist slurs everyday for the past two years, attacking everyone and anything that doesnt praise you.


Andrew Paul

It's the dirty, rusted, smelly pot calling the classic, gold plated, famous kettle "black".

Madonna often goes to far for my tastes and she should've slightly moderated her words, but in relation to the overflowing latrine we call Drumpf, she gets a 100%, All-American "pass" from this guy


Bobbie Klopfenstein

No she didn't hurt it one bit because we understand what she was saying! Unlike you Drump!

Besides it was just "Protesting Talk"..not as bad as your locker room crap!


Mitchell Geller

As far as l am concerned Madonna redeemed herself completely for me with her speech.

He is such a delusional asshole. "She hurt herself?" Right. He also said SNL was sinking in ratings, the New York Times was a failing newspaper, and Meryl Streep was an overrated actress. Fuck you, Donald. You know nothing.


Kat Marie

Words coming from one of the most disgusting men in the world! What people think about & would like to do is different than actually doing it Donny unlike you! You were heard saying what you like doing to women & have actually been accused of it more than once! Yes you have gotten away with it thus far, but as many times as you have done this there will be proof & your nasty vulgar ass will get caught!


Rubin Tartt

Every time someone voice their opinion about Trump he throws a temper tantrum and immediately goes to Twitter calling people disgusting and all the time he is the disgusting one. It disgusting Trump that you are a racists it's disgusting Trump that you sir are taking away programs from our fellow veterans, it's disgusting Trump that you wants to build a wall and tax the American peoples for your insane vision and it is disgusting Trump that you want to band all Muslims from entering into the U.S. So the next time you wants to call someone disgusting take along look in a mirror at yourself.

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But Trump is right, what Madonna said was disgusting. Imagine if some other celeb said something similar about Obama while in the White House.


Madonna is a narcissist, and so is Trump obviously.


Quote: "Honestly, she’s disgusting. I think she hurt herself very badly. I think she hurt that whole... cause," he told Fox News' Sean Hannity in an interview Thursday evening. "I thought her, and a couple of others. But I thought she was in particular... I thought what she said was disgraceful to our country."


Yeah, she was. She really messed up and made the protesters look like fools.

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