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Why does the younger generation hate Madonna?


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This is a question I ask myself alot as being a 15 year old in highschool anytime I bring up Madonna people literally don't know who she is or they start to belittle and degrade her for her age. It is quite shocking as if any of these people actually listened to her music. Watched her videos or even a live performance they would instantly realize how truly iconic she is. She would be classified immediately as a "skinny legend" but they don't, they ignore her completely. Why? I have had a multitude of my friends listen to her records, plus watch live performances and videos. They where completely shocked, they felt horrible for thinking about Madonna badly. on-top of that doing so allowed me to gather statistics on what there favourite album was. Favourite live performances. Videos. Etc. And this is what I have gathered. 

Favourite Album: American Life.220px-AmericanLife2003.png.39b43d5293399b77788ab9a03fe8707c.png

Reason: Expiermental Electronic Rock production combind with deep outspoken lyrics that are relatable and relevant. This album feels very creative, Madonna took artistic freedom and expression over radio success with this album. Standard pop is considered basic to the younger generation. The younger generation prefer a more experimental-style when it comes to music as it breathes a breath of fresh air into a generation of music where almost everything on the radio sounds the same. This album feels more experimental and futuristic than any other one of Madonna's albums.


Favourite music videos:


Reason: The artistic imagery, meaning and the song itself.


Reason: The artistic imagery, meaning and the song itself.


Favourite live performances:


Reason: The artistic imagery, meaning, the song itself with a raw vocal performance and being remixed for that exact performance.


Reason: her insane stage presence and The physical performance itself was truly amazing and makes it iconic.

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They don't, they just haven't heard of her.
It's sexism if anything more than her age.
American Life was The Chance for large portions of the US 'media' to do the worst thing, since they thought her un-American etc, and ignore her.
That's why her next record was stuck to the dance-floor.
Hung Up works without the ABBA sample but she knew the tizzy bored features writers would be in ?

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I don't think youngsters "hate" Madonna. Most of them just seem to ignore her existence, and it's justified since they all have these "Madonna" reductive versions at hand, making them ignore what a real female icon is. One that lasts and makes an everlasting impact not only on the industry but also on the culture and the ever changing society. People who don't appreciate Madonna and her work will always tell things like "she's so commercial, she doesn't sing or doesn't write her own songs" among a lot of bullshit. And the thing is that they just prefer to diminish her accomplishments by comparing her to other artists (males and females) who succeed in fields where Madonna tends to shine less. 

But the truth is Madonna the true icon has overcome so many cultural barriers and has broken so many rules, something which inevitably will always make others envy her status or simply follow her steps by updating their own sound according to more modern trends. For example, we hate to admit it but:


Whitney, Mariah, and Céline did have better sales in the 90s and they did have better voices. Fact.

Britney dominated the MTV era in the new millenium with her videos and performances which made Madonna's pale in comparison. 

Also, during the 2000s Kylie Minogue with her artistic rebirth tried to do better things Madonna, apparently, did wrong and sometimes she succeded. For instance, she had great videos, great costumes, and awesome DVDs.

Gaga followed the same route but also added elements from other talented oldies like Elton John, Freddie Mercury, Bowie, etc. which helped her collaborate with other long-lived established acts and therefore get recognition from people who always disliked Madonna.

One way or another, other artists proved to be more successful than Madonna at certain times but I don't think they have reached the same level as Madonna as she's always got something all the other contemporary acts lack and it's intelligence + ambition + perseverance + discipline.

All the others gave up or simply made up excuses for not keeping the same work rhythm Madonna's had since the 80s. Just look at Deborah Harry or Cyndi Lauper who had everything to outdo Madonna with her talents.

Back to the original idea, I don't think I would like the whole planet to suddenly like Madonna as they are doing it with Freddie Mercury and Queen because of a random movie. Sometimes it makes feel lucky to have discovered Madonna at the right time when growing up while others were busy discovering other stuff. It makes me feel fortunate to know what Madonna has done and what life perspectives she has shared with the audience, thus inspiring others to do the same. She's been a real teacher someway.

In the end, I guess it all comes down to a matter of tastes. Maybe someday your generation will start to appreciate Madonna the icon as she deserves. Maybe she will no longer be among us but hey! they're the ones late to the party.

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They don't, she just hasn't put out any songs that connected to casual-listener teenagers since 4 Minutes.

That coupled with ageism and that dumb feud with Stephanie, plus the fact American radio stations basically boycotted her after American Life and that Interscope does not care about promoting her new records anyway making it basically impossible for her new work to get mainstream/general public attention, and, well... I doubt she'll be able to connect with the ~YOUTHS~ unless she's featured in a huge hit-single by someone like Ariana Grande or Cardi B (featured, not the main artist featuring them).

I mean, even Britney Spears and P!nk appear to be fading a little in charts, for lots of different reasons, sure, except maybe ageism is starting to play there + not connecting to the younglins anymore.

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I don’t think they hate Madonna. They just don’t know the Madonna that was, and don’t jump down my throat, relevant. The don’t know the Madonna that was as popular if not more popular than Taylor Swift. Times have changed. That isn’t to say M isn’t relevant, but those who know her, or have heard of her, know Like a Virgin, Music, Ray of Light and Vogue. Again, times have changed. Our Material Girl has a select audience now. You can not deny it’s truth. That isn’t to say she’s not making incredible music still. She really is. But again, times have changed.

i hope Madonna fucking floors this generation with her new music. I really think she could.

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I’m glad to see your thoughtful post payne, what’s funny is I lived through your situation 18 years ago as a 15 yo in middle school when music came out and no one liked Madonna at my school either. I’m sure there are many here who have been through the same situation - the ghosts of Christmas past lol


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Well, i'm wondering how most of you know that your school didn't like Madonna, lol did you asked each one of them? :Madonna038:

Btw I remember catching one of my friends bopping to GMAYL at school one day in 2012, he was using earphones but I heard it as a proud stan I am. Later I asked him what he was listening and he said it was from the radio. But I can confirm it that wasn't the radio.


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Give it time...when they grow up and snap out of their social media zombie haze they will have a wealth of music to discover and once again she will have the last laugh!

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5 hours ago, vncsmoraes said:

They don't, she just hasn't put out any songs that connected to casual-listener teenagers since 4 Minutes.

That coupled with ageism and that dumb feud with Stephanie, plus the fact American radio stations basically boycotted her after American Life and that Interscope does not care about promoting her new records anyway making it basically impossible for her new work to get mainstream/general public attention, and, well... I doubt she'll be able to connect with the ~YOUTHS~ unless she's featured in a huge hit-single by someone like Ariana Grande or Cardi B (featured, not the main artist featuring them).

I mean, even Britney Spears and P!nk appear to be fading a little in charts, for lots of different reasons, sure, except maybe ageism is starting to play there + not connecting to the younglins anymore.

That is quite true, but the thing is the younger generation these days prefer more experimental works that have meaning and are relatable. Which is why when I had my friends listen to her albums there absolute favourite was American life. The album feels extremely futuristic with its outspoken lyrics about corruption, discrimination, injustice and consumerism, on-top of Madonna getting very personal on the album. The younger generation would absolutely love it and go crazy over it if they actually gave it a listen. Like my friends did. Her older works and newer ones actually do connect with the youth. As it connected with me and my friends. They just need to give her a chance but they don't.

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It's a combination of factors that has made the new generations unaware or uninterested on her.

-Poor management i.e. Guy Oseary's complacency and lack of interest to promote and enhance her legacy.

-Poor Record Co. Direction Interscope and LiveNation have not been up to the challenge like Warner was. Warner used to crack the whip on her and give direction to her drive. 

-Poor self-Promotion. After her publicist retired, Madonna took full control of her image and statements. Big. Mistake.

-Shifted priorities. More than ever, her family comes first now, which is understandable.

-More competition. Her "recipe" for reinvention and success has been stolen by so many now. All these female artist have it so much easier now as they've followed her career roadmap: tease the men, empower women and embrace the gays.

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It's mostly the media brainwashing and I've personally never met a 15 year old who "didn't know who she was" or he even liked her, they all know if her she's just a different generation, which is understandable


And yes she peaked in 1990 but MJ peaked in 1983 and is more revered by the younger generation, and Mariah and Celine sold more than Madonna in the 90s but Madonna still sold more than Whitney in the 90s and Madonna has been consistently selling all three globally since 1998, so that really made no sense

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Expecting a 50/60 years old woman to be popular amongst the teen market is unrealistic though.

 And lets not forget how Madonna easily slid into legendery territory without needing an actual come back. She was huge in the 80’s and she had many huge moments throughout the 90’s. Her popularity started to brittle after Music. American Life was shunned in the US and Confessions was way too dancey for the American audience but 4 Minutes was actually quite popular and she even had a stadium tour in the US promoting Hard Candy. All of that was when she was being indicted into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame. To be still relevant and have radio/ charts hits and get that sort of accomplishment is unheard of. We are talking about a legendary, ever over-exposing career which went on and on despite the “Madonnas over” or “Madonnas irrelevant” mantra. 

Kids know who Madonna is. Very likely they know some of her classics and even dig them. If theyre fans of any of the new wannabes like Ariana Grande or Cardi B they certainly know how inspiring Madonna is. Even fans of Migos and Drake know Madonna is one of the biggest icons ever. Drake did a tune dedicated to her for crying out loud. Of course shes not popular amongst teens and would be silly to expect so. But that doesnt mean shes not known or liked and certainly doesnt mean shes hated. 

                                  WARNING! Politics talk:

i also find that especially in the US Madonnas become more of a political figure rather than a musician so growing up in a republican/Trumpist family Madonna will always be associated with negativity, redicule and insults whereas a Democratic family would have a more favorable  opinion of her. That kind of things get passed on to children so in a rural US area Madonna doesnt get love or praise. Instead shes very likey rediculed and shunned the same way someone like Hillary Clinton is. 

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The young people, generation Z, definitely love the American life record and I’m going to tell you a secret the best. It speaks directly to them. AND they get the humor, power, sentiment, emotion  and irony in the rap sections which went right over the hollow-headed millennial generation.

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52 minutes ago, RayOfLight said:

Expecting a 50/60 years old woman to be popular amongst the teen market is unrealistic though.

 And lets not forget how Madonna easily slid into legendery territory without needing an actual come back. She was huge in the 80’s and she had many huge moments throughout the 90’s. Her popularity started to brittle after Music. American Life was shunned in the US and Confessions was way too dancey for the American audience but 4 Minutes was actually quite popular and she even had a stadium tour in the US promoting Hard Candy. All of that was when she was being indicted into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame. To be still relevant and have radio/ charts hits and get that sort of accomplishment is unheard of. We are talking about a legendary, ever over-exposing career which went on and on despite the “Madonnas over” or “Madonnas irrelevant” mantra. 

Kids know who Madonna is. Very likely they know some of her classics and even dig them. If theyre fans of any of the new wannabes like Ariana Grande or Cardi B they certainly know how inspiring Madonna is. Even fans of Migos and Drake know Madonna is one of the biggest icons ever. Drake did a tune dedicated to her for crying out loud. Of course shes not popular amongst teens and would be silly to expect so. But that doesnt mean shes not known or liked and certainly doesnt mean shes hated. 

                                  WARNING! Politics talk:

i also find that especially in the US Madonnas become more of a political figure rather than a musician so growing up in a republican/Trumpist family Madonna will always be associated with negativity, redicule and insults whereas a Democratic family would have a more favorable  opinion of her. That kind of things get passed on to children so in a rural US area Madonna doesnt get love or praise. Instead shes very likey rediculed and shunned the same way someone like Hillary Clinton is. 

Madonna was HUGE throughout the 90s as well, EVERY album she released went multi platinum, she had two huge and influential tours, she had nearly as many top 10 hits in the US in the 90s as she did in the 80s and MORE top 40 hits in the 90s and more Billboard Hot 100 songs charted than any other artist of any genre in the 90s


She was also the 4th biggest selling artist worldwide of the 90s decade and 6th biggest selling in the US


She also had her biggest film successes in the 90s (DT, ALOTO, TD, EVITA) and appeared on more magazine covers than any other celebrity in the 90s


The history rewrite of Madonna in the 90s is starting to bug me




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32 minutes ago, Mp1992 said:

Madonna was HUGE throughout the 90s as well, EVERY album she released went multi platinum, she had two huge and influential tours, she had nearly as many top 10 hits in the US in the 90s as she did in the 80s and MORE top 40 hits in the 90s and more Billboard Hot 100 songs charted than any other artist of any genre in the 90s


She was also the 4th biggest selling artist worldwide of the 90s decade and 6th biggest selling in the US


She also had her biggest film successes in the 90s (DT, ALOTO, TD, EVITA) and appeared on more magazine covers than any other celebrity in the 90s


The history rewrite of Madonna in the 90s is starting to bug me




I didnt say she wasnt huge in the 90’s but i said she had huge moments because in the 90’s she did have tough competition from other popular female artists. Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, the Spice Girls even singers like Sheryl Crow were selling for millions. All im saying is in the 80’s no female artist could come to her level and she had the 80s all to herself but in the 90’s she had to share a piece of the pie.. that doesnt mean she wasn’t popular or not selling. She simply had to share some limelight with other female artists. 

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11 hours ago, Mp1992 said:

And yes she peaked in 1990 but MJ peaked in 1983 and is more revered by the younger generation

I believe last time Michael Jackson was evidently successful and well respected across the globe was during the Dangerous era which kind of ended with the child abuse accusations. It's funny that today MJ the artist is way more revered than Madonna by the general audience despite all the shit he had to go through in his later years. Let's not forget he was an artist that kept on repeating the same formula with regard to his performances and that maybe perpetuated the respect towards his early work. He also has multiple compilations that were released to remind the public of his hits, something Madonna's catalogue has been treated differently. 

Had she continued with Warner, her discography might have been handled with more care.

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