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Why fanbases hate on Madonna without a reason?

Régine Filange

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I'm talking about MJ, Mariah Carey, Lady Gaga, Janet Jackson, Whitney Houston etc fanbases. MJ fans drag Madonna for being a bitch while their fave was the one who insulted her while M was praising the shit out of him. Janet was the first to drag M too, M kept it cute while answering back. They come for Madonna's letter about Whitney, Whitney dragged Madonna back at the 80's. Why they try so hard to make her look the bad guy when the receipts lie? Are they so problematic?


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Because she's the best. Because she's still standing after 4 decades. Because she's ALIVE AND KICKING @ 60. Because no one tours like her.  Because when u think of a female pop star, u just can think about HER as the perfect example of resiliance and stardom. That's why.

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The "hate" wasn't around for the first 25 years that Madonna was on the music scene. There was a slight competitive nature but nothing that stood out. I am talking about Pop fans not the jerks and the people who love them that always criticised Madonna. Pop music was more enjoyable and fun and artistic. Everyone was loved for thier own individual strengths and petty nonsense was kept in check. 

The Pop music world is so extreme conservative now that it's like survival of "the whomever is deemed the fittest" where they believe only "certain" people are allowed to be successful and anyone they are afraid of or don't like has to be oppressed and kept at bay. Fans today talk about music like the artists are sports teams. It's so obnoxious. 

The easily led have become the targets of the rhetoric spoken directly to Madonna for years. She won't except thier low opinion of her so they have directed thier energies into the vulnerabilities and insecurities of her potential fans. To dislike Madonna or her music is one thing but to "hate" her because she has to work for her success is basically following the opinions of a bunch of jerks who trust me, don't think much of the people they are fooling, no matter what "they say." It's like how Trump and company have persauded poor people who inside have a bit of self loathing for being poor and feel they are "above" others, to be open to hate people who struggle or who are different. They would rather ride the coattails of the bullies and "the plastics" rather then standing on thier own or think for themselves. 

They can say whatever they are instructed to say by "Fox news" day and night but put the facts all down on paper and the only reason they "hate" Madonna is because they do whatever they are told to do. The occasional defense she puts out there no where near equals the offenses against her. Another conservative tactic. As anyone can see, Trump is free to say the most offensive things but if someone says "That's not very nice," or quite rightly calls him a jerk they are of course not being very nice. We are living in absurd times. 

She is the Queen of Pop. She's loved. She's successful. They can't knock her down. They can not knock down the love and respect for her either as much as they try.  

One of the reasons I think Madonna fans are attracted to Madonna is because they like Madonna do not take kindly to jerks and call them out on it. They can Fox news it all they want. I never hated Whitney Houston who was phenomenal. I was a massive Madonna fan from the beginning and never hated any of her peers in the 80's or 90's. Never hated Mariah. Never hated the Spice Girls, never hated Britney....all successful. Madonna fans loved Pop music and loved other artists. 

What's interesting is that Trump's fans are calling Nancy Pelosi immature now for her "clap" at Trump. So any resistence no matter how slight to the jerks of the world today is childish? I suppose people like Madonna need to step aside? She should allow jerks to have at it while they lead a bunch of misguided people to bully anyone who calls out thier leader's passive aggressive behaivor? Any problem with it and you're childish. Wow, manipulators really did thier homework. 

Madonna has always shut down bullies and they hate her for it. Her fans are the bullies now and when she shuts them down they hate her for it. 

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This has always been the case, ever since the 80s, there have always been rivalries between fans of different artists (more commonly of female artists). It especially peaks when the popularity of certain artists peak over others, fans often take out their 'frustrations' upon the 'more popular' artist. 

I always found the super die-hard Madonna fans to be among the worst. Back in the 90s, Mariah took the brunt of fan vitriol, nowadays, it seems Gaga takes much of the negative attention (amongst several others). Gaga fans can be rather vile in their behaviour, but it is a generally younger fanbase (it doesn't excuse it, I know, but it does explain things a little).... Madonna fans are mostly older and really should know better than to stoop to such awful behaviour. The internet has made it all so much bigger.

Anyone who calls themselves a true fan of any artist should always refrain from acting in such a manner as it casts negative shadows on the artist, and paints a negative view on the entire fanbase. After all, there is room enough in the industry for all artists.

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1. Tall poppy syndrome. Some fans feel personally attacked when their favorite diva isn't considered the greatest because they're insecure and seek validation. 


The tall poppy syndrome describes aspects of a culture where people of high status are resented, attacked, cut down, strung up or criticised because they have been classified as superior to their peers.

2. Ignorance. Some gays are simply unaware of Madonna's massive impact on culture and the LGBT community, so they write her off without doing their research in favor of younger divas.

Just remember heavy is the head that wears the crown and Madonna is the The Queen Of Pop. Hate comes with the territory.

5 hours ago, Hampus said:

To be honest some Madonna fans are not much better, if you have been eg. on MadonnaNation you know how much some fans bash other artists like Gaga....

Yeah, some fans are not doing themselves any favours with those comparisions. They're unknowingly putting them in the same legendary league as far as the general public is concerned, therefore giving Gaga too much credit and disminishing M's importance.


Learn from Rihanna, lol. We shouldn't feed into the delusion that every female pop star is a "threat" to M's untouchable legacy. They can perfectly co-exist, you don't see Michael Jackson fans arguing with the Beliebers.

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I understand the Gaga fanbase hate her because the "reductive" and Express Yourself/Born this Way during MDNA era, but this is too old now. Move on. This feud is too stupid now. They're  both great artist, and they made paces already.
In the other hand, I think people in general hate Madonna only because she is a woman. An empowered woman who wasn't afraid to express her art into a world that wasn't ready for her. And now the problem is her age. A 60 years old woman that keeps doing what she's been doing fo +35 years. That's our society, that's patriarchy. No other woman in music has done what she did. So I think that's it, basically. Hating on her is too easy but appreciating her it's not.

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5 hours ago, PWCCA said:

This has always been the case, ever since the 80s, there have always been rivalries between fans of different artists (more commonly of female artists). It especially peaks when the popularity of certain artists peak over others, fans often take out their 'frustrations' upon the 'more popular' artist. 

I always found the super die-hard Madonna fans to be among the worst. Back in the 90s, Mariah took the brunt of fan vitriol, nowadays, it seems Gaga takes much of the negative attention (amongst several others). Gaga fans can be rather vile in their behaviour, but it is a generally younger fanbase (it doesn't excuse it, I know, but it does explain things a little).... Madonna fans are mostly older and really should know better than to stoop to such awful behaviour. The internet has made it all so much bigger.

Anyone who calls themselves a true fan of any artist should always refrain from acting in such a manner as it casts negative shadows on the artist, and paints a negative view on the entire fanbase. After all, there is room enough in the industry for all artists.

to be fair though gags is always talking shit about madonna ...this is why i cant stand her 

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19 minutes ago, Hampus said:

Lots of people really are, but does it make the world a better and more interesting place to spew a lot of hateful nonsense about people who will never see your statements... not IMHO..

well considering she has totally ripped off my favourite artists in more ways than one and then had the cheek to speak shit about her on twitter during radio interviews and in that netflix truth or dare remake yes it does make me feel better to bash her and i don't care if she sees it or not and to be fair its my belief that any true madonna fan would feel the same way about stefani as i do ....its her trying to diminish madonna that really gets on my nerves and her using old art but trying to pass it off as her own idea which her disgusting fan base eat up which madonna tastefully portrayed during her mash up of express yourself and born this way back drop video 

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4 minutes ago, tricky ricky said:

well considering she has totally ripped off my favourite artists in more ways than one and then had the cheek to speak shit about her on twitter during radio interviews and in that netflix truth or dare remake yes it does make me feel better to bash her and i don't care if she sees it or not 

Do whatever you like... I am not going to stop you... still does not change my opinion about the subject of this thread.... Madonna fans are just as guilty of bashing as fans of other artists.

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2 minutes ago, Hampus said:

Do whatever you like... I am not going to stop you... still does not change my opinion about the subject of this thread.

i agree with the post ..madonna is always painted like the wicked witch of the west when in reality other artists have spewed more shit about her than vice versa and the fanbases of these artists just hate madonna because she is the official queen of pop ....they hate it i think as a madonna fan i am justified to dislike stefani ...not so much the rest of the artists listed though infact i like the majority of them except janet jackson who said what she does has class to it just before whipping her tit out during super bowl 

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23 minutes ago, tricky ricky said:

i agree with the post ..madonna is always painted like the wicked witch of the west when in reality other artists have spewed more shit about her than vice versa and the fanbases of these artists just hate madonna because she is the official queen of pop ....they hate it i think as a madonna fan i am justified to dislike stefani ...not so much the rest of the artists listed though infact i like the majority of them except janet jackson who said what she does has class to it just before whipping her tit out during super bowl 


Of course you have every right in the world to dislike Gaga or anyone else in the world you chooses to dislike... I've been a fan of Madonna since 1985, and some people have always said insanely stupid things about her... They are simply jealous of her, because lets be honest no-none will ever be able to achieve the things she has achieved... she will forever stand as the biggest female pop-star in history.. some artists and fans just can not cope with that... and yes sometimes I also get pissed of because of the nonsense negativity...

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Guest PâtisseriexEnthusiast

1. It is trendy to hate on Madonna. Always has been. I've even seen stans bonding through their dislike of Madonna, thinking they're so edgy for believing she is mediocre / manipulative / succeeded thanks to white privilege...

2. Uneducated / lazy pop music "fans" who don't bother doing research about her mountain of achievements / epic discography + simply base their conclusions on her instagram content, media stories & latest material / activity... 

3. Ageism + Misogyny Both deeply rooted in our blood. People genuinely feel uncomfortable about the idea of a 40yo+ person still bursting with life, feeling sexually enthusiastic, being adventurous, unapologetic and still passionate about their goals & hobbies. ESPECIALLY, if that person happens to be female. At the end of the day, they are just restricting and discriminating against their future selves, so... joke's on them!

4. Cheap, Cliché accusations: Can't sing, slept her way to the top, doesn't participate in the artistic process, survived because of controversies + stunts, needs visuals to be interesting, uses people + disposes of them fast

5.  Envy Another ugly human trait. We cannot stand the idea of someone being 100% themselves unabashedly + being unafraid to speak their minds, go after their dreams, live life on their own terms and being successful by doing all that.. We need to somehow drag them down & find the slightest flaw to make them seem smaller + less significant 

6. Fans of pop-sensation newcomers (who happened to score one no.1 hit) are offended when we put them in their place, after claiming that ______ is the new queen of pop & has overthrown the "bitchy, talentless old lady"...

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I'm sorry, but Madonna ran her mouth in front of the camera and behind the scenes. She admitted to as much herself. It got back to a lot of people. Then the letters started leaking and you can see how nasty and thin-skinned Madonna could really be. The Gaga crap she still engages in is beneath her and really gets on my nerves. I think she's egged on by the idiot gays she surrounds herself with. Stan wars are a bore in the end anyway. People have way too much time on their hands. Who cares?

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1 hour ago, drivebitch said:

I'm sorry, but Madonna ran her mouth in front of the camera and behind the scenes. She admitted to as much herself. It got back to a lot of people. Then the letters started leaking and you can see how nasty and thin-skinned Madonna could really be. The Gaga crap she still engages in is beneath her and really gets on my nerves. I think she's egged on by the idiot gays she surrounds herself with. Stan wars are a bore in the end anyway. People have way too much time on their hands. Who cares?

The Gaga crap she still engages in  ??? and what letters ? you mean the one where she said whitney was mediocre ? whitney fans can go fuck themselves to be honest that woman basically killed herself and her daughter was left to feel the pain and sorrow which she couldn't handle obviously , she was a selfish woman and madonna had a point calling her mediocre if you compare the two of them ....as a artist whitney was mediocre i think that is what madonna meant and fuck michael jackson fans too accusing madonna of being a bitch , she is a bitch lol but it beats because accused of what he was accused of when he was alive and even now ...infact fuck all of the other fan bases - madonna never set out to be universally loved obviously so fuck them and their mediocre faves 

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51 minutes ago, drivebitch said:

I'm sorry, but Madonna ran her mouth in front of the camera and behind the scenes. She admitted to as much herself. It got back to a lot of people. Then the letters started leaking and you can see how nasty and thin-skinned Madonna could really be. The Gaga crap she still engages in is beneath her and really gets on my nerves. I think she's egged on by the idiot gays she surrounds herself with. Stan wars are a bore in the end anyway. People have way too much time on their hands. Who cares?

95% of this paragraph annoys me.

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On 2/6/2019 at 12:49 AM, drivebitch said:

I'm sorry, but Madonna ran her mouth in front of the camera and behind the scenes. She admitted to as much herself. It got back to a lot of people. Then the letters started leaking and you can see how nasty and thin-skinned Madonna could really be. The Gaga crap she still engages in is beneath her and really gets on my nerves. I think she's egged on by the idiot gays she surrounds herself with. Stan wars are a bore in the end anyway. People have way too much time on their hands. Who cares?

I'm sorry, about who she talked in front of the camera and behind the scenes? Madonna haven't mention/talk about Gaga since 2013 or idk. Even when Gaga called her untalented back in 2016/17, Madonna didn't answer back.

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