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Madame X Tour | Paris


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Guest Nobody Knows Me
1 minute ago, Homer GR ✖️ said:

 I think that this time she will not put her hands and leave everything in charge of the company that made the documentary Madame ✖️ and the work will be great

Hopefully, this will be the case.

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17 hours ago, Lucky90210 said:

Ugh I Can't wait for this self indulgent tour to be over with. What started out as an intimate moment for fans has been anything but.

Madonna go back to arenas YOU ARE NOT A THEATER KIND OF GIRL! Being at a distance from your fans is the allure, the fantasy.

Bye Bye Baby Bye Bye.......

Ditch this era and come back with some funky Madonna.

I agree! Thank you. This tour really has been self-indulgent. That's the exact word to describe it, and not least because of the late starts. 

The set list, even the longer version of the show, only includes 5 older songs compared to 11 and half in Rebel Heart (Vogue being the half), and 10 and a half in MDNA (Papa Don't Preach being the half). I'm definitely not suggesting she should always sing the same hits. Like A Prayer, Vogue, Human Nature have all been performed so many times now, but the intimacy of this show could've been a great opportunity to perform some of the ballads she's rarely (or never) performed in her arena and stadium tours. Plus it would've taken the strain off her injury - although I appreciate she couldn't have known how bad it was going to become during the rehearsal period. I'm thinking songs like Crazy for you, Take A Bow, This Used To Be My Playground, The Power of Good-Bye, Bad Girl, What It Feels like For A Girl, You'll see, Oh Father, Rain, Live To Tell... Take your pick! It would have been amazing to hear the stories behind the songs, which would've made it an intimate experience. 

If there was story arc, it was very incoherent. In her own words, apparently Madam X is anything you want her to be, which is another way of saying she's nothing in particular at all.

And then there are the monologues... at least a quarter, perhaps even a third of the show is taken up by her talking, talking, talking... The move to Lisbon/meeting Celeste Rodrigues story takes longer to explain than the brief snippet of Fado Pechincha performed! Then there's the 'jokes' about scat, dicks, her pussy etc. which are certainly not shocking and in no way 'intimate' or revealing. The only thing intimate about this tour is the size of the venue and her proximity to the crowd.

And I absolutely agree (although I appreciate this may be a personal thing), that Madonna is best appreciated from a far. I would never want to meet her. What would I possibly say to her? She's that old-fashioned (and increasingly rare) kind of tough, uncompromising, and untouchable superstar. She's best admired her from a distance and doesn't do warm and fuzzy well. With the exception of the celebrities she's already met, most of the beer bitches tend to freeze in awe, and you get this awkward, uncomfortable waste of 5 minutes attempting to talk to someone who doesn't know what to say! Is that intimacy? Hardly! I'd rather trade it for another song please.

Look, I get it - some fans have really loved this tour and I'm not trying to ruin anyone's day here. If you like it, that's great. These are just my criticisms and I certainly didn't hate it, but given her age and the very real probability that she may not be able to do this much longer, I really hope she'll take the next opportunity to reflect on her career, and put on a show that's indicative of 40 years experience being one of the most celebrated entertainers of all time. It's not about how much money it makes or the box attendance figures. This tour has been an interesting, if not slightly odd and a questionably successful diversion, but can we just get back to the business of being a great popstar once again?

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7 minutes ago, Winn said:

everyone who's going tonight, have fun!!!

In the end, that's all that matters here!  Have fun because one day, it all could be gone.  I'm happy Madonna continues to do what she wants.  This is who she is.  I wouldn't want her any other way. 

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2 hours ago, slowdownpapi said:

In response to the above and fellow posters who's say she should "revist the 80's" or put on a greatest hits show I really struggle to understand how you're still fans 'cos you really don't get what she's about and why she's still here after 30+ years. Critique the show, the lateness, the shorter shows, whatever but to still be complaining she looks forward not back?  As she says, "Not everyone is coming to the future"

"I'm not your bitch, don't hang your shit on me" + "This is who I am, You can like it or not"

Feel like these lyrics could've been written for fans who project what they want onto her.  You're in for constant disappointment, maybe go stan Cher with her endless hits tours?

Ha ha! Well I guess I had this coming! Oops - did I have a point of view? I became a fan in 1994, my favourite albums are Erotica, Ray of Light, Confessions and Rebel Heart. I’ve seen all her tours since 2001, each one at least twice, 4 of them, 4 times each. I’m definitely not looking for a return to the 80s, but having seen her perform so many time before, I recognise this tour is far from her best work. It’s not because the Madame X songs aren’t good, but mostly due to the choppy, stop/start nature of the show. Enlighten me - are there really any fans on this forum who loved the talking parts of this show?!

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
3 minutes ago, tajybajyboo said:

Enlighten me - are there really any fans on this forum who loved the talking parts of this show?!

There were parts of the show where myself and the audience found her genuinely amusing and entertaining, however there were also parts where I thought it was dragging a bit and she could’ve fit a song in instead. But it’s all just a matter of personal taste and opinion I guess. I personally didn’t care for the beer bitch section but then I’m sure some will have enjoyed it. 

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Although on this tour she has performed during very little shows an impromptu song, I think we've been spoiled by previous tours, especially Rebel Heart where a huge amount of shows got a variety of songs from catalogue performed. I am really surprised out of all the recent tours, this is the one she has really stuck to the script each night and not changed or added in those little surprise songs.

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21 minutes ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

There were parts of the show where myself and the audience found her genuinely amusing and entertaining, however there were also parts where I thought it was dragging a bit and she could’ve fit a song in instead. But it’s all just a matter of personal taste and opinion I guess. I personally didn’t care for the beer bitch section but then I’m sure some will have enjoyed it. 

Like you stated, it's a matter of taste.  Being a fan since the beginning, she rarely communicated with her audience when in concert. To me, this is a treat.  Like you mentioned, she seems to be "genuinely amusing and entertaining" when talking with the crowd.  Besides, this is what she wanted to do! It was no secret that she wanted to sit, chat and be amusing.  She stated that all through the Rebel Heart Tour she wanted to tour differently than what she is known to do.  Personally, I rather her share more anecdotes and memories about her songs, but that may come with something in the future.

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2 minutes ago, Alan Leggate said:

Although on this tour she has performed during very little shows an impromptu song, I think we've been spoiled by previous tours, especially Rebel Heart where a huge amount of shows got a variety of songs from catalogue performed. I am really surprised out of all the recent tours, this is the one she has really stuck to the script each night and not changed or added in those little surprise songs.

Out of all her tours, it was only really Sticky and Sweet and Rebel Heart she had a section she changed up songs.  Sticky and  Sweet came back for another leg a year later, so we would expect some changes.  Other than that, it's pretty much her way of touring by "sticking to the script".  Only on rare occasion throughout her touring career, did she go off script. 

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I have to say that for many years I've said that I missed the talking on her tours. M wouldn't even say "Hello" in first act. I missed the Ciao Italia communication, you know what I mean? That's why I enjoyed the banter on RHT- the surprise songs, the bouquet moment, the UB. This time it didn't feel intimate nor spontaneous at all - not the polaroid. The Mozart speech was terrible. I probably would have loved the beer talk had I been chosen as the bitch! I was lucky enough to witness two nights when this was substituted by DCFMA and Sound of silence. The talk with Graham Norton and Alan Cumming were really boring. I agree it would have been nice to hear her talk about the songs, instead of soccer mum, god is a woman, not everyone is coming to the future every night.

You may criticize Cher greatest hits tour, but her opening speeches, different every night, and her way of telling stories is so much better!


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1 minute ago, Enrico said:

I have to say that for many years I've said that I missed the talking on her tours. M wouldn't even say "Hello" in first act. I missed the Ciao Italia communication, you know what I mean? That's why I enjoyed the banter on RHT- the surprise songs, the bouquet moment, the UB. This time it didn't feel intimate nor spontaneous at all - not the polaroid. The Mozart speech was terrible. I probably would have loved the beer talk had I been chosen as the bitch! I was lucky enough to witness two nights when this was substituted by DCFMA and Sound of silence. The talk with Graham Norton and Alan Cumming were really boring. I agree it would have been nice to hear her talk about the songs, instead of soccer mum, god is a woman, not everyone is coming to the future every night.

You may criticize Cher greatest hits tour, but her opening speeches, different every night, and her way of telling stories is so much better!


Agreed! Cher’s delivery feels more... hmm, what’s the word... organic? Spontaneous? I’m sure it’s still scripted but she’s very charming. Dolly Parton still tells the same joke from the 70s about how ‘it costs a lot of money to look this cheap’, but somehow the story preceding it and the delivery is still engaging even when you know the punchline. 

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I am not going to criticize the setlist, because I understand she wanted to perform Madame X live, and almost every song received a great treatment on stage. The only one that didn't impress me at all was Dark Ballet, but I wouldn't be able to remove any other.

But I also agree that an acoustic song, maybe different every night, would have been perfect, especially in the fado section. Many of us feel Bad Girl deserves a live treatment, but there are many more. Even this time she'd rather concentrate on the physical aspect of the performance rather than the musical part.

It's interesting that when the lights went out last night she improvised Can't help fallung in love but when people requested La vie en rose she said she didn't remember the words. She didn't think of Sodade, which would fit that moment perfectly. I wish we had a recording to hear exactly what happened.

One last consideration. I loved to see her so close, but it's true she can't have an intimate relationship with her audience. She exits the stage door and doesn't even wave her hand. She is always distant, an untouchable queen. The encounters with fans are often too planned and unreal. Probably the moment with Israel was good because she somehow knows him and trusts him:



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