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Madame X Tour | Miami


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What’s with all of this blaming Guy Ritchie for M’s supposed ‘downfall’? Give me a break... M is very much her own person. Anything that has or hasn’t happened to her career during or since her marriage to Guy - both positive and supposed negative - is a consequence of her own decisions and actions. If you are inclined to see their marriage and divorce as a watershed moment in her career, you may well see him as another symptom, not necessarily a cause.

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5 hours ago, Voguerista said:

My issue is how so many fans judge Madonna as the worse ever and when they weren't even there to see this so called tantrum. Maybe she had every right to get upset for legitimate reasons? Maybe she plans to make an announcement soon and just hasn't had time yet(it's Christmas after all and it's a busy time). Maybe she's hurting in some way that we don't know about? There could be so many reasons why this happened and she cancelled the way she did and why she's being quiet.  I feel she deserves the benefit of the doubt until we know facts and exactly what happened. 

Something hasn't been right with this tour from the beginning and you're right we haven't been given all the facts etc... 

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23 minutes ago, lmvc said:

https://www.instagram.com/p/B6eaHaxKnEq/?igshid=9kkhqjo156ir Has anyone noticed M has posted an IG story in wich she limps and someone helps her to walk????? And her face is of a worried person.

The link to that video just looks like a sped up version of someone guiding Madonna somewhere, whether it's quick change or out a door.

And I agree with Ashley, a lot of things haven't been right with this tour from the start. We've discussed the mess of dates back to back (which Madonna must have had some say in?!) and the extortionate ticket prices and packages. But I genuinely believe Madonna's health is fine and that she is not enjoying doing this show. It hasn't worked I believe the way she thought it would have. She was far more intimate during the latter Rebel Heart shows, sharing things, changing it up and not reciting mostly the same "monologues/jokes" every night. This tour almost reminds me of a lot of early Madonna tours where nothing changed and the show stayed the same. And yes the tour is to promote Madame X but as many people have said the refusal to acknowledge and include more rare oldies have probably put a proportion of fans off going to. It certainly did me as I only like a few track of the album and along with the prices because I couldn't justify going.

As for the rumours of her being annoyed at people sitting down, well a) I am sure the majority of people have that etiquette ingrained into them during theatre shows and b) she is supposed to be cutting edge, finger on the pulse etc. but hired Jamie King to direct the show, rather than it appears seek or hire anyone with long term experience of putting together theatre shows that tour. It makes me so sad that this tour seems to have had so many problems, especially when I think back to seeing her during Rebel Heart shows and how happy she was performing (even with all the Rocco stuff in the background).


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1 hour ago, Alan Leggate said:


And I agree with Ashley, a lot of things haven't been right with this tour from the start. We've discussed the mess of dates back to back (which Madonna must have had some say in?!) and the extortionate ticket prices and packages. But I genuinely believe Madonna's health is fine and that she is not enjoying doing this show. It hasn't worked I believe the way she thought it would have. 


This came to me yesterday, it would not surprise me if M wanted a production similar to Kate Bush's Before the Dawn, because the Madame X concept would have worked perfectly in that format and she could have had an intimate performance in a theatrical style and more mature focus on the music. 

Yet I suspect she was pressured to do more of a traditional M concert in a small venue because of fear of losing revenue. Also as I've been saying, Jaime King should have been let go long ago. 


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13 hours ago, musicinferno said:

I thought it was because the video feed crashed and they reached out to the creators of the software who happened to be in Manchester and they came to the venue to save the day? 

Lmao, more chance of peace in the middle east than that actually happening x

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As suspected! It was due to her injured knee. Since the cancellation, she's been with her doctors and deciding what to do.  So this would be her official statement and apology.  I suspect this still won't be enough for some and probably  they prefer her to provide actual scans and medical documents.  I certainly hope not!!!   To wait two days, I see no issue.  I expect; she was deciding what to say and do during this time period.  She's explained and apologized.  I hope some can move on from this and have respect for her well-being rather further believe in silly rumors made up by online tabloids or unreliable sources.

  So now we await to see if she continues on with the tour.  I only wish her well.  How horrible she had to withstand such pain and try to go through another night with it on stage...


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13 hours ago, TonyMontana said:

Lmao i know right...

My opinion is certainly not popular around Madonna fanbase but i think M must be very difficult for a husband to live with. Guy Ritchie seems to me like a down to earth  and well balanced person. M was top notch when married with him. 

Guy Ritchie is a British lad through and through. M was going through the Cool Britannia trend when she met him and because he had the image of a British bad boy rebel, she chose him. They were never compatible, they both come from different worlds. 

What we are all forgetting is that M was at the Kabbalic peak at this time as well. If anything I attribute her success during this period due to her following the teachings of Kabbalah. 



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I get the struggle. Listen I was in a fabulous production of CATS in Toronto and played Macavity the asshole cat. Broke my wrist 25 seconds into my first appearance on stage. Kept it going because I knew I had to. Of course they could have painted on fangs and shoved some other understudy into my role, and immediately, but I get it. I get the push through pain part of being a performer. I’m glad she’s acknowledging the struggle and facing it head on properly. I’m so sorry to people that were affected by the show cancellation. I’m also happy she’s finally addressed this and taking the time to heal herself with some much needed rest and TLC.

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8 minutes ago, Andymad said:

I get the struggle. Listen I was in a fabulous production of CATS in Toronto and played Macavity the asshole cat. Broke my wrist 25 seconds into my first appearance on stage. Kept it going because I knew I had to. Of course they could have painted on fangs and shoved some other understudy into my role, and immediately, but I get it. I get the push through pain part of being a performer. I’m glad she’s acknowledging the struggle and facing it head on properly. I’m so sorry to people that were affected by the show cancellation. I’m also happy she’s finally addressed this and taking the time to heal herself with some much needed rest and TLC.

Very well said.  I think at this point, as fans we need to respect what she's done here, and hope she will heal in the time she has off.  I certainly hate to see that she get back on stage in a couple weeks, and only face more pain.  This is a great possibility.  She is a strong woman.  Anyone who has experience such pain, and knows how they had to put on strong front to not show there is any pain, knows how frustrating it must have been for her. You Andy seem to get it!! Thank you! :)

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25 minutes ago, MarXus said:

Very well said.  I think at this point, as fans we need to respect what she's done here, and hope she will heal in the time she has off.  I certainly hate to see that she get back on stage in a couple weeks, and only face more pain.  This is a great possibility.  She is a strong woman.  Anyone who has experience such pain, and knows how they had to put on strong front to not show there is any pain, knows how frustrating it must have been for her. You Andy seem to get it!! Thank you! :)

I think she'll be better off cancelling the rest of the tour. Getting completely better and then go back and revise the whole show and do the European tour at a later date. 

Like what Kylie did with her Showgirl tour. 

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"I suspect this still won't be enough for some and probably  they prefer her to provide actual scans and medical documents.  I certainly hope not!!! "

No one said that though? People just wanted an explanation or some sort of statement for those affected by the cancellation and who lost out on money. You're the one discrediting every member who opposes your assumptions by calling their sources, insiders and what they've heard unreliable and seem to be the one needing concrete evidence meanwhile basing your opinion as some testament of fact. Literally, no one asked or demanded the types of proof you mentioned and this attitude is very off-putting as if you're the end of all say to Madonna discussion on this board. 

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Just now, Voguerista said:

I'm so glad she finally posted but I feel so sorry for her. I pray she gets better soon and hasn't done permanent damage. Time will tell. Time is a healer. ????????

We have to remember M is 61 this year and I doubt the Stones, Cher or any other performer past the age of 50 has done a rigorous performance which M does at her age. 

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Just now, Voguerista said:

I'm so glad she finally posted but I feel so sorry for her. I pray she gets better soon and hasn't done permanent damage. Time will tell. Time is a healer. ????????

Hopefully. Thank goodness she's addressed it so it gives people at the European shows some advance that there may be an outright cancellation or postponement. Knee injuries take months to recover from so unless she completely revamps her show, the time frame isn't work in her favor judging by recuperation and healing times.

Wishing her a restful and pain-free speedy recovery! :heart:

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1 minute ago, Ashley said:

We have to remember M is 61 this year and I doubt the Stones, Cher or any other performer past the age of 50 has done a rigorous performance which M does at her age. 

So true!!

7 minutes ago, Ashley said:

I think she'll be better off cancelling the rest of the tour. Getting completely better and then go back and revise the whole show and do the European tour at a later date. 

Like what Kylie did with her Showgirl tour. 

I love this idea!!

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4 hours ago, Alan Leggate said:

The link to that video just looks like a sped up version of someone guiding Madonna somewhere, whether it's quick change or out a door.

And I agree with Ashley, a lot of things haven't been right with this tour from the start. We've discussed the mess of dates back to back (which Madonna must have had some say in?!) and the extortionate ticket prices and packages. But I genuinely believe Madonna's health is fine and that she is not enjoying doing this show. It hasn't worked I believe the way she thought it would have. She was far more intimate during the latter Rebel Heart shows, sharing things, changing it up and not reciting mostly the same "monologues/jokes" every night. This tour almost reminds me of a lot of early Madonna tours where nothing changed and the show stayed the same. And yes the tour is to promote Madame X but as many people have said the refusal to acknowledge and include more rare oldies have probably put a proportion of fans off going to. It certainly did me as I only like a few track of the album and along with the prices because I couldn't justify going.

As for the rumours of her being annoyed at people sitting down, well a) I am sure the majority of people have that etiquette ingrained into them during theatre shows and b) she is supposed to be cutting edge, finger on the pulse etc. but hired Jamie King to direct the show, rather than it appears seek or hire anyone with long term experience of putting together theatre shows that tour. It makes me so sad that this tour seems to have had so many problems, especially when I think back to seeing her during Rebel Heart shows and how happy she was performing (even with all the Rocco stuff in the background).


Jamie King didn't direct this show.

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1 minute ago, thelioncourtheart_ said:

Hopefully. Thank goodness she's addressed it so it gives people at the European shows some advance that there may be an outright cancellation or postponement. Knee injuries take months to recover from so unless she completely revamps her show, the time frame isn't work in her favor judging by recuperation and healing times.

Wishing her a restful and pain-free speedy recovery! :heart:

Ditto! Let's wish and pray so hard for her! ???????

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