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Madame X Tour | New York City


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5 hours ago, RinoTheBouncer said:

She broke my heart with that post. I don’t know maybe I’m exaggerating or feeling way too emotional but when I listen to Looking for Mercy, I feel like she’s just leaving us... god bless her and I’d give her my life, but it’s like goodbye. I love that song so much but it makes me cry so much too, and this post just made it worse for me.

May she get better soon, especially since there’s a long tour ahead and I pray this won’t be a recurring problem since I always want her to be in the best health and shape and feel good and also fans have already been screwed over many times with delays and rescheduling, hell some are probably heading to the show now, without any knowledge that she cancelled. I hope the damage from this will be as small as possible. I feel for everyone and I’m praying for Madonna’s recovery.

I felt the same way earlier today...

I burst into tears reading on social media about Madonna and a "knee issue." Many of us fans have gotten so used to the athletic, almost super human Madonna that when I hear rare news like this, I get so overwhelmed and I cry. Madonna is getting older by the day, and like any human being, wear and tear starts showing up. Bone density is not the same as age comes and muscle atrophy occurs. I hope Madonna will be okay! Praying so hard!

Of course it's frustrating for those who had tickets for tonight and traveled for her... BUT a genuine Madonna fan will give her a break in a heartbeat upon hearing news like this and not even complain or be mad.

Madonna is HUMAN. She needs rest. I'm so worried it may be aggravated or becomes a serious issue, but let's hope not and let's pray she recovers cause she works so hard! The most hardworking woman in music! 

Madonna is human and needs rest for as long as she needs, but she is strong, resilient, and not a quitter!

Long live Madame X! 

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4 hours ago, truerebel said:

I was at the show last night, she was moving with so much grace, strength and precision that if she was in pain; one could NEVER tell.

This makes me fear that she had to use strong painkillers... 

If I am not wrong, she has been showing a bandage on her knee since rehearsal...

Let's hope it's not bad!

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14 minutes ago, Enrico said:

This makes me fear that she had to use strong painkillers... 

If I am not wrong, she has been showing a bandage on her knee since rehearsal...

Let's hope it's not bad!

Yea 3 days is not long at all - hopefully the injury is only minor in nature and not ligament related - as that can take months to recover from!

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5 hours ago, cailohfornia said:

I felt the same way earlier today...

I burst into tears reading on social media about Madonna and a "knee issue." Many of us fans have gotten so used to the athletic, almost super human Madonna that when I hear rare news like this, I get so overwhelmed and I cry. Madonna is getting older by the day, and like any human being, wear and tear starts showing up. Bone density is not the same as age comes and muscle atrophy occurs. I hope Madonna will be okay! Praying so hard!

Of course it's frustrating for those who had tickets for tonight and traveled for her... BUT a genuine Madonna fan will give her a break in a heartbeat upon hearing news like this and not even complain or be mad.

Madonna is HUMAN. She needs rest. I'm so worried it may be aggravated or becomes a serious issue, but let's hope not and let's pray she recovers cause she works so hard! The most hardworking woman in music! 

Madonna is human and needs rest for as long as she needs, but she is strong, resilient, and not a quitter!

Long live Madame X! 

Yeah, I'm feeling so bad right now. Like Madonna was always the athletic one, the superhero, the Lara Croft of music, the ageless powerful queen, that we forgot she's a human being like us, she gets sick like us, tired like us, ages like us, gets injured like us. Many of us are overwhelmed with her strength that their judgements are like daggers throw at her. Criticism is fine, but the world has been against her for so long and now she has a knee injury which is worrying, because a powerful dancer and performer like her can get quite affected by this and knee injury can sometimes take months to heal and still wouldn't be the same.

I hope she gets well soon. I'm praying for her and I hope we can continue to tag her in our Instagram stories, wishing her to get better because her well-being is way more important than a show. I feel so bad for fans because they arranged trips, paid hefty prices for flights, hotels, transport and tickets of course and now this seems to cut everything short, especially considering the reports regarding the NYC shows could be cancelled with some Chicago dates being refunded. But at the same time, her health is more important than anything. 

Please get well Madonna, Madame X, Queen of the Universe.

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2 hours ago, Enrico said:
The whole situation is very very sad. First of all, for M and her health. Let's pray it's not that bad... Then for all the fans who are missing shows. If the last NY shows are cancelled they better say it now...

I need subtitles.  Between the crying and the accent, I can barely understand anything he's saying.

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2 hours ago, Enrico said:
The whole situation is very very sad. First of all, for M and her health. Let's pray it's not that bad... Then for all the fans who are missing shows. If the last NY shows are cancelled they better say it now...

Trust me, I know exactly how that feels.  The first last minute cancellation is absolutely unavoidable, totally understandable, but if there are future ones, they need to say so ASAP and err on the side of letting the fans attempt to reschedule travel and other costs sooner than later.

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Madonna has been wearing tape on her knee/calf since rehearsals, if I'm not mistaken. Tape is typically used to avoid damage, which leads me to think that there was already something that was a potential issue and it appears that she's going too hard every night and it finally started giving her real problems.

I think it's very sad for both Madonna and her fans because M doesn't like to let her fans down and the limited cities for this tour is making almost everyone travel and in many cases very long distances.

I've seen a lot of pictures of the Madonna set being taken down and moved, which I find odd if she truly plans to resume her time in NY on 10/10 - it doesn't make a lot of sense to take down the set if she's supposed to resume in 2 days time.

I have tickets for the 16th in Chicago, and I'm getting very nervous about this. The only other date I would be able to attend would be the 17th as I must leave Chicago on the morning of the 18th.

I think Madonna is pushing herself entirely too hard. For RHT she usually had 1 or 2 days between dates, but with MX she's going full throttle for days on end and those stairs are probably killing her knee. I think these mini residencies of upwards and beyond 2 weeks in some cities with little rest periods built in was a mistake because she's not giving her body any rest. Yes, Madonna is in amazing shape for 61, but she's still 61. While she's never had age be an issue it's like she's starting to have the issues most people have in their 40s and we all know that the knees start to give us trouble by then if we've been active, and boy(toy) has she been active!

My best guess is that M has either over stretched her meniscus or she could have a mild case of tendinitis or bursitis. Either way, she may have to seriously look at her dates for Los Angeles and Miami as those are the only other cities in the US that are going to be strenuous. London and especially Paris may also prove problematic.

I'm sure Madonna is worried sick about this.

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I feel sad for all the fans who received the bad news on such short notice! Wasn't it like 1-2 hours before 8:30 yesterday? Awful :cryin:

I blame Live Nation and her management and most importantly herself for saying yes to such ridiculous itinerary. 3 shows in a row? When was the last time Madonna did that? 30 years ago when she was younger? She wasn't physically able to make it at 32... what made them feel she would resist the same rhythm at 61?

When we got the announcement of this tour we already knew she would play a handful of shows on major cities across the US and Europe. Then we realised the tickets were expensive af and, undoutbedly, many people thought it twice before purchasing the tickets. Of course most of us did because we know she's so worth it when it comes to live concerts. However, Oseary and company saw that fans would pay anything to see Madonna front row, hence those ridiculous VIP packages and one night at a supposedly 5 stars hotel... Oh and don't forget the carrots! :bothered2: 

THEY GOT GREEDY. They started filling all the free days after seeing that some theatres were soon to become sold out... Again, how many theatres did? Cause I doubt the whole tour was sold out immediately. I'd say it still hasn't, except for a few dates in Paris and Lisbon.

I feel sorry for Madonna's injury and I appreciate every day that she's still making great music and has the energy to put on such big shows. But I cannot defend their lack of common sense anymore. Sure, they are testing the waters with this new format, things might fuck up sometimes... but after decades in the business, she should know better. More than anyone before saying yes to everything Oseary and company offer her.

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Certainly some tickets will sell, but there's no way on God's green earth will they sell bucketloads, not without massive reductions... I mean, sense would surely be to cancel a few shows and move concert-goers into the empty seats on other shows?

It's quite telling just how much people (and not just the GP) are willing to pay looking at how the cheap seats have all gone.


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6 minutes ago, scion said:

I mean, sense would surely be to cancel a few shows and move concert-goers into the empty seats on other shows?

Sure, because it makes so much sense to cancel the guaranteed sold out NYC shows (the most expensive tickets and city on the entire tour) and "move them" to Chicago nearly 3 weeks later. :eyes:  The logic or lack of it is mind-boggling.

The injury is hardly undisclosed.  She's said it on multiple Instagram posts since tour rehearsals.  She said on opening night that she had an injury.  She said at one subsequent NYC show in the first 2 weeks that she didn't take enough ibuprofen that night.  Her knee is obviously more and more heavily taped throughout each show.  But sure, she's making stuff up because Madame X likes to refund money for no reason that is already paid for and guaranteed.

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16 minutes ago, madgefan said:

I blame Live Nation and her management and most importantly herself for saying yes to such ridiculous itinerary. 3 shows in a row? THEY GOT GREEDY. They started filling all the free days after seeing that some theatres were soon to become sold out...

Let's not forget that this cumulation of dates led to cancelling shows due to the impossibility of transferring the sets and reorganize them in the new venue.

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I was referring to moving tickets between shows in the same city.

She did exactly that in 2009 in Manchester.

Night One: Reasonably Well Sold.

Night Two: Sold apx 3000 tickets out of 14,000.

Cancelled Night Two and moved everyone that wasn't attending night one into seats on that first night.

The result? One reasonably well sold concert as opposed to one show with over half the seats filled and one show with only a quarter of the arena sold.


Don't be surprised if we see similar tactics in the next few weeks.

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