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If you could spend a weekend with Madonna....


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.....what would you want to do or show her? 

I'd want to totally take her away from everything and show her remote and beautiful places in the magical Black Hills of South Dakota. Her family would be invited too. They'd be surrounded by peacefulness, nature, fun, and beauty for whatever they wanted. Her kids could learn on the history of the west and the Indians while there....not to mention learn and see all the animals in the area. It would be a total vacation away from it all and something different. 

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If we stayed at her place, I'd love to see her art collection, otherwise I'd love to show her Roman ancient art (my specialization). But I'd love to talk about music and try to find out all the things we've been asking for years, like why she didn't include LDLHA in the RHT dvd. But if we really want to dream, of course the thing I'd love the most would be to spend time in the recording studio, listen to unreleased material or even sing together.


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If we spent time in her home, I would chat with her about her career and things that she would've done differently or the stories she never told before, I'd definitely take lots of selfies with her and I'd tell her about my country, Iraq and my family including my parents and two brothers, all of whom are huge fans of hers and how her music impacted my life and theirs.

But if she was to travel with me somewhere, I'd love to visit Japan with her. I'd love to spend a few days in those beautiful bamboo forests and lakes and just enjoy the calm and also take so many photos and I'd make sure she knows how much I appreciate her as a human being, as an artists and as an influence on me.

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I don't think id want to spend time with her. If I'm being completely honest I think id find her incredibly annoying and exhausting in real life. :04: 

I also think that in order for me to have an adoration for her as a fan it can't be mixed with a real life relationship. Kind of like lust; it's not a real relationship, just like my fandom is not a real relationship. In order for it to work it needs to be separate. 

Id love to see her put a tour together from start to finish though. THAT would be amazing! I can't even begin to imagine how crazy that shit is. All the different moving parts, music, dance , sets, costumes. 

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The woman has seen the world. I’m not sure we could show her anything that will impress her at this point.  I’d love to sit down and speak with her. Though. I’d be too nervous. I’d probably come off like a dork! :laughing: 

Then there is the possible fact she might not live up to our expectations. I’d probably prefer to admire from a distance.  

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Give her direct eye contact and ask her questions about her creation process with records, video ideas, references and how she's drawn inspiration from older films, celebrities and how looking back and into the future, what themes or subject matter does she want to tackle next being such a huge voice in multiple communities.

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