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Madonna as an Actress


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Madonna is far from the sort of actress Jamie Lee is.  There is no way I can see pulling something off like True Lies or some mystery comedy where she's the killer.  To me, that is so cliche' of her to do anyway. Sounds a bit camp as well.

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I wanna see her do sci-fi. Idk why but I do like something camp and awesome like a Dr Who holiday special or a rando on Walking Dead or something. Something she hasn’t done yet cuz she’s tried most formats. I would love to see her do a series of some sort as supporting cast or even a villain. Or even a game show like Match Game, remember when she was on that Marriage Coach it was sort of a game show? That was fun and kinda scripted right? I thought Will & Grace was stiff but it’s cool she did it.

My favorite is Breathless obviously, but Evita, All The Way Mae and Susan hold a special place in my memories. She was perfect as the witch in Four Rooms. Rebecca Carlson, sure. The rest not so much.

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I love her as a supporting actress where her cache adds to the film like Dick Tracy or League of Their Own. I wish she  would take on a Devil Wears Prada Miranda Priestly or Working Girl Katherine Parker type role. I really wish she would do like a Jane Fonda Monster in Law role but I know that is never happening! :laughing:

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love Susan and  Breahless of course and Body of evidence is very campy and unintentionally funny. For someone who's made such bold choices in music she has played safe when it comes to movies. I'd love to see M in an action role like Linda Hamilton in Terminator or playing a completely unglamorous character with no hair & makeup.

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5 hours ago, cake said:

love Susan and  Breahless of course and Body of evidence is very campy and unintentionally funny. For someone who's made such bold choices in music she has played safe when it comes to movies. I'd love to see M in an action role like Linda Hamilton in Terminator or playing a completely unglamorous character with no hair & makeup.

I know this is wishful thinking, but I can't see her doing a role without being made up fully.  But like you, I'd like to see her do something much more dramatic, where she's pretty much dirt poor.  Leave the glamour at the door. 

I actually believe she's made some bold choices in films. They just didn't do very well.  Playing Rebecca Carlson was quite bold.  The problem was, a far more popular film similar to hers was released a year before with Sharon Stone.  I also thought her role in Dangerous Game was quite bold.  She was actually good in that film. Though the film was pretty bad. 

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I actually do like her acting. I think that there are worse actors out there and she has had some roles that suited her.

She really wanted to be Evita and she really put her whole self into that project and it definitely shows. Although I would've liked to have had a bit more dialogue in the film, I really enjoyed it. I think she did a great job.

League Of Their Own was another role that was perfect for her. She was funny, convincing and the movie was very likeable.

Who's That Girl was fun. It's obviously not a cinematic masterpiece. She did a good job being very campy, exaggerated.

There are a couple films of hers that I have yet to see that I really want to, which are Desperately Seeking Susan and Body of Evidence. I just haven't had the opportunity to see them. Maybe I'll come back to post once I watch them.

I really admire the fact that when Madonna wants to do something, she does it. She wanted to act, so she acted. When you want to try everything, you're bound to find some things that you're not the best at, but you make the most of it and I think that's what she's always done.

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
1 minute ago, somethingscomingover said:

I actually do like her acting. I think that there are worse actors out there and she has had some roles that suited her.

She really wanted to be Evita and she really put her whole self into that project and it definitely shows. Although I would've liked to have had a bit more dialogue in the film, I really enjoyed it. I think she did a great job.

League Of Their Own was another role that was perfect for her. She was funny, convincing and the movie was very likeable.

Who's That Girl was fun. It's obviously not a cinematic masterpiece. She did a good job being very campy, exaggerated.

There are a couple films of hers that I have yet to see that I really want to, which are Desperately Seeking Susan and Body of Evidence. I just haven't had the opportunity to see them. Maybe I'll come back to post once I watch them.

I really admire the fact that when Madonna wants to do something, she does it. She wanted to act, so she acted. When you want to try everything, you're bound to find some things that you're not the best at, but you make the most of it and I think that's what she's always done.

Well said, I don’t think she’s a fantastic actress but it definitely shows when she is committed to a role, and I personally enjoy several of her movies. You should definitely give Desperately Seeking Susan a try! It’s my personal favourite and I think that role suited her the most. Body Of Evidence is also entertaining but overall not a great film. 

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2 minutes ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

Well said, I don’t think she’s a fantastic actress but it definitely shows when she is committed to a role, and I personally enjoy several of her movies. You should definitely give Desperately Seeking Susan a try! It’s my personal favourite and I think that role suited her the most. Body Of Evidence is also entertaining but overall not a great film. 

:heart: Agreed.

I have heard great things about Desperately Seeking Susan, so I am excited. Body of Evidence is intriguing to me because of the controversy and it being around the time of the Erotica era.

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
Just now, somethingscomingover said:

:heart: Agreed.

I have heard great things about Desperately Seeking Susan, so I am excited. Body of Evidence is intriguing to me because of the controversy and it being around the time of the Erotica era.

Body Of Evidence isn’t necessarily a bad film, however I do feel it took away from the seriousness that Madonna was trying to convey in the Erotica era. That said, it is an entertaining watch. 

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Body Of Evidence may have been better if they’d cast a male lead opposite her who she had some chemistry with. She had zero chemistry with Dafoe sadly. He was a bad casting choice. 

just watching A League Of Their Own. It’s a really solid film. She’s very natural in it and quite likeable. 

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
1 hour ago, IamZod said:

Body Of Evidence may have been better if they’d cast a male lead opposite her who she had some chemistry with. She had zero chemistry with Dafoe sadly. He was a bad casting choice. 

just watching A League Of Their Own. It’s a really solid film. She’s very natural in it and quite likeable. 

I always thought that Rebecca Carlson didn’t sound nearly femme fatale enough for a Madonna role, and I always thought Kyle MacLachlan would’ve suited the male lead better :Madonna041:

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There have been a few entertaining movies, but truly, Madonna has always been a pretty terrible actress. Evita worked, because it was pretty much a long music video, and she was always pretty good at those. And Desperately Seeking Susan worked because she basically played herself. However, all other efforts were pretty dismal.

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
29 minutes ago, Hydrangeas Up Your Ass said:

I feel as if Ryan Murphy would be able to create some magic on screen with Madonna if he tailor wrote a role for her. I'd gag so hard if she made an appearance on Pose. 

Something like that would be fantastic. Ryan Murphy is great so that would be really interesting to see. 

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
1 minute ago, Hydrangeas Up Your Ass said:

Apparently he's a huge fan and they've met each other before so it wouldn't surprise me if it's already crossed his mind. 

I’d love to see them work together. He could create a really fantastic role for Madonna.

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On 2/2/2020 at 1:57 PM, Hydrangeas Up Your Ass said:

Apparently he's a huge fan and they've met each other before so it wouldn't surprise me if it's already crossed his mind. 

I’m always up to seeing her in a feature length film again.  Only if she wouldn’t take it too seriously! 

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25 minutes ago, Hydrangeas Up Your Ass said:

Hahaha love this. The fact that they were enemies in the movie so Madonna wouldn't talk to her on set hahaha, love it.

Actually the slap scene is really camp and over the top: 

As someone said before, I also love that she took everything she did seriously, movies included. She worked hard and no one can take that away from her.

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My personal favourite is Bloodhounds of Broadway. There's just something special about that film for me. There's not too much of her, which is good. I have a very soft spot for the director, Howard Brookner, and what he was going through whilst making that movie. I think secretly this film means a lot to Madonna but maybe she decided not to speak of it so as not to overshadow it with her own persona... It's really not a "Madonna" film and I quite like that about it. I love its setting as well, NYE before the stock market crash, before WWII. In that way alone it shares something with Caberet. The full tapes of those songs with the original music (before it was mixed differently for the film) exists and are probably with Howard's nephew, and possibly Patrick Leonard, if they didn't end up in Darlene Lutz's locker and auctioned off. 

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She'd be a killer in silent movies. She emotes so much with her eyes and expressions but when it comes to speaking, it comes off hammy and wooden. As if she's trying to hit a bar in her mind but it comes off as line reading or being too aware of the camera versus natural. She did have good timing for comedy and emotions but most of the time her lines don't feel natural given how she's always commanded the camera and has been noted as being uncomfortable with others giving her direction and having the control over the final product. 

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