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Madame X Tour DVD


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14 minutes ago, steady75 said:

Ok lets talk about something I picked up watching the DVD.


I spent the best part of the last few years spamming Madonna with PERFORM RESCUE ME!!! on her online chats and forums and reddits Q&A;s inst etc. So when the clip of the Batukaderas doing the choir version was shared on her insta I near died.

You can imagine my dismay when I actually attended the tour and it was just a spoken intro.

We'll come back to this later.


Madame X the album is undoubtedly the most obviously artsy album she has ever produced. Its a conceptual spiky art installation but it's fragile and not something you really carry around with you unlike many of her more accessible albums.

Quite often the songs fell short of the crescendo many Madonna songs are famous for. Despite this they were still good songs with brilliant production (Autotune is fine but repeated autotune tires the ear).


The videos too were great in many ways but were also oddly broken up and didn't always flow and quite hit the mark.

I personally found the tour to be the same. I had a great night because I'm with Madonna and the energy etc but I felt the show lacked something. 


The Madame X live album in a solitary listen was tiresomely over autotuned and a couple of the songs were a bit hacked to death. Without the distraction of a visual it doesn't stand that well on its own for me at least. 

I longed to hear her natural voice.

For me the Madame X era was less than the sum of it's parts.


A couple of nights ago I finally got round to watching the Madame X tour documentary.

..and ladies lemme tell you. This is where it's at. The bitch may have taken since 1965 to edit and process the motherfucker but the results are equiste,

Firsty there is sooooo much Blond Ambition energy throughout the whole thing, which really caught me off guard. I loved it. 

She is genuinely funny,

The staging was made for a visual recording, (it actually looked better than in the flesh to me).

The into is powerful and the whole splicing of bits of her career throughout was inspired. 


Few things that didn't quite work. The opening section is a bit disjointed. Like the album God Control followed by Dark Ballet it a jagged pill to swallow opening section. Dark Ballet in particular is mad bonkers but leaves me cold and is a bit of a dirg in truth. 

Human Jazzture was a smooth delight

American Lifes ad libs have me obsessed

The typewriter dancing with Ahmalik is genius

My queen Mercy James and the twins were cute af

The Dave Chapelle bit was rather charming actually

Her scathing remarks about the eye patch were hilarious.

The polaroids were a hoot and there were big glimpses of old Madonna right in there. 

Extreme Occident was wow

Future and Frozen didn't actually work as well on film as they did live. Frozen in particular was utterly stunning in the theatre and the one number that could only really work on stage. I'm sure those that saw the film see how brilliant it is but live it was on another level entirely. Hard to explain. 

Medellin felt like a bit of a moment at first but duets are very hard live. 

I Rise isn't the moment she thinks it is sadly.

That garage band looped beat version of Like A Prayer is unforgivable. Thank god for the staging and the choir and all because the music remained dreadful.


..but I digress.

Rescue Me or the recently renamed Breathwork. Why Breathwork? Why cut one of your most artistic poetic songs off at the knees before we get to the chorus?

Well yes the dance portion of this section was stunning and yes they were all moving to the sound of Madonna breathing, 

but i'm still mad that Rescue Me was culled....until I watched the Rescue Me and Breathwork back to back on the DVD.


Rescue Me was recorded at a time during or after the Blond Ambition tour. A time when she was still processing her divorce from Sean. The video was made up of clips from the Who's That Girl tour, She said this was because it was a time when she felt lost and didn't know who she was anymore during the implosion of the Sean marraige.

"You see that I'm ferocious, You see that I am weak, you see that I am silly, and pretentious and a freak"

Maybe all thoughts she had surrounding Sean, but I got to thinking and it was the last two lines of the first verse that really hit me.

"and I prefer this mystery, it cancels out my misery

and gives me hope that there could be



//fade to black, Lola appears on screen//

she is larger than her mother appearing to protect and hold her Madonna in her hands. Madonna appears small and looks to Lola throughout. The hope that there could be a person that loves me...that person was Lola. When Madonna was lost and looking for answers it was Lourdes that Rescued her mother.

What makes me sure of this? Breathwork. The thing ever mother is trained to do in the throws of labour before she gives birth.




See that's the thing about this film and Madonna and her artistry in general. What may appear to not make sense at it's time of release is often re-conceptualized or repurposed  the further along she goes in her career.

That's art..and while I may question some of the choices she makes with her body as time passes by, it's the art I've always been here for. 

The Madame X doc is where this era is at. Period. 

Bravo xx



her telling the fan to fuck off after he asked her to sign the pic was funny - also the comments about the eye patch ..i love how she does not kiss her fans arses :) 

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2 hours ago, steady75 said:

Ok lets talk about something I picked up watching the DVD.


I spent the best part of the last few years spamming Madonna with PERFORM RESCUE ME!!! on her online chats and forums and reddits Q&A;s inst etc. So when the clip of the Batukaderas doing the choir version was shared on her insta I near died.

You can imagine my dismay when I actually attended the tour and it was just a spoken intro.

We'll come back to this later.


Madame X the album is undoubtedly the most obviously artsy album she has ever produced. Its a conceptual spiky art installation but it's fragile and not something you really carry around with you unlike many of her more accessible albums.

Quite often the songs fell short of the crescendo many Madonna songs are famous for. Despite this they were still good songs with brilliant production (Autotune is fine but repeated autotune tires the ear).


The videos too were great in many ways but were also oddly broken up and didn't always flow and quite hit the mark.

I personally found the tour to be the same. I had a great night because I'm with Madonna and the energy etc but I felt the show lacked something. 


The Madame X live album in a solitary listen was tiresomely over autotuned and a couple of the songs were a bit hacked to death. Without the distraction of a visual it doesn't stand that well on its own for me at least. 

I longed to hear her natural voice.

For me the Madame X era was less than the sum of it's parts.


A couple of nights ago I finally got round to watching the Madame X tour documentary.

..and ladies lemme tell you. This is where it's at. The bitch may have taken since 1965 to edit and process the motherfucker but the results are equiste,

Firsty there is sooooo much Blond Ambition energy throughout the whole thing, which really caught me off guard. I loved it. 

She is genuinely funny,

The staging was made for a visual recording, (it actually looked better than in the flesh to me).

The into is powerful and the whole splicing of bits of her career throughout was inspired. 


Few things that didn't quite work. The opening section is a bit disjointed. Like the album God Control followed by Dark Ballet it a jagged pill to swallow opening section. Dark Ballet in particular is mad bonkers but leaves me cold and is a bit of a dirg in truth. 

Human Jazzture was a smooth delight

American Lifes ad libs have me obsessed

The typewriter dancing with Ahmalik is genius

My queen Mercy James and the twins were cute af

The Dave Chapelle bit was rather charming actually

Her scathing remarks about the eye patch were hilarious.

The polaroids were a hoot and there were big glimpses of old Madonna right in there. 

Extreme Occident was wow

Future and Frozen didn't actually work as well on film as they did live. Frozen in particular was utterly stunning in the theatre and the one number that could only really work on stage. I'm sure those that saw the film see how brilliant it is but live it was on another level entirely. Hard to explain. 

Medellin felt like a bit of a moment at first but duets are very hard live. 

I Rise isn't the moment she thinks it is sadly.

That garage band looped beat version of Like A Prayer is unforgivable. Thank god for the staging and the choir and all because the music remained dreadful.


..but I digress.

Rescue Me or the recently renamed Breathwork. Why Breathwork? Why cut one of your most artistic poetic songs off at the knees before we get to the chorus?

Well yes the dance portion of this section was stunning and yes they were all moving to the sound of Madonna breathing, 

but i'm still mad that Rescue Me was culled....until I watched the Rescue Me and Breathwork back to back on the DVD.


Rescue Me was recorded at a time during or after the Blond Ambition tour. A time when she was still processing her divorce from Sean. The video was made up of clips from the Who's That Girl tour, She said this was because it was a time when she felt lost and didn't know who she was anymore during the implosion of the Sean marraige.

"You see that I'm ferocious, You see that I am weak, you see that I am silly, and pretentious and a freak"

Maybe all thoughts she had surrounding Sean, but I got to thinking and it was the last two lines of the first verse that really hit me.

"and I prefer this mystery, it cancels out my misery

and gives me hope that there could be



//fade to black, Lola appears on screen//

she is larger than her mother appearing to protect and hold her Madonna in her hands. Madonna appears small and looks to Lola throughout. The hope that there could be a person that loves me...that person was Lola. When Madonna was lost and looking for answers it was Lourdes that Rescued her mother...and the mom tatoo. Tears,. 

What makes me sure of this? Breathwork. The thing ever mother is trained to do in the throws of labour before she gives birth.




See that's the thing about this film and Madonna and her artistry in general. What may appear to not make sense at it's time of release is often re-conceptualized or repurposed  the further along she goes in her career.

That's art..and while I may question some of the choices she makes with her body as time passes by, it's the art I've always been here for. 

The Madame X doc is where this era is at. Period. 

Bravo xx



Everything you said is a "yes". The whole Lola thing is next level, I didn't even think about that. 

I think also the lyrics for Rescue Me are used in a different way than the original song, like you said, so the rest of the song's lyrics wouldn't have conveyed the message she was trying to get across if she would have sang the entire song. 

The line: "When all the hurt inside of me comes out you understand" seemed to mean something completely different in the context of the Madame X show. It's when she expresses herself through ART (the hurt inside comes out), we as the audience get a chance to understand her. As opposed to, like you said, the original lyrics being about Sean. I really thought at first she copped out of doing the song and just threw together some weird spoken word rendition because someone asked, but it really was thought out and has meaning.

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5 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

Everything you said is a "yes". The whole Lola thing is next level, I didn't even think about that. 

I think also the lyrics for Rescue Me are used in a different way than the original song, like you said, so the rest of the song's lyrics wouldn't have conveyed the message she was trying to get across if she would have sang the entire song. 

The line: "When all the hurt inside of me comes out you understand" seemed to mean something completely different in the context of the Madame X show. It's when she expresses herself through ART (the hurt inside comes out), we as the audience get a chance to understand her. As opposed to, like you said, the original lyrics being about Sean. I really thought at first she copped out of doing the song and just threw together some weird spoken word rendition because someone asked, but it really was thought out and has meaning.

You’re so right, the meaning of it makes so much more sense now. I still removed it from my playlist :dihtltt:

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3 hours ago, steady75 said:

Rescue Me was recorded at a time during or after the Blond Ambition tour. A time when she was still processing her divorce from Sean. The video was made up of clips from the Who's That Girl tour, She said this was because it was a time when she felt lost and didn't know who she was anymore during the implosion of the Sean marraige.

"You see that I'm ferocious, You see that I am weak, you see that I am silly, and pretentious and a freak"

Maybe all thoughts she had surrounding Sean, but I got to thinking and it was the last two lines of the first verse that really hit me.

"and I prefer this mystery, it cancels out my misery

and gives me hope that there could be



//fade to black, Lola appears on screen//

she is larger than her mother appearing to protect and hold her Madonna in her hands. Madonna appears small and looks to Lola throughout. The hope that there could be a person that loves me...that person was Lola. When Madonna was lost and looking for answers it was Lourdes that Rescued her mother...and the mom tatoo. Tears,. 

What makes me sure of this? Breathwork. The thing ever mother is trained to do in the throws of labour before she gives birth.



That may very well be but Madonna is not Matthew Barney or Bjork. As much as I like the show it’s a lazy attempt at pretending she’s a type of artist she’s just not. And that’s why a big chunk of it falls flat.

Madonna was always a master at putting non mainstream art into a commercial form and deliver the best of both worlds. This whole show was just her being extremely self indulgent and it’s very obvious.

As to your Lola theory, how doesn’t the chorus of Rescue Me apply to that?

Let’s get real. She didn’t perform it cause she didn’t feel like it. She only wanted to do what’s comfortable this time around. 

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41 minutes ago, thegoldencalf said:

That may very well be but Madonna is not Matthew Barney or Bjork. As much as I like the show it’s a lazy attempt at pretending she’s a type of artist she’s just not. And that’s why a big chunk of it falls flat.

Madonna was always a master at putting non mainstream art into a commercial form and deliver the best of both worlds. This whole show was just her being extremely self indulgent and it’s very obvious.

As to your Lola theory, how doesn’t the chorus of Rescue Me apply to that?

Let’s get real. She didn’t perform it cause she didn’t feel like it. She only wanted to do what’s comfortable this time around. 

And that’s why a big chunk of it falls flat.


In your opinion 

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Madonna was always a master at putting non mainstream art into a commercial form and deliver the best of both worlds.


funny you say this as i feel this is the show she does just that the most 


what type of artist do you think she is pretending to be ? 

Edited by hankypanky2021 (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, RUADJAI said:

Everything you said is a "yes". The whole Lola thing is next level, I didn't even think about that. 

I think also the lyrics for Rescue Me are used in a different way than the original song, like you said, so the rest of the song's lyrics wouldn't have conveyed the message she was trying to get across if she would have sang the entire song. 

The line: "When all the hurt inside of me comes out you understand" seemed to mean something completely different in the context of the Madame X show. It's when she expresses herself through ART (the hurt inside comes out), we as the audience get a chance to understand her. As opposed to, like you said, the original lyrics being about Sean. I really thought at first she copped out of doing the song and just threw together some weird spoken word rendition because someone asked, but it really was thought out and has meaning.

I never thought rescue me was about sean , i always presumed it to be about the upcoming backlash she was about to get from justify my love song and video  - a kind of love letter her real fans who understood her work -did she ever say it was about sean ? 

Edited by hankypanky2021 (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, hankypanky2021 said:

I never thought rescue me was about sean , i always presumed it to be about the upcoming backlash she was about to get from justify my love song and video  - a kind of love letter her real fans who understood her work -did she ever say it was about sean ? 

Not that I know of. Maybe it's about Warren. 

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5 hours ago, RUADJAI said:

Not that I know of. Maybe it's about Warren. 

Rescue Me was about Warren, but she possibly wrote it inspiried in Michael Jackson refering to him and could have been for a duet, like MJ did for 'In the Closet' (well known and admited 'relationship', duet project, songs written for...Mj declined eveything finally)

I really can imagine the spoken lyrics about MJ and MX encounters...fit pefectly about MX told about him.

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I absolutely loved the show.  It was one of her most theatrical concerts and the whole concept of Madame X was made very clear to me. I have a brand new appreciation for the album. I always liked it, but I now love it! 
I just wish that she would stop repeating the same songs every tour. I mean, I think I’ve heard La Isla Bonita in pretty much every style there is, and maybe give LAP a rest. There are MANY as good or even better songs in her catalogue. 

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