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M has deleted the bath tube post

Redha DBL

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I didn't have a problem with what Madonna said, but it was the setting that had a bad look. Giving her the benefit of the doubt, I think she was just trying to be creative with it (since she keeps hash tagging #becreative) which is part of her strength and who she is. Though being she deleted it makes me think she was hurt from the comments and she's also having difficult moments with this virus like the rest of us. Maybe in the end, she felt she made a mistake projecting herself in a luxurious bath which sent out mixed messages she didn't intend to do? 

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11 minutes ago, DickTracy said:

But isnt the whole point of Instagram to share photos to promote stuff and comment on the photos?

Truth, but I said I don't read comments under her posts. I don't understand why post negative comments if they just don't like the person? Just don't follow and ignore. I know sometimes she's out of touch but for some people she's just a punchbag and has always been

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9 minutes ago, Mister_Pop said:

Also, a lot of people commenting are pro-Trump that treat her lile a satanist too. So weird and fucked up !

Ya when I was browsing I saw a lot of puzzling comments about H. Clinton's emails some sort of word association and foods that Madonna had mentioned...? And "people" were liking those comments. Rubbish.

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Yes Madonna it has made you equal to my parents, both over 60, one just fought leukemia and the other with Diabetes. They are so equal to you right now. My mother was almost forced to continue home visits to children or lose her job until I stepped in and threatened to sue. So so so equal Madonna. Anyone forcing you to go out and work right now?

It has made the millions who have lost their jobs so equal. I'm betting you aren't too worried about your finances

It has made the health care workers still working in hospitals with those infected so equal. Pretty sure you won't have to go to a hospital with the unwashed masses will you?

You are every woman/man/child - You are like all of us. So equal, not priviledged at all. I'm betting you haven't had trouble finding food to eat, because I know I sure haven't had to ration food, I've been eating like a King

You Madonna have insight into all of it. Well done. You are exactly what people need right now. 

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5 minutes ago, me1981 said:

I'm betting you aren't too worried about your finances

I have to agree here, because this can be said about every celebrity crying on SM about the virus, equality, or panic attacks (LAUGHS). I don't believe they care. Maybe instead of talking about it do something? Donate, help financially? Just my opinion

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6 minutes ago, confessed said:

I have to agree here, because this can be said about every celebrity crying on SM about the virus, equality, or panic attacks (LAUGHS). I don't believe they care. Maybe instead of talking about it do something? Donate, help financially? Just my opinion

Yeah this has been the oddest thing to me too. Normally this is a time they all donate or reach out in any way to those struggling. It seems most celebs are using this as a publicity opportunity to talk about themselves and keep their brand going.

There are seriously people (healthcare mostly) who are still out there risking their lives and over run with sick people

Or many who have lost their jobs and just praying for some financial assistance. Yet very few people in the public eye are even talking about them.

I am terrified for my parents. They would not survive this virus if they got it and I am in a different part of the country. 

This virus isn't an equaliser, it is going hard on certain groups of people. 

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
Just now, rlittler81 said:

Her latest post makes me think the rumours that Debi M. wasn't happy with M are true... :thinker:

What are the rumours? 

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19 minutes ago, rlittler81 said:

Her latest post makes me think the rumours that Debi M. wasn't happy with M are true... :thinker:

What does she say in the video ?sorry sometimes i can't make out what she says, english is not my natural language and the sound isn't great on the video. Does she says something like "When the virus affect some of your friends..." and i can't undertsand what she says next...

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24 minutes ago, TonyMontana said:

What does she say in the video ?sorry sometimes i can't make out what she says, english is not my natural language and the sound isn't great on the video. Does she says something like "When the virus affect some of your friends..." and i can't undertsand what she says next...

Yes she was saying the virus has effected her friends and loved ones and then made a joke about keeping her modesty. Seems debi has made her think about what she says a little...

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Oh the irony of people criticizing Madonna for having a point of view, saying she’s out of touch, when just a few, short weeks ago they were complaining about their show being cancelled! Boo hoo you. A concert that many of us paid hundreds, if not thousands of dollars/euros/pounds for - but that’s okay because all the terrible things going on in the world didn’t matter back then, as long we got to see our show!

Now this virus is on our doorstep, and she, like everyone one else is scared and vulnerable, and yet people seem to forgot everything she did during the AIDS epidemic, and all the things she’s been doing quietly raising money, building schools, orphanages and hospitals for an impoverished and long-forgotten, African nation, ravaged by AIDS, over the last 2 decades! Was she out of touch with reality then, or maybe people just didn’t give a shit, because that wasn’t their problem?

Just because she has hard-earned wealth and privilege, doesn’t mean she can’t be worried for her friends and family. It’s not just about her. I’m sure she has elderly relatives and that was the point she was making - coronavirus doesn’t care how wealthy, famous or celebrated you are. There are no barriers and there is no cure. No one is immune and being treated in a clean, private hospital or a dirty, public hospital won’t make any difference. Where you live and how many staff you have is utterly irrelevant. If you get it and you’re a certain age or have underlying health problems, then you’re at a higher risk of dying. That’s it. People should stop denouncing celebrities for their wealth and privilege because it’s utterly irrelevant.

Saving the world is not Madonna’s problem, but fans on this forum should know far better than most, how much she has already done to help it.

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36 minutes ago, tajybajyboo said:

Oh the irony of people criticizing Madonna for having a point of view, saying she’s out of touch, when just a few, short weeks ago they were complaining about their show being cancelled! Boo hoo you. A concert that many of us paid hundreds, if not thousands of dollars/euros/pounds for - but that’s okay because all the terrible things going on in the world didn’t matter back then, as long we got to see our show!

Now this virus is on our doorstep, and she, like everyone one else is scared and vulnerable, and yet people seem to forgot everything she did during the AIDS epidemic, and all the things she’s been doing quietly raising money, building schools, orphanages and hospitals for an impoverished and long-forgotten, African nation, ravaged by AIDS, over the last 2 decades! Was she out of touch with reality then, or maybe people just didn’t give a shit, because that wasn’t their problem?

Just because she has hard-earned wealth and privilege, doesn’t mean she can’t be worried for her friends and family. It’s not just about her. I’m sure she has elderly relatives and that was the point she was making - coronavirus doesn’t care how wealthy, famous or celebrated you are. There are no barriers and there is no cure. No one is immune and being treated in a clean, private hospital or a dirty, public hospital won’t make any difference. Where you live and how many staff you have is utterly irrelevant. If you get it and you’re a certain age or have underlying health problems, then you’re at a higher risk of dying. That’s it. People should stop denouncing celebrities for their wealth and privilege because it’s utterly irrelevant.

Saving the world is not Madonna’s problem, but fans on this forum should know far better than most, how much she has already done to help it.

Thank you. Voice of reason right there.  I think some just enjoy way too much in criticizing her. She gives a slight glimpse of her day, and people flip out over it!  As if she's in the bath tub all day with flower petals on her titties, babbling on about the harsh realities of the world.  LOL!

And yeah, she's wealthy and she can donate some of her money to help, and who says she isn't?  Still, why put that pressure on any celebrity at this time?  Remember, they make money being out in crowds and performing. A lot of their work, does require being out in public.  So yes, they have every right to voice their concerns as well, on the same level as we are.  If we aren't working,  we aren't going to their shows, which means they aren't working either, especially when they have no choice in shutting down their shows.  Certainly, they may get through these next few months unscathed financially, but you can't just assume that's fact.  Many entertainers (as Madonna did) had to cancel their tours, shows, etc., because of this virus. They aren't bringing in any income either.

You don't have to feel sorry for these wealthy entertainers.  But we can't just assume they aren't suffering like the rest of us, whether it's financially, being stuck at home or trying hard not to contract the viruses themselves.  Besides, Madonna has never been the sort of person to "stay home".  

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Guest Nobody Knows Me

It’s not something I’m directly offended by, but I do understand why others would be offended. I do understand where she’s coming from, but saying that we are all equal whilst in a bath of petals in a mansion is not going to please everyone, is it? There are millions of people that are in much much worse situations right now than M or any other celebrity.  

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1 minute ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

It’s not something I’m directly offended by, but I do understand why others would be offended. I do understand where she’s coming from, but saying that we are all equal whilst in a bath of petals in a mansion is not going to please everyone, is it? There are millions of people that are in much much worse situations right now than M or any other celebrity.  

True... we’re in a very serious situation. Those posts are not helping at all!  

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24 minutes ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

It’s not something I’m directly offended by, but I do understand why others would be offended. I do understand where she’s coming from, but saying that we are all equal whilst in a bath of petals in a mansion is not going to please everyone, is it? There are millions of people that are in much much worse situations right now than M or any other celebrity.  

If it doesn't offend you, then why do you care what anyone else thinks?  But I get what you're saying. She is far better off than the rest of us, but what we see is just her being creative with her time, offering some of her own input regarding the world's situation.  She's right!  This virus does put us all on a more equal ground.  She can swim butt naked in a pool of flowers for all she wants, but that doesn't mean she or someone in her family won't get infected by the virus.  That's what she's conveying. It doesn't matter how she lives her life, she will still get sick and she could still die like anyone else.  Whether she expresses that behind a typewriter or in a bath of flower petals, what does it matter?  She's done both and think about it... either way she's done it, she's been criticized.  Check out all the criticisms she's getting for the IG posts of her sitting behind the type writer.  She can't win here!  And some may suggest she should just get off social media.  But why should she?  Why should she not be able to express her thoughts and concerns in her own way, just like anyone of us?   As someone posted before, I think this is just some people's bored way of taking shots at her just because they can.  At the end of the day, I'm not sure how that's anymore productive.  At least, she's looking for creative ways in spending her day.  What she posts are just moments of her day.  I'm sure the bulk of her days more recently is her resting, reading, listening to music and spending time with her family and maybe writing or doing other creative things.  I don't believe for one second she doesn't think this isn't serious.  Why would she be saying the things she says if she didn't take it seriously?

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My feelings are kinda mixed. Many celebrities out there tell us to stay home, their home looking like some luxurious paradise compared to ours. I find it rather funny, not offensive. And she was absolutely right about the infection itself not discriminating, despite the difference it can make among people of various incomes. That said, she could indeed make some more useful posts. I mean when she wanted she made videos about using a beauty roller and applying day cream or whatever. She could talk about more practical things in her own sexy way. Be a little more humble so people can feel better, as they're doing the same things as Madonna right now. But the whole Madame X views the world from a third point of view thing might look a bit silly at this point. What's there to promote any more?

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
11 minutes ago, MarXus said:

If it doesn't offend you, then why do you care what anyone else thinks? 

I don’t. I just tried to offer a viewpoint of someone who was offended by the post to people who don’t get why people are mad. 

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3 hours ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

I don’t. I just tried to offer a viewpoint of someone who was offended by the post to people who don’t get why people are mad. 

To me, I watch her videos and smile.  I try not to take everything she says and does so literal, and I certainly don't get offended by it.  I mean; it's not like every video she posts are of her in a bath tub, with flowers on her titties.  She posts a lot of images/videos of her and her family creating art, and her children bike riding safely. Sharing some of the things they are doing during this time while being quarantined. I see Pink and a lot of other artists/entertainers posting similar things.  Pink has been posting pics of her getting in shape (which is a very Pink thing to do) and other silly things with her children. I see a lot of other artists using their talent to put on short concerts, etc. They all are using their talent to keep people entertained while at the same time sharing their personal thoughts about the situation.  I really do not see what Madonna is doing any different.  But who are we kidding, Madonna has always done things to provoke people. So I wouldn't expect her to do anything less during these times. 

I really don't care what other people think of Madonna.  That's something I've learned long ago as a fan.  You fight a losing battle when you care too much of what other people say of her especially if it's negative. She's always been given a hard time for anything she does. This is no different.  Some people won't be satisfied unless she just retires or dies.  Me, I just cherish what years we have left with her.  She's always been an odd little swan from the beginning.  She grossed people out long before she was famous with her armpit hair and a lot of her wild behavior.  Madonna's being Madonna.  I'm not going to let what other people think about her, ruin my enjoyment of her.  And as I said, I don't take everything she says and does so literally.  I just enjoy and either nod my head in agreement or move on and try not to think about things I don't like. 

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On 3/24/2020 at 10:47 PM, nito84bcn said:

A rich woman, talking from her golden bath tube, about how the virus is equal for everyone... It may be equal, I can understand what she meant, but it can be bad recieved from the general public... after all people are dying without the option of saying goodbye to their families, music arenas are used as funeral homes, etc... Really sad and dangerous times to talk about poetry from your golden bath, even when her intention was good. 

 What were the negative comments mostly about? Hardly her fillers 

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