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Madonna tested positive to coronavirus ANTIBODIES


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im just happy she's still healthy.  chances are many of us may have had the virus already and not known it.  this is why i feel its important we still be cautious because even if we dont show symptoms or get sick, doesnt mean we cant give it to someone who could get sick.

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1 minute ago, professormouse said:

How ?
The CDC and the European versions websites are choc full of "We Don't Know" 's.
And I've yet to hear a categorical 'no' you can't get re-infected once you've had it yet.

I was agreeing with you that Madonna's post was ill-considered.

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7 hours ago, Debrah said:

Congratulations to Madonna for posting her most stupid message yet on social networks, and that's saying a lot.  What a freegin' idiot she can be sometimes.  :eyesroll:

100%, as soon as I saw the headline in today's news, my eyes rolled and my immediate thought was "oh no... A lot of my friends who are huge Madonna fans are now saying she's lost it or what is going on with her and these posts don't help her.


8 hours ago, scion said:

Other artists are recording home performances... Such a shame she can't just do that... but it wouldn't be 'artsy' enough.

And I don't know about you, but I can't even bring myself to watch a full "diary" she posts. I either feel embarrassed or shock that this is what has happened to her or what is going on in her head. I just can't believe this is the same person from the Rebel Heart tour. I caught a clip on youtube of I'm going to tell you a secret when she quotes about what she thinking before she was thinking.... I have no idea what has happened to her but this is not how I thought she would be at this stage. I always imagined a complete u-turn to complete diva truth or dare or the down to earth Madonna, or even a mixture of Bette Davis/Madonna persona but it's like aliens have taken over her body. It's not even narcissistic now, it truly comes across as she has lost the plot and has reached the point of now being completely out of touch with reality and the thing she has managed to dodge all these years - irrelevant. These "diaries" are so out of touch with what people are relating to or listening to or wanting to hear. 

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If you think about it, it makes perfect sense.  Her 2020 leg of the tour were in some of the cities with the most highest rates of infection of the Corona virus.  She has been in quarantine for more than just the recommended 14 days with her family.  The fact that she is very healthy, and that carries through to her children and staff who are positively affected by her healthy lifestyle.  If she and others have antibodies, that hopefully means that the virus won't be as deadly, even with her current age of almost 62!!  She is like no other :fire:

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19 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

I don't get what the problem is. She got tested for antibodies. She tested positive. She said it out loud. 

You're missing the point.

She said she got tested positive for antibodies and that allows her to go out safely, as in "I'm good, I am now safe from getting sick, I can go out safely". 

Which is wrong, stupid, and a case of spreading fake news. She's potentially subject to catching it again and/or to infect other people.

She's a wealthy and educated woman, and posting such crap is beneath her. And you and others not even seeing how stupid her statement is, is proof that people aren't informed enough by medical authorities and the media, and would preferably listen to the rantings of a billionaire living in her palace than check what's what from a proper source.

And that's rather distressing.

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Not to mention that bragging about having been tested for antibodies (which is a luxury, as almost NOBODY in the UK has access to such serological tests, unless you're rich and privileged) is of incredibly bad taste and plain moronic given the current situation. So, yes, I'll say it again despite fans blindly defending their egotistical idol : She should shut her trap on this one.

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1 hour ago, Debrah said:

You're missing the point.

She said she got tested positive for antibodies and that allows her to go out safely, as in "I'm good, I am now safe from getting sick, I can go out safely". 

Which is wrong, stupid, and a case of spreading fake news. She's potentially subject to catching it again and/or to infect other people.

She's a wealthy and educated woman, and posting such crap is beneath her. And you and others not even seeing how stupid her statement is, is proof that people aren't informed enough by medical authorities and the media, and would preferably listen to the rantings of a billionaire living in her palace than check what's what from a proper source.

And that's rather distressing.

Ok, I get your frustration... So I can't even be mad that you're assuming how much I know about anything. Because a lot of people ARE throwing around misinformation either on purpose or out of ignorance. I don't know if you are in the U.S., but especially here... having the "leadership" we have.

Im not defending her, but I would argue that she did only say she was going to go for a drive with her window rolled down. Which isn't really putting anyone at risk really. I get that saying she has antibodies before that does  "implicate" she may think she's safe... but she never said she was safe, and she didn't say she was getting together with anyone. She said she was going for a drive. 

NOW... if you wanna talk about irresponsible behavior, I would say that the instagram post with her having a party in her kitchen on 4/20 is 10x more ignorant. She got at least 5 people there who I assume do not live with her. But even if they did live with her... posting on instagram a "party" of 10 people or more, even if 5 are her family, is irresponsible. 






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8 hours ago, Debrah said:

Not to mention that bragging about having been tested for antibodies (which is a luxury, as almost NOBODY in the UK has access to such serological tests, unless you're rich and privileged) is of incredibly bad taste and plain moronic given the current situation. So, yes, I'll say it again despite fans blindly defending their egotistical idol : She should shut her trap on this one.

All she said was she was going for a long car ride with the windows open.  Why should she shut her trap??

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10 minutes ago, Matty said:

Attending Stevens birthday is extremely selfish and unacceptable when everyone is social distancing. She doesn’t help herself if this makes the press they will crucify her 

At this point, I hope they do effing crucify her. This is completely unacceptable. I've been a "fan" for more than 30 years and even though she's done a lot of stupid crap at times, this takes the cake. F-her.

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6 minutes ago, Debrah said:

At this point, I hope they do effing crucify her. This is completely unacceptable. I've been a "fan" for more than 30 years and even though she's done a lot of stupid crap at times, this takes the cake. F-her.

It’s appalling she clearly thinks she’s above government guidelines or completely thick tbh I hope this gets out 

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1 minute ago, Matty said:

It’s appalling she clearly thinks she’s above government guidelines or completely thick tbh I hope this gets out 

It will. And she'll get rightfully trashed for it. And she won't care, because she clearly has no grasp on reality at this point. Her fake ass was a good indication as to how far gone she was, but at least she wasn't hurting anyone but herself and her career with such silliness. But this is just vile. Maybe she'll see what a moron she has become when one of her kids ends up under artificial ventilation because of her actions, god forbid.  250k people dead in less than 3 months and she does THAT?  Has she no respect but at all ? This is mind-numbing. 

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