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Madonna shares Covid-19 conspiracy theory on IG, backlash ensues, then deletes


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Well, there it goes the chance of she getting relevance again (Due to her last instagram post). I'm so disappointed right now.


Dua's team for sure is furious right now. 


edit by fighter: I split this from the dua lipa thread so we could discuss it properly

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15 minutes ago, Bel said:

She wasn't hacked and we won't pretend she was. Another stupid post, to say the least.

She's the definition of self-sabotage. :coffee:


I was joking, of course. I can't believe this post. I mean ... She's an intelligent woman, what is wrong with her? She seriously needs someone to moderate her instagram account. This is so bad for her.

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31 minutes ago, lucasciccone said:

I was joking, of course. I can't believe this post. I mean ... She's an intelligent woman, what is wrong with her? She seriously needs someone to moderate her instagram account. This is so bad for her.

Honestly, I can't be surprised. She posted a Louis Farrakhan video last week, the bizarre bathroom singing videos, and then the covid-19 bath video. Even Debbie Mazar had enough and called her out.

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33 minutes ago, PaperFaces said:

Since when do we cancel careers or releases because of someone’s views?

People arent perfect. People make mistakes. Big deal.

Is no one allowed to fuck up anymore?

Maybe She knows things we dont. I dont know...just sayin’.

Since social media is pretty relevant for EVERYTHING! Isn't a person speech relevant on social media? Ask Donald Trump and his tweets... Instagram, twitter etc can literally destroy someone's carreer if they're not sufficiently careful. Is a business, is impossible to believe that Instagramers, YouTubers, Influencers etc have more media control than her.

Like it or not, we live in a world like this.

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16 minutes ago, vesalii said:

Since social media is pretty relevant for EVERYTHING! Isn't a person speech relevant on social media? Ask Donald Trump and his tweets... Instagram, twitter etc can literally destroy someone's carreer if they're not sufficiently careful. Is a business, is impossible to believe that Instagramers, YouTubers, Influencers etc have more media control than her.

Like it or not, we live in a world like this.

Yes, I think those who don't believe in that pretty much live in the Stone Age. Nowadays the Social Media is one the most relevant things that a person can have to show who they are. If some of you don't agree, it's fine, but don't change that fact that it is how the world works nowadays. If you are cancelled, you lost jobs opportunities, you lost nominations, you lost relevance. I'm just tired of her being so annoying on the internet. If she want streaming, she need to stop with the self-sabotage 

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1 hour ago, TonyMontana said:

What was the post saying excatly ? Can someone explain ? (It was night time in that part of the world and i missed it).

She has basically posted a coronavirus conspiracy theory, claiming that a vaccine has already been found but is being hidden from public view to “let fear control the people”. She said Stella Immanuel - who claims that the drug hydroxychloroquine is a “cure for COVID” and that neither masks nor lockdowns are necessary to control the spread of the virus - is a "hero".

Funny cause Trump and his son promoted hydroxychloroquine as a cure!!

You can read the full story here:




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Well i don't know what that Stella Emmanuelli has said on her other videos or on instagram but i have that very precise video M has reposted and i totally agree with her. Hydroxichloroquine is indeed the cure for Covid and most of countries don't wanna admit it (spreading false side effects) because it's really cheap and it doesn't bring a lot of money to the pharmaceutical lobby. I applause Madonna for posting this !

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1 minute ago, Enrico said:

She has basically posted a coronavirus conspiracy theory, claiming that a vaccine has already been found but is being hidden from public view to “let fear control the people”. She said Stella Immanuel - who claims that the drug hydroxychloroquine is a “cure for COVID” and that neither masks nor lockdowns are necessary to control the spread of the virus - is a "hero".

Funny cause Trump and his son promoted hydroxychloroquine as a cure!!

Hydroxychloroquine indeed cure Covid. One of our biggest scientist here in France (Doctor Raoult) found it early in the covid crisis. He cure all of the patients of his hospital with it in Marseille. Then several countries (like Tunisia) for example cure people with it and it was a success. He was almost burnt alive here in France because tye truth is Hydroxichloroquine cost almost nothing and it won't bring cash to aln the phramaceutical lobbies.

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