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If you were to have helped Madonna with one of her music videos...


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If you were to have helped Madonna with one of her music videos, which one would you have chosen? You can pick more than one if you want.  

Being I’m so love with her work as a Geisha, I would pick Nothing Really Matters. Ghosttown would have been my second choice for the costuming and the tango. 

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Any of the Fincher videos to learn about lighting a subject. He's a master at how to light videos and working with shadows. I think he's a interesting director who really studied cinema from the Weimar era and mastered his craft. Look at how he frames his shots and uses composites as well in anything he's done from Alien 3 onwards. 

Like @VogueristaI'm also interested in the geisha, kabuki and butoh influences in Madonna's videography (Takara, Nothing Really Matters, Paradise) and would have liked to have seen it taken a lot further. I feel her approaches were far too watered down for western audiences and would have been interested to hear what more she knows about these art forms, if it goes beyond Memoirs of a Geisha and she's actually been to Japanese theatres or if it's merely superficial.

I would have liked to have seen the sari look developed more. It was beautiful with the 1999 Rolling Stone shoot and the VH1 Fashion Awards of that year, together with the outfit for MTV's Shanti/Ashtangi performance. I would've been interested in working on lighting and set design for an official video to that song and seeing it go the route of a devotional Bollywood film homage. Again, would be interesting to hear her thoughts on Bollywood cinema history as so much of it fixed on song, dance and spectacle, three elements she has experience with but from a western perspective. 

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If I would have been involved in the process of Hung Up video, I surely would have come up with another story and more scenes with Madonna. I always thought that the original idea was changed due to the horse accident. I remember watching the video premier, seeing that super long scenes with random characters and thinking WTF? ?

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