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Madame X Perfume..... Why?


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Guest Nobody Knows Me
1 minute ago, Craigypants said:

Its was shot on tape for Television. No film was used.

Oh wow, guess there isn’t really an excuse for them not releasing Blond Ambition now :lol: thank you.

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16 hours ago, Nahual said:

I've never purchased any of her non-music related products, and I'm not starting now. I know that celebrities have to make money somehow and that times are tough since they need to find alternate sources of income because of COVID, but $250 for perfume is effing ridiculous. 

alternartive sources of income? Like if she needed. Thought for celebrities? Imagine for common people...

10 hours ago, RinoTheBouncer said:

I’ll pass. It’s not just about price, I’d happily pay twice as much for a Louis Vuitton. But what is this? How much lower can her standards for design and packaging go? I thought her single artworks were rock bottom, but this is a new low.

It’s not that I can’t afford this, it’s that I refuse to pay for low quality product just because it has my favorite artist’s name on it. They’re probably making it a limited edition of 400 knowing damn well they can’t even sell a 1000 or this.

I bet that a the chinese store just around the corner there is a perfume with better packing, fragrance...and cheaper. Madame X is definitly not cheap and chiq :lol:

Of course nobody is forcing us to buy this thing, but it doesnt mean we cant speak about it and give an opinion. And for it just a word: ridiculous. She is getting low in many levels.  Nobody really needs things like this, even those that can afford it...

I'm not "angry" because I cant afford it. I didnt bought Truth or dare and wouldnt be buying this one too. To me it's just ridiculous putting out something so overpriced, especially in a time like this. And in any other time it's outrageous too. People dont need these things!

I thought she was a perfectionist...but definitly she isn't. The design of it. ..Jesus, a piece of paper used to wipe my ass would look better than this..Actually it would be avant~garde! lol 

Still want to release something so expensive...she could have put some effort about the packing...at least.

8 hours ago, Craigypants said:

Unfortunately it is NO LONGER about the music. Why, Just Why?

You know what, I'm Going to rant for a minute.

Give the fans what we want. This pisses me off so much. Her whole team need to go. Guys time is up. How many simple and useless mistakes has he made? I've lost count. The fans can do a better job with her whole entire catalog. The upscales on here are professional quality and the record company or her can't even give us a remaster. Celebration was another useless disaster, Especially the DVD. Simple stupid errors on the CD from Erotica, Cherish and Music. Some of those tracks sound worse than other copies we already have. I don't believe they were ever Remastered from the Originals, That was some Bullshit marketing. I hated the Packaging as well it looked so cheap. They couldn't even get the songwriting credits right. ?‍♂️ Give US SOMETHING. how hard would it have been to just Upscale those 2 bonus performance's from Truth or Dare of Hanky Panky & Like a Prayer? They exist I had them On VHS. Sony just did a fantastic upscale of Mariah's Daydream concert from 1996, So there is NO REASON it can't be done. The Confessions tour already exists in HD, How hard is it to throw it on Itunes? Easy Money.

All the tours should be in HD.

Find that bloody Blonde ambition Tour Paris Concert and scan the negs for a 4k Release. 

Re-Invention was shot on Film in Paris again, Where is that? Besides Don't Tell Me A Secret, They have it.

Give us some Digital Eps of at least the 38 Top Ten Singles with all the remixes. Surely its not that hard.?

Ok, Im Done.




6 hours ago, Enrico said:

To promote it with "Killers" is shameful.

She can record a new version and add it to the limited edition:

I will be poor if I buy Madame X perfume 


and I think if people smell this shit they will get killed...

3 hours ago, mouse said:

she pisses me off. What is the point of this project. She's fucking rich. She doesn't need the minor profit of 400 bottles of perfume will bring her. It's totally ridiculous. It may not even be profitable between the cost of development and the packaging (even if it's horrible). These projects are so ridiculous. If only no one would buy this shit! It would calm her down


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5 minutes ago, SuperBicycle said:

If you go to the Iiuvo website they seem to ship internationally, and cheaper as well....


I'm pretty sure it's gonna be sold out #soon

All her ultrarich-multiple-front-row-shows-fans will get it XDDDD And i couldn't agree more with the opinions of @Prayeror @kesiaktbh...

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I don't know guys , you know...if this by any chance became someone's Holy Grail perfume , that person would spend tons of money on it, I know I would , if that scent takes me back in time, to my loved ones, to happier times, to maybe an enchanted place or to a situation I loved, and I would buy it even if it came in a basic bottle

but the thing is we don't know what it smells like and the promo looks kinda on the cheap side (including the bottle) hahaha :speakno::thinker:

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8 minutes ago, Ian said:

I don't know guys , you know...if this by any chance became someone's Holy Grail perfume , that person would spend tons of money on it, I know I would , if that scent takes me back in time, to my loved ones, to happier times, to maybe an enchanted place or to a situation I loved

Ah, yes, I remember those good old days from yesteryear.. sitting on grandma's lap, listening to her read the Madame X tourbook through her grills, and smelling her Madame X perfume, as she dabbed it on her neck.:rose:

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1 hour ago, milotjuh said:

Ah, yes, I remember those good old days from yesteryear.. sitting on grandma's lap, listening to her read the Madame X tourbook through her grills, and smelling her Madame X perfume, as she dabbed it on her neck.:rose:

You have no idea how much you made me laugh with this, I'm literally crying

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2 hours ago, Frank said:

People who have enough money to spend on this or any other things can do WHATEVER THE F*CK THEY WANT with it, because it's theirs, not yours. Who r u to judge them? Oh god...

I feel sorry for any one who thinks any of those things I mentioned are worth the price. The book is cool but i think 75$ would be pushing it. I’m not judging you for buying them. I’m just saying that it is sad and pathetic, IMO, to charge that much for any of the items and whoever is paying that has more money than sense. That is all I said! 

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Why y'all so mad about it ? Probably didn't take her very long, it's not like this side project has prevented her from working on other things. It's released through an independent maker in London, when was she in London lately  ? It's probably top quality and the price doesn't surprise me given the other IIUVO products. I like the IG video. Would like to smell it.

The timing is not bad, Madame X tour video is coming sooner or later so it's a way to keep it going. And I like that it's more "Madame" than "X".

And it doesn't matter a lot.

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5 hours ago, Shoful said:

Am I an idiot for spending $1500 on one tour ticket :Madonna015:

No. That's a completely different thing. I did and It was worth every penny. She gave it 150% and she is still the hardest worker i've seen in Music. I payed 1000 dollars for The Rebel Heart Tour and got all these goodies a beautiful Book that i'm too scared to open and they just keep bringing out the grog & Food all afternoon. By the time it started and the lights were flashing, The alcohol took over and I was barely standing up, But still screaming!? And she wasnt late to my concert. 8.30pm and we got in at 2pm 2 rows from the front.


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