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Rumor : New album / Update page 23

Redha DBL

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On 12/27/2020 at 8:54 PM, musicinferno said:

What I find strange is how Patrick has always been very showy on social media when it came to his work with Madonna. And now that they're (supposedly) finally working together after all these years, he's completely silent? 


Something doesn't add up. 

.....surely going off line completely only adds flames to rumour. 

But his new music sounded terrible, I can’t imagine what would’ve made M reconnect with him. I’d be over to mood if they wrote  together but I don’t think I’d like him to produce. 

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I love me a political album but hmmm. I don’t know if it’s what her brand needs again so soon after quite a heavily / socio political album. 

Madame X was not a party album and I genuinely think we’re about to move into a more post war Glorious Technicolour escapist era in music. 

Life is heavy right now and historically young new artists speak about societal ills in times of crisis whilst established artists act as a reassuring comfort with messages of hope and escapism. 
I suppose that’s too much to expect of an artist like Madonna and I’m not sure if Fun is something I associate with her anymore anyway so it may come off as flaccid as Turn Up The Radio.

I dunno. I’d like her new music to literally feel like a hope filled Ray Of Light in this dark world right now. And that doesn’t have to be hearts and puppies... it doesn’t have to be gas masks and burning flags either. 
And Martyrdonna is the completely wrong tone. 

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46 minutes ago, steady75 said:

I love me a political album but hmmm. I don’t know if it’s what her brand needs again so soon after quite a heavily / socio political album. 

Madame X was not a party album and I genuinely think we’re about to move into a more post war Glorious Technicolour escapist era in music. 

Life is heavy right now and historically young new artists speak about societal ills in times of crisis whilst established artists act as a reassuring comfort with messages of hope and escapism. 
I suppose that’s too much to expect of an artist like Madonna and I’m not sure if Fun is something I associate with her anymore anyway so it may come off as flaccid as Turn Up The Radio.

I dunno. I’d like her new music to literally feel like a hope filled Ray Of Light in this dark world right now. And that doesn’t have to be hearts and puppies... it doesn’t have to be gas masks and burning flags either. 
And Martyrdonna is the completely wrong tone. 

So true, i don't want anything political or dark again... 

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1 hour ago, steady75 said:

I love me a political album but hmmm. I don’t know if it’s what her brand needs again so soon after quite a heavily / socio political album. 

Madame X was not a party album and I genuinely think we’re about to move into a more post war Glorious Technicolour escapist era in music. 

Life is heavy right now and historically young new artists speak about societal ills in times of crisis whilst established artists act as a reassuring comfort with messages of hope and escapism. 
I suppose that’s too much to expect of an artist like Madonna and I’m not sure if Fun is something I associate with her anymore anyway so it may come off as flaccid as Turn Up The Radio.

I dunno. I’d like her new music to literally feel like a hope filled Ray Of Light in this dark world right now. And that doesn’t have to be hearts and puppies... it doesn’t have to be gas masks and burning flags either. 
And Martyrdonna is the completely wrong tone. 

Good analysis, I partially agree with you, but I'm a bit more pessimistic about our society. I mean, this year could have been a golden opportunity for the music industry to have a strong impact on the future and be part of the change, but artists who decided to release their music this year chose to give people an escape from reality and not to push them to reflect about global problems and be a better version of themselves. That's why we had mainly a disco revival. Other artists chose to take advantage of this situation to release songs which were infused with a false sense of depression, in order to mime the feelings all of us had this crazy year. Back in the past, lots of young singers spoke against the Vietnam War in their songs: Billy Idol, Bruce Springsteen, The Clash, and all of them were around 30-35 years old. But today? They brought disco-dance back to life and tried to make people forget the brutality and the atrocities we witness every day. That's what the market commands: you have to be the entertainer who gives the audience joy and happiness, you don't have to expose your inner ideas about politic, society and so on or you'll lose your fans, who provide you money. I'm so sick and tired of this.

I really appreciated Madame X because it was dark enough to shock people and oblige them to ask themselves what kind of world they want to live in. And today shocking our society is not so easy, mainly because people lost the sense of wonder and think that everything is granted. We lost hope and trust in the future. 

Back to the album, I agree with you, I would like something à la Ray of Light, spiritual, ethereal, soft, but at the same time meaningful and impactful, but I'm afraid that it could sound anachronistic (but I'd die for good electro-ambient music).

Our world deserves the best and it's time the music industry comes back to play an important role in the changing process.

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While I agree with what you say there is one caveat to it. We are listening to music in isolation and that changes the experience and the gravity. When political music is listened to in a social situation such as a gig or festival, the narrative changes to a feeling of unity and like mindedness with those around you. It can be very empowering and hopeful. In isolation these feelings aren’t evoked. Music is historically a social experience and 2020 Has robbed us of that and so much more. 
Hopeful joyous music is an escape in times like this. A moment to switch off and forget for a moment. Some respite through the grief olympics daily life and the news cycle has become.

Also the music industry is in trouble. 
Gigs have been rescheduled to 2021 practically a year and a half after the pandemic began. These gigs have to go ahead to deliver the shows that have already been sold. The companies have had the money for those tickets and the gigs have to go ahead or the refunds could have unlimited financial implications. 
The artists album / tour cycle has been interrupted. Artists who have released this year will likely not be able to tour til 2022 because the arenas are booked up with rescheduled gigs and venues will prioritise big hitters to generate more revenue on ticket fees and concessions at venue. Cash flow is a major issue and festivals are already experiencing problems with insurers who won’t insure them in case of further outbreaks etc. Planning for summer events started in October and should really be gearing up around now. If insurers won’t back them the events won’t go ahead. 

This is fine for big acts that make the money, but new and evolving artists are currently delivering shopping and working in warehouses to survive. This has had a devastating effect on the arts and once again the poorest, (with arguably the most to say and the least opportunities in life), are the most affected. Not a great jump off point for a rich while woman in her sixties who ate all the fish and likes rose petals baths. 

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If she comes with that hip hop thing that she's listening, I'm not interested at all. Her bubble, maybe bc of the boys that she date, is surrounded by this kind of music, that does not fit her at all. hillary.gif


I love what she did with Madame X, going to Portugal, meeting the right people, getting inspired by its culture and style of music. It came fresh, political and well produced album. The only way that she will start doing great material is by doing this, seeking for inspiration that are far away from her bathroom and people that always say yes to her. 

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Sincerely, I don't know what to expect. When I see her posts, I always have the feeling she's hiding her real intentions with tons of smoke screens. Maybe nowadays she's listening to what the market is offering, as she did in the '90 (oh, good old days), but I'm very doubtful she likes it: it's uncommon to love Nina Simone or other myths and then appreciate current rappers. Oh, don't forget she's already released an album with rappers. It's very unlikely she'll do the same thing twice (pray it won't happen). 

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35 minutes ago, deathproof said:

She receives a lot of racist comments on her instagram about the music she uses on instagram. It's kinda disgusting tbqh, and I think she continues to use rap and hip hop music as a way to annoy them. Much like how complaints about her grillz just force her to wear them even more.

That makes sense. It’s totally what we could expect from her. 

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1 hour ago, nito84bcn said:

When she releases an album lately, is like there is no heart on it.

1 hour ago, nito84bcn said:

If she doesn't want to perform anymore, or record, it's fine. But don't take your public for granted like if everyone is stupid except for herself. 

what gives you this impression?

madonna felt pretty strong and confident about madame x. it wasn’t just a cash grab. you don’t have to like the album, however, but to assume there’s no heart in her records anymore?

you can say that about her luxurious skincare line (although she loves her rose mist), but certainly not about her records. 

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2 hours ago, Loki said:

Sincerely, I don't know what to expect. When I see her posts, I always have the feeling she's hiding her real intentions with tons of smoke screens. Maybe nowadays she's listening to what the market is offering, as she did in the '90 (oh, good old days), but I'm very doubtful she likes it: it's uncommon to love Nina Simone or other myths and then appreciate current rappers. Oh, don't forget she's already released an album with rappers. It's very unlikely she'll do the same thing twice (pray it won't happen). 

There is a thing called diversity, you know...

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6 hours ago, steady75 said:

I love me a political album but hmmm. I don’t know if it’s what her brand needs again so soon after quite a heavily / socio political album. 

Madame X was not a party album and I genuinely think we’re about to move into a more post war Glorious Technicolour escapist era in music. 

Life is heavy right now and historically young new artists speak about societal ills in times of crisis whilst established artists act as a reassuring comfort with messages of hope and escapism. 
I suppose that’s too much to expect of an artist like Madonna and I’m not sure if Fun is something I associate with her anymore anyway so it may come off as flaccid as Turn Up The Radio.

I dunno. I’d like her new music to literally feel like a hope filled Ray Of Light in this dark world right now. And that doesn’t have to be hearts and puppies... it doesn’t have to be gas masks and burning flags either. 
And Martyrdonna is the completely wrong tone. 

Ditto. The world needs rays of light and fun as much as possible. 

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4 hours ago, deathproof said:

and I think she continues to use rap and hip hop music as a way to annoy them. Much like how complaints about her grillz just force her to wear them even more.

This attitude puzzles me a lot. She’s never been known for shying away from everything but she’s never been as stubborn as she’s been in recent years. She could always differentiate well between criticism that came from people outside of her fan base (the criticism of her LAV choreography in 1990) and criticism that was a really harming her career. That’s why she did not continue to behave like during her infamous 1994 Letterman performance. 
These days, however, it seems as if she has lost this ability. People dislike something she does and she does it even more, no matter how much she alienates her fans by that. 

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5 hours ago, Loki said:

I really appreciated Madame X because it was dark enough to shock people and oblige them to ask themselves what kind of world they want to live in. And today shocking our society is not so easy, mainly because people lost the sense of wonder and think that everything is granted. We lost hope and trust in the future. 

I’ve never seen a Madame X as a record that was strong enough to actually make people question what kind of world they want to live in. Most of the more “political” songs remained rather vague in their lyrics. A song like Future is about everything and nothing, so is God Control. It was accompanied by a very literal video but lyrically none of the songs had a clear message such as Express Yourself e.g. had. 
Furthermore, the darker songs were mixed with and overshadowed by songs such as Medellin, Crave, Crazy, Faz Gostoso or Bitch I’m Loca which sounded quite out of place and in some cases pretty dull next to the more mellow songs. That’s why I’ve always seen Madame X as a very mixed bag and whatever vision Madonna had when she made the record, she did not manage to execute it in a way that her message was either understandable or relatable. 

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2 hours ago, nodoman said:

what gives you this impression?

madonna felt pretty strong and confident about madame x. it wasn’t just a cash grab. you don’t have to like the album, however, but to assume there’s no heart in her records anymore?

you can say that about her luxurious skincare line (although she loves her rose mist), but certainly not about her records. 

She barely promoted it, though. We had one performance of Medellin and one of Future. That was it. 
And while many artists played little gigs at home during the pandemic, she couldn’t be bothered to have David and Mercy accompany her on guitar and piano for a performance of Killers or Extreme Occident or any other of the more mellow songs from Madame X. 

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16 minutes ago, ShantiAshtangi said:

This attitude puzzles me a lot. She’s never been known for shying away from everything but she’s never been as stubborn as she’s been in recent years. She could always differentiate well between criticism that came from people outside of her fan base (the criticism of her LAV choreography in 1990) and criticism that was a really harming her career. That’s why she did not continue to behave like during her infamous 1994 Letterman performance. 
These days, however, it seems as if she has lost this ability. People dislike something she does and she does it even more, no matter how much she alienates her fans by that. 

The difference is the management team behind her. Guy O would NEVER be able to make a turn like Erotica/Bedtime/Evita.

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