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1 hour ago, tscott said:

LOL!  Yeah, the whole "polluting" mention is a bit over the top, but like you I wouldn't mind what you are saying.  I don't plan to be throwing away my collection anytime soon anyway.  Buying a Vinyl isn't like buying a plastic bottle of water.  People actually enjoy and play it for years and years. Making this an environmental issue seems a bit weird when there are far more things we use and throw away that are wasteful than a Vinyl album. Besides, I'm all for all other format options of music. It shouldn't be a competition how we enjoy Madonna.  As long as we are just enjoying her. It's just some fans prefer to own tangible things from her than something you can't see or touch.  At the same time, it doesn't mean people can't enjoy her by just streaming her music. :)

Personally, I buy mine and then throw them directly in the Hudson River. Fuck them fish!

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2 minutes ago, Would You Like To Try said:

I love your attitude with those vinyls I don't even have one but you inspire me to get a dozen copies of FEL!

Yesss, I love it! Once they arrive, we'll have a bonfire at my house and I'll show you how to burn them all so we can enjoy the sweet aromatic scent of the corrosive fumes eroding the ozone :hearteyes: I do it daily

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3 minutes ago, WokeUpInMedellin said:

Yesss, I love it! Once they arrive, we'll have a bonfire at my house and I'll show you how to burn them all so we can enjoy the sweet aromatic scent of the corrosive fumes eroding the ozone :hearteyes: I do it daily

I'll bring the marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate bars, so we can make Smores! 

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4 hours ago, tscott said:

LOL!  Yeah, the whole "polluting" mention is a bit over the top, but like you I wouldn't mind what you are saying.  I don't plan to be throwing away my collection anytime soon anyway.  Buying a Vinyl isn't like buying a plastic bottle of water.  People actually enjoy and play it for years and years. Making this an environmental issue seems a bit weird when there are far more things we use and throw away that are wasteful than a Vinyl album. Besides, I'm all for all other format options of music. It shouldn't be a competition how we enjoy Madonna.  As long as we are just enjoying her. It's just some fans prefer to own their music in a physical capacity.  At the same time, it doesn't mean people can't enjoy her by just streaming her music. :)

You’re not looking at the bigger picture. Maybe Madonna fans treasure their vinyls and many of them retain value but the vast majority of vinyls being pressed and sold today are by shitty artists and will be worthless and thrown out in years to come. People buying multiple copies of the same album in various colours is absolutely an environmental concern. Where do you think these vinyls will end up?

Of course this is just one of many forms of wastage and certainly not the worst but that doesn’t mean it’s something we should just not care about at all. It’s particularly wasteful because of the fact we have a better alternative now but are opting instead to buy 5 coloured editions of the same album and keep it shrink wrapped for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Record labels have been brilliant at conning people into believing they need these items.

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4 hours ago, Blue Jean said:

You’re not looking at the bigger picture. Maybe Madonna fans treasure their vinyls and many of them retain value but the vast majority of vinyls being pressed and sold today are by shitty artists and will be worthless and thrown out in years to come. People buying multiple copies of the same album in various colours is absolutely an environmental concern. Where do you think these vinyls will end up?

Of course this is just one of many forms of wastage and certainly not the worst but that doesn’t mean it’s something we should just not care about at all. It’s particularly wasteful because of the fact we have a better alternative now but are opting instead to buy 5 coloured editions of the same album and keep it shrink wrapped for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Record labels have been brilliant at conning people into believing they need these items.


It’s so alarming how people are making fun of pollution above. At least there are justifications for some pollutants and I’m sure there are worse but for something that is completely useless and we have much more advanced forms to avoid this type of pollution (streaming, digital purchase, etc). People really only care about money and what they want. All these artists should be coming together and not producing this kind of waste. They’re rich enough 

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6 minutes ago, Shoful said:


It’s so alarming how people are making fun of pollution above. At least there are justifications for some pollutants and I’m sure there are worse but for something that is completely useless and we have much more advanced forms to avoid this type of pollution (streaming, digital purchase, etc). People really only care about money and what they want. All these artists should be coming together and not producing this kind of waste. They’re rich enough 

I totally agree with that. Don't get me wrong, I'm not playing devil's advocate, but artists should also stop touring. Moving a stage around the world, their private jets, the light and sound pollution created by a concert. Once again, I agree.

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16 minutes ago, Shoful said:


It’s so alarming how people are making fun of pollution above. At least there are justifications for some pollutants and I’m sure there are worse but for something that is completely useless and we have much more advanced forms to avoid this type of pollution (streaming, digital purchase, etc). People really only care about money and what they want. All these artists should be coming together and not producing this kind of waste. They’re rich enough 

This is a valid important issue but much larger and complicated than simply asking artists stopping releasing physical music, especially in an age where physical music, while still selling, is far from being THAT important - and you know it. I'm sure the big tours are far, far, FAR worse in that sense. Lots of lighting every night, people traveling around the world, big stadiums full of people, etc. etc.

And as someone said before, digital music has a polluting price too, lots of servers, data, energy needed to transfer that data, of course charging our devices to be able to listen to the music, bla bla. All that energy needs to come from somewhere. Digital is not the magic solution to everything.

So more than people making fun of it I think it's just people saying "I don't think my CD and vinyl collection is the big issue here", and honestly I think they're right.

In the end it's all about our everyday personal decisions so if that's important for you (to not own any physical music, I mean), I totally respect that, of course.

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6 hours ago, Prayer said:

This is a valid important issue but much larger and complicated than simply asking artists stopping releasing physical music, especially in an age where physical music, while still selling, is far from being THAT important - and you know it. I'm sure the big tours are far, far, FAR worse in that sense. Lots of lighting every night, people traveling around the world, big stadiums full of people, etc. etc.

And as someone said before, digital music has a polluting price too, lots of servers, data, energy needed to transfer that data, of course charging our devices to be able to listen to the music, bla bla. All that energy needs to come from somewhere. Digital is not the magic solution to everything.

So more than people making fun of it I think it's just people saying "I don't think my CD and vinyl collection is the big issue here", and honestly I think they're right.

In the end it's all about our everyday personal decisions so if that's important for you (to not own any physical music, I mean), I totally respect that, of course.


Thanks for your post @Prayer and putting this in proper perspective!  Like you stated, no one is making fun of pollution.  It's just some of us prefer to own a physical copy of their favorite artist's music.  Nothing wrong with that as there is nothing wrong with enjoying your favorite music from streaming and digital formats. 

And to be honest I'm sure most pay more for data and Streaming fees than I spend in a year on Vinyls.  If not, that's great but it's not a contest here.  Enjoy your music how you please, without ridiculing those for how they decide to do so. 

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5 minutes ago, tscott said:


Thanks for your post @Prayer and putting this in proper perspective!  Like you stated, no one is making fun of pollution.  It's just some of us prefer to own a physical copy of their favorite artist's music.  Nothing wrong with that as there is nothing wrong with enjoying your favorite music from streaming and digital formats. 

And to be honest I'm sure most pay more for data and Streaming fees than I spend in a year on Vinyls.  If not, that's great but it's not a contest here.  Enjoy your music how you please, without ridiculing those for how they decide to do so. 

Agreed.No need for other people to make others feel bad for the lack of certain audio system

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To each their own. I don't buy vinyls because i don't like to own things but streaming pollutes a lot as well, the data we use to stream creates a lot of pollution too.

So maybe the right thing to do when you are a music lover is to not do both, buying vinyls and streaming. I Buy digital on Qobuz or Apple music and store on hard drives but i understand people wanting to own a physical record or wanting to stream to help her position (it shows how not only ridiculous this new system is but deadly as well). 

And yes we are contributing to climate change and the destruction of the planet and possibly all things alive on it. But we still want our little pleasures, hoping our own vinyl or our  own streaming won't affect much and it is other people's who are guilty, not us.

I am right now writing this, using data and electricity for my pleasure and not something essential. So i am aware of the situation but still can't help myself. We are doomed anyway. That's what i mean. Enjoy your vinyls and fight big oil companies instead, we can recycle and not buy plastic but it won't change a thing until these criminals are stopped. Our little recyclings are just farts in the ocean compared to how they destroyed and keep destoying the planet for their dollars and the ones of theyr shareholders. In fact, buy a multicolored Finally Enough love vinyls and use them to decapitate them. You would have your physical copy AND done something for the environment at the same time. I should buy a vinyl myself now that i think of it, there's a Total Energy assembly soon.

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1 hour ago, Roland Barthes said:

To each their own. I don't buy vinyls because i don't like to own things but streaming pollutes a lot as well, the data we use to stream creates a lot of pollution too.

So maybe the right thing to do when you are a music lover is to not do both, buying vinyls and streaming. I Buy digital on Qobuz or Apple music and store on hard drives but i understand people wanting to own a physical record or wanting to stream to help her position (it shows how not only ridiculous this new system is but deadly as well). 

And yes we are contributing to climate change and the destruction of the planet and possibly all things alive on it. But we still want our little pleasures, hoping our own vinyl or our  own streaming won't affect much and it is other people's who are guilty, not us.

I am right now writing this, using data and electricity for my pleasure and not something essential. So i am aware of the situation but still can't help myself. We are doomed anyway. That's what i mean. Enjoy your vinyls and fight big oil companies instead, we can recycle and not buy plastic but it won't change a thing until these criminals are stopped. Our little recyclings are just farts in the ocean compared to how they destroyed and keep destoying the planet for their dollars and the ones of theyr shareholders. In fact, buy a multicolored Finally Enough love vinyls and use them to decapitate them. You would have your physical copy AND done something for the environment at the same time. I should buy a vinyl myself now that i think of it, there's a Total Energy assembly soon.

It's a little ridiculous we are even having such a discussion about this.  We all know that just about anything can be thought of being bad for the environment.  And let's hope, most do what we can to not pollute or be so wasteful, but at the end of the day, unless you lock yourself in a dark closet, doing absolutely nothing, then you're going to end up doing something that contributes to polluting the earth.  To me, this whole discussion of trying to assume one music format is far more worse than another, seems dumb.  (NOTE: I never said anyone was dumb, I said the conversation seems dumb to me).  I certainly respect everyone's right to their opinion and how they enjoy life.  Sometimes, we just have to pick our battles when it comes to living life in a rational and safe manner.  Nothing is perfect and there is fault in just about anything and everything we do or say.  So again, we just have to pick our battles and hope for the best.  How one consumes music is the last thing I'm thinking about when it comes to what truly pollutes our earth in such harmful ways.

Like you said, "to each their own".  Enjoy your music how you please and don't let others make you feel bad for doing so.  There will always be argument which is better, but at the end of the day, it's up to each one of us how we decide to do it.  I prefer to own the artists I like, but I also balance it out by streaming those I somewhat like or enjoy, but not interested in owning their music. :)

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3 minutes ago, tscott said:

It's a little ridiculous we are even having such a discussion about this.  We all know that just about anything can be thought of being bad for the environment.  And let's hope, most do what we can to not pollute or be so wasteful, but at the end of the day, unless you lock yourself in a dark closet, doing absolutely nothing, then you're going to end up doing something that contributes to polluting the earth.  To me, this whole discussion of trying to assume one music format is far more worse than another, seems dumb.  I certainly respect everyone's right to how they enjoy life.  Sometimes, we just have to pick our battles when it comes to living life in a rational and safe manner.  Nothing is perfect and there is fault in just about anything and everything we do or say.  So again, we just have to pick our battles and hope for the best.  How one consumes music is the last thing I'm thinking about when it comes to what truly pollutes our earth in such harmful ways.

Like you said, "to each their own".  Enjoy your music how you please and don't let others make you feel bad for doing so.  There will always be argument which is better, but at the end of the day, it's up to each one of us how we decide to do it.  I prefer to own the artists I like, but I also balance it out by streaming those I somewhat like or enjoy, but not interested in owning their music. :)

What i meant is the way we consume music today is harmful to the environment, in fact everything we do in our way of living contributes to climate change HOWEVER, the little things we do are good BUT absolutely nothing compared to what big oil corps are doing to the planet. We could buy a thousand of vinyls each one of us or none, it won't change a thing because the real threat are the oil companies. Until we stop using oil there won't be a real change. And we should ALL be demanding that energy transition from oil to our governments not only to save what's left of the environment but because these companies and countries with oil, are assholes who abuse us, start wars and empty our pockets to make very few billionaires happy.

(and i don't like owning things because i almost died a few years ago and when i got out of my ordeal i was totally over materialistic stuff but i'm not judging, it's just my experience and the reason why i don't buy vinyls)

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21 minutes ago, Roland Barthes said:

What i meant is the way we consume music today is harmful to the environment, in fact everything we do in our way of living contributes to climate change HOWEVER, the little things we do are good BUT absolutely nothing compared to what big oil corps are doing to the planet. We could buy a thousand of vinyls each one of us or none, it won't change a thing because the real threat are the oil companies. Until we stop using oil there won't be a real change. And we should ALL be demanding that energy transition from oil to our governments not only to save what's left of the environment but because these companies and countries with oil, are assholes who abuse us, start wars and empty our pockets to make very few billionaires happy.

(and i don't like owning things because i almost died a few years ago and when i got out of my ordeal i was totally over materialistic stuff but i'm not judging, it's just my experience and the reason why i don't buy vinyls)

Yeah, I think we are saying the same thing. Like you, there are far bigger things than how we consume are music that is over polluting the world. 

And yeah, I completely understand your point about not "owning things".  Like said, there should be no shame either way.  Usually a health scare tends to put things in perspective for people.  Then again, I don't really go out of my way in doing materialistic things, but I'm gonna enjoy my life, and when I die people can do whatever the crap they want with anything I own.  I'll be dead and won't care either way.  Like I mentioned, I don't really own a lot of things as it is, so it will be a quick clean sweep when I finally kick the bucket. LOL!

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16 minutes ago, wtg1987 said:

Just being on this planet is damaging the earth - are we really going to go down this road in a Madonna forum ? are we really that bored now ??? Every person on this forum is polluting this planet don’t be Hippocrites please 🙄

LOL... I'm expecting this thread will only get furthered derailed once July 27th comes along and NOTHING but a crappy Holograph and slipmat is offered to us to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the debut album.

By the way, I know you have HUGE doubts (and I understand), but I still have faith (for the both of us) something is going to come regarding the Deluxe re-issues.  Once July 27th comes and goes, and nothing is at leasr announced, you and I will be 100% on the same side of things.  :lol:

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2 hours ago, Roland Barthes said:

To each their own. I don't buy vinyls because i don't like to own things but streaming pollutes a lot as well, the data we use to stream creates a lot of pollution too.

So maybe the right thing to do when you are a music lover is to not do both, buying vinyls and streaming. I Buy digital on Qobuz or Apple music and store on hard drives but i understand people wanting to own a physical record or wanting to stream to help her position (it shows how not only ridiculous this new system is but deadly as well). 

And yes we are contributing to climate change and the destruction of the planet and possibly all things alive on it. But we still want our little pleasures, hoping our own vinyl or our  own streaming won't affect much and it is other people's who are guilty, not us.

I am right now writing this, using data and electricity for my pleasure and not something essential. So i am aware of the situation but still can't help myself. We are doomed anyway. That's what i mean. Enjoy your vinyls and fight big oil companies instead, we can recycle and not buy plastic but it won't change a thing until these criminals are stopped. Our little recyclings are just farts in the ocean compared to how they destroyed and keep destoying the planet for their dollars and the ones of theyr shareholders. In fact, buy a multicolored Finally Enough love vinyls and use them to decapitate them. You would have your physical copy AND done something for the environment at the same time. I should buy a vinyl myself now that i think of it, there's a Total Energy assembly soon.

Greta is that you?

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6 hours ago, tscott said:


Thanks for your post @Prayer and putting this in proper perspective!  Like you stated, no one is making fun of pollution.  It's just some of us prefer to own a physical copy of their favorite artist's music.  Nothing wrong with that as there is nothing wrong with enjoying your favorite music from streaming and digital formats. 

And to be honest I'm sure most pay more for data and Streaming fees than I spend in a year on Vinyls.  If not, that's great but it's not a contest here.  Enjoy your music how you please, without ridiculing those for how they decide to do so. 

Nobody is trying to make anyone feel bad or police how they spend their money, we are just discussing something important. If you want to buy 10 copies of an album in different colours and support artists/labels exploiting fans with zero fucks to give about the environment then you can. But don’t be surprised when somebody else doesn’t understand or agree with it. We are free to discuss it. What others feel in reaction is determined by them only. If people do feel bad though I think that implies they agree deep down.

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