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That Times Square video was very nice. Perfect way to introduce and celebrate the 40th anniversary, who better than Madonna for the VMAs. She is the VMAs. Yes that extremely photoshopped close up was unfortunate, there was no need to change her face so badly, but anyways, the video as a whole was very good so i'm not making that much drama for a few seconds. 
And again her body. My gosh, how much do you wanna keep discussing her ass or her tits. Yes she has some work done there, we've been seen it for a few years now. The outfit was very tight, she didn't seem very comfortable in it but I guess she didn't care because she was on stage for just a minute. 
And the speech was a little bit weird in my opinion. She always seem nervous on tv, but this time was a little bit odd lol. The leaving was like... ok. :Madonna032: Anyways, the audience eat her up. That was very good. They went wild for her! :heart:

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28 minutes ago, Karma said:

I...did not expect so many negative reactions in this thread.

I thought the opening sequence was brilliant. The nod to New York City, the classic "$35 dollars and a dream" story and watching all those iconic videos displayed at once in Times Square really put into context everything she has achieved in the past 40 years. It dawned on me that it will never be another megastar like Madonna and once again, it remind me of the sheer magnitude of her legacy.

As for the actual appearance, I respect that she took the time out of her day to give MTV some credit. The cheering from the Gen Z crowd - that most definitely wasn't old enough to experience her peak - was almost like a victory lap. They might not know much about her career but they sure know she is a living legend.

And there she is, four decades later, still dressed in typical Madonna fashion, only older and more experienced. She's no longer 'like a virgin' but a seasoned industry veteran. Not an ambitious 'lucky star' but an indisputable icon. It made me feel weirdly nostalgic and I'm so grateful to still have her around because the thought of a world without Madonna is sad. Having Cyndi in the same building only added up to the nostalgia, even when admittedly I wasn't old enough to experience the 80s.

I expected most fans to recognize the cultural importance of this 40th career anniversary but instead, most comments go from off topic criticism (the quality of her music in the past 10 years) to personal attacks (divorce did a number on her, her lack of confidence, her plastic surgery) and plain offensive assumptions (she is a raging alcoholic or has a drug problem because of her Instagram posts).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should all be sycophants "Yasss Queen"-ing at her every move move but you know what year is it? It's 2021. Madonna is not longer a chart-topping pop star but a legacy act. She’s one of the few lucky survivors from the MTV era. From now on, physically demanding tours will be more infrequent and her brand will mostly focus on celebrating her past achievements, with only occasional new music for her niche fanbase.

I think holding her up to the same standards from 15-20 years ago is not only ridiculous but unfair. Our girl is older now. Of course she will have insecurities as an ageing sex symbol in the limelight but I don’t think she has changed that much on the inside, actually. She's still provocative and polarizing. She still refuses to be what society expects her to be. She's still passionate as ever about her newest projects. And I think that ageing on her own terms will be her last powerful statement.

If you think about it, her outfit looks straight out of the Erotica era and her attention-getting ways are no different than the bratty 31 year old woman from Truth Or Dare. But I guess for some fans that behavior doesn’t look as appealing now that Madonna is 63. Too much for society being more open-minded and progressive.

Thank you!

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I'm not surprised at all by the negative reactions here. At all. Hahahahah. And i love it. I love Madonna. She always pissed off people who deserve to be pissed off,  making assholes reveal themselves in the process. She's still the master of that art. Because this is what art is all about, to make people uncomfortable, to push their buttons so paesants spew all the hatred and fear they keep inside. Love you Madonna, queen of performance art. <3. 

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52 minutes ago, Karma said:

I...did not expect so many negative reactions in this thread.

I thought the opening sequence was brilliant. The nod to New York City, the classic "$35 dollars and a dream" story and watching all those iconic videos displayed at once in Times Square really put into context everything she has achieved in the past 40 years. It dawned on me that it will never be another megastar like Madonna and once again, it remind me of the sheer magnitude of her legacy.

As for the actual appearance, I respect that she took the time out of her day to give MTV some credit. The cheering from the Gen Z crowd - that most definitely wasn't old enough to experience her peak - was almost like a victory lap. They might not know much about her career but they sure know she is a living legend.

And there she is, four decades later, still dressed in typical Madonna fashion, only older and more experienced. She's no longer 'like a virgin' but a seasoned industry veteran. Not an ambitious 'lucky star' but an indisputable icon. It made me feel weirdly nostalgic and I'm so grateful to still have her around because the thought of a world without Madonna is sad. Having Cyndi in the same building only added up to the nostalgia, even when admittedly I wasn't old enough to experience the 80s.

I expected most fans to recognize the cultural importance of this 40th career anniversary but instead, most comments go from off topic criticism (the quality of her music in the past 10 years) to personal attacks (divorce did a number on her, her lack of confidence, her plastic surgery) and plain offensive assumptions (she is a raging alcoholic or has a drug problem because of her Instagram posts).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should all be sycophants "Yasss Queen"-ing at her every move move but you know what year is it? It's 2021. Madonna is not longer a chart-topping pop star but a legacy act. She’s one of the few lucky survivors from the MTV era. From now on, physically demanding tours will be more infrequent and her brand will mostly focus on celebrating her past achievements, with only occasional new music for her niche fanbase.

I think holding her up to the same standards from 15-20 years ago is not only ridiculous but unfair. Our girl is older now. Of course she will have insecurities as an ageing sex symbol in the limelight but I don’t think she has changed that much on the inside, actually. She's still provocative and polarizing. She still refuses to be what society expects her to be. She's still passionate as ever about her newest projects. And I think that ageing on her own terms will be her last powerful statement.

If you think about it, her outfit looks straight out of the Erotica era and her attention-getting ways are no different than the bratty 31 year old woman from Truth Or Dare. But I guess for some fans that behavior doesn’t look as appealing now that Madonna is 63. Too much for society being more open-minded and progressive.

The problem is that fans' negative reactions do not come from what you listed.

Yes. You're right. Opening sequence was good. But my (and many fans) problem is not the concept of video. Yes. Concept was not bad at all.

Real problem is her face in that video. I mean it is not live streaming. It was filmed at few days ago. It means they have plenty time for editing it. But they choose her worst angle and make her looks like movie saw's jigsaw. And the worst part is that Madonna herself approved it to broadcast.

And about her appearance and outfit. Yes we all agree that it was nice. No one blame it. 

So many negative reactions are not from her appearance or outfit itself! I would love it and praise it if her butt was normal. I mean if her butt is same and looks like natural as rebel heart tour (before that clown meltdown). If she didn't do ridiculous butt job then I'm the one shouthing "Yasssss Queen! Go girl!! Yes wear whatever you want! you looks so beautiful and fierce!!! age is just number! Yes go girl!!".

But look at her butt!

Is that really looks great to you?

It just sad....I mean how can we blame people with negative opinion about her unnatural and ugly huge butt?

We are not blind. sigh..

Edited by the queen (see edit history)
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I never expect Madonna to ‘act her age’ or ‘age gracefully’ 

but come on guys that outfit last night just looked awful regardless of who was wearing it. The after party outfit to me screamed classic Madonna and iconic.

I don’t know whether she is developing body dysmorphia but do you blame her? You’ve only got to check social media and the awful touched up pictures fans are constantly creating, not sure if it’s a new generation of fans but its to make you insecure about your body and strive to do something so extreme.

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I don't want to talk about her look or body or ass. Some say she is always nervous on tv, but come on! It was just two lines and she wasn't able to deliver them properly.

"And they said we wouldn't last".

I've heard it all before. A reference so old for the old. 

And actually, Mtv died years ago, so... 

If this means the Madonna of today is like the Mtv of today...

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6 minutes ago, deathproof said:

Cher has a big fat fake ass?

Cher looks flawless. But she’s only interested in looking good, not looking for shock value like Madonna does.

But it seems like she knew what she’s doing since the current audience of the VMAs loved her intro.

If she wants a huge ass we should all just let her have it lol. At least this one looks way better than whatever she had at the 2018 NYE.

What really bothers me is that terrible outfit…

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15 minutes ago, Enrico said:

I don't want to talk about her look or body or ass. Some say she is always nervous on tv, but come on! It was just two lines and she wasn't able to deliver them properly.

"And they said we wouldn't last".

I've heard it all before. A reference so old for the old. 

And actually, Mtv died years ago, so... 

If this means the Madonna of today is like the Mtv of today...

That was just a reference to the Letterman speech when she went to the VMAs with him. 

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9 minutes ago, cosmic_system said:

That was just a reference to the Letterman speech when she went to the VMAs with him. 


6 minutes ago, Prayer said:

It was a reference to the ending on the 10th MTV anniversary video:

And it wasn't in 1994 a reference to this, too?

So it would be a reference of a reference :lol:

I know, what I meant is that all of us all fans got it, not the young people in the audience she's trying to reach.

It's all about cultural references. Like the people she quotes in Superstar.

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This topic i wrote a while ago is as relevant as ever i guess.

Anyway...the entrance was great. The video was great, her walking out, etc was great. But she was nervous as hell. She's been nervous in every single public appearance since the Super Bowl and it's only getting worse as she ages.

But it's clear her body is talking to her...and she's not listening. And that's a damn shame. 

I will always love this woman but i feel like this is a cry for help. I also can't imagine how this woman is ever going to tour again and honestly? Can't imagine Madonna with us in 10 years. 

She's going to keep aging, she's going to keep making more and more invasive procedures. And honestly...she's walking into Michael Jackson creepiness territory i never expected from her. I was watching her Like a Prayer performance from Live 8 just a minute ago and...what happened? All that confidence is nowhere to be seen for years. 

Still...i'll always be here for her. She's still my queen. I just want her safe. That's all.

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11 hours ago, eXtremeOccident said:

I don’t know. I’ve gotten the vibe for a while now that a lot of her Instagram behavior may be attributable to that, and tonight she just seemed off. Her expression is regularly glazed and her eyes don’t seem….how should we put this….fully alive. Again, it could just be the nip tuck but I do worry a little bit about her.


She's been wearing blue contacts for a while. Her eyes are pretty green, we just don't really see them as much.

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Nerves and crowd noise aside fucking up her speech, It was a pretty good couple of mins of fun. It was supposed to be a surprise but dick fans get ahead of themselves saying they have inside knowledge. 'Shes gonna do a medley' ect, Oh get stuffed. She wasnt even announced as a guest. 

She showed her ass at the first awards which shocked people so whats she gonna do for this one years later??? 

People over analyse. She could be f'king dead like the rest of the Icons. We should bow to her not calling her an alcoholic druggy mess. 

She's been with a walking stick for a year then going out live in those high heels. Fans are fucking cruel. 

JESUS! Leave the forum, most are being reasonable but some should be ashamed. 

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