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7 minutes ago, Loru said:

I'm glad she's finally showing her butt, after three years of always wearing outfits that hide it (even the Madame X Tour costumes hide her ass).
It's obvious that the surgeon made some mistakes, especially in profile it looks very ugly, but I never understood why she was hiding it if she's proud of it.

Anyway, she looked good!

During her birthday in Italy she looked better, but she doesn't look bad this time either.



Looking at this, I don’t think she’s had any work done- she’s plumper and has been for years - her tits have never been as big (well except after having Lola). 

She’s had a great butt for years - look at sticky and sweet and MDNA - her body fat was probably only 10-12% - 




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1 hour ago, Andymad said:

I mean, I wouldn’t say bad influence. We’re in a weird world now. Technology, easy filtering at your fingertips… it’s addictive. It may bother us but it doesn’t bother her. Celebrities are used to being photoshopped and filtered. I think if she was severely obsessed with photoshopping her images then she wouldn’t make public appearances, or do live performances. At all. So really the joke is on us I think. 

Heres how I see it. Pre technology, pre internet, pre social media, it was rare to have any sort of updates from celebs like Madonna. Sure M has an active Instagram but to me, visually, that’s not M. The mystery is still there. So we sort of see something like her, but not like her due to the heavy filtering. So in reality it seems like it isn’t reality… until we see the real her in her own element. Performing, introducing the MTV awards. I’m probably wrong but that’s how I see it. Her life is on full display through social media but to me it’s almost like that’s not the real M. I’m crazy right? I’m not sure if that makes sense but in my head it does. SOS.

That applies to most people on social media.


23 minutes ago, Loru said:

I'm glad she's finally showing her butt, after three years of always wearing outfits that hide it (even the Madame X Tour costumes hide her ass).
It's obvious that the surgeon made some mistakes, especially in profile it looks very ugly, but I never understood why she was hiding it if she's proud of it.

Anyway, she looked good!

During her birthday in Italy she looked better, but she doesn't look bad this time either.



She was hiding it cause she got a horrible one at the end of 2018 when she made the surprise NYE appearance. That thing was grotesque and it probably took quite a while to be fixed.

It looks weird from the side cause her thighs are not wide enough for such a big ass. It’s a bit too big for her.

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1 hour ago, Jackie said:

Looking at this, I don’t think she’s had any work done- she’s plumper and has been for years - her tits have never been as big (well except after having Lola). 

She’s had a great butt for years - look at sticky and sweet and MDNA - her body fat was probably only 10-12% - 




But come on, let's be honest!
Take a good look, she put on weight but one can't put fat especially on his ass and like this, getting such a shape and disproportion.

She has always had a muscular but small (very small) ass. And she showed it from the early 80's tours all the way up to the Sticky and Sweet Tour.
Even as early as the MDNA Tour everyone had suspicions that she's had work done something. And I think that too. But she looked stunning.

She probably had her new ass implants again further in 2018. Her butt changed suddenly and with a big disproportion and she tried to hide it. You can see it a lot now, even when she recently put up videos where she was working out and she looked like she was in diapers.

ZomboDroid 15092021042956__01.jpg

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12 hours ago, Roland Barthes said:

The overreaction here ! Seriously come back in a few months and read what you wrote again...or in a few years. You shouldn't be spending that much time on someone especially to be so negative. Ask yourself why this triggers so much rage in you. It's unhealthy to witness. Really.  Breathe and think it over. It's not that important and not that bad.

This isn’t directed at you but why are some people here always lecturing people on how they should behave or think and questioning how they spend their time? People in glass houses….

And those same people write lengthy essays about this and that. This is a discussion forum people.

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2 hours ago, thegoldencalf said:

That applies to most people on social media.


She was hiding it cause she got a horrible one at the end of 2018 when she made the surprise NYE appearance. That thing was grotesque and it probably took quite a while to be fixed.

It looks weird from the side cause her thighs are not wide enough for such a big ass. It’s a bit too big for her.

I guess her stance is that if Kim K or Nicki Minaj can do it so can she. Theirs also looks weird to me.

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I was front row centre for Madame X in London. Ricardo was practically in my lap. 
I kept glancing at his phone during intervals and he was getting messages from “M” directing him in taking pictures…I thought what a strange job. 

Saw him next day in hotel having breakfast gossiping with one of her stylists…didn’t seem too happy. 

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2 hours ago, xrayeyes said:

I was front row centre for Madame X in London. Ricardo was practically in my lap. 
I kept glancing at his phone during intervals and he was getting messages from “M” directing him in taking pictures…I thought what a strange job. 

Saw him next day in hotel having breakfast gossiping with one of her stylists…didn’t seem too happy. 


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4 hours ago, Loru said:

But come on, let's be honest!
Take a good look, she put on weight but one can't put fat especially on his ass and like this, getting such a shape and disproportion.

She has always had a muscular but small (very small) ass. And she showed it from the early 80's tours all the way up to the Sticky and Sweet Tour.
Even as early as the MDNA Tour everyone had suspicions that she's had work done something. And I think that too. But she looked stunning.

She probably had her new ass implants again further in 2018. Her butt changed suddenly and with a big disproportion and she tried to hide it. You can see it a lot now, even when she recently put up videos where she was working out and she looked like she was in diapers.

ZomboDroid 15092021042956__01.jpg

It’s clear she had a small procedure done before the MDNA tour. That’s when I first noticed a difference. She just decided to go bigger, but too big for her frame. That’s why I think she pushes her breasts up to look bigger to balence herself out. 

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5 hours ago, xrayeyes said:

I was front row centre for Madame X in London. Ricardo was practically in my lap. 
I kept glancing at his phone during intervals and he was getting messages from “M” directing him in taking pictures…I thought what a strange job. 

It doesn’t seem that strange to me actually, it’s exactly what I imagined.

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19 hours ago, Roland Barthes said:

The overreaction here ! Seriously come back in a few months and read what you wrote again...or in a few years. You shouldn't be spending that much time on someone especially to be so negative. Ask yourself why this triggers so much rage in you. It's unhealthy to witness. Really.  Breathe and think it over. It's not that important and not that bad.

I guess some of us just see her more than a dancing puppet and care about her well being health wise, physically, emotionally and mentally. I don’t think that’s reactionary, over blown or rageful. It’s concern, but if you chose to frame it that way that’s on you. 

We’ve seen concerning  behaviour from her peers in terms of body image, substance abuse and controlling relationships and most of them are now dead. 

I think I’ve been a fan long enough to warrant noting a moment or pattern of concern. 
Yes Madonna is person but she is also a cultural icon and her journey matters. 
I tend to flip between a cultural case study and a woman I love in terms of critique / praise / compassion. 

These lambasting “you’re all misogynistic ageists” comments that get thrown out actually attempt to kill the conversation dead and move the spotlight. There are those that are, there are also those that wonder what is going on rather than just screaming “yass mamma werq fuck the haters” 

Second to this we know she has is attempting to tackle ageism and her continued fight against misogyny so…. We’re talking about it right? 
As with most worthy causes there are some ways to go about it that are more successful than others. I’d argue extensive, bordering on body dysmorphic, procedures probably aren’t they best route but that’s another conversation. Choice vs pressure on women and the male gaze. Is she leaning / pushing against that or is she leaning into it or perpetuating it.. or is she past that? 
Fuck the patriarchy is something I am more than down with. Not sure a giant fake ass and two fingers up is gonna dismantle that. 
She’s a feminist icon. It would be amiss to not observe and discuss the validity of her actions and also how her personal life affects those actions. 

Its nuanced and not as you paint it.
No beef but that’s my view. 

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You know what?

You Love it or hate it.

The one thing you can't denied is Madonna is genius of PR.

Like or not If Madonna want to get a people's attention She get people and media's attention.

But Look at the Jennifer Lopez!

She did the almost same thing witch Madonna did at same night and same Place!

She comes out in clothes that almost reveal her boobs and almost shows her pussy, and uses a minute more on stage than Madonna, but no one talks about Jennifer Lopez.

Like her or Not you have to admit that Madonna is A genius of PR.



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12 hours ago, Jackie said:

Looking at this, I don’t think she’s had any work done- she’s plumper and has been for years - her tits have never been as big (well except after having Lola). 

She’s had a great butt for years - look at sticky and sweet and MDNA - her body fat was probably only 10-12% - 




If you think she’s had no work done you’re delusional.

Shes had her butt done since the confessions era. Just like she used fillers in her lips since the early 90s

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4 hours ago, steady75 said:

I guess some of us just see her more than a dancing puppet and care about her well being health wise, physically, emotionally and mentally. I don’t think that’s reactionary, over blown or rageful. It’s concern, but if you chose to frame it that way that’s on you. 

We’ve seen concerning  behaviour from her peers in terms of body image, substance abuse and controlling relationships and most of them are now dead. 

I think I’ve been a fan long enough to warrant noting a moment or pattern of concern. 
Yes Madonna is person but she is also a cultural icon and her journey matters. 
I tend to flip between a cultural case study and a woman I love in terms of critique / praise / compassion. 

These lambasting “you’re all misogynistic ageists” comments that get thrown out actually attempt to kill the conversation dead and move the spotlight. There are those that are, there are also those that wonder what is going on rather than just screaming “yass mamma werq fuck the haters” 

Second to this we know she has is attempting to tackle ageism and her continued fight against misogyny so…. We’re talking about it right? 
As with most worthy causes there are some ways to go about it that are more successful than others. I’d argue extensive, bordering on body dysmorphic, procedures probably aren’t they best route but that’s another conversation. Choice vs pressure on women and the male gaze. Is she leaning / pushing against that or is she leaning into it or perpetuating it.. or is she past that? 
Fuck the patriarchy is something I am more than down with. Not sure a giant fake ass and two fingers up is gonna dismantle that. 
She’s a feminist icon. It would be amiss to not observe and discuss the validity of her actions and also how her personal life affects those actions. 

Its nuanced and not as you paint it.
No beef but that’s my view. 

The problem tho… are peoples assumptions that she’s insecure and something is wrong because she chooses to modify her body. (If anything, it takes more balls to get an ass that big and flaunt it) Trying to piece together a stumbled line in front of the camera, her love for a glass of Champagne, and her body modification like it’s some fucked up game of Clue and then say that it’s a healthy/realistic discussion is absurd. She squashed any doubt anyone should have when she addressed it after Stonewall and declared she had free agency over her body like everyone else does. Just because YOU don’t find it attractive doesn’t mean there’s some mental issue going on. Just because it’s exaggerated doesn’t mean she has delusion of what beauty is.  It’s also absurd to assume that every choice she makes in life has to be reframed as a political stance on feminism. All of the sudden everyone is a doctor capable of determining that an ass of that size on a frame of that size is detrimental to one’s body as a whole when there are women who are naturally built with big fat asses. You say it’s out of concern, but your concern arose because she stepped out of a box YOU created for HER. 

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35 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

The problem tho… are peoples assumptions that she’s insecure and something is wrong because she chooses to modify her body. (If anything, it takes more balls to get an ass that big and flaunt it) Trying to piece together a stumbled line in front of the camera, her love for a glass of Champagne, and her body modification like it’s some fucked up game of Clue and then say that it’s a healthy/realistic discussion is absurd. She squashed any doubt anyone should have when she addressed it after Stonewall and declared she had free agency over her body like everyone else does. Just because YOU don’t find it attractive doesn’t mean there’s some mental issue going on. Just because it’s exaggerated doesn’t mean she has delusion of what beauty is.  It’s also absurd to assume that every choice she makes in life has to be reframed as a political stance on feminism. All of the sudden everyone is a doctor capable of determining that an ass of that size on a frame of that size is detrimental to one’s body as a whole when there are women who are naturally built with big fat asses. You say it’s out of concern, but your concern arose because she stepped out of a box YOU created for HER. 

I find it odd that you chose NOT to question anything more than anything else….. Apart from my point of view of course..You are happy to question that, seemingly only because it doesn’t marry with your, (dare I say), slightly myopic view. 

Is it not curious that you take no balanced view of any of the concerns and legitimate questions raised or hinted at by numerous forum members and chose to just … blindly defend her albeit legitimate choices? 

No one is saying she shouldn’t do exactly what she wants, but for me to just eradicate any thought process as to why she does it or what it does or doesn’t say about her particular mind set or brand of feminism or whatever, is utterly absurd. She can do what she wants, I can think how I want. Why is that so threatening to you? 

I find it weird that a fan of a woman who taught us to question, chooses …not to question her, but only those that question her. 

It’s clear we won’t agree, but my thoughts still stand and it would seem I’m not alone. 

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