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Madame X, Dave Chappelle, ‘Transphobia’ & Cancel Culture


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Thank you for sharing, RUADJAI. I feel like listening to queer BIPOC is always a good barometer of where our attitudes should be on this, considering they're more than familiar with both black issues and queer issues, and how they aren't always disjoint. Also, glad they're sort of mentioning some of the things I did as well.


I feel like there's this transitive property that goes like "Madonna is a saint who can't do no wrong" => "She included Chappelle in her special" => "Chappelle must be a saint too" => "Therefore, the naysayers are just snowflake losers who don't believe in Freeze Peach, lol trans people are horrible amirite" <insert Madonna's Baldwin quote or something she said 30 years ago> EPIC WIN . As I said, bringing Madonna into this was just pointless, when the discussion literally has nothing to do with her. 

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On 10/20/2021 at 2:15 PM, Roland Barthes said:

Chappelle is a transphobic asshole and so is anyone who supports and defends him. Now if you can't live with being called transphobic then don't be. As for Madonna she should have included Lil Nas X instead of Chappelle whom no one cares about outside of the US and his coming out as terf is not his first nasty comment about the lgbt community. So if Madonna gets in hot water for standing by this moron it will be deserved because it makes her look like a hypocrite. She benefited from the trans community with Vogue so she should at least support them when they are attacked not only by this sack of shit but also by a huge company like Netflix whom after boring everyone with their series by (most ofthe time) ridiculously including every possible minority in the cast to boost their streaming ratings are now showing its true face.


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On 10/30/2021 at 2:29 PM, into the erotico said:


you think madonna would include only popular people in her show when she says herself " she is not here to be popular " - shes not that kind of artist - she never was tbh - she includes who she wants and he is perfect in my opinion due to the whole theme of the show etc etc ..i do not think he is transphobic and i think that all this negative attention must have done his views wonders on netflix lol ...i said what i said 

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On 10/30/2021 at 2:29 PM, into the erotico said:


She benefited from the trans community with Vogue ?

wtf is this ? 

god i tire of some of the BS Some so called fans spew out 

what you said sounds like what a hater would spit out ..like her career depends on the lgbt because of vogue like it was her only hit song ..


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On 10/31/2021 at 3:51 PM, hankypanky2021 said:

you think madonna would include only popular people in her show when she says herself " she is not here to be popular " - shes not that kind of artist - she never was tbh - she includes who she wants and he is perfect in my opinion due to the whole theme of the show etc etc ..i do not think he is transphobic and i think that all this negative attention must have done his views wonders on netflix lol ...i said what i said 

i asked what is th case. Nevermind

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What does Madonna have to do with what Dave Chappelle thinks? I doubt she even knows what he said, considering she's out of touch with what happens in her own career right now, or what people on Twitter say about her daily. He said that after the release of the tour too.

Idk anything about him, but i noticed that he and Madonna have been together many times. Idk how a person that obviously likes Madonna can be transphobic, but you never know. His comment was inelegant but maybe he didn't really want to insult anyone, Madonna made something similar in 2014 with the n-word post, so idk.


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He's transphobic AF, just like JK Rowling, and his presence darkens what otherwise is a brilliant film.

As far as "humour is humour" advocates can go, I doubt anybody would make jokes about topics as sensitive as HIV (for example) and still consider them humour. Trans people are a marginalized minority and acts like Dave Chappelle and JK Rowling, as big as they are in terms of fame, should not use their platforms to spread hatred against them in any form, because they have a real impact on how certain people think.



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