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Finally Enough Love: 50 Number Ones

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I get you,  i think it goes back to the too much exposure..   photo's of her on the toliet saying she's getting her shit together..  we don't need that.   It's inspiring that she has a fantastic family etc also..  but we don't need to see her kids everyday either.   We see far to much.   Everyday i long for info about box sets etc..  I look at her facebook / instagram or whatever and she just appears to be pissing about.   If your going to post images of yourself in a studio why can't we see her singing or doing the mixing.   It's like she longs to be a teenager again and that's what i don't like :(

I can’t stand hearing about artists’ children! Zzz
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4 hours ago, scamper said:

I think the problem is not that she does things too late, the problem is that she announces things too soon. It's like she says "I have an idea, a new album of remixes, I'm going to post it on instagram right now!" and after that she starts thinking "Which songs do I have to include? Will be new remixes or old ones? Oh, I have to call a DJ... wait, maybe  I can invite others to sing with me. Oh, the DJ is busy, I have to wait..." And all that takes time and people start to get tired of waiting and when it comes out is like "I've been waiting for this a year, I'm bored of it... Next!!!!!".



Does it really matter though? 
I’m pretty sure only the hardcore fans get really hyped up and impatient about these announcements and they’ll buy/stream the stuff whenever it’s released.

I don’t think it makes a real difference 

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3 hours ago, Matty said:

She’s oversaturated herself,  Instagram has become a career killer for her unfortunately. 

Nah.... the problem is us and I mean that in a way that is more tangible than it sounds.  We live in a very instantaneous world.  I ordered a 65 inch TV last night and I have already checked the delivery status this morning at 6am.  It is out for delivery... but it is the first thing that I looked at this am.  We want things "right now" as if a turn around time of twenty hours is too much.  Madonna is attempting to give us a bit of the instanteous in her posts. "This is happening right now". I prefer pics and videos of her thoughts and ideas to three and four year blackouts.  


Also, Madonna is indeed taking and posting a lot of photos lately but many people of all ages post obsessively about lots of things.  It is not a "teenager" thing.  Madonna is an artist.  Her brain is wired like an artist.  Whe she feels inspired, she wants to create.  The posts are part of the process.  Instagram is a new artform.  She is expressing herself through a newly discovered (for her) media.  Instagram offers both personal and professional marketing for the 2020's.  


One last thing, it is a very competitive world.  People move on to the next thing very quickly.  All social media users move on to the next topic... the next fad... the next discovery... the next star.  Without new posts, people stop looking.  Why check an Instagram account if it is not continuously updated?  Look at her website... I never go there as it never changes.  I do check her Instagram regularly see what is cooking.  I actually like the fact that she posts.  Every post cannot be an official announcement.  It just can't be.  Instagram is an instant shot of something happening in the now.  It offers a connection, especially for a person that cannot just walk in to a crowd.  Fame comes with a lot of isolation.  Especially at Madonna's level.  


Just some thoughts.

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To be fair the only thing that bothers me is the use of the word #soon. I actually don’t want the re-releases or the single releases on streaming to be RIGHT NOW, I just want to know about when will they be, to adjust expectations 


I would be totally fine if they said the first re-issue will be in October. We can stop obsessing about it, it would be less frustrating to be waiting forever. Same with the single re-issues. If they said 1 is coming every 3 months, I would be ok. It’s the “we don’t know if that was the last one or if there’s more coming” thing that bothers me


but with all that said, I am still super pumped and can’t wait to see what is coming. I am personally not very demanding, I loved the true blue anniversary edition lol. I am happy with anything 

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This is the calm before the storm of all things Madonna! Enjoy the teasers and foreplay! Be grateful for the exchange and interactions. Let's be happy knowing that they are working on special projects, and that we are included, in some capacity, in the process. 

In the meantime, I enjoy the community here! All the sharing of info, speculations, insights, rants, humour, and sharing of ideas and support is fun! Especially during these times, in the aftermath of shared isolation, anxiety, loss and hope!

Those wondering why they are releasing DCFMA before the Frozen remix could be that DCFMA did not make the cut in the remix project, but they want us to have it regardless. Also, an indicator that they are continuing down the stream of those digital releases among new projects and reissues. 


Masoona is coming with the clouds.

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3 hours ago, Drownedboy said:

Yes on the one hand. On the other, I remember when I started liking her and being interested, it seemed like she was super private and everything she was cooking was super secret and exciting and magical, that is after ROL. And to me she was super classy. With each new release, I felt everything was carefully planned, she looked amazing, the live performances were carefully done, rehearsed and you saw she was into them, vocally, physically..oh the good old times. Now, to tell you the truth, I don´t care if she records new music or makes a movie or whatever, I feel I won´t like the product anyway as much as I liked them in the past. So, it´s waiting till death but waiting for products that are not so good as in the past. A tik tok remix of Frozen that takes months to be completed when she released such iconic, brave, innovative and influecial records in the past? And it´s not ageism, cause I do believe totally she could be very good again if she had it as a goal.

 I think she has been amazing almost till Madame x, although not all her eras have been so classy and beautiful. But it´s lately that to me she has lost the magical aura she had, and the feautures I associaded with her persona are not there anymore: truly well thoughts remarks, high stamina like noone else, well done and well focused planning, a super trained physic, and very well trained voice, intelligent messages, great music, awesome videos. I really thing she has been very depressed at some point and stopped the  fighting, a thing I can understad totally, but it feels like the Madonna I loved it´s not there anymore. I only hope at least she is happy privately..anyway her legacy will always be in my heart for the rest of my life.

She was only "classy" during that period because she had to clean her image up for Evita and then Kabahlaa made her all pious and a bit "I've discovered spirituality so now I'm enlightened" which continued until the divorce from Guy. Which was great for her public image as it made her seem more friendly, I guess. She acted like she is now back in the 80s and early 90s, she was the ultimate brat. My Mam was always rolling her eyes at her for things she said and did. So I think she's just gone back to her natural state to be honest, even if that does come with a certain amount of insecurity. But everyone has that to some degree....

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I think a media blackout for an entire year or more would do her image the world of good. People need to crave her again. Mystery is very attractive and one of the best marketing tools there is. Let the art speak and close your camera. 

That is not where she wants to be though so...

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3 hours ago, Bjonkers said:

She was only "classy" during that period because she had to clean her image up for Evita and then Kabahlaa made her all pious and a bit "I've discovered spirituality so now I'm enlightened" which continued until the divorce from Guy. Which was great for her public image as it made her seem more friendly, I guess. She acted like she is now back in the 80s and early 90s, she was the ultimate brat. My Mam was always rolling her eyes at her for things she said and did. So I think she's just gone back to her natural state to be honest, even if that does come with a certain amount of insecurity. But everyone has that to some degree....

She was not like this in the true blue era or even erotica, I can tell you.

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5 minutes ago, Alpha said:

She literally gave head to an evian bottle but go on and have your moment in the sun. 

Yes but at the same time she was releasing iconic music, record breaking tours, redefining fashio, women position, the way of doing concerts for a pop star, changing pop culture, performing like a goddess and selling millions of records. I would not mind her nasty pictures of instagram had she continued this level of hard work and great art.

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1 minute ago, Drownedboy said:

Yes but at the same time she was releasing iconic music, record breaking tours, redefining fashio, women position, the way of doing concerts for a pop star, changing pop culture, performing like a goddess and selling millions of records. I would not mind her nasty pictures of instagram had she continued this level of hard work and great art.

She is literally still pumping out great music. MDNA Rebel Heart Madame X all have great music. Her tours are literally so massively successful. Her fashion is still ever evolving and she fucking serves. Selling millions is over now but if that is your only gripe then damn sucks to be you I guess!

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I have been a Madonna fan since the start of her career and I will always support her but the years since her divorce have been very hard for me to watch. I dont care about how many albums she sells or if she has another hit, I just want her to have even a fraction of the respect she deserves for her musical legacy before she dies and everyone comes out licking the ground she walked on. I suppose Confessions was the last time she had been really cool, man I miss the days when she was mature and elegant but still sexy and had not destroyed her appearance with ugly procedures. I was floored how gorgeous she looked on the Confessions Tour when I saw it live. I would give anything to bring back Madonna the artist and get rid of Madonna the influencer, I wish she would start working on a new album and tour and abandon the legacy harming biopic.

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2 minutes ago, Skyline Pigeon said:

I have been a Madonna fan since the start of her career and I will always support her but the years since her divorce have been very hard for me to watch. I dont care about how many albums she sells or if she has another hit, I just want her to have even a fraction of the respect she deserves for her musical legacy before she dies and everyone comes out licking the ground she walked on. I suppose Confessions was the last time she had been really cool, man I miss the days when she was mature and elegant but still sexy and had not destroyed her appearance with ugly procedures. I was floored how gorgeous she looked on the Confessions Tour when I saw it live. I would give anything to bring back Madonna the artist and get rid of Madonna the influencer.

You poor thing. I can only imagine the trauma you've been through. 

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2 hours ago, Drownedboy said:

Yes but at the same time she was releasing iconic music, record breaking tours, redefining fashio, women position, the way of doing concerts for a pop star, changing pop culture, performing like a goddess and selling millions of records. I would not mind her nasty pictures of instagram had she continued this level of hard work and great art.

You should probably try and find another pop star who is more 'perfect' to follow then. Holding M to these ridiculous standards is daft, entitled and makes you sound like some colonial overlord or some Trumpian 'nasty woman' hater. If don't like her output that's fine, take a seat, but hating on her for being herself, still exploring ideas and creating the work she wants to create is inhumane and shows little understanding of how a creative being operates. Life ebbs and flows, nothing stays the same. Yet you think she should? She knows who she is and she knows what she's not.

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7 hours ago, Alpha said:

She is literally still pumping out great music. MDNA Rebel Heart Madame X all have great music. Her tours are literally so massively successful. Her fashion is still ever evolving and she fucking serves. Selling millions is over now but if that is your only gripe then damn sucks to be you I guess!

Well I can agree with you on some of this. Madame X was a really good album that was actually experimental, It has really grown on me in the last year, her best album since Confessions in my opinion. As for MDNA and Rebel Heart, they have a mixture of really solid tracks and really awful ones. Rebel Heart in particular is a shame because it started out so strong and then fizzled out into filler, I would still rate it as her third best album of the 2000's though. In terms of touring, Madame X made money like all her tours do and I loved the experience of seeing her so up close and intimate but it really hurt her credibility with non fans because she was always late and refused to play a bunch of hits. There were some people being very rude to her in the crowd at the show I was at.

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50 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

So,  you've seen it?

Feeling Silly Season 3 GIF by Living Single

 It is likely this biopic is going to be destroyed by critics regardless of its quality, articles have already started even though we still know next to nothing about it. So yeah, I view it as hurting her legacy. Madonna also has a mediocre track record as a director up to this point so why should I expect it to be anything other than bad? some call that being cynical, I call it being realistic and if I am wrong that would be amazing as I would love to see Madonna's projects do well.

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6 minutes ago, Jet said:

I never understood the w.e reviews. That’s a really beautiful film. I recently watched Spencer, which is a similar tone and w.e is so much better. It definitely holds up against all the other royal family films and tv shows imo.

W.E. is not as bad as people said it is too.

Am I not seeing what they're seeing? Are they hating it because it is Madonna?

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