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Finally Enough Love: 50 Number Ones

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VERY interesting (but very technical too) info about the album by Q4Music from the PopJustice forum:

"Really boring bit of backend admin talk here, but I just had a peek at the metadata for the album, and saw that the ISRC codes for most of the remastered tracks were raised/allocated by Rhino/Warner last year, so the label seems to have had the product(s) in the works for longer than I would have thought. ISRC allocation is one of the last things that happens in the supply chain process, normally.

The exceptions (from this 1-disc set) are Everybody and Hollywood, which were allocated in 2022. Generally this would indicate that tracks are a late addition to a project.

(The Universal tracks just use their original ISRCs from their initial release years, UMG don't tend to allocate a new code every time something is remastered, just look at the Abba catalogue.)

TL,DR - album's been on the cards for yonks, possibly even got delayed a bit, and two of the songs might not have originally been on it."


"Prompted by an earlier post today, I've had a little nose around the ISRCs for the full 50-track Goliath to see if there was any other interesting things to be inferred from the allocation of these codes (which are basically little digital "barcodes" for each track which DSPs use to track plays and report sales to chart companies etc.)

You can tell the year in which a code is generated/allocated from the code itself. US-RH1-21-02962 is the code for Holiday (7" Version) [2022 Remaster]. The US is obviously the country, RH1 is the code pertaining to the rights-holder, here it's Rhino (previously Madonna codes were US-WB1-xx-xxxx for Warner Bros, so this is an interesting development in itself, it shows that she's been handed over completely to the catalogue peeps and the admin is being treated accordingly.) The next two digits are the year. So these codes were generated before January 1, 2022.

Generally, as an album is being entered into a label's catalogue management system, a code will be generated for each track (if one doesn't already exist) as they are entered. Consequently, most albums ever in existence, particularly pre-digital age ones, have a sequential sequence of codes that match the running order of the record. The same is true here... almost. There's clearly been some changes to the project before it was finalised. We can only guess what they were, but we can make good guesses.

So, following US-RH1-21-02962 for "Holiday" the codes were generated, going up one each turn, all the way up to US-RH1-21-03001 for "Celebration", the final Warner-owned recording. (Universal and Sony supplied their own (mainly) original codes for Warner's metadata. Turn Up The Radio, Living For Love and Bitch I'm Madonna all have 2021 codes, presumably because they never had commercial releases prior to this.)

Three further codes were generated in 2022, for Physical Attraction, Everybody and Hollywood, suggesting that these tracks were later additions to the project, in the case of Hollywood, more likely that another mix was originally going to feature.

HOWEVER - there's a few missing from the 2021 sequence and we're left to try and figure out what they were:

US-RH1-21-02965 - between Material Girl (02964) and Open Your Heart (02966). That's where Into the Groove sits on the track listing now but it already has its own code (02968) which seems to indicate it was originally intended to feature AFTER Open Your Heart and whatever US-RH1-21-02967 is, because it is missing also. I'm thinking 02965 must have been Angel. What other track falls between Material Girl and Open Your Heart in her sequence of Dance Chart #1's and ISN'T Into The Groove? Must have been. And the only thing 02967 could possibly be is Causing A Commotion, as it comes straight after Open Your Heart and prior to You Can Dance, where Into the Groove's code indicates it was originally meant to go.

If - on any of the upcoming reissues/remasters - these two codes pop up, we shall know for certain.

The only other missing codes come between USRH12102990 (American Life) and USRH12102993 (Nothing Fails). Obviously one of them must have been whatever mix they originally chose for Hollywood. The other one is a guess only, but as it's where the Sony-owned Britney track falls on the tracklist, I suspect whoever generated the codes accidentally generated an unnecessesary Rhino code for it as well (and perhaps they did the same thing for the Universal tracks as well, but it we'll never know because they all fall after the numeric sequence.)

In a nutshell, it looks like the You Can Dance tracks were last minute additions and Causing a Commotion and Angel were sacrificed for them, and Into the Groove was originally going to be placed where the You Can Dance tracks are now, and after Causing a Commotion."

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1 hour ago, Aiwa08 said:

The Red vinyl has arrived. :whip:

My 6LP is still traveling. Now is in France, but I don't know how much I have to pay for the customs. :hyper:

The rest (silver, transparent, 3CD, japanese version) still traveling. 

I had to pay 13€ for the red vinyl coming from UK. My 6lp box has been sent on Friday. 

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15 minutes ago, theglamorous said:

After the shock of the True Blue results I think I'd prefer to stay in the dark about these things. I actually love Open Your Heart, it's in my top 9 True Blue songs for sure

I was expecting Papa Don't Preach to win, not gonna lie. :laughing:


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Can someone explain to me the logic behind the tagging of artists on the Spotify version of the album? Instead of tagging the artist name, they've used an alternative alias or their 'name as per passport'. For example: 

Erotica (Underground Club Mix) - not tagged at all, yet the version on the single tags Louie Vega and Kenny Gonzales instead of MAW.

Music - tagged as Dubfire, Sharam instead of Deep Dish (or Dubfire and Sharam on the Music EP!!)

Sorry - tagged as Neil Tennant + Chris Lowe instead of Pet Shop Boys

Girl Gone Wild - tagged as Tim Bergling instead of Avicii

Jump - tagged as Axel Hedfors instead of Axwell!! I mean, it was Axwell tagged on the single EP, why change it? Axel Hedfors has NO OTHER SONGS on the platform.

Poor old Ralph Rosario , Deepsky and Bob Sinclair being ignored altogether. Above and Beyond...I could go on. 

Surely it would be in the best interests of her streaming profile to be visible on the actual artist pages who remixed the tracks??? I want fans of Axwell, Masters At Work, PSB etc to be able to easily click on her songs as they appear in their respective discographies. Nobody knows their real names. It seems to be a CHOICE rather than an error.


Also, whilst I'm nit-picking, it's rather strange that yet again not all of the tracks are matched with earlier versions of the tracks. For example:

Express Yourself isn't matched with the same version of the song on the EY single 

Bedtime Story isn't matched with the same version of the song on the BS single (even though Junior's Secret mix is!)

American Pie, Music, I'm sure there are more....

We want her play counts to be correct, not diluted with every new release.


OK rant over (sponsored by Guinness). As you were.

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