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Her face...what a shock

Thiago Ciola

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She looks like a great 60 something year old woman much better than the over filtered instagram pictures, but it’s her life she should be able to do whatever she wants and show herself on social media how she wants. It must be so hard to be in the public eye and have people comment on your appearance, it must affect her and it must make her feel insecure. 
That female journalist is a c*nt and what’s disgusting as a female she should be supporting I doubt she’ll look that great when she’s that age

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This tug of war about the way she looks feels pointless. There are times she will look great. There are times she won't. Eventually most people are going to get there too. And then one day we'll all be dead. Would I have imagined this is the road she would have gone down? No. But it's her face and body. I do think it would be interesting to see what she would have looked like with minimal maintenance work at this point. But people would always have a problem either way. I think more than the surgery, a certain segment of her fan base considers it a sin that she gained a little weight. 

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7 hours ago, Thiago Ciola said:

The truly sad thing about this is people bringing attention to Daily Mail articles. 

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I wonder what these people criticizing her apperance look like now or will look like at 63...come on post your pics, let's judge since you allow yoursef to do it to others, you should allow others to do it to you. It's her face and body, not a record or a movie, she does what she wants to do with it, if it bothers you so much than you're even more shallow than you accuse her to be. Seriously, get a grip. Stop shaving, stop coloring your hair when it gets grey, stop wearing hoodies after 35, stop being on a pop star forum on the internet talking about said popstar appearance after you're 25...the list of what people should or should not be doing after they are a certain age could be very long and yet one can shovel it up his ass. Do what you want with your life and body as long as it does not hurt anyone and let people do the same, if you don't then don't act surprised if you're being criticized for it.  You only get back what you put out and if it's negative energy that's what you'll get in return. As for the "aging gracefully" stuff, seriously, start living graciously yourself like not being judgemental. It's a bad look. I'd rather not age "gracefully" by your standards than live and age bitterly. 

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11 hours ago, yeezuslovesmypussybest said:

If you don't wanna be called dumb, don't be dumb.

Society doesn't demand those things of older women, in fact they are terrified of old women showing skin and being provocative, and continuing to do the same things society does demand of younger women who fit the male gaze standards. There is a reason Madonna is hated for doing what she does - because it challenges societal norms and it forces small minded people to think.

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how the male gaze (and misogyny) works. Madonna getting surgery and showing skin and being confident isn't submitting or resorting to anything, it's actively rebelling against misogynistic expecations and limitations for women, and challenging the male gaze by existing outside of it.

Precisely why I say she is decades ahead of everyone else. You would've been one of the voices calling her an immoral whore / witch for creating Erotica and the Sex book only to eat your words when everyone else begins to understand what she actually meant, decades on.

Like I said - Limiting Madonna's right to do the same things that younger women do, because of her age, IS AGEIST.

Since when have surgery and implants and filters (even more so when their use is excessive) characterize a person who is sure of herself and her body?

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I don´t think she looks very good cause I see her artificial but I don´t think it´s terrible either, even the hands for me look right for a 60 years old person who had trained a lot, as she has. I think she probably looked much better in person and the pictures and her pose are not making her any favour. 

We have discussed candid pictures of M since forever, I don´t know what is wrong with discussing them now.

In fact, what surprises me the most is how wrinked is Rocco for a 22 years old person. I mean, he seems much older! 

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During her speech on Billboard, Madonna criticized society for denigrating older women because of their age. And it's true what she said. That is why we see more and more how old women, to avoid being criticized by society due to their age, will do everything in their power to delay or hide being in that stage of life. And how will they do it? Through surgery, implants and the excessive use of filters in photos. That will help them to continue looking young and all to please that society that condemns old age in women and that seeing them will no longer criticize them but will flatter them with comments such as "How beautiful she looks, she doesn't look her age", or "She doesn't seem that she was 80 years old, she looks 33", etc.

And I feel that Madonna falls into what she criticized so much in her speech. After all, no one can deny that the use of filters in photos is to appear what you are not. And as for surgery and implants, it has always been criticized as it goes against the message "Accept yourself as you are", so there is nothing positive about them (and much less when their use is excessive) and they should not be used to defend a person and set them as an example.

In the end it is just a contradiction but everyone has them, what is not right is condemning someting in public but you end up doing it in practice, for example those who condemn the use of women as sexual objects but have a close friendship with people who promote that in their music videos and in the lyrics of their songs but that is another story.


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10 minutes ago, chaosmen1984mk said:

During her speech on Billboard, Madonna criticized society for denigrating older women because of their age. And it's true what she said. That is why we see more and more how old women, to avoid being criticized by society due to their age, will do everything in their power to delay or hide being in that stage of life. And how will they do it? Through surgery, implants and the excessive use of filters in photos. That will help them to continue looking young and all to please that society that condemns old age in women and that seeing them will no longer criticize them but will flatter them with comments such as "How beautiful she looks, she doesn't look her age", or "She doesn't seem that she was 80 years old, she looks 33", etc.

And I feel that Madonna falls into what she criticized so much in her speech. After all, no one can deny that the use of filters in photos is to appear what you are not. And as for surgery and implants, it has always been criticized as it goes against the message "Accept yourself as you are", so there is nothing positive about them (and much less when their use is excessive) and they should not be used to defend a person and set them as an example.

In the end it is just a contradiction but everyone has them, what is not right is condemning someting in public but you end up doing it in practice, for example those who condemn the use of women as sexual objects but have a close friendship with people who promote that in their music videos and in the lyrics of their songs but that is another story.


Yes but Madonna has always been quite contradictory if you ask me (and I love her): But she is always trying to be super famous but then she educates us in that being rich and famous is not the most important thing and bla bla..then she loses popularity and tries whatever she can to recover it and changes her mood and message in order to that. She tries to do a scandal pushing people bottons and defending freedom of express yourself  but when it´s too much she goes mainstream and pretends in interview that she is that poor artist relegated and punished for trying to express herslef, when she totally knew at the very start that she was playing with fire. Being young and pretty is not the most important thing but then I try whatever in order to seem younger and have sexy and young dancers as boyfriends..Blaa. 

Where´s that 2004 I´m going to tell I secret Madonna that was seeking the light and going to Israel to make things better and that spoked so highly about Kaballah. I mean I thought she had evolved till being who she really was since the start, I bought her speech at that time. In 2022, I see it was not truth, but one disguise more. 

At the end there is a woman who is not so spiritual, who is terrify of aging, who has lost her artistical drive, who has lost the touch with her audience, and that lives for satisfying younger generations that do not know her or apreciate what she has done, sadly. That´s how I feel about M thoses days.

Edited by Drownedboy (see edit history)
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6 minutes ago, Drownedboy said:

Yes but Madonna has always been quite contradictory if you ask me (and I love her): But she is always trying to be super famous but then she educates us in that being rich and famous is not the most important thing and bla bla..then she loses popularity and tries whatever she can to recover it and changes her mood and message in order to that. She tries to do a scandal pushing people bottons and defending freedom of express yourself  but when it´s too much she goes mainstream and pretends in interview that she is that poor artist relegated and punished for trying to express herslef, when she totally knew at the very start that she was playing with fire. Being young and pretty is not the most important thing but then I try whatever in order to seem younger and have sexy and young dancers as boyfriends..Blaa. 

It is true, as it happened with the spiritual Madonna, back in 1998 that once the Ray of Light era ended we never saw her again.

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3 hours ago, Drownedboy said:

Yes but Madonna has always been quite contradictory if you ask me (and I love her): But she is always trying to be super famous but then she educates us in that being rich and famous is not the most important thing and bla bla..then she loses popularity and tries whatever she can to recover it and changes her mood and message in order to that. She tries to do a scandal pushing people bottons and defending freedom of express yourself  but when it´s too much she goes mainstream and pretends in interview that she is that poor artist relegated and punished for trying to express herslef, when she totally knew at the very start that she was playing with fire. Being young and pretty is not the most important thing but then I try whatever in order to seem younger and have sexy and young dancers as boyfriends..Blaa. 

Where´s that 2004 I´m going to tell I secret Madonna that was seeking the light and going to Israel to make things better and that spoked so highly about Kaballah. I mean I thought she had evolved till being who she really was since the start, I bought her speech at that time. In 2022, I see it was not truth, but one disguise more. 

At the end there is a woman who is not so spiritual, who is terrify of aging, who has lost her artistical drive, who has lost the touch with her audience, and that lives for satisfying younger generations that do not know her or apreciate what she has done, sadly. That´s how I feel about M thoses days.

She's just a human being. We're all full of contradictions in our own lives, right? I get what you're saying but I think that's just part of human nature (wink wink).

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