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Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30


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33 minutes ago, Alibaba said:

I haven’t wanted to express this for fear of contradicting myself as I have been a fierce advocate in defending Madonna for the last few years. I’ve sought to give meaning to her work, her actions, her choices…

However, I think it’s clear that the majority of us who have adored Madonna for almost forty years are disillusioned by her more than obvious fall from grace. I’m in awe of anyone who saw this diabolical spectacle and thought it was good. In my opinion, she is a shadow of her former self as a performer. She seems totally lacking in self-confidence, agility, coordination and voice. I can only speculate, but I imagine she has a combination of physical and mental health issues, probably takes prescription meds in addition to self-medicating with alcohol and perhaps cannabis, and simply lives in a delusional world of enablers, sycophants and puppet masters. Her entire image is fraudulent. She looks nothing like the images and videos she presents of herself online. It’s disturbing to think that she is so unwilling to find beauty in truth and authenticity. It’s also the motherload of hypocrisy that negates almost everything many of us have admired. She is a total trickster, and it makes everything seem so incredibly mediocre.

I understand that it is difficult to accept hearing this from anyone if you are still onboard with this farce, but I can honestly say that this performance leaves me totally cold. I have never witnessed a more illusion-shattering display. The face, the ass, the stupid corset that makes her seem asthmatic, the ugly outfits, the poor vocals, the inability to know her cues or the lyrics to her own songs. Something is SERIOUSLY wrong with her. It cannot be denied. Perhaps she’ll let us in on the secret some day, but at this rate I see her heading further down a slippery slope. I hope she stops performing entirely. I suppose the silver lining is that with time, these awful years will only further embellish the grace and brilliance of her stardom at its many peaks.

I am prepared to be told I should just shut up and leave if I’m no longer enjoying her, and I will. If I have anything else to share, or if Madonna miraculously offers something of merit and worthy of discussion, I’ll post again, but for now, I think it’s time to take a bow. 

I totally agree with your every single word surely no one can tell another user that he has to leave, also because your comment not offend anyone.

I have always thought that every person can express his opinion and on this performance there would be a lot to say but it is better not to say anything. 

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11 minutes ago, The Ghost said:

Why oh why can't she sit on a stool and sing..    Why do we always have to have these massive productions.

A Madonna Unplugged sort of thing with her with a live band and her sat on a stool,   would be perfectly feasible and probably amazing.  :(   

that’s sort of what she did at red rooster though and she struggled.

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This is just, I don't know what this is, it left me utterly and completely numb, both her and his performance. It was like looking at your boss and a collegue doing some bad drunk karaoke set during an anual companyy get together that everyobody watches only because it's mandatory, but only your ladyboss enjoys. Even if Madonna were trained and didn't damage her voice and stamina by not exercising while adding smoking and drinking to her habits and she did a stellar physical  performance it would still be less than mediocre. The choreo, the backup dancers, that hair, outfit, all of it is incredibly tacky and simply ugly. So girl get your act together, maybe ask christopher to do your art direction again, do something, fire B Ackerlund, get a hard candy gym membership, watch NKM from Re-Invention and then this, or just listen to the last minute of God Control, wakeupwakeupwakeupwakeupwakeupwakeup

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8 minutes ago, The Ghost said:

I think my expectations are just too high now,  she's '63'.  

She needs to realize she's '63' too..   her body just can't do what it used to do that's a fact.

The pink dress does her no favours at all.

Why oh why can't she sit on a stool and sing..    Why do we always have to have these massive productions.

A Madonna Unplugged sort of thing with her with a live band and her sat on a stool,   would be perfectly feasible and probably amazing.  :(

A fan that wished for a different approach..   

Asking her for that is like wanting to take away her essence, an essence that has characterized her since she began her career and despite the fact that the passage of time is her worst enemy at the moment, she will not change her style even if other people make fun of her and when she feels that she cannot make a presentation like the ones she is used to, she will decide to retire if not from music at least from live shows.

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Judging by the comments all over the Internet, the latino fans were the most pleased with that performance... Not me of course, but here in Latin America we don't have so many great performers because we are drowned of reggaetoneros and things like that so don't expect so much good taste in music and performances on this side of the earth 😅😅😅

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2 minutes ago, RayofPrayers said:

from this performance, i concluded that she’s only got yes-men around her. her whole management has to go

If she had a serious management, which she hasn't had for centuries, these performances would never have existed, like other things in the last years of her career..

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19 minutes ago, moloko said:

Silly me, i was hoping something special for tonight, hoping at least good outfit and hairstyle. Nothing more nothing less. I think as always my expectations are just too high.

Why can't she dress like this anymore 😭😭? so she can dance and feel comfortable. 


You do remember she was dragged for dressing inappropriate for her age and nick named Vadge because of that right? God people wont be happy until she's dead it seems so they can reminisce how cool she was and pretend she never actually aged.

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Thanks for the feedback guys, I'm definitely not watching 

Mariah Carey Diva GIF

Only thought I'll leave about it is: her team needs to disappear and I'd like to have a pacific talk with her stylist to know why tf she always wears shit lately, her fashion style fuckind died, adios and don't be too dramatic lol

Peace Out Reaction GIF

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2 minutes ago, Josh Wang said:

I agree. We always tend to believe Nordic people age like milk, but Jessica, a white woman of predominantly Nordic ancestry (German, Dutch & Finnish) ages like fine wine.

Yes. She's is. She's the most gorgeous woman i ever seen in her 70. This is how The Supreme should look like

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Well, it's a bad performance, in terms and standards that madonna has and to which we are "accustomed".

She is like lack of confidence and forgot two lines in music. The dress and hair are indiscriptible. For a comeback, two years later with a pandemic and a surgery between, it's not the best way to come back. It's a bad performance, her worst, but let's see one more to make it law.

PS: I think she's not doing any kind of excercise like before, two years without exercise maybe.

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