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Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30


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2 minutes ago, Fontainebleau said:

I hate how divided this community has become. I thought we were fans throughout the good AND the bad times. It's not like Madonna is dying or has single-handedly caused the apocalypse. It was just a random guest appearance that didn't go as well as we all hoped, but it's not the end of the world. Everything will be okay. Madonna ain't done yet.

I agree. Her guest appearances at other people’s shows where she doesn’t have time to rehearse have never been good. Remember when she appeared with Drake at Coachella. 
I just think she’s not a spontaneous person. She’s at her best when she rehearses and has everything pre planned out.  She’s more of a theatre performer with a script than an improvisational comic type. 

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I really think the biggest mistake she has made in recent years is the butt implants or whatever she has had done - it looks so unbalanced with her frame and so unnatural it's distracting to the eye even if we try not to notice it and am sure that has made her less able to dance as well and look so heavy moving and suspect it contributed to her hip/knee injuries - she must know it  does not look good as much of the time she wears outfits to try to hide it like on this concert and in the Madame X tour. I really hope it is something she can get reversed and realises how bad it looks and decides to - its just so distracting watching her perform live as she has an athletic type frame and looks so false and out of place on her. Her team around her are terrible at the moment to let her do this without more rehearsals and the styling she looked like Honey G from the X factor when Music started.  At least it was not as bad as the Drake performance or Eurovision but think she is capable to so much more with more preparation and better advice. 

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18 minutes ago, Fontainebleau said:

I hate how divided this community has become. I thought we were fans throughout the good AND the bad times. It's not like Madonna is dying or has single-handedly caused the apocalypse. It was just a random guest appearance that didn't go as well as we all hoped, but it's not the end of the world. Everything will be okay. Madonna ain't done yet.

I think there are some people here who are just being mean for the sake of it, but there are others who are genuinely concerned about her welfare. 
Yes, she’s older but this performance is a decline from the Madame X shows which a lot of people on here saw. 
I thought she was really good on Madame X. Admittedly I saw one of the first shows in Brooklyn before her injuries got too bad. 
I don’t know how to describe it but I feel the way she speaks in interviews or even on Instagram is quite different and not as with it as she even was on Madame X. 
I love seeing new pictures and video of her daily, but I think having Ricardo there photographing and filming her constantly  may not be the best thing. It seems stressful like you are on a reality show. 

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53 minutes ago, Ayham said:

Correction* since her butt implants surgery which led her to have poblems with hip / knee.

This! Thank you! 

Dull people still refuse to admit it, but her knee and hip problems were caused by the side effects of her massive fake hip surgery.

1. March 10, 20106 : It was 2016 that Madonna began to gain weight to make fat which for inject to her huge fake hips. You can see from the Tears of clown show that Madonna is starting to gain weight. 

2. Dec 2, 2016 : It was first appearance Madonna did show off her huge ugly fake ass at public event. She shaking her huge fake ass with Ariana Grande for fundraiser event at Art besel.

3. 2019 : Madonna post her donald duck ass on her instagram then cut her ass part off from video later. It was Staonewall surprise speech.

4. Dec 22, 2020 : Madonna post photo of her hip surgery scar.

So, You're absolutely right. Her huge butt implants surgery led her to have problem with hip and knee problem.

Actually, that's not a surprise. Imagine living with a slim butts for nearly 60 years and suddenly getting more than 10kg of fat in your butts overnight! It make you when you're standing, your center of gravity changes completely and of course it's bound to strain your knees and hips.

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Just now, MadameX said:

This! Thank you! 

Dull people still refuse to admit it, but her knee and hip problems were caused by the side effects of her massive fake hip surgery.

1. March 10, 20106 : It was 2016 that Madonna began to gain weight to make fat which for inject to her huge fake hips. You can see from the Tears of clown show that Madonna is starting to gain weight. 

2. Dec 2, 2016 : It was first appearance Madonna did show off her huge ugly fake ass at public event. She shaking her huge fake ass with Ariana Grande for fundraiser event at Art besel.

3. 2019 : Madonna post her donald duck ass on her instagram then cut her ass part off from video later. It was Staonewall surprise speech.

4. Dec 22, 2020 : Madonna post photo of her hip surgery scar.

So, You're absolutely right. Her huge butt implants surgery led her to have problem with hip and knee problem.

Actually, that's not a surprise. Imagine living with a slim butts for nearly 60 years and suddenly getting more than 10kg of fat in your butts overnight! It make you when you're standing, your center of gravity changes completely and of course it's bound to strain your knees and hips.


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I finally watched the whole performance. My thoughts? I think it was not that bad when being compared with Cher's last tour and Momo's tragic Vegas residency. Even Tina, aged 69 at the time of her farewell tour, had quite some difficulties keeping up with her backup dancers.





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9 minutes ago, MadameX said:

This! Thank you! 

Dull people still refuse to admit it, but her knee and hip problems were caused by the side effects of her massive fake hip surgery.

1. March 10, 20106 : It was 2016 that Madonna began to gain weight to make fat which for inject to her huge fake hips. You can see from the Tears of clown show that Madonna is starting to gain weight. 

2. Dec 2, 2016 : It was first appearance Madonna did show off her huge ugly fake ass at public event. She shaking her huge fake ass with Ariana Grande for fundraiser event at Art besel.

3. 2019 : Madonna post her donald duck ass on her instagram then cut her ass part off from video later. It was Staonewall surprise speech.

4. Dec 22, 2020 : Madonna post photo of her hip surgery scar.

So, You're absolutely right. Her huge butt implants surgery led her to have problem with hip and knee problem.

Actually, that's not a surprise. Imagine living with a slim butts for nearly 60 years and suddenly getting more than 10kg of fat in your butts overnight! It make you when you're standing, your center of gravity changes completely and of course it's bound to strain your knees and hips.

Omg, Prince didn’t have his ass pumped up and still had issues with his hips, which his drug use then is what knocked him off. RIP. Michael has joint issues by 50 and no but injections. These are issues of genetic and breaking routine. Before Madame X, you could tell she wasn’t working out as much. And now it’s just physical rehab. I think she’s been in pain since around RHT. The human body handles age differently. She worked her body non-stop for three decades and now it’s tired. Her legs look thin, and I’m sure it’s because she cannot excercise heavily and work them out. Her getting the butt fluffed around this time probably did not help mounting issues in her joints. She had missing cartilage. That doesn’t happen overnight unlike plugging in the new fanny. I think it was a mistake to do but I’m not gonna see here and say “Well she’s fat and now totally unhealthy and she should burn herself in a furnace to get rid of the fat”. There are plenty of fat people do amazing stuff physically. M is physically tired but her spirit is young and active still. The alcohol and drug use? I think there probably is a problem and I am praying. But I’m not asking her to burn for that either.

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6 minutes ago, scion said:

The difference with Tina is that even at 70 she was a better performer than pretty much everyone else. Madonna isn’t the best in any aspect now, whereas ten years ago she was still phenomenal. 

I mean... Madonna was a great performer, but she never established a reputation as a great dancer like Tina, Janet or Beyonce. She could've just pulled off a Kylie Minogue level performance for this concert, but she simply refused to do so.

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16 minutes ago, Josh Wang said:

I mean... Madonna was a great performer, but she never established a reputation as a great dancer like Tina, Janet or Beyonce. She could've just pulled off a Kylie Minogue level performance for this concert, but she simply refused to do so.

Madonna couldn’t do a Kylie though either - Kylie may not be a dancer but she performs joyously and her vocals are on point and completely live virtually all of the time in concerts. 15 years ago Madonna could have ‘done a Kylie’ but not now.

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2 minutes ago, stefo said:

Wow just watched it and guys, honestly, I'll for ever be a fan and looking for her old precious unreleased materials to surface, at the same time I'm really afraid this is it for her. She really seems not to be aware of the effect she gets onstage anymore, her limits, her real look, she neither seems taking care of anything of it, not the voice, not the coreo, not the image. It's just like all another person, not M. Is it an evolution? Maybe, absolutely, but it's got nothing to do with art and talent. I mean, how did we get to this?

The issue is, I can’t even imagine her delivering a well rehearsed solid performance with minimal energy… like for example Beautiful Stranger on DWT. I just think it’s… gone.

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This was not that bad, as described here. Reading the harsh commentary before watching it was a bad idea. I do agree the outfit was a choice.

Madonna was not in control of the performance considering it was his show and production crew. I think it worked out in the end. 

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I wish I knew what to think or feel having now seen it. For the first time in all the years of following her I feel lost in terms understanding quite what the future holds for her and her fan base.

I just hope she’s happy, that’s my overriding sentiment right now. 

Edited by kazumimagica (see edit history)
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