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Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30


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He started the cheeks that she didnt need, and then other doctors took it from there to "complete his vision".

Okay, expert!
You don’t think she’s trying to complete her own vision for herself, which keeps shifting as she ages every year?
Get a clue.
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yes, the performance wasn't very good but as usually yall are overreacting and just hoping for her to fuck up so bad you can stop having to keep up with her. you know what was bad? the 98 vmas, her vocals on the s&stour, this was just meh. and we're not even considering the fact that medellin is like 1400meters above sea level and the bitch showed up there the day before! of couse she was going to be confused and tired as fuck



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23 minutes ago, devilpray said:

yes, the performance wasn't very good but as usually yall are overreacting and just hoping for her to fuck up so bad you can stop having to keep up with her. you know what was bad? the 98 vmas, her vocals on the s&stour, this was just meh. and we're not even considering the fact that medellin is like 1400meters above sea level and the bitch showed up there the day before! of couse she was going to be confused and tired as fuck



The Medellin performance wasn't that bad but Music was absolutely horrendous, she looked like she had no idea what she was doing up there.

Edited by Bionic (see edit history)
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28 minutes ago, Winn said:

Why change the color of the dress. There's nothing wrong with it.

This is probably an ambient filter that intensifies the colors and increases the contrast. It was probably put on top after the edits to make the manipulated parts appear more coherent.
I don't mind if her images are retouched a little, but it's not so smart when the original images are widely known.

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The odder thing about all of this is she herself got the butt implant now she’s photoshopping it down? :Madonna032:

I don’t think her body figure is bad or anything she looks normal. It’s the squeezed corset. Boobs shoved to her throat. 50 necklaces on. And corn rows that make her look bad. It’s bizarre because you don’t photoshop yourself if you like the way you look and she could’ve done so many easy things that would make her look amazing. She just chose several unflattering things to pair together 

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I guess we all have weird M moments we actually enjoy. For some people it was last night. I actually like her wonky ROL vocals from the VMA's. That note at the end of ROL at Live 8 cracks me up. "Sugar Pie Honey Bunch" from Who's That Girl Tour makes me wanna jump out a window. Different strokes....

Don't kill eachother, guys. 

No shade, the sea level being brought up tickled me. I for one enjoy how insane and dedicated we all here. Popping a perc and pouring one out for all of you today. I got the lube. You bring the lotion. You know the rest.

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4 minutes ago, Shoful said:

The odder thing about all of this is she herself got the butt implant now she’s photoshopping it down? :Madonna032:

I don’t think her body figure is bad or anything she looks normal. It’s the squeezed corset. Boobs shoved to her throat. 50 necklaces on. And corn rows that make her look bad. It’s bizarre because you don’t photoshop yourself if you like the way you look and she could’ve done so many easy things that would make her look amazing. She just chose several unflattering things to pair together 

Agreed but I doubt Madonna edits her pictures herself. It's her yes men telling her to her face she looks great then trying to "fix" everything with photoshop and filters afterward because they know she looks a mess. 

Edited by RoadLessTravelled (see edit history)
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59 minutes ago, Glindathegood said:

No one dressed or made her wear her hair that way. That was her choice.  She’s very stubborn and  strong  minded especially whey it comes to her image and fashion. Do you honestly think she would have changed it because someone said they didn’t like it? 

We need to do a reality check. Do you really think Madonna goes through all the new season outfits from various fashion companies and orders her stylist to say, "I want this new pink dress from this company, so get this!"

No, the reality is that if Madonna's stylist gets the clothes and she/he thinks it will fit Madonna and then she/he opens them up in front of Madonna, then Madonna will only make the final decision.  If Madonna's stylist was a decent worker, she/he shouldn't have gotten a pink dress like that that doesn't suit Madonna at all in the first place.

That's what I'm talking about.

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Here's my two cents. I had formed a judgement before watching the entire thing based on reading so many shitty reviews here.

I..... actually enjoyed it LOLOLOLOL.

Medellin, one of my LEAST fav songs of her career, was amazing to me. I thought the instrumentation brought so much new life to it as a live performance, one I think could be a great number in future tours for M (if she even uses this version).  Honestly I forgot about Maluma the entire time.  I forgot about her ass, I forgot about her not being filtered.  Just the way her dress went with the wind, her energy... it was unmatched.  She seemed to know exactly where she was going (minus the word flubs in the beginning).  She moved and hit marks like she had been dying to get on stage again.

Music was a mess.  I have to laugh because the two of them just seemed like two people stuck on a stage having a great time and not know what the fuck either was doing, but having a great time.  Yeah there was a backing track, big deal.  It was a rushed performance.  That jacket was hideous.  It was like Nikki Finn meets gay cowgirl realness, the combo of it all.  But again, I didn't mind it.  She certainly isn't physically where she used to be stamina wise on stage.  But she looked like she had fun even fumbling through the numbers LOL.

The final pose though, covering his damn face I screamed haha.  THAT was a great way to end the train wreck of a number. 

I loved it :04:

don't come for me Argentina 

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well at least we are all agree that this 360 degrees stage not for Madonna. right? She fits into a dramatic theatrical stage. On this 360-degree stage, she looked confused throughout the show about where she should go now.

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4 hours ago, mdnamdma said:

oh fuc.k this shit im out of this forum full of absolute thunder cun.t losers lol gt a fuckinh sense of humout you big piece of steaming turd and that goes for all you other negative cu.ts on this forum .. i hope you all get genital warts lol .. now can you find my other 5 accounts and ill go spend some time with actual madonna fans on nation .. fuck m.g.n.x especially .

bye with this account 



Close the door when you leave, please. :kissy:

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29 minutes ago, MadameX said:

We need to do a reality check. Do you really think Madonna goes through all the new season outfits from various fashion companies and orders her stylist to say, "I want this new pink dress from this company, so get this!"

No, the reality is that if Madonna's stylist gets the clothes and she/he thinks it will fit Madonna and then she/he opens them up in front of Madonna, then Madonna will only make the final decision.  If Madonna's stylist was a decent worker, she/he shouldn't have gotten a pink dress like that that doesn't suit Madonna at all in the first place.

That's what I'm talking about.

The dress is by Gucci though. She has worn their clothes many times in the past . So she could have easily said I feel like wearing Gucci today. It’s not as though they dug it up from some obscure designer she never wore before. 

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6 minutes ago, Winn said:

The dress is fine. It's her ass. Nothing's gonna look good with that. Take it out and she's fine. The dress is fine. Get rid of the ass!

Thank you. It's sometimes hard to hear the truth. However, there are moment when a decent person should accept the bitter but sincere advice of a true friend. That's what Madonna needs most now. Madonna needs to accept the truth and try to change what she is.

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Just now, MadameX said:

Thank you. It's sometimes hard to hear the truth. However, there are moment when a decent person should accept the bitter but sincere advice of a true friend.

Have you ever told a friend or family member you don’t like what they’re wearing or that their body doesn’t look good? It never ends well. 

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I havent had time to go back & read this thread, so apologies if this has been mentioned already, but aside from the over filled cheeks, I think something was medically wrong with her. You can hear her say somethin at the beginning that something 'is killing her' and it showed. Madonna doesnt do sloppy and that was sloppy. I just hope she's ok, somethings up. Didnt  I read in here that they rehearsed 2 more songs too? wonder if they cut them from the show bcz she was in pain? Also switching gears, Who makes that black sparkly jacket? was that gucci too?


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41 minutes ago, Glindathegood said:

Have you ever told a friend or family member you don’t like what they’re wearing or that their body doesn’t look good? It never ends well. 

Actually yes I have!

One of my best friend gained a lot of weight because she ate too much due to stress after breaking up with her boy firend. The sycophants around her told her to "You have to love the way you look now.." And they lied to her, "You're beautiful now!" And behind her they laughed at her as a funny gossip.

But I sincerely advised my friend to come to her senses and I even worked out with her and made for her a healthy diet list. As a result, she does return to her former beauty and will marry in July this year in new true love.

You know what's most funny? Those sycophants who lied about how beautiful she was when my friend was fat and ugly? My friend didn't invite any of them to her wedding.

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I'm on my 3rd rewatch of it. Actually Medellin wasn't bad, am I right in they skipped a verse? As usual though backing track was too loud. I think it’s noticeable she was nervous from the beginning, full of adrenaline too. Dress was horrendous and to think it probably is priced at someone’s salary and more.

Music was a mess and what was annoying was when she started early, she sounded really good! Although funny that she tried to blame and point to Maluma. Toward end was like two drunk pals doing karaoke and not having a clue what was happening. It wasn’t the best or the worst but it’ll be one I won’t be in a hurry to show friends.

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46 minutes ago, Glindathegood said:

Have you ever told a friend or family member you don’t like what they’re wearing or that their body doesn’t look good? It never ends well. 

That’s true. And when someone has a serious drug or alcohol problem as Madonna does it’s not as simple as just telling them or trying to help them. And we are talking about someone who has had a lot of authority in their lives for 40 years now. Nobody can help her easily. Not even her kids.

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