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M stands up for Dave Chapelle...


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3 hours ago, artlover said:

TERFs corroborate with the death of trans people. This is not acceptable in ANY way and this community should know it by now. Don't you guys remember what the Ronald Reagan days did to us?

Has this been studied? I would be interested to see the corroborating evidence for this. I have seen little research into trans people and the effect the current culture wars have had on the community. Especially how people like Dave Chapelle and JK Rowling's comments have led to the death of Trans people. 

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5 hours ago, Pootz333 said:

I've had my issues with M Dolla lately, but this is one where she has my full support. The far right and far left have both dragged her forever and she will never win them over. Fuck em. I wouldn't be surprised if people start labeling her a Terf too. Let her defend one thing JK Rowling said and watch the witch hunt start. There are some things Dave has said that I disagree with and some things I agree with. But the older I get the more I don't fully agree with anyone on anything. Even Madonna. Not a fan of censorship. Or ideologies that if you disagree on one thing you are labeled "phobic" or a bigot or should be permanently silenced and receive death threats. The US Supreme Court is about to send all of us  back to the dark ages. People are going to wish they lightened up, had a little bit of a sense of humor, and stuck together more. Just my 2 cents.

After pretty much “stealing” everything Vogue is from the ballrooms and the black/brown NYC trans community that would be cute. 

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1 hour ago, RUADJAI said:

Dave Chappelle is not transphobic. If you think he is you are not paying attention. He was also featured in the #1 Top Movie Film Madame X Tour by Madonna. This was released AFTER all of his "transphobic" jokes.  All of this has been covered in a previous thread.


But also... don't say any transphobic shit, cuz I will ban you unless you happen to say it with the nuance and tongue in cheek humor that this world never seems to understand. (Material Girl anyone?) 

Dave Chapelle’s specifically said that being trans is like “black-face”. If you don’t understand how incredibly irresponsible and damaging that is coming from a public person even as “a joke” I really don’t know what to tell you. 

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4 hours ago, DrunkBySix said:

How convenient of Madonna to "stand up" for Dave Chapelle when she has just announced her first music project in years.

Bingo! Never forget, all she has ever done is realise the power of controversy to sell her products!

People read WAY too much into everything she does.

She is a saleswoman plain and simple. All her choices are motivated by money, not art!

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There is nothing sadder and more tragic than someone falling for the social media woke virus.

"Look at me, I'm pure and self-righteous and perfect"

I feel sorry for those with brain parasites burying their way into your minds, infecting you with reality distorting nonsense and hyper-emotional child-like craziness. Get off the internet and get into reality!

Please don't let this forum get infected!

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20 minutes ago, madaboutM said:

After pretty much “stealing” everything Vogue is from the ballrooms and the black/brown NYC trans community that would be cute. 

I'm not sure exactly what you mean would be cute. Her support of Dave Chapelle or if she were to say she agreed with any of JK Rowling's points? Some people in the ballroom community have always felt that she was a culture vulture. Other prominent fixtures of the scene feel differently, including the two Xtravaganzas she worked closely with, Jose & Luis, and Willi Ninja, Junior LaBeija among others. I think both camps make valid points. 

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5 minutes ago, PaperFaces said:

Humour is rooted in tragedy, and observation and is often made out of commentary on what is current. Not being able to see that is dangerous and detrimental to how we process change, and challenging situations. 


Tell Chappelle that because he only said TRANS PEOPLE are equivalent to black face. There's no finesse in it, nor irony or some kind of "intelligence". 

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1 hour ago, me1981 said:

Has this been studied? I would be interested to see the corroborating evidence for this. I have seen little research into trans people and the effect the current culture wars have had on the community. Especially how people like Dave Chapelle and JK Rowling's comments have led to the death of Trans people. 

I don't think these two people are directly linked to assassination, but I think their discourse allow bulliers and offenders to do their thing, much like Brazilian President Bolsonaro has done here

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1 hour ago, RUADJAI said:

Dave Chappelle is not transphobic. If you think he is you are not paying attention. He was also featured in the #1 Top Movie Film Madame X Tour by Madonna. This was released AFTER all of his "transphobic" jokes.  All of this has been covered in a previous thread.


All I meant was for you to watch over any eventual comments. But I get now I can't count on you lol 

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39 minutes ago, PaperFaces said:

Making jokes about transgender people is not transphobic.

Thank you for the cisplanation, dude. Also, you'd like to "think" that the trans community is stronger than that? There are trans kids rn considering ending things because of the incessant bullying from all fronts but sure, it's just "jokes", you please tell that to grieving parents.


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1 hour ago, Pootz333 said:

I'm not sure exactly what you mean would be cute. Her support of Dave Chapelle or if she were to say she agreed with any of JK Rowling's points? Some people in the ballroom community have always felt that she was a culture vulture. Other prominent fixtures of the scene feel differently, including the two Xtravaganzas she worked closely with, Jose & Luis, and Willi Ninja, Junior LaBeija among others. I think both camps make valid points. 

It's weird how people expect famous people to immediately cut all ties with their friends the second they say or do something that's controversial. I wouldn't want a friend willing to do that personally. 

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2 hours ago, madaboutM said:

Dave Chapelle’s specifically said that being trans is like “black-face”. If you don’t understand how incredibly irresponsible and damaging that is coming from a public person even as “a joke” I really don’t know what to tell you. 

What does that even mean? If it’s cherry picked from a larger statement wherein there is humor… You can’t just take part of something out of context. 

Now if you wanna discuss Kevin Hart and his “joke”… that’s different. There was no punchline, it really just came across as hate and threatening violence. I have no interest in ever watching anything he does for the rest of my life. And I don’t agree with Dave Chapelle that he should get a pass. 


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1 hour ago, madaboutM said:

Thank you for the cisplanation, dude. Also, you'd like to "think" that the trans community is stronger than that? There are trans kids rn considering ending things because of the incessant bullying from all fronts but sure, it's just "jokes", you please tell that to grieving parents.


How do you know Paper Faces is cisgendered? Did he tell you?

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5 hours ago, madaboutM said:

Thank you for the cisplanation, dude. Also, you'd like to "think" that the trans community is stronger than that? There are trans kids rn considering ending things because of the incessant bullying from all fronts but sure, it's just "jokes", you please tell that to grieving parents.


Kids ending their lives is absolutely awful but where's the link between that and a comedian making a joke? It's a strawman argument, comedian's joke makes kid kill themselves, therefore you can't support that comedian. How can you defend a child killer. It's fallacious. 

You label @PaperFaces as cis, without any prior knowledge of their situation, which immediately turns them into a villain who has no right to comment on trans issues. It shuts down conversation and debate, the same as labeling someone as TERF. 

It's easy to parrot what you see in the media and hear from activists but what's more healthy is to use critical thinking, put some effort into understanding all sides of the argument and have a proper conversation without resorting to labeling. 

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Dave Chapelle has had a problem with white lgbtq people for years. I’m sure he’d have something to say if the ‘jokes’ were about black people. In fact…..

“He went away 20 years ago because he decided that the wrong people are laughing at his Black jokes for the wrong reason. Yeah, and I’m thinking Dave, maybe the wrong people are laughing at your trans jokes for the wrong reason right now, maybe you need to think about that.”

The amount of transphobes on twitter alone using Chappelle to justify their vile comments towards trans people is sickening. It’s not ‘woke’ to be upset at being turned into a fucking joke.

“I don’t  want “a woman with a dick” using the urinal next to me” - Chapelle

Replace ‘woman with a dick’ with n***** and tell me it’s a harmless joke.

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Madonna isn't the perfectly virtuous heroine some fans want to believe she is.

Alas, she is an imperfect human and likely rubs shoulders with some other imperfect humans.

She sold out a long time ago, people. Hollywood is cut-throat and she wants/needs those connections. She's no hermit.

"The Queen Of Cut-Through In A Cut-Throat World", as I've been known to call her.

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2 hours ago, Daxkoba said:

Dave Chapelle has had a problem with white lgbtq people for years. I’m sure he’d have something to say if the ‘jokes’ were about black people. In fact…..

“He went away 20 years ago because he decided that the wrong people are laughing at his Black jokes for the wrong reason. Yeah, and I’m thinking Dave, maybe the wrong people are laughing at your trans jokes for the wrong reason right now, maybe you need to think about that.”

The amount of transphobes on twitter alone using Chappelle to justify their vile comments towards trans people is sickening. It’s not ‘woke’ to be upset at being turned into a fucking joke.

“I don’t  want “a woman with a dick” using the urinal next to me” - Chapelle

Replace ‘woman with a dick’ with n***** and tell me it’s a harmless joke.

He also "slammed North Carolina legislation stating that transgender people must use the public restroom that aligns with the sex stated on their respective birth certificates. “If you need to show your birth certificate to take a dump at a Wal-Mart in North Carolina, that’s insane.” You cherry picked the part that fits your narrative. 

How many transphobics exactly are using this as an excuse on Twitter. You can't come out with these ridiculous statements without any source. Bigots gonna bigot, they don't need Dave to give them 'permission'.

Seeing as the criteria for being a transphobe is so loose that it has no connection to reality, so your assertion has little meaning. 

As for turning trans people into a joke, that's not what he did. They were the subject of a joke, as everyone should expect to be. If you can't laugh at yourself sometimes then you'll lead a very sad little life. 

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I'm not transgender, so who am I to tell transgender people to get over it? I don't have the right to do such a thing. I do think the trans community can take a joke, as long as the joke is funny. And Dave Chapelle just isn't funny. His rhetoric is cheap and, yes, damaging. Good comedy leads to a good laugh, bad comedy can lead to pain.

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1 hour ago, Fontainebleau said:

I'm not transgender, so who am I to tell transgender people to get over it? I don't have the right to do such a thing. I do think the trans community can take a joke, as long as the joke is funny. And Dave Chapelle just isn't funny. His rhetoric is cheap and, yes, damaging. Good comedy leads to a good laugh, bad comedy can lead to pain.

You can't tell transgender people anything yet you can gatekeep what is / isn't funny and determine whether it causes damage. Wow. 

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