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Lola releases debut single “Lock&Key” under new moniker “Lolahol”


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#38 on iTunes Spain and #76 in Italy.

The Lolahol reign is coming. :Madonna024:

After a few listens, I believe is quite strong. Of course it won't change the history of music, but for a debut and being Madonna's daughter? So smart of her doing almost completely the opposite of her mother's music knowing everyone is going to compare them both.

All here for her!

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16 hours ago, steady75 said:

Madonna was serving star quality and hunger in that video though and the camera loved her.

In Lolas defence I know the look is drugged out and nonchalant for the girls these days though.

And these days, whisper singing is the big new trend...


Some listeners may not get it, but it's now very trendy. I absolute love this song—loved it on first listen! And Lolahol's just damn beautiful in it—so gorgeous. And she's so young, only 25—Madonna's age at the time Borderline was released.

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7 minutes ago, xrayeyes said:

I definitely don't like her.

BUT I do like how different and daring this is. Song and video.

It sounds like nothing out there and can appreciate she is carving her own thing. Keep it up.

Be less of a c**t too, people will like you more.

Mmm... Do we really know her personally? I’m sure Lolahol has had to deal w/ quite some undue/disingenuous attention and scrubs in her life, people wanting to give her a hard time or just take advantage of her… She’s had to harden herself somehow. Madonna herself has quite a strong personality and can be quite the bitch on occasions, but it’s usually if warranted.

I’m sure Lola’s actually nice to the people she works with and she lets into her life. Like Paris Jackson, I sense in Lolahol high artistic sensitivity and some maturity and wisdom about life and all.

Maybe she’ll appear to be nicer at some point as her fanbase expands and she gets to interact w/ her true fans online.


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