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Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video


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16 minutes ago, Prayer said:

I can not think of any other female popstar over 60 doing this, still fully owning her sexuality and refusing to "age gracefully", whatever that means to those who repeat it all the time. Only Cher, maybe, but she's always been more camp than sexual, or at least not threatening in that sense? People love Cher, I mean.

I don't know. Of course this and "Erotica" and the "SEX" book are miles apart. And of course everyone is doing these kind of videos nowadays BUT... not everyone over 50, 55, 60... I think that's the point. We've seen it all before, yes, but not many times from a 64 year old woman. And the times we've seen it they're vilified or laughed at while Iggy Pop or the Rolling Stones can still go around naked and be called legends.

And personally I think that's her point - but of course I can be wrong.

While I agree she pretty much navigates in uncharted territory at 64, I'm not sure the (over)reaction from fans can be linked to age everytime. It could have been a solo video by Tokischa and it would still be considered trashy, whether you're 26 or 64 does not make it more or less powerful. The younger generation probably sees wall humping, twerking and drug sniffing as "owning it"  and "being free", while others may see it as an embarrassing attitude. I don't think you need all that to own it or show you're sexually free. Especially coming from Madonna who showed how to do it in a different way for years. Too bad this is dividing the community so much.

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3 minutes ago, Prayer said:

Love that we can disagree on some points but have a proper grown up discussing about all of this at the same time. Thank you. :heart:

Yes, probably those who see the video as trashy will see a solo Tokischa video the same way too. I think its all a façade anyway, just like the uber-sexual dominatrix Dita persona was. It doesn't mean it's fake, but just art or an artistic expression. Madonna said in a 90s interview something like: "People think that I'm this sex maniac but honestly I'd rather read a book". That doesn't mean she can't explore that on her art.

I didn't live 1992 in "real time", I was only a child, so I didn't get to see the reactions live. But I'm pretty sure most people and a good number of fans were also "disgusted" about her "trashy" output back then? And now it's considered revolutionary. So maybe we need time and space to see how different things fit in history and/or her personal artistic journey. I agree most probably "Hung Up On Tokischa" won't be "Erotica",  though.

Anyway, I do think it's positive that she keeps exploring, with her looks, her music, her collaborators, cause that's what's made Madonna the artist she is. Even if we don't like the current phase, and that's OK, it means she's evolving and going somewhere else. And that can only be good.

I was late teens in the Erotica era and she was hated. It was not seen as revolutionary at all.  This has only started later. The general public were loving Mariah and Whitney.  So that's where their head was at musically. People and the media were venomous and predicting her being over once again. Funny how things change right

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1 minute ago, blondebenji said:

I was late teens in the Erotica era and she was hated. It was not seen as revolutionary at all.  This has only started later. The general public were loving Mariah and Whitney.  So that's where their head was at musically. People and the media were venomous and predicting her being over once again. Funny how things change right

Exactly. I was old enough during Erotica, and she was trashed left and right.

But the era for me is one of my all time favorites. Epic to me. A huge part of my life. Loved it all.

and icing on the cake for me was I got to meet and talk with her around the sex book around the time of the Arsenio hall show when she sand fever with pinky hair iconically.

that said many people trashed and hated the whole erotica/sexy book era. 

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14 minutes ago, blondebenji said:

I was late teens in the Erotica era and she was hated. It was not seen as revolutionary at all.  This has only started later. The general public were loving Mariah and Whitney.  So that's where their head was at musically. People and the media were venomous and predicting her being over once again. Funny how things change right

You are right. The general public hated her, but many of her "classic" fans hated her even more.

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6 minutes ago, xavier said:

Kinda a long story lol

But I was studying photography. Thought I could be a big time photographer lol. So for an assignment I was gonna get a photo of m. Mind you I was young, naive, and really didt think I just did.

So I knew where she lived in LA at that time, and was when she would jog and run with her trainer daily (everyone knew). So silly me I went to her home and waited for her to come back, she lived on a dead end so she only had one way to go to get home.

Finally I saw 2 heads biking up the hill. As she got to the top I had my camera ready, but her trainer jumped in between us (as he should since I could be a nut case).

She was about 4 feet from me, so I said M may I take a photo of you. She stopped and turned and said ‘Don’t bother to ask if your gonna take one anyway’. I said I would’ve, she said thank you. As she was walking away, I said I love Erotica, and Love the Sex book. I think it’s a work or art, brilliant.

I’ll never forget she turned removed her sunglasses and said to me ‘thank you, it means so much to hear that right now’. I said goodbye and she said bye and went into her gate,

Lol had I not been so young I would never have done that today. Youth. But I’ll never forget it.

AMAZING story. Especially this part:

I’ll never forget she turned removed her sunglasses and said to me ‘thank you, it means so much to hear that right now’.



Thanks for sharing. :heart:

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Whilst she was broadly trashed by the tabloids and the more sensationalist news media at the time of Erotica, there was definitely a broader conversation about her work also happening on the fringes, so let's not completely re-write that everyone hated her. She still got lots of play on MTV Europe (maybe not for the title track), had regular 'think pieces' written about her as a general pop culture figure and had a few more top ten singles. I guess it depends on what sources of media you were exposed to at the time, but I definitely remember guys in school being fascinated with her as she had moved on from the less 'cool' pop-star persona of the 80s and I also remember seeing her on MTV in the afternoons after school (I was 14).

The one thing I'll say about the new video is that her relationship with the camera has changed somewhat in my view, her eye contact with it seems less certain and more .... performative (??). The way she would instinctively eyeball a camera in the past whilst dancing around and dare it to look into her eyes has been replaced by flickering glances or ....nervousness (??)... can't quite put my finger on it.

As for the moral high-horsers, get a grip, it's a fun, colourful, trashy, sexy, late-night Dominican street party. You wish you could have....

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11 hours ago, steady75 said:

Explain to me what’s good about it please? 
@Prayerand others.

I’d genuinely like to know because I’m missing something obviously but I’m willing to learn and stay open. 

The direction?

The styling?

The artistic statement?

The lack of artistic statement?

The sexual portions?

The dog food falling off the supermarket shelf? 

What does that represent? 

I’m all ears. 

What is good is: it makes fans like you angry. And I love it haha! 

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39 minutes ago, Bjonkers said:

Whilst she was broadly trashed by the tabloids and the more sensationalist news media at the time of Erotica, there was definitely a broader conversation about her work also happening on the fringes, so let's not completely re-write that everyone hated her. She still got lots of play on MTV Europe (maybe not for the title track), had regular 'think pieces' written about her as a general pop culture figure and had a few more top ten singles. I guess it depends on what sources of media you were exposed to at the time, but I definitely remember guys in school being fascinated with her as she had moved on from the less 'cool' pop-star persona of the 80s and I also remember seeing her on MTV in the afternoons after school (I was 14).

The one thing I'll say about the new video is that her relationship with the camera has changed somewhat in my view, her eye contact with it seems less certain and more .... performative (??). The way she would instinctively eyeball a camera in the past whilst dancing around and dare it to look into her eyes has been replaced by flickering glances or ....nervousness (??)... can't quite put my finger on it.

As for the moral high-horsers, get a grip, it's a fun, colourful, trashy, sexy, late-night Dominican street party. You wish you could have....

I agree with you, the only thing that bothers me in this video is that she does not play the part well. At times she does not own it at all and it's a shame because i like it but it kills her intention (being sex positive) making it something else less flattering (being provocative for the sake of it).

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36 minutes ago, steady75 said:

You think I’m angry? Loool.

Madonna doesn’t make me angry.

I’m not an angry person. I think from the nature of most of my posts I’m pretty objective and I’m largely here for the  cackles and the kiki and  to have a laugh and try and bring some levity. 

What I will kick back on in relation to me is when people sneer and act hollier than thou.. as if I’m the great old unwashed. A Madonna denier. 

The idea that I’m somehow less of a fan for voicing that she’s missing the mark. 

There’s posts of me actively saying “the old Madonna stuff is there if you want it”

but this video… come on it’s trash. And if she’s going for trash then fine she really achieved it. 

What drew me to Madonna as an artist was the thought process laced with creativity, excellent music and message. 

I already said this whole schtick is a nod to her Erotica era likely promotional antics of a persona past. 

Does that stop it from being creatively bankrupt and shit? Nah mate. 

When she wanted Evita she made Take a Bow. Now she wants to make a biopic and she puts this out for investors to see where her level of creativity and taste level is at? 

that’s all love.. i don’t click with the vid. Madonna is Madonna. 
I just find the brain worms of labelling some one “a relic who is stuck in the past”, (who is 20 years younger than the artist in question), because they think drug taking, tonguing and simulating tired old lesbian cosplay and aggressive sexual behaviour seems a little done and redundant in 2022 for such a groundbreaking visionary Artist in the year of our Lord 2022. 

like…make it make sense. 
This superior sense of “you don’t get it peasant relic” is horse shit. And we all know it. 
Enslaver or enabler? 
you decide. 

I’d love to know specifically what makes this “trash” compared to other things she did that were praised by her fan base. 
I mean, let’s get serious. The original Hung Up song is not some deep pop opera. This remix has an amazing beat and they did a great job mashing it up with Tokischa’s song. 
And the video has a very strong production value, in terms of visuals and editing. 
And personally I love the theme because I’m familiar with the subculture it’s tapping into and it’s great in that sense. And yes that young culture is hyper sexual and that’s how they party. 
At the end of the day this is not about sex like Justify My Love, it’s about a Harlem party in 2022. Tongue kissing and dry humping are pretty common and no reason for clutching pearls. Nobody who is under 30 and is emerged in New York nightlife scene will see this as overly sexual in any way. 
As for the drug use, people here act like she’s glamorizing a crack den. They’re literally just smoking pot which is a legal and common activity in New York and most of America. It’s like saying she’s promoting alcohol abuse because she pops open a champagne bottle in the Music video

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31 minutes ago, thegoldencalf said:

And the video has a very strong production value, in terms of visuals and editing. 

I was about to engage and then I read this and I was so disgusted i immediately turned over and went back to sleep.

Look. Madonna knows its trash. There's even a disclaimer at the end.


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4 hours ago, Amlo said:

Show your wisdom then...

What's her point?

To make people angry, like you. You don't like to see her deconstruction of fame, her fuck off to the industry when she's playing the game at the same time. The sarcasm. The age value. I can go on and on, but I don't have time. 
And stop acting like if this is the first time that she's ordinary, and surrounded by latinos dancing on the street. She even did that with Borderline in 1983. It's on her sould and how everything started. 


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