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Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video


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Reading this thread. SMH. 

madonna is apparently here to disturb the peace. She has set a high bar for herself, and I'm guessing she knows that she won't ever be that "important" again. And if I were her, I'd be relieved to know that I could do and say whatever the fuck I wanted to because I've already set the bar NO ONE will ever be able to cross...Because it's too high. 
This video is just another blip, and something we're going to talk about in a couple of years like it's Candy Shop. Or American Life. What she's doing now is tapping into the underground mainstream, and although it's not my cup, I'll still take a sip. 

I've said for years and years on these forums is that it's like being on a forum for victims of an abusive relationship, or like someone having Stockholm syndrome. This video is NOT a big deal in her career unless it goes to number 1 and she has the last laugh. 
The whole "Social Media Fandom!" shit is probably laughable to her. As it should be. 

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Surely there are better producers or video directors she could have worked with for a new remix project. Everything about this from music and visuals is garbage. Champagne Rosé level. It's sad. 

I can't imagine if the majority of fans here don't like it why her camp thought this would be a good idea. 

The remix didn't warrant a video. It's nothing special. Not artistic. Just a waste of her talents. 

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33 minutes ago, theglamorous said:

It always confuses me when the accusation of ageism gets thrown about when Madonna herself never uses other dancers her own age in her videos. There's something a little odd about a woman in her sixties dancing and making out with teenagers as if she's a teenager too.

I think That's the whole point of it.  She's using extreme imagery to illicit a response on the topic. This is the same thing she has done right through her career with topics close to her heart.

Society is all accepting if you are 40+ to go out with friends of your own AGE.  Have a few drinks, get pissy and dance to some old tunes you once loved together when you are young.

What is confronting to people is seeing a woman of her age, dressed this way, partying like a teenager and remixing her song with a style and beat that is very current and not a nice easy listen.  The latin wave with Bad Bunny etc is huge with the kids at the moment.

Is she trying to bring the kids on board?  Is it just where her heart is at and has always been exciting to whats happening on the street and youth?  She does seem to listen to artists with a fresh sound as opposed to more heritage artists. It would absolutely exhausting to not be yourself 5 decades in and be so calculating just on whats going to sell. Or is it she's using extreme images that make people uncomfortable to think, question and debate on the topic of how a woman of her age and achievements should be presenting herself. Could it be all of the above ???? Who knows.

One thing is certain.  If she did a Cher (if I could turn back time) and put her Hung Up leotard on and perform the original version of hung Up it would be much more accepting and palatable for most people.  Buts that never been Madonna.

everyone can Tear apart my post but just trying to look at it objectively and yes I lovvvvvvveeeee the video.

And no I havent loved every single thing she has down recently

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was thinking about logging in for 2 days and saw exactly what i wish would ve stopped by now.

funny thing, i love how insecure people always use Madonna as their scapegoat 

Hung Up on Tokischa is super cool and I live for this current madonna. Also experimenting with dembow was a pleasant surprise turned out great.

Hung Up , love you boo but you are overplayed and 17 years old. I loved all over again in a completely different way and this treatment was on point. Im so happy I can appreciate each Madonna moment in time in its own context and looking forward to her next steps.

stop hating on madonna , it's only a reflection, youre hating on yourself.


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36 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

I actually love Hung Up on Tokischa. I've just been choosing to save my breath. I think with every reincarnation it takes people a while to appreciate what she's doing and then with the passing of time people start to paint things in a different light in their own minds. We've seen the same thing happen with American Life (song) with the rap. The Britney Kiss. (people thought it was the worst performance ever) Hard Candy as a whole. The Secret Project. The Drake Kiss. Pride 2021? When she performed with Miley Cyrus. Tears of a Clown. The fans are constantly in a state of meltdown.

American Life rap still awfull, nothing changed since then in this part nicki5.png And American Life did indeed ruin her commercial career in US, but unlike now, she was releasing decent music. Both American Life and Confessions on a Dance Floor were good records. Since then she has release 3 mediocre albums and 1 good album. And i doubt M15 would be better since she's not taking her career seriously anymore, she's not the type of artist she used to be. 

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The video is not something she did for fun at all too as y'all say, unless you can find me a scene of Madonna looking like she's having fun, there's not a single expression in her eyes anymore, find me two seconds from the video where she's smiling or idk, only at the end cause she laughs at the track too. She just stares at the camera like she's soulless in the whole video, she does all these remixes hoping to get another Frozen remix moment, not cuz she has fun nicki5.png Madame X wasn't a record she had fun too, that's why it took 4 years to be done, she didn't care at all, and that's fine but she can stop making music if she's not that interested anymore, she don't have to release mediocre music just cause she has the need to prove something nicki5.png

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3 minutes ago, Régine Filange said:

The video is not something she did for fun at all too as y'all say, unless you can find me a scene of Madonna looking like she's having fun, there's not a single expression in her eyes anymore, find me two seconds from the video where she's smiling or idk, only at the end cause she laughs at the track too. She just stares at the camera like she's soulless in the whole video, she does all these remixes hoping to get another Frozen remix moment, not cuz she has fun nicki5.png Madame X wasn't a record she had fun too, that's why it took 4 years to be done, she didn't care at all, and that's fine but she can stop making music if she's not that interested anymore, she don't have to release mediocre music just cause she has the need to prove something nicki5.png

She rarely smiled in any of her previous videos, anyway, so that's a sign of her not enjoying it? I mean.

She didn't spend 4 years working on "Madame X", more like a year and a half. She announced she was working on it in January 2018 (maybe she started in late 2017) and it was released in June 2019.

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It's just a side project. You can go listen to the original Hung Up anytime, and watch her "classy" videos anytime. The reason she's doing it is as a provocation for everyone who wants to put boundaries on what a woman her age is allowed to do.  She's not interested in "aging gracefully" whatever that means. 

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2 hours ago, twosoulsinaghosttown said:

I'm new here more or less so maybe it's always like this but I am wondering why some folks are uncomfortable with criticizing madonna for making something that is glaringly cheap, poorly crafted, and elicits a feeling of desperation. Part of being a fan of anyone is the ability to criticize work that doesn't speak to you or doesn't feel in line with a body of work. In this case, the greatest body of work any artist has ever amassed. Being critical is what keeps one from becoming a zealot. It's the same with religious folks who freak out anytime someone points out something that they usually know is true or won't accept is only true FOR them. I think most know this video isn't artistically pleasing. Drug use isn't glamorous behavior, it's behavior that destroys lives. Coming from Madonna who has been notoriously anti-drug - those moments feel desperate and irresponsible. Not because she is older but because they aren't in line with her integrity up until this point.

Those abusing her for getting older and expressing that she should "act her age" are doing what most of our culture does these days - perform politics. They will claim to be anti-ageist and bullying but those words seldom line up with actions. And this is widely accepted as the way things are. Everything is okay, as long as you pretend to believe what's trending. The video felt like Madonna was way behind the curved out of her integrity and we aren't used to that. We're spoiled that way. 

None of my critiques of this video have to do with her age. I hope Madonna continues to shake her ass until she moves on. I know I intend to. This video is poorly shot when held against her body of work, that's a fact I can back up with filmmaking techniques. We can then get deep into the cheap effects, poor wig styling, and the flashing lights that never let us see her. If anything - the biggest fuck you would be to make us look at her as she is because this is her last frontier. But then you look at the comments on her Instagram and you begin to understand why she may be terrified of letting us see her. People lack the ability to criticize art, so they focus on low-level bullying that reveals how broken they are.  

None of those truths make this video a good video. Most people feel it wasn't. That's the consensus. With that said - one horrible misstep in a career this magnanimous is something most wish they could say. It would do us all well to remember that we really haven't had a major star live this long and stay this successful without self-destructing or selling hair care products on tv at four o'clock in the morning.  Since 1984 at Radio City Music Hall, I have looked to this woman for inspiration and I will continue to do so - even when she makes a video that feels like a YouTube video a girl from New Jersey made in her backyard -  because that is still in line with the courage of the artist I respect and admire. 

Viva Madonna!

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