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Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video


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The issue that I have with the music video is that she is simulating engaging in drug use (marijuana and possibly ecstasy), we see somebody snort lines (most likely cocaine). This coming form the same person who over and over again has stated she doesn't use drugs (including marijuana), wrote a song called Devil Pray about the dangers of drugs and according to her brother in his autobiography, rebuked him constantly for using drugs and surrounding himself with people that did drugs. 

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1 hour ago, vadge said:

Well its just my opinion, so it doesn't really matter. Just like the opinion of people saying its her worst song or video ever. 

But for the record I would take Hung Up on Tokischa over anything on Like a Virgin, Madonna, MDNA, Hard Candy, Evita or Confessions. or the album tracks of I'm Breathless, Something to Remember, True Blue..

Now if I got 10+ likes for calling those albums 'bad art', would it suddenly be valid and true?

lucious lyon wtf GIF

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This is the best thing she's ever done and we're all just old, stupid, misogynistic cigs #RevolutionofLove. There is a segment of the fandom that loves this because they know it will further alienate a lot of people and they can be the last fan standing at the Holiday Inn Tour. "See, MDolla? I'm your REAL fan!".

Quote someone else. Quote your eyebrows.

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42 minutes ago, Pootz333 said:

This is the best thing she's ever done and we're all just old, stupid, misogynistic cigs #RevolutionofLove. There is a segment of the fandom that loves this because they know it will further alienate a lot of people and they can be the last fan standing at the Holiday Inn Tour. "See, MDolla? I'm your REAL fan!".

Quote someone else. Quote your eyebrows.





I am deceased. Close the forum.
Bitch you’ve won. 

collect your points Pootyoncé 

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5 hours ago, vadge said:

THIS a thousand times. You get it.

It's kinda hilarious that we're all here as obsessive Madonna fans and so many of you have absolutely no understanding of her art.

You guys wake up every day stanning the woman whose entire career has been about challenging norms and provoking thought, and then fight against her every step of the way as she challenges norms and provokes thought in YOU. And that's not even accounting for the misogynistic, racist, ageist, slut shaming and body shaming fans. You really clown yourselves every day... couldn't be me.

And the vitriolic backlash under the guise of the video being "amateurish" etc is honestly baseless because I don't remember any backlash for the Firebody DML and 070 Shake remix videos? Which actually were amateurish and poorly made in every way.

Your problem is that she rejects your rigid expectations of her, so why not just say that? The quality of the video can't be your issue because she has many worse videos, and many MANY worse songs than this.

If you want conformist Madonna, you can stream Ray of Light or Confessions whenever you want. Some of us have other tastes and enjoy her other work. YOU disliking it doesn't mean its bad.


My god, this is really crazy! LOL

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5 hours ago, vadge said:

Well its just my opinion, so it doesn't really matter. Just like the opinion of people saying its her worst song or video ever. 

But for the record I would take Hung Up on Tokischa over anything on Like a Virgin, Madonna, MDNA, Hard Candy, Evita or Confessions. or the album tracks of I'm Breathless, Something to Remember, True Blue..

Now if I got 10+ likes for calling those albums 'bad art', would it suddenly be valid and true?

Go Away Reaction GIF

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Whoever said we shouldn’t try “intellectualizing” bad art has perhaps not taken art or poetry studies. You can read into art as much or as little as you’d like but that does not mean we should not ever discuss art critically and constructively. Which means discussing the art as “why did the artist choose to use this color versus another” or “this medium of art is an odd choice because the artist typically uses this instead of that”. It would be a disservice to not analyze or breakdown a piece of art even it seems shallow or amateurish or “bad”. But that doesn’t mean everyone has to. But if you’re going to, use more than “it’s trashy because pussy licking is not in my 2022 bingo card”. There’s some pretty out there art that make me kinda queasy but the new Hung Up  video ain’t it. I kinda laughed when I saw the Jesus in the light bulb. Classic M if you were to ask me. 

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I haven't read through this thread, but I have just watched the video. 

Definitely not for me, although everyone's tastes vary (and that is OK). 

What is great to one person is not always to another. This is obvious, but sometimes it's worth stating again. There is absolutely nothing wrong with liking it or disliking it. 

Some art compels people, and sometimes it does not. Opinions aren't necessarily facts. 

Besides, Madonna's catalogue is so vast, anyone can choose an era or album(s) that speak more to them. That's one of the great things about Madonna's career. 

Now for me personally, I don't care for the remix at all (not do I like the Material Gworrll or Frozen new remixes). I don't particularly enjoy that style of music. I did not care for the Madame X album whatsoever. And that is OK!

The video for this Hung Up remix I just simply did not click with (but that doesn't mean it wouldn't with others). I understand it has an incredibly sexual overtone and some drug references. I know she has used some of these concepts in previous works (especially the Erotica era), but to me (personally), this feels vastly different. Back then, it felt there was a very didn't message behind what she was doing. Breaking barriers and boundaries that needed to be broke. 

This video to me felt like a current, overly sexual female artist video without any point, message or meaning. I kept looking but couldn't find it. Salacious if you will for whatever reason I cannot seem to find. If the reason is to show that women of a certain age can be current and sexual, this is something that I've already known. I find this is a topic that she has a tendency to keep beating us over the head with. I can see how it would irritate her too, reading all the ageist press. It would bother me too. But this just seemed phony to see and completely unauthentic. I know she doesn't always portray her own personal way of life in her art, but can often describe others and other points of view and lives, but I simply felt like I was watching someone else, not Madonna (if that makes any sense)? 

Perhaps it's because as I was growing up (I'm 44), she literally taught me how to open my mind and not think in a limited way. It definitely worked. Her controversies often seemed warranted, intentional with positive change. I think perhaps whatever message she is trying to convey in the video, I already feel (and have for such a long time). Therefore, this video's message was basically just beating a dead horse to me. It was "too much with no useful intent" for my mind. I don't have any "hang ups" about people's sexuality of any age. Because of her honestly, I grew up without that.  I did think she looked fabulous however. 

I would just like her to press on other things she might be passionate about rather the ageist, female sexuality piece. I get why she does it, it's just that it doesn't speak to me personally because I already agree with her, and have for a very long time. To my subconscious, it feels tired. But once again, that's me. Madonna has to do what she feels is important. Real artists do what speaks to them, not necessarily what some of their fans may want.

My musical sense hasn't really evolved as Madonna's has - that's on me. naturally, I live a drastically different life, but that doesn't mean she cannot feel to express herself any which way that she wants. I say, if she feels it, go for it. Just because I can't identify with her and her art sometimes doesn't negate any potential quality she and others may feel about it. 

Just look how many pages are devoted to this video on this forum of actual Madonna fans. She's provoking and encouraging discussions and she's always been about that. To each their own. I think when you are a fan of an artist and you can truly say when something clicks with you or not while at the same time understanding that entertainment and other people's perceptions and experiences with it are valid and ok to be different from your own, you have a realistic and mature sense of fandom.

There is no right or wrong opinion on this. Enjoy it or don't - either which way, it's completely valid and ok. 

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43 minutes ago, jtrover said:

I haven't read through this thread, but I have just watched the video. 

Definitely not for me, although everyone's tastes vary (and that is OK). 

What is great to one person is not always to another. This is obvious, but sometimes it's worth stating again. There is absolutely nothing wrong with liking it or disliking it. 

Some art compels people, and sometimes it does not. Opinions aren't necessarily facts. 

Besides, Madonna's catalogue is so vast, anyone can choose an era or album(s) that speak more to them. That's one of the great things about Madonna's career. 

Now for me personally, I don't care for the remix at all (not do I like the Material Gworrll or Frozen new remixes). I don't particularly enjoy that style of music. I did not care for the Madame X album whatsoever. And that is OK!

The video for this Hung Up remix I just simply did not click with (but that doesn't mean it wouldn't with others). I understand it has an incredibly sexual overtone and some drug references. I know she has used some of these concepts in previous works (especially the Erotica era), but to me (personally), this feels vastly different. Back then, it felt there was a very didn't message behind what she was doing. Breaking barriers and boundaries that needed to be broke. 

This video to me felt like a current, overly sexual female artist video without any point, message or meaning. I kept looking but couldn't find it. Salacious if you will for whatever reason I cannot seem to find. If the reason is to show that women of a certain age can be current and sexual, this is something that I've already known. I find this is a topic that she has a tendency to keep beating us over the head with. I can see how it would irritate her too, reading all the ageist press. It would bother me too. But this just seemed phony to see and completely unauthentic. I know she doesn't always portray her own personal way of life in her art, but can often describe others and other points of view and lives, but I simply felt like I was watching someone else, not Madonna (if that makes any sense)? 

Perhaps it's because as I was growing up (I'm 44), she literally taught me how to open my mind and not think in a limited way. It definitely worked. Her controversies often seemed warranted, intentional with positive change. I think perhaps whatever message she is trying to convey in the video, I already feel (and have for such a long time). Therefore, this video's message was basically just beating a dead horse to me. It was "too much with no useful intent" for my mind. I don't have any "hang ups" about people's sexuality of any age. Because of her honestly, I grew up without that.  I did think she looked fabulous however. 

I would just like her to press on other things she might be passionate about rather the ageist, female sexuality piece. I get why she does it, it's just that it doesn't speak to me personally because I already agree with her, and have for a very long time. To my subconscious, it feels tired. But once again, that's me. Madonna has to do what she feels is important. Real artists do what speaks to them, not necessarily what some of their fans may want.

My musical sense hasn't really evolved as Madonna's has - that's on me. naturally, I live a drastically different life, but that doesn't mean she cannot feel to express herself any which way that she wants. I say, if she feels it, go for it. Just because I can't identify with her and her art sometimes doesn't negate any potential quality she and others may feel about it. 

Just look how many pages are devoted to this video on this forum of actual Madonna fans. She's provoking and encouraging discussions and she's always been about that. To each their own. I think when you are a fan of an artist and you can truly say when something clicks with you or not while at the same time understanding that entertainment and other people's perceptions and experiences with it are valid and ok to be different from your own, you have a realistic and mature sense of fandom.

There is no right or wrong opinion on this. Enjoy it or don't - either which way, it's completely valid and ok. 

The video is groundbreaking and controversial like the Sex book and the Papa don’t preach video and you are just too conservative and ageist to see that and too old and white to appreciate this style of music. You are a basic gay that just wants Madonna to do disco music. So please stop being so negative and prejudice against Madonna (against other fans is ok.) Move on from being a fan and let the the fans that like the video enjoy it without distraction.

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