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New STADIUM Tour in 2023

Régine Filange

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from MTribe re if the announcement is on Monday when tickets go on sale

''it's a week later, tickets start going on sale. That's how her last tours worked out. Dates were announced and then tickets in certain venues started going on sale. I expect the idea is to put them on sale before Christmas to take advantage of holiday sales. Another reason why I think tickets will go fast.

I wouldn't be surprised, with this announcement, we might get more details about when either new music is being released and/or the first re-issues will roll out. This will be the first time Madonna will actually announce a tour without releasing new music (ahead of time), unless you want to count FEL. Who knows she might call the tour "Finally Enough Love".''

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3 minutes ago, vadge said:

Damn, I thought she was coming for blood with a greatest hits tour. The connection with Finally Enough Love means this is destined to be a mediocre half-baked job.

She hinted in the summer that she was thinking of touring off FEL.  I don't understand how you come to the conclusion that it's "destined to be a mediocre half-baked job"?  If a tour is happening starting next summer, then to me she has been working out the details for sometime now. It's pretty clear to me that this is most likely geared as a "Greatest Hits" tour.  We also had been hearing rumors for a couple months that venues were being secured, so nothing seems "half baked to me" as this is typically how a tour rolls out.  Rehearsals will probably start February/March.  I'm sure a lot of pre-production has started already.  


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There's a big difference between a Greatest Hits Tour and a Finally Enough Love Tour. The FEL Tour can cover her entire career whereas a GH Tour would by definition be more 1980's/90s. Just looking at her best selling singles she barely registers beyond Confessions. Personally I'd prefer a Greatest Hits Tour but not if it's just gonna be her standing still and lip syncing. Maybe she should get the actress from her biopic to perform in her place

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Now it turns out that all the female singers want to go on tour "coincidentally" at the same time as Madonna. Well, I love the idea because that will serve to show who is who in the music industry. I am sure that in the case of Madonna all the tickets will be sold out because the public wants to see her after so many years of absence from the stage. Not like others who, when they came to Latin America, failed to sell out the tickets, not even lowering them to half price, despite being at "their best moment".

On the other hand, I would like this new tour to be called “the return of the Whore from Babylon”, a rather controversial title since it suggests all forms of sexual immorality personified in a single woman. But that is what it is about, generating controversy and that this new tour is already beginning to generate headlines even from the moment of its preconception. The only thing that worries me is the ticket price, I hope it's not too high because I don't want to miss what could be the last opportunity I have in my life to see it live and direct.

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1 hour ago, vadge said:

Well I'm talking more in relation to it being a stadium tour. If FEL was toured in theatres or one-off arena dates, it would make sense. 

It's gonna be hard to come back from booking stadiums that don't sell out. If GP was here for obscure club remixes presented with the most incompetent art direction you have ever seen, the compilation would've sold.


I don't believe it's a stadium tour.  It's possibly a mix of venues that may include a few stadiums.  Also, I think she's taking on the FEL theme, not necessarily touring straight from that album.  She is known to re-invent her songs on tour, so her tours always featured a lot of remixes of her songs.   

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  • Enrico featured this topic
2 hours ago, chaosmen1984mk said:

Now it turns out that all the female singers want to go on tour "coincidentally" at the same time as Madonna.

The level of delusion is unbelievable... that somebody, anybody,  would go on a major tour because Madonna happens to be going as well... Has it occurred to you that they are touring because there are no more covid restrictions, they all have successful new material out, and it's a great time to go on tour? It's not 1990, nobody is competing with Madonna anymore, even Elton John stopped talking about her.

Not to mention that these things are planned well in advance. What do you think happened? They heard some rumors on a Madonna forum and decided to spite her and announce their own tours ahead of her? :laughing:

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On 11/23/2022 at 1:10 PM, Andreo said:

I already asked this for sure, but what songs do you think will make the setlist? It's a GH Tour with no new music (so far 👀) this time around, so we can finally get rid of album tracks and weird non singles a la Candy Shop. I honestly wish the songs are performed with mostly their original arrangement 

I want Waiting -- so badly

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8 hours ago, chaosmen1984mk said:

Now it turns out that all the female singers want to go on tour "coincidentally" at the same time as Madonna. Well, I love the idea because that will serve to show who is who in the music industry. I am sure that in the case of Madonna all the tickets will be sold out because the public wants to see her after so many years of absence from the stage. Not like others who, when they came to Latin America, failed to sell out the tickets, not even lowering them to half price, despite being at "their best moment".

On the other hand, I would like this new tour to be called “the return of the Whore from Babylon”, a rather controversial title since it suggests all forms of sexual immorality personified in a single woman. But that is what it is about, generating controversy and that this new tour is already beginning to generate headlines even from the moment of its preconception. The only thing that worries me is the ticket price, I hope it's not too high because I don't want to miss what could be the last opportunity I have in my life to see it live and direct.


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