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Madonna goes live on tiktok with web persona Terri Joe


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That was very ackward. The moment M asked who is Terri Joe and she was actually talking to him/her ! then he/she said that's what happens when you are 80 years old. M must have been a bit hurted but tried not to show it. The connection between the two of them was not really good imo, it just wasn't flowing well. Sorry to say but that person Terri Joe doesn't seem really nice and she doesn't seem to respect or have sympathy for Madonna. All she was interested in was getting stuff from Madonna...

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Some of these replies are quite...dense. Terri Joe is a very popular TikTok personality, her whole schtick is about being rude and Christian. She's gone live with many celebrities before, including Doja Cat. The whole thing is an act, taking the piss out of people who are actually that right-wing and delusional.

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1 hour ago, TonyMontana said:

That was very ackward. The moment M asked who is Terri Joe and she was actually talking to him/her ! then he/she said that's what happens when you are 80 years old. M must have been a bit hurted but tried not to show it. The connection between the two of them was not really good imo, it just wasn't flowing well. Sorry to say but that person Terri Joe doesn't seem really nice and she doesn't seem to respect or have sympathy for Madonna. All she was interested in was getting stuff from Madonna...

it’s a joke.

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2 hours ago, TonyMontana said:

That was very ackward. The moment M asked who is Terri Joe and she was actually talking to him/her ! then he/she said that's what happens when you are 80 years old. M must have been a bit hurted but tried not to show it. The connection between the two of them was not really good imo, it just wasn't flowing well. Sorry to say but that person Terri Joe doesn't seem really nice and she doesn't seem to respect or have sympathy for Madonna. All she was interested in was getting stuff from Madonna...

Terri Joe is a microcosm of modern society, taking what they can and wanting what they don't have. I thought the whole thing was cringe and went wayyyy to long. 

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She's always had very active haters posing as ex fans too. It's just more visible now because they have a way to reach out to her. Most of the time it's fans of other popstars....Madonna fans do it too to other popstars. She even had an I hate Madonna handbook (Matthew Rettenmund wrote the first Encyclopedia Madonnica in response to it). She's a woman, she's powerful, non conventional, she's a millionaire with a leftist mind, which angers both the right and the left. Every powerful woman (or seen as) get this treatment. She's pretty aware she provokes this kind of reaction, Erika Belle said that even before Madonna was famous people would be agressive towards her because she was associated with her. I don't know what it is, yin and yang thing, to balance being that magnetic and charasmatic who must endure the negative devotion some have with you (because it is devotion at this point). The thought they finally framed her when she hit 50 ans she kept going.

She's just trying new things, they are not cool or hype for us because we're not young anymore and Madonna has always been about hip culture. That's the real tragedy, Madonna did not get old, her fans did. And i'm not saying this negatively. It's just the process that happened. She tries to keep her finger in the zeigeist and the zeigeist has always been youth culture since the 50's. What i don't understand in her strategy is she's not attracting new fans and she's losing the ones she has. Give them deluxe editions with unreleased stuff and they'll shut up (at least the ones who REALLY used to be fans). 

That said this zoom itw is hilarious, it's a comedy skit, don't take it seriously, it's a character like characters in SNL, it shows that she can take the heat and she's willing to be roasted. 

Internet is a very negative place. You get more likes talking about something or someone you don't like than about what or whom you like (there's always someone to tell you you should not and that it is "problematic", someone you don't even know). It's just the dark side of humanity freed from social inhibitions.

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@Roland Barthes I would also argue that the advent of the internet has flipped that 50s zeitgeist line on its head - its more a free for all than ever before these days, people like Lil Nas X can break through which was almost unimaginable in the past. Of course youth culture is always "popular" as long as "old people" keep reproducing but now the term "haters" seem to include anyone who doesn't buy in to or follow the mainstream narrative. People tend to focus on the dark side of things but the internet has brought us wonderful things too like this forum. 

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4 minutes ago, DickTracy said:

@Roland Barthes I would also argue that the advent of the internet has flipped that 50s zeitgeist line on its head - its more a free for all than ever before these days, people like Lil Nas X can break through which was almost unimaginable in the past. Of course youth culture is always "popular" as long as "old people" keep reproducing but now the term "haters" seem to include anyone who doesn't buy in to or follow the mainstream narrative. People tend to focus on the dark side of things but the internet has brought us wonderful things too like this forum. 

With the good always comes the bad.

What also puzzles me is how we have preconceived ideas on how people should behave according to gender, race, age, social background etc... It's crazy when you realize you too have these ideas ingrained in you when it goes against everything you believe in. It's always a shock to me when i realize this about me, i'm like "where the f*ck does that come from ???"

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3 hours ago, TonyMontana said:

That was very ackward. The moment M asked who is Terri Joe and she was actually talking to him/her ! then he/she said that's what happens when you are 80 years old. M must have been a bit hurted but tried not to show it. The connection between the two of them was not really good imo, it just wasn't flowing well. Sorry to say but that person Terri Joe doesn't seem really nice and she doesn't seem to respect or have sympathy for Madonna. All she was interested in was getting stuff from Madonna...

It goes to show she’s a team player. I think we should applaud that. She could have attacked her or said something critical as a response, but she didn’t.

Also, Terri goes by Psyiconic, so I’m sure that’s where the name confusion came from on Madonna’s part.


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1 hour ago, Roland Barthes said:

Madonna did not get old, her fans did. And i'm not saying this negatively. It's just the process that happened.

That's a fine interpretation of many threads on this forum, and, more generally, of the gap between what she does for fun or for business and what the rest of the world thinks of her.

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1 hour ago, Simonsays said:

Yeah i agree there is a trend of bullying celebrity and public figures - I just think its worrying when you get obsessive haters who find themselves into fan forums etc - the kind that would go out and stalk her and shoot her 

i also find her haters are mostly women her age with cats as a picture or trump fanatatics or like i said Michael jackson , prince , bowie , janet , gaga , cher , kylie fans and even kate bush and kim wilde fans and the other day i clicked on a profile of a hater who said she was once a icon but not anymore and he was a guns and roses fan and well he needs to take a look at axl rose lately ..even i would not deny axl rose and guns and roses were and are iconic but he is a mess - if we think Madonna sounds bad lately in live performances they should check out his but i would not follow his pages to say how bad he was etc 

i dont see madonna fans on the fan pages of these artists though unless i am missing something but even though michael was accused of being a child molester he gets less hate than madonna does which makes me wonder if the biggest annoying thing about madonna to these trolls is that she is still here 

Because, and i'm totally aware that i'm saying this on a fan forum, being a fan is not a healthy thing imo. It's really time consuming, think about all you could have done for yourself with the time and money you devoted to Madonna. We can be as hysterical in our devotion to her than her haters are with the passion they put in hating her. 

I can't forget that a Madonna fan created a whole site dedicated to tear down Lady Gaga, Paws Down Monster, going as far as bullying her producer into meeting him (for what ?). And i really don't like Gaga (i mean her music, i don't know the person) but this is nuts. I'm glad Madonna never gave us an official name like lambs, which is a really disturbing nickname. Internet forums culture really, really fueled this, the pop music forums are the most toxic place on the internet besides far right Qanons and incels. I really hated it when Madonna started using the monicker queen of pop, i used to mock Jackson for it, not because he did not deserve it but because i don't consider music a monarchy. I hate monarchy. She is, and he was, so much more than that, miles above kings and queens. 

I don't know what brings an adult person to go on a person's social media account to say things like the things they say. It's ok for a political figure, they owe us but not popstars.

It's like reality tv, it really brings out the worst in people because it is designed to create a reaction.

I'm a bit straying away from the subject here but when i see all the fuss and drama surrounding Real Housewives of Beverly Hills i can't fathom why they surrender to expose themselves and their family like that. It's toxic to watch and yet, even though they go against everything i believe in and like, i'm hooked on that program and i even feel hate for certain characters on that show which is totally mind boggling. I don't know them and i'm triggered to hate them (because i find them to be fake and manipulative).

To get back on topic, i guess it's hard to keep things in perspective when you're triggered, on purpose, to react. When Liz Rozenberg and Madonna realized how polarizing she was, they decided to go with it, that is how Madonna the provocateur was born. And when you provoke, you get a reaction and some people hold grudges forever.

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6 hours ago, Simonsays said:

I think she is on a mission to build up her followers 

Or occasionally disappoint her real fan base, as has happened in the recent years. Anyway, it's her choice to interact with teenagers (or acts or desses up like one).

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1 hour ago, Simonsays said:

I dont like some artists but i dont follow their pages ! Its one thing hating on a artist on a news article and another thing trying to directly break her down with vile insults on her official pages aimed at her personally like they believe she reads them and joining fan forums to hate on her  which is what i truly believe happens in-fact i know some may deny it but i believe there is a one hater in this forum and i could name them and he is passionate in his manner of hating on her ! Im surprised not many notice it 

I dont know if gags gets the hate madonna gets on her social media because i dont follow artists who i dont like or connect with but im guessing its nothing like the hatred that is on madonnas official pages 


maybe they see madonna as down so they are booting her while they think she is down in hope she commits suicide or breaks or something ! 
she truly has the most intense haters i have seen on social media and its going to get worse because she refuses to act the way they want and will continue to be controversial and speaking her mind 

I believe if madonna didnt have the queen of pop title she would be less of a target 

For sure there are trolls in here, it's not that they want Madonna to know what they think of her but rather rain on our parade and control the narrative and infuence others.  Just like fans who don't like something and repeat it over and over because they want to control the narrative of a thread. It's the need to be "proven right" by the validation of others who agree with them. But it's not being right. As for fans of other artists present here, by attacking her to make their favourite popstar bigger, they just aknowledge Madonna's position. In a competition, the target are not the persons in second & following positions but the person at the top. But that's sports, it's so weird to see art and entertainment this way, or that they can only be one female pop star or musician.

And there's the awkward part of fans living vicarously through the artist they love to the point that they feel validated when that artist gets recognitions. Like everything their favourite artist does reflects on them...when it doesn't. 

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She just loves pushing peoples buttons and it works. Anyone who takes a selfy from underneath their chin, close up, pull the cheeks in and purse their lips, put a some filters on will look like a completely different person. I dont know why It makes people crazy!!!! She knows it and loves it. 

It can make it hard on her fans because its hard to hear all the negative stuff all the time. But that just comes with being a Madonna fan from the very beginning.

From this video with Terri Joe and all the recent concerts shes been to, she looks like shes having a ball and not taking life too seriously. Its everyone else who is. 

Madonna is still a kid at heart and having so many young kids in the house, its totally normal for her to listen to young music, make crazy filtered pics etc.  Its all around her.  She's not this desperate, alco trawling the interent looking at ways to connect with teenagers.  Its all around her and shes always fed off her whats in her space.

Its a lot of the fans who have aged, changed and moved on and most who don't have kids or they are grown up and left home.

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