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P!nk supports Madonna over 'misogyny' claim


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6 hours ago, Pootz333 said:

And now on Howard Stern, Pink says Madonna doesn't like her. Quote your eyebrows.


Let's remember it's just her assumption based on her interaction with her.  Obviously, Pink doesn't hold a grudge and I suspect Madonna just doesn't care.  It's been years since that happened, so it's possible Madonna doesn't feel the same way, and she never intended to snub her the way it seemed. I've never felt Madonna was impressed with anyone fanning out on her and we also know she can be a little "B" at times.

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it's weird, the whole stuff, now she talks about the VMA where Madonna asked her to participate. It makes no sense. If she should be mad at someone is Philbin & Ripa, they are the ones who introduced her that way. Why pick on Madonna ? I bet Madonna does not have a fucking clue about all this. It reminds me of the horrible article Pedro Almodovar wrote during covid about Madonna and now he tries to backpedal in the Vanity Fair issue. I think the problem with Madonna and most celebrities is that she's not overacting the affection like most of them do, especially americans, she keeps things real. And maybe they expect her to act right away like she's their best friend. Madonna seems to hate that Hollywood BS "showbiz friend" thing. 

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1 minute ago, Roland Barthes said:

it's weird, the whole stuff, now she talks about the VMA where Madonna asked her to participate. It makes no sense. If she should be mad at someone is Philbin & Ripa, they are the ones who introduced her that way. Why pick on Madonna ? I bet Madonna does not have a fucking clue about all this. It reminds me of the horrible article Pedro Almodovar wrote during covid about Madonna and now he tries to backpedal in the Vanity Fair issue. I think the problem with Madonna and most celebrities is that she's not overacting the affection like most of them do, especially americans, she keeps things real. And maybe they expect her to act right away like she's their best friend. Madonna seems to hate that Hollywood BS "showbiz friend" thing. 

 I agree with you as I'm sure Madonna doesn't have a clue and possibly Pink didn't get the reaction from Madonna she was expecting.  I never have known Madonna to be impressed easily.  Obviously, it wasn't something that scarred Pink since she still idolizes her and thinks highly of her. 

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3 minutes ago, tscott said:

 I agree with you as I'm sure Madonna doesn't have a clue and possibly Pink didn't get the reaction from Madonna she was expecting.  I never have known Madonna to be impressed easily.  Obviously, it wasn't something that scarred Pink since she still idolizes her and thinks highly of her. 

It's one of the things that stroke me in Christopher's book, he kinda worked as a Madonna substitute to many celebrities who wanted to be close to her but she's very guarded. 

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3 minutes ago, Miki said:

I’m speaking from memory. But wasn’t Pink staring at Madonna and blushing? It was awkward yet cute. Or am I making that up? Can’t access YouTube here!

I agree.  So it probably spooked Madonna some.  Also, Pink is a strong presence herself, so it could have been Madonna just asserting herself as the Queen bee she is. It's possible Pink is reading more into it, then it was.  I can  understand Pink's perspective because here's is someone you idolized while growing up, and she probably was hoping a far more warming reception.

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57 minutes ago, Would You Like To Try said:

Worst idea to resuscitate this thread:Madonna033:

 A new story about Pink and Madonna surfaces, so it makes sense to talk about it here, rather start a whole new thread. Besides, it's not like this thread was dead, people were still commenting on original topic it as of yesterday.

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3 minutes ago, Would You Like To Try said:

It's ok just i am scared of the "fans" coming back to attack

I understand and that's why I amended my previous post because I know what you mean.  But there's always going to be some opposition when it comes to Madonna.  She's quite polarizing even for some fans.  Just know there are a lot of us who just like to talk about things without getting nasty or ugly about it as well. :)

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1 hour ago, heartcore said:

Pink's whole thing for this album's promo has been about attacking and trashing other women. She's trashing Madonna now, and she trashed Christina Aguilera earlier. I guess when the music isn't good, you have to rely on other means of promoting.

I don't think she's trashing Madonna here, throwing her under the bus, yeah, for sure, because she knows people will have a field day with "mean Madonna" thing when there's nothing. Oh well.

(It's not that her music is not good, it's worst than that, it's neither good nor bad, it's uneventful. Her success is a total mystery to me)

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1 hour ago, Roland Barthes said:

I don't think she's trashing Madonna here, throwing her under the bus, yeah, for sure, because she knows people will have a field day with "mean Madonna" thing when there's nothing. Oh well.

(It's not that her music is not good, it's worst than that, it's neither good nor bad, it's uneventful. Her success is a total mystery to me)

She’s been recording the same album since 2007

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2 hours ago, heartcore said:

Pink's whole thing for this album's promo has been about attacking and trashing other women. She's trashing Madonna now, and she trashed Christina Aguilera earlier. I guess when the music isn't good, you have to rely on other means of promoting.

I feel like the producers of Howard’s radio show probably pushed for a story about Madonna

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2 hours ago, heartcore said:

Pink's whole thing for this album's promo has been about attacking and trashing other women. She's trashing Madonna now, and she trashed Christina Aguilera earlier. I guess when the music isn't good, you have to rely on other means of promoting.

when she somewhat "defended" Madonna over the Grammys face hoopla, she didn't get many likes nor media articles, now that she's gone the other way, she's getting a lot more traffic and free promo for her album (that btw, sounds like Pink-re-using-the-same-sounds-part-2543 ) while the Karen moms /Madonna haters are backing her up

I saw that she brought M up like what 3 times recently? first on the Grammys thing, then on the 2003 Kiss that didn't happen with her, and now this "Madonna doesn't like me" crap, why is she baiting so much

it's sad that she's had to resort to this and be this low, trying to change discourse and shading other women, only to promote her album... when Madonna has said only good things about Pink

so yeah, this treacherous opportunistic bland-music maker bitch can go f* herself :Madonna008:  ,  there! :cute:

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14 hours ago, heartcore said:

Pink's whole thing for this album's promo has been about attacking and trashing other women. She's trashing Madonna now, and she trashed Christina Aguilera earlier. I guess when the music isn't good, you have to rely on other means of promoting.

Who has she trashed?  She hasn't trashed Madonna either?  She simply expressed an assumption that Madonna may not like her very much.  No different than any of us who have an interaction with someone that we may have interpreted that didn't go well.  The fact that Pink follows up with still idolizing her and is pretty clear she doesn't dislike Madonna, says she understands it's more about first impressions and she just made a joke that she thought that may not came across very well.  She also mentioned that Regis and the producers tried to over play her as some "fan girl" and she really didn't want to come off that way.  I personally believe it's just a misunderstanding and would love for Madonna to get wind of this and squash this nonsense before the media and some fans try to twist this even further. 

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1 hour ago, tscott said:

Who has she trashed?  She hasn't trashed Madonna either?  She simply expressed an assumption that Madonna may not like her very much.  No different than any of us who have an interaction with someone that we may have interpreted that didn't go well.  The fact that Pink follows up with still idolizing her and is pretty clear she doesn't dislike Madonna, says she understands it's more about first impressions and she just made a joke that she thought that may not came across very well.  She also mentioned that Regis and the producers tried to over play her as some "fan girl" and she really didn't want to come off that way.  I personally believe it's just a misunderstanding and would love for Madonna to get wind of this and squash this nonsense before the media and some fans try to twist this even further. 

I get what you are saying and I’m sure Pink has nothing but respect for Madonna. But she is solely there to promote her latest album/tour etc. Also the radio show is there to promote their show. It’s no accident they ask these sorts of questions and this happens to be the part from the interview they highlight on YouTube. The title alone is click bait. Pinks and Howards teams know what they are doing so I wouldn’t say it’s all innocent. It has also happened with comments about Christina. I have not seen any snippets of Pink discussing the album itself because that would not get many clicks. As someone said when she defended Madonna it was crickets.

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I agree with the points of view of @DrownedBoy and @Ayham and I personally think that we should accept the consequences of our actions and not blame others for our mistakes. However, it is never too late to rectify and when we do, the world will appreciate it and, as if by magic, everything negative will disappear.

And as for Pink, I think that this sudden support for Madonna is quite opportunistic because she has always made fun of other women by minimizing them. I remember a video of her, Stupid Girls, where she makes fun of shallow women as stupid. Is it stupid to value outer beauty more than inner beauty? Is it stupid to value material goods more than spirituality? Pink never rectified herself or apologized for offending other women and, like other artists, she decided to take advantage of the passage of time and people's forgetfulness and now appears as a defender of Madonna. I think that in order to believe in her sincerity, she should first rectify and apologize for offending women in the past with this Stupid Girls video because double standards are so common in the entertainment world and many with fragile memories end up being unwary by believing everything they see.

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