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44 minutes ago, chaosmen1984mk said:


Being vulgar is lacking in manners, yelling all the time, belching in public, using slang all the time, exaggeratedly flaunting your sexuality, scratching your private parts in public, twerking, inappropriate displays of physical contact between two people in inappropriate places where children or the elderly are present, etc.

Manners like table manners? Like saying please and thank you?

What volume is consider vulgar yelling and not just high pitch or overexcited vocalization?

What about belching with no audience? If  someone rips one in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make it vulgar?

Twerking...how about Lambada? Salsa? Break dancing?

How much physical contact and where it could be considered inappropriate? an inch? a thumb? a fist?

What type of places are inappropriate? The butcher? a graveyard? a holiday parade? How far and attentive the kids and elderly have to be in order to be vulgar?

I am aware of your studies and waiting to hear more educational bites about the subject.

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1 hour ago, EgoRod said:

Manners like table manners? Like saying please and thank you?

What volume is consider vulgar yelling and not just high pitch or overexcited vocalization?

What about belching with no audience? If  someone rips one in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make it vulgar?

Twerking...how about Lambada? Salsa? Break dancing?

How much physical contact and where it could be considered inappropriate? an inch? a thumb? a fist?

What type of places are inappropriate? The butcher? a graveyard? a holiday parade? How far and attentive the kids and elderly have to be in order to be vulgar?

I am aware of your studies and waiting to hear more educational bites about the subject.

You are trying to maliciously distort my words to make me look ridiculous and give the impression that I am a radical and uncompromising person who does not forgive the slightest lack of education or decorum in human behavior.

The concept and examples of vulgarity that I mentioned are similar to what you can find in any dictionary or web page that talks about the subject. I am not exaggerating or giving a personal and subjective interpretation of what vulgarity is. It just doesn't seem right to me that Madonna praises this human behavior that is not good at all. There are more accepted concepts to proclaim your freedom and your personality such as eccentric, different, extravagant, etc. that using a word as questioned and extreme as it is vulgar.

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1 hour ago, Aiwa08 said:

For the love of Christ, She is Madonna, not Mother Teresa of Calcutta. It's just a fun song. 

Thank you for saying this.  And it goes for some of the repetitive dissent for the song Popular too.  It's obvious to me that most fans like both Popular and Vulgar.  That's fantastic. But of course, for varied reasons some don't.  That's okay because we can't like everything she does.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion and entitled to share it.  But what I am seeing is some are simply re-entering the conversation after they've clearly stated they don't like the song or the artist or whatever and keep twisting the knife.  Sometimes it comes off as if they are just arguing for the sake of arguing.  Furthermore, they start twisting what some have said or adding things people have never said.  Making issues over things never brought up.  Turning it into a war of words or if it's a contest of who is right or wrong.  Sorry to say, but no one is wrong to like or dislike the songs.  What is wrong is when some start a narrative that hasn't been expressed or even exist in the conversation or assume their opinion is fact and share it as how the majority feels.  At the end of the day, it is what it is.  No one's opinion is going to change these songs are out there.  And since they are, whether you like them or not, we should be happy that both are being met for the most part with a positive reception. Now that might change when Vulgar is officially released, but let's enjoy that Madonna has two songs out there that is getting some serious recognition.  Both songs are most likely going to give her another top 40 if not top 10.  If not, that's okay, but there is no need to find any chance to come in and bring people down for their opinion and there is no need to start making up issues that don't exist.  The conversation about what is considered "Vulgar" is pretty subjective.  What may be Vulgar to some may not be to others.  But back to @Aiwa08point, Madonna is hardly "Mother Teresa" and more than not, the general public perceives her to be known as someone who crosses boundaries and known to make people feel uncomfortable! She's always done that and I think that is one of the reasons we as fans like about her.  If you're this far a long as a fan in a 40 year career, this should come to no surprise to you, nor some of the things she chooses to do in her career that may shake others up.

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3 hours ago, chaosmen1984mk said:

You are trying to maliciously distort my words to make me look ridiculous and give the impression that I am a radical and uncompromising person who does not forgive the slightest lack of education or decorum in human behavior.

The concept and examples of vulgarity that I mentioned are similar to what you can find in any dictionary or web page that talks about the subject. I am not exaggerating or giving a personal and subjective interpretation of what vulgarity is. It just doesn't seem right to me that Madonna praises this human behavior that is not good at all. There are more accepted concepts to proclaim your freedom and your personality such as eccentric, different, extravagant, etc. that using a word as questioned and extreme as it is vulgar.

I don't have to attempt to do anything, I think you do your homework pretty well without support.

Vulgar vulgaris means common, from or made by the populi, the people (funny that the other song is actually "Popular") Vulgar and popular come from the same root and mean basically the same but with one distinction.  While Popular describes what is known by everyone by the people, vulgar defines that being common or not being from a higher class made you inferior. SO vulgar is not negative thing at least you are part of the aristocracy, monarchy or some caste looking down at your plebes.

Madonna is a pop artist, pop music (short for popular music)  as something that everyone enjoys, music that is relatable by many, music with common and accesible themes like love, death, time and sex, sex too. 

She is not praising shes is sharing she is talking to the masses.

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6 hours ago, chaosmen1984mk said:

we all know that Madonna is not vulgar, quite the opposite: she is elegant, sophisticated and classy.


What alternative reality do you live in? Nothing sophisticated or elegant about lines like "Yeezus loves my pussy best",  just vulgar and provocative, but that is a part of Madonna... and has more or less always been... take her for what she is... no use in trying to shape her into what you think she should be.

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6 hours ago, EgoRod said:

Vulgar vulgaris means common, from or made by the populi, the people (funny that the other song is actually "Popular") Vulgar and popular come from the same root and mean basically the same but with one distinction.  While Popular describes what is known by everyone by the people, vulgar defines that being common or not being from a higher class made you inferior. SO vulgar is not negative thing at least you are part of the aristocracy, monarchy or some caste looking down at your plebes.

It's true. The original meaning of the word vulgar referred to the common, the popular or something that had nothing new or unusual. Over time the meaning of this word was distorted and acquired a negative and pejorative meaning (perhaps promoted by the upper classes who associated this word with the lower classes) and ended up being used to refer to the lack of manners and elegance both in the way of speaking as in the way of behaving and certainly offensive and unpleasant in its most superlative degree.

And it is this last meaning, the most used today, on which I base my comment and the aforementioned examples of vulgarity and that have nothing positive and should not be used as an example by anyone. It is enough to analyze the lyrics of the Vulgar song to verify that Sam and Madonna are also referring to this current meaning of the word Vulgar and not to its original meaning.

Anyone who decides to rely on vulgarity to imprint a message on the conscience of others or achieve radical changes in society is likely to fail in the attempt. That is why I think that Sam Smith should use a more intelligent strategy than using vulgarity to fight against those phobias that still persist in society and that are similar to a cancer that refuses to disappear from our body despite all the chemotherapies received. An obvious consequence of this bad strategy is the huge number of fans who are stopping following him because they don't welcome such a radical change in their favorite artist. And I, as a Madonna fan, don't want the same fate for her.

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4 hours ago, Anderledes said:

What alternative reality do you live in? Nothing sophisticated or elegant about lines like "Yeezus loves my pussy best",  just vulgar and provocative, but that is a part of Madonna... and has more or less always been... take her for what she is... no use in trying to shape her into what you think she should be.


I think that to qualify someone as vulgar, they have to be vulgar all the time, be part of their essence and their personality and not simply because of certain sporadic episodes of vulgarity that may be intended to achieve controversy or seeking some particular objective. As far as I know, I have never seen Madonna burping in any live broadcast on her social networks. Nor have I seen her showing her breasts in public without any justification or wildly kissing someone on a street corner. That is why I am surprised to see that some fans consider Madonna vulgar but I respect their opinion.

Madonna is for me elegance and good taste personified. What better example than that interview she gave for Cynthia McFadden in 2012 for Abc. Her way of speaking, her body language, her wardrobe and especially that moment when she proceeds to drink her cup of coffee while making fun of Lady Gaga: just impeccable. I have only seen such a level of elegance and good class in Madonna and Christina Aguilera and I am not going to classify them as vulgar just because of some episodes that are only made in their shows and to entertain the public but that do not represent them at all as people.


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