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Bacterial Infection Thread


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nothing is confirmed yet / its all speculations  


but her team really need to hurry up  with official statement about at least  first shows 

opening show is like a week away

and public (not fans)  whos bought tickets have no clue what's going on  

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I guess this health scare and postponement/cancellation drama will ultimately become the death sentence to her already fragile reputation in the live music and touring industry. It will only become more difficult for her to sell tickets in the future and she will probably be reduced to a Janet or Mariah level act.

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54 minutes ago, SonnyX said:

All this is making me feel so sad these days. On one hand, I hope that M is recovering and that she will be back stronger than ever, because her health is the most important aspect.

On the other hand, if the European leg will be canceled too, the whole situation is worse than expected. And this will be the second time that I will miss her seeing live on stage. And I have never had the opportunity to see her live :sad: the first time I got tickets for M was during the Madame X Tour in Paris and she canceled my show just two hours before start.

So again, I know that M needs to rest because her health is the most important thing right now, but I can also understand the disappointment among fans. Let's hope for the best for both us fans and M

Amazingly and beautiflully stated, thank you. Fingers crossed well see her performing live again before our eyes sooner than later!!

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6 minutes ago, Josh Wang said:

I guess this health scare and postponement/cancellation drama will ultimately become the death sentence to her already fragile reputation in the live music and touring industry. It will only become more difficult for her to sell tickets in the future and she will probably be reduced to a Janet or Mariah level act.

Go fly a kite. 

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3 hours ago, Enrico said:

As for the health, I don't want to get caught in cospiracy theories about painkilkers, intubation, etc. but I too believe that they would never say the real cause if it was bad and might lead to even worse gossip. Also dogs, dancers, Rocco and friends, even Rosie's answers are just speculation. Do you really think that Rosie would take the responsibility to say to a worried fan "sorry, she is seriously ill?".

I fear that if it wasn't quite serious we wouldn't have this heavy silence and she could have posted a short video herself on IG while resting at home (what Celine did).

If she was intubated (which is very likely when one ends up in the ICU) that is very straining on a person’s esophagus and vocal cords. 
On top of that she probably looks weak and very tired. 
Think about how a video like that would look from a PR standpoint. 
The first video she’ll post will be highly publicized and picked up by every news outlet and over scrutinized by everyone. 
As for Celine, how would anyone even compare? She has a long term condition not an immediate one. I’m sure she didn’t make the announcement as soon as she left the doctors office!

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5 minutes ago, Angelo said:

Please Guy give us some official details. This thread is becoming ridiculous DAY BY DAY...PLEASEEEEEEE

I think it will be better if instead of all of us complaining here, we post on their official social media platforms, asking them and showing them how we feel as fans and also as costumers (Guy Oseary, Live Nation etc). Because I agree that this will be endless and ridiculous if nothing happens. 

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13 minutes ago, thegoldencalf said:

If she was intubated (which is very likely when one ends up in the ICU) that is very straining on a person’s esophagus and vocal cords. 
On top of that she probably looks weak and very tired. 
Think about how a video like that would look from a PR standpoint. 
The first video she’ll post will be highly publicized and picked up by every news outlet and over scrutinized by everyone. 
As for Celine, how would anyone even compare? She has a long term condition not an immediate one. I’m sure she didn’t make the announcement as soon as she left the doctors office!

Celine made the video 6 months after. 

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20 minutes ago, nito84bcn said:


I've said this before knowing anything and Guy's statement, because for a lot of us it was obvious that she's not well since some years at least. And it's not my personal opinion, it was OBVIOUS, and I think it's more responsible to admit it, than living in denial, asking her to dance more like if she's a funfair monkey or selling more, or making more records, or making more vinyls. or justifying all the BAD surgeries that she and her doctors did to her body. 

But I will stop here, because the other day I had angry people here asking how much I've spent on Madame X Tour (wich I didn't buy any tickets lol) and if I sued her because she cancelled it on the same day of the concert, and telling me to f*ck off. 

I prefer the whole Celebration Tour cancelled, despite I have good tickets, the money back for everyone and she having a happy and healthy life out of all this craziness. She gave us much, that she deserves the best and a good rest. 

Only a professional and good statement, no details needed of how she feels. 

I think that nothing good will come from a reschedule, and we will see more drama if that happens. 

Sorry if I sound negative, but all of this comes from a deep love to her, and her career. I would'nt be the person that I am today without her, like most of us. 


I wish I couldn’t say I agree with you on this but I do. If she cancels I’d already lose around $300-$400 cause I used PayPal for my Houston tickets and I never get full refunds with PayPal between their commissions and fluctuations (and I’d also have to change my flight and travel anywhere or else, lose it which is another $350 USD, which is a lot of money for me), but I’d rather lose that money now than being under stress for months thinking she may cancel as I enter the venue. Madame X was a nightmare and I’d rather not have Madonna going through hell on each show (as well as the fans). Unfortunately I’m sure she’ll push herself again to do more than she actually can. 

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I don’t recall any of Madonnas team telling us porkies in the past? Can anyone remember an occasion? From memory she’s been pretty honest about logistical things. Being a Janet Fan you never take things at face value. Partly because of the Jancelations but also because the Jackson machine is notorious for being creative with the truth. 

However. I think the fact that the tour was so imminent changed the landscape somewhat. If this had been an incident with nothing pending we could have gone weeks and weeks without knowing anything maybe even someone from her team updating her insta with anniversary post or pics of the kids etc. We all know social media is smoke and mirrors a lot of the time. 

Guy simply had to put something out because of the page six article and before news from her dancers and band etc leaked out. There are elements of his statement that are pure damage control in terms of brand, financial and insurance purposes. There is obviously a bunch of stuff to put fans minds at rest. 

“she is expected to make a full recovery”

..at this stage has become more unsettling than anything. It’s an awkward position for him because he really can’t look into the medical Crystal  ball and in times of health crisis all our loved ones would say “you’ve got this you’re a fighter etc etc”. So we just don’t know. He did say her health was improving and that the tour would be getting a new start date. 
I just don’t believe the whole tour will be cancelled and still think the tour will open in Europe. 
If it is cancelled indefinitely then we should be fairly worried. Maybe she is still non verbal. Her throat may be really sore from the tubes. If the body has shut down who knows what switched back on when you come to. It’s actually very unsettling. I think that’s why most of us who love this woman like a mother and not some twirling showgirl are angst ridden with whirling minds. I hope whatever is supposedly coming tomorrow is more than just a technical tour announcement. Obviously the sooner we have a new start date the more our minds will be at rest about her overall state of health. Sadly I know all too well that insurance and legal reasons means that a new start date does not mean the tour will start at that time. This could be the first in a series of uncomfortable setbacks. That’s business sadly. Bets are hedged. 

Despite the debatable unravelling of the Madonna mystery on social media over the last decade I suppose one thing was clear. We knew she was alive and with us. 
Many of us wished she’d step back from the platforms at times. There’s an odd element of careful what you wish for here. 
It’s a bit of a head fuck really. 

Until we see a post from her saying “day one rehearsals resumed” we’re literally not out of the woods. This all sounds grim but let’s be real. Until she’s back in the rehearsal room we can’t trust a damn thing. 

So for me… I’m not selfishly wanting the tour to resume because I want to see her twirl and not lose ticket money etc, I want the tour to safely resume because it’s the only real metric to indicate how her health is and how serious this whole episode has been. Ultimately  that she is safe, well and still fighting fit. 


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Surely it's positive if Rocco is back in England? it may just be a long road to recovery now and we all need to be patient. I bet the Madonna business factory is working over time, this was a mammoth 80+ date world tour due to kick off within a few weeks, scheduling must take ages to be redone, booking venues, staff may not be even available for rescheduled dates especially if the whole tour is moved it must be a massive headache, there is so many factors and not just a simple case of booking a venue. 

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