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The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)


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12 hours ago, eXtremeOccident said:

Okay, but this could very well be the last time she ever tours and is meant to be a comprehensive career retrospective…so sorry that some of us are objective and can see parts of the show clearly aren’t landing well with the general audience and would like to see her end her touring career with a crowning gem of a show?

No one is saying we aren’t grateful she’s doing a show, but I hate this weak defense suggesting her being well and alive and her delivering a banger greatest hits tour with a flawless narrative is somehow mutually exclusive. Not at all…she can do both.

I hated seeing confused faces after the lights went up. I hated hearing people on the tube say they didn’t like it. I hated hearing my dad say he’d been waiting to see M for years but would only give it a 7 out of 10 and that he thought the pacing got really strange in the middle of the show.

I know it’s only personal anecdotal evidence, but she could make the show much better with what already exists…it’s not like many of us are saying the song choices or production suck, just that some of the execution is off.

Which, as an aside, made me finally realize what has been frustrating as a fan for the last decade or so…she consistently has AMAZING ideas, tour included…but it’s like she can’t quite get there with execution of them. She comes across half committed to them nowadays. Madame X and her personas and the many clips filmed, the Madame X Tour, this tour, the Rebel Heart album and tour…Madonna the amazing artist continues to be live and well, but it feels like the creative direction is lacking in parts. That’s where my personal frustration with this tour arises from…it’s just that it’s so obvious how incredible this show could be but it just doesn’t quite get there in the end, and she deserves better if this is it.

But it's also important to recall that when you approach an artist piece of work, we should be looking to understand why things are presented that way. Instead of how will we do it instead.

It's something that comes unconsciously specially for fans that know her work well. The concept of create this 'Fantasy team setlist'  push you away for allowing yourself to see why she does one thing or another.

My experience yesterday was far from people being confused or people complaining about the show. I was at the  bar after and everyone was having a ball and talking so highly about the show. It was such a party mood well until midnight.


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10 minutes ago, EgoRod said:

But it's also important to recall that when you approach an artist piece of work, we should be looking to understand why things are presented that way. Instead of how will we do it instead.

It's something that comes unconsciously specially for fans that know her work well. The concept of create this 'Fantasy team setlist'  push you away for allowing yourself to see what she does one thing or another.

My experience yesterday was far from people being confused or people complaining about the show. I was at the  bar after and everyone was having a ball and talking so highly about the show. It was such a party mood well until midnight.


Well Done Applause GIF by MOODMAN

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I don’t know how many times this has to be said:

We are all allowed to have an opinion, we are all allowed to express that opinion. Yes, it may happen that people don't agree. You may not like other people's opinions.

I can't even begin to unpack how problematic it is to judge people for discussing how things could be changed or improved. It’s literally human nature to have a mind that is capable of having thoughts and it’s part of fan culture to come up with your own concepts, art or re-arrangements.

Madonna herself has taken other people’s art and changed/adjusted it for her own purposes. We as fans have the freedom to the very same thing. There are certain things we may like or don’t like. This forum is a place that thrives on these kinds of discussions. THAT is something people have to deal with and if you don’t want that, feel free to block the people whose content you dislike.

I say all this as someone who has so far enjoyed this concert more than ANYTHING that came after CT. I just HATE when people try to shut others up for being "moaners" or for not being people that blindly stan everything an artist does.

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13 hours ago, eXtremeOccident said:

Okay, but this could very well be the last time she ever tours and is meant to be a comprehensive career retrospective…so sorry that some of us are objective and can see parts of the show clearly aren’t landing well with the general audience and would like to see her end her touring career with a crowning gem of a show?

No one is saying we aren’t grateful she’s doing a show, but I hate this weak defense suggesting her being well and alive and her delivering a banger greatest hits tour with a flawless narrative is somehow mutually exclusive. Not at all…she can do both.

I hated seeing confused faces after the lights went up. I hated hearing people on the tube say they didn’t like it. I hated hearing my dad say he’d been waiting to see M for years but would only give it a 7 out of 10 and that he thought the pacing got really strange in the middle of the show.

I know it’s only personal anecdotal evidence, but she could make the show much better with what already exists…it’s not like many of us are saying the song choices or production suck, just that some of the execution is off.

Which, as an aside, made me finally realize what has been frustrating as a fan for the last decade or so…she consistently has AMAZING ideas, tour included…but it’s like she can’t quite get there with execution of them. She comes across half committed to them nowadays. Madame X and her personas and the many clips filmed, the Madame X Tour, this tour, the Rebel Heart album and tour…Madonna the amazing artist continues to be live and well, but it feels like the creative direction is lacking in parts. That’s where my personal frustration with this tour arises from…it’s just that it’s so obvious how incredible this show could be but it just doesn’t quite get there in the end, and she deserves better if this is it.

I got your back on this.

I love the show personally because it includes lots and lots of things I have had on my wish list. However, I totally see why people criticise certain aspects of the show and I agree with almost everything you said DESPITE loving the tour.

But looking back, I think there is not a single tour that I would consider PERFECT. That’s a standard that, imo is almost impossible to reach. There will always be something that can be improved. Is it a bad thing to feel that way? No absolutely not. It’s not like we’re going to M herself telling her how crappy her show is.

People just don’t like to have their euphoria and obsession interrupted with more critical thoughts and reality checks.

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2 minutes ago, luluthecat said:

Well I'll have a bit of a moan then........so got to see the full show this time! But what was that Michael Jackson tribute?? Felt totally random? Why is it there? I knew she was a fan but that was waaaaaaay over the top, from what I read I assumed she was gonna just sample Billie Jean

The way I see it is this:

Madonna and MJ are considered the king and queen of pop. An integral part of her story cannot be told without mentioning certain infamous or iconic moments. One of them being her Oscar appearance with MJ.

Aside from that, Madonna and MJ shared the same manager at the beginning of her career. They were meant to collaborate but she unintentionally offended him and the fell out with each other. I think she regrets losing her "equal" without ever getting a chance to make up with him, hence the "Never Can Say Goodbye" at the end. Knowing that The Power Of Goodbye was meant as encore, this interlude makes WAY more sense.

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11 minutes ago, luluthecat said:

Well I'll have a bit of a moan then........so got to see the full show this time! But what was that Michael Jackson tribute?? Felt totally random? Why is it there? I knew she was a fan but that was waaaaaaay over the top, from what I read I assumed she was gonna just sample Billie Jean

I see it as her way of saying "he was the King, I am the Queen - and I'm still alive motherf***ers, respect", just like the little nods to Prince and Sinéad. Also as a way to include "LAV" if she didn't want to perform it herself this time.

And even if Michael's image was definitely damaged by the documentary from 4? 5? years ago, he's still considered a pop legend, of course. He's been just too big and influential to be "cancelled". Michael's pop DNA is everywhere, from Justin Timberlake to Bruno Mars, The Weeknd and everyone in between.

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1 hour ago, Redha DBL said:

Ok i will adress the BUTT once and for all. I didn't intend to talk about it because the tour is absolutely amazing (One of the best for me) but since the butt matter pops up again and again i will explain and i hope it's helpful for anyone who intend to talk about it again during the tour :

- Butt implants have been removed since bacterial infection. It's obvious as we've seen her on many occasion with her natural size butt since then. 

- Opening night of Celebration tour : Full show with her natural butt BUT black panties with big padding for the final "Bitch i'm Madonna" (fits the musical genre and fits the Minaj imagery). 

- Second show (15th) : Black panties with padding now during many numbers. Difference Pretty visible with the black Gaultier bustier which now can't be closed properly at the bottom. Also very visible (you could see the shape of the padding) with the red babydoll nightdress. 

-3rd show (Yesterday night the 17th) : Padding panties with the black Gaultier bustier but not with the red nightdress from the few videos i've seen. She probably noticed it was too visible with that outfil and she is right.

So, we now know she has a padding panties and she wears it for the final and also now for some songs of the show. Depends from night to night. Compare the videos and pics of the opening night with the following nights and you'll easily see what i've explained.

Case closed ?

Back to amazing Celebration Tour !!!!

I don't think she went under the knife to get her butt implants out after that life-threatening sepsis. That'd be wild. Maybe she got the infection because of the removal surgery, if she even had it. But honestly, we'll probably never get the deets on that, so that's pure speculation.

I saw her at the opening night, I was in the Pit. She looked way fitter than the past few years when she seemed kinda off and clumsy. Up close, yeah, you can tell she's in her 60s but she's still stunning.
Physically, she looks about the same as during the Rebel Heart Tour but she's a tad less energetic (makes sense, she's got a hip implant). Her legs? Fire.
And I definitely didn't notice her big booty. I caught a glimpse during ROL... then when she did BIM, that booty looked even bigger and I was like, is that padding or did she hide it well in the earlier outfits? Because she hid it multiple times in the past.

She looked a bit of a mess at the end, lol. If your theory's on point, why would she mess up her figure with some silly butt pads? Why make herself seem more off and shorter and even get to the point where her dress doesn't fit? Is she crazy? 🤔

1 hour ago, Lorx said:

I prefer Frozen, I absolutely love Rain, but I find this version ugly. If they had done the original version, I would have preferred it to Frozen.

Totally feel you on that!

I went to the opening night. At first, I loved Rain, it took me by surprise and it's one of my favs.
But on a second listen, for real, she kinda killed the vibe, making it kinda meh. 

The harmonies in the song and that key change in the bridge, then flipping it back? Pure gold. But she stripped those bomb parts away. Idk what she was thinking, tbh. 🤷‍♀️

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Time for my opinion on the show lol ! Well this is my fav tour since the DWT ! And to me this tour is the follow up to the BAT. The setlist, the costumes, the choreos, and most of, and this is the main point i want to bring attention to : The fun ! Finally M is having fun again. I've haven't seen her smile that much on tour since the WTG tour / BAT !! It's not a cold show, it's human. Something really changed her inside after she almost died a couple of months ago, and it feels in her smile. She's warm, she's happy to be there with people, and this show perfectly reflects that. I love this new Madonna ❤️ oh and i must add something ! I wad skeptcal about NRM as opener. I love that song but couldn't picturing it as opener, and you know what. This is now my fav opener EVER. The performance is this absolute best of the show for me. This is classy, this is modern yet timeless, this is just perfect ! 

And for those who don't like this tour, i bet it will grow on you with time and become one of your fav 😉

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I agree with others regarding Rain, it kills the vibe. It's a dull, flat performance with no theatrics or memorable moments and kills the high energy right after Ray of Light. Since she's probably not going to redo the musical arrangement on this one or add pyrotechnics to amp it up (wouldn't it be cool if it was raining pyro on stage before the big bridge moment?), I would replace this with something more memorable.

Regarding the MJ tribute interlude, I think the point of this interlude is to represent the King and Queen of Pop. Since this setlist chronicles Madonna's career in order, the final segment is meant to say she's now the Queen. In royalty, when the King dies, the Queen takes the reigns. Plus, the silhouettes are meant to say that we don't even need to show Michael or Madonna or name them for them to be recognized because they're so iconic now, unlike the opening where she drops her name and won't even get on the list to get in the club.

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51 minutes ago, FraP said:

I went to the opening night. At first, I loved Rain, it took me by surprise and it's one of my favs.
But on a second listen, for real, she kinda killed the vibe, making it kinda meh. 

The harmonies in the song and that key change in the bridge, then flipping it back? Pure gold. But she stripped those bomb parts away. Idk what she was thinking, tbh. 🤷‍♀️

This is so weird to me - you loved it when you actually watched it, but then watching rubbish clips back you don't like it? Isn't your response when it was actually happening in front of you what really matters?

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10 minutes ago, dankpepe said:

I agree with others regarding Rain, it kills the vibe. It's a dull, flat performance with no theatrics or memorable moments and kills the high energy right after Ray of Light. Since she's probably not going to redo the musical arrangement on this one or add pyrotechnics to amp it up (wouldn't it be cool if it was raining pyro on stage before the big bridge moment?), I would replace this with something more memorable.

Regarding the MJ tribute interlude, I think the point of this interlude is to represent the King and Queen of Pop. Since this setlist chronicles Madonna's career in order, the final segment is meant to say she's now the Queen. In royalty, when the King dies, the Queen takes the reigns. Plus, the silhouettes are meant to say that we don't even need to show Michael or Madonna or name them for them to be recognized because they're so iconic now, unlike the opening where she drops her name and won't even get on the list to get in the club.


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18 minutes ago, dankpepe said:

Regarding the MJ tribute interlude, I think the point of this interlude is to represent the King and Queen of Pop. Since this setlist chronicles Madonna's career in order, the final segment is meant to say she's now the Queen. In royalty, when the King dies, the Queen takes the reigns. Plus, the silhouettes are meant to say that we don't even need to show Michael or Madonna or name them for them to be recognized because they're so iconic now, unlike the opening where she drops her name and won't even get on the list to get in the club.

A queen does not demand her throne, it is hers.
That's what I didn't like about this interlude. 
Additionally, Billie Jean isn't seamlessly mashed up with Like A Virgin. While it was perfectly mashed up during the Virgin Tour, here it feels haphazardly added.


1 hour ago, Dazedmadonna said:

At the end, we all have our preferences and things we like or don't about the show, but seeing Madonna so happy and full of energies is everything to me. :fantasy:

I completely agree. She often smiles and appears happy, much like the mood she had during the RHT.

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6 minutes ago, Lorx said:

A queen does not demand her throne, it is hers.
That's what I didn't like about this interlude. 
Additionally, Billie Jean isn't seamlessly mashed up with Like A Virgin. While it was perfectly mashed up during the Virgin Tour, here it feels haphazardly added.

That's cos it's done as a playful battle with them both trying to outdo each other, no doubt a reference to their competition in the 80s/90s. It's not meant to be a mash-up.

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2 hours ago, Debord said:

Compact cameras are definitely allowed - I took one, and I've taken one to every O2 gig I've ever been to (LOADS!) without issue. It's only professional cameras/DSLRS that they'd have a problem with.

Not always, both my husband and I were bringing small compact cameras to a Kylie concert, and some horrible woman was hunting os everywhere... even so disturbed that she got us mixed up... :lol:  I told you to put that camera away... If I see it again I will take it she told my husband... not realizing it was me she told it before ;-)

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6 minutes ago, Anderledes said:

Not always, both my husband and I were bringing small compact cameras to a Kylie concert, and some horrible woman was hunting os everywhere... even so disturbed that she got us mixed up... :lol:  I told you to put that camera away... If I see it again I will take it she told my husband... not realizing it was me she told it before ;-)

It even says on the O2 website! You should've asked to speak to her boss, she was definitely being officious. https://help.theo2.co.uk/hc/en-gb/articles/202335502-Can-I-bring-a-camera-to-the-event-

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