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The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)


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2 minutes ago, MAX_donna said:

It was incredible, Madonna was on top form throughout the show (as always... but it's sooo good ans positive to see), and even got very emotional when she talked about her mother and her recent hospitalization. It was heartbreaking. 💜💜💜

I filmed a lot of segments, which wasn't easy because filming, holding binoculars at the right distance and of course enjoying a lot at the same time wasn't easy lol.
I'm just not rn in a good mood as everything was beautiful and unforgettable, until my cap was stolen on the way out :(

So sorry to hear about your "cap" being stolen. How did that happen?

Otherwise, it sounded like you had a great time and the crowd was enjoying Madonna immensely.  She mentioned not feeling well, did you get any vibes of that before she even brought it up before performing "I Will Survive"?

And thank you for sharing. :luv:

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4 minutes ago, MAX_donna said:

Oh...and she even drank a Belgian beer on stage 🤠🍺🇧🇪

She knows how to make us happy... and for us, proud of her lol

Belgian beer is the best...all part of the act however i imagine the contents of those bottles she drinks ..same as Madame X Tour is honey and lemon for her throat...i know her game 

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37 minutes ago, McDonna said:

Je suis vraiment désolé d'apprendre que votre "casquette" a été volée. Comment est-ce arrivé?

Sinon, on aurait dit que vous aviez passé un bon moment et que le public appréciait énormément Madonna. Elle a mentionné ne pas se sentir bien, en avez-vous ressenti avant même qu'elle en parle avant de jouer "I Will Survive" ?

Et merci pour le partage.:amour:

I didn't notice that she wasn't feeling well.

Yes, she cried before I Will Survive and some "We love you Madonna" could be heard. Her little smiles of recognition were magical to watch.
Live to Tell was overwhelming. All those faces, those broken destinies. Here she is, not forgetting them and inviting us to do the same. Same was when she spoke to her mom in front of giant posters of her parents. The rest of the show was full of joy and... celebration ! She even recreated the choreography from Hung Up... I went straight back to childhood. She also thanked her children, who are excellent dancers and piano players (I mean real talents) and who accompany their mom so well on stage. As for Bob, he really surprised me, he's excellent, he appears sometimes and the symbiosis with Madonna is really shareable.

As for my cap, it was on the way to the parking lot. It really saddens me, but I'd recommend one. I still have my black-purple sweater, which cost more.

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2 minutes ago, cyberrage said:

Looking at all other touring acts recently she is bound to pick up COVID on this tour (Or with  industry speak now a respiratory infection), hopefully just a cold and health will come first.

Well that's what it is.  It's just it's much more manageable, but unfortunately people are still getting seriously sick and still dying.  At this point, I see it as an additional concern like the Flu, especially those who are more susceptible. Unfortunately, people Madonna's age has a hard time with it than younger people.  But I have no doubt she has access to the the best doctors. 

Apparently P!nk has had to cancel shows from last night and tonight because of a "respiratory infection". And she cancelled two shows prior to that because of medical issues.  Respiratory infections especially for singers isn't something to mess around with.  You can forget trying to sing with respiratory issues.

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4 minutes ago, MAX_donna said:

I didn't notice that she wasn't feeling well.

Yes, she cried before I Will Survive and some "We love you Madonna" could be heard. Her little smiles of recognition were magical to watch.
Live to Tell was overwhelming. All those faces, those broken destinies. Here she is, not forgetting them and inviting us to do the same. Same was when she spoke to her mom in front of giant posters of her parents. The rest of the show was full of joy and... celebration ! She even recreated the choreography from Hung Up... I went straight back to childhood. She also thanked her children, who are excellent dancers and piano players (I mean real talents) and who accompany their mom so well on stage. As for Bob, he really surprised me, he's excellent, he appears sometimes and the symbiosis with Madonna is really shareable.

As for my cap, it was on the way to the parking lot. It really saddens me, but I'd recommend one. I still have my black-purple sweater, which cost more.

Thank you so much for giving us more details. Love reading your experience.  So sad she wasn't feeling 100%, but it was great it was really detected by the crowd.  I'm sure Madonna is very used to performing when she's feeling a little under the weather. Of course, as she's getting older, we will remained concerned.

Sorry to seem getting nosy, but did someone just steal the cap from your head or hands or something else happened that managed the cap being stolen?

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1 hour ago, Prayer said:

Full video.

Poor woman. The fact that she's putting on this hell of a show months after nearly dying... Truly one of a kind. We're so blessed to haver her.

Thank you for posting this.  Seems like her not feeling well was a bit over-embellished.  Obviously she is fine.  This is more about her feeling her mother didn't get a chance to live, while she felt she did get another chance.  So sweet and genuine. 

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23 minutes ago, McDonna said:

Merci beaucoup de nous avoir donné plus de détails. J'adore lire votre expérience. Tellement triste qu'elle ne se sentait pas à 100%, mais c'était génial que le public l'ait vraiment détecté. Je suis sûr que Madonna est très habituée à se produire sur scène lorsqu'elle ne se sent pas bien. Bien sûr, à mesure qu'elle vieillit, nous resterons inquiets.

Désolé de paraître curieux, mais est-ce que quelqu'un vient de voler la casquette de votre tête ou de vos mains ou quelque chose d'autre s'est produit qui a permis de voler la casquette ?

Yes, after all, she's human and getting older like the rest of us. Personally, I'm so human that I fainted when she opened with NRM...

But how lucky we are (and I mean this sincerely) to be fans, lovers of an artist, a woman, an icon like her! She's always there, and it's so important to have let her know that we love her. 


Well, it's a bit my fault too, because I had to carry everything in my arms, and my cap slipped out of my hand. It fell to the ground and a "very nice" lady told me later that she'd seen me lose it (I don't think we'll ever be friends).

I just recommended one, I don't mind giving her my money one again :D

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27 minutes ago, MAX_donna said:

Yes, after all, she's human and getting older like the rest of us. Personally, I'm so human that I fainted when she opened with NRM...

But how lucky we are (and I mean this sincerely) to be fans, lovers of an artist, a woman, an icon like her! She's always there, and it's so important to have let her know that we love her.

So true!  And I'm hoping more and more we are seeing a trend in appreciating Madonna then tearing her apart.  We all do what we can to make this world a better place to live. I think she is doing that.



Well, it's a bit my fault too, because I had to carry everything in my arms, and my cap slipped out of my hand. It fell to the ground and a "very nice" lady told me later that she'd seen me lose it (I don't think we'll ever be friends).

I just recommended one, I don't mind giving her my money one again :D


That's unfortunate.  I hope the person who stole it will feel the wrath of Karma. 

Meanwhile we have beautiful moments likes this from  Madonna and Mercy.  Just beautiful!!!


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