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The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)


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11 minutes ago, Anapausis said:

By the way, now it's time to say I wasn't being any ironic when I said I want Candy Shop and Heartbeat added to the Celebration Tour, as @dave2290is a long time witness to it, I STAN HARD CANDY AS FUCK and these 2 songs in particular are my favourite tracks from it, PERSONALLY I HAVE A SACRED EXPERIENCE TO CANDY SHOP BACK TO 2007 WHEN IT LEAKED. WHILE THE MAJORITY OF LIL'MEDONSTERS DESPISE CANDY SHOP, HEARTBEAT AND HARD CANDY, THAT ERA AS A WHOLE REPRESENTED THE APEX OF ME AS A M STAN. HARD CANDY IS IMO ON PAIR TO LIKE A PRAYER AND RAY OF LIGHT. ICONIC AND EARWORM AS FUCK. Thank you all and shall we go back to tour plz.

hard candy is a masterpiece from the 1st to the last song.... nothing else to say...

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53 minutes ago, Enrico said:

Thank you for posting this.  What is evident is that she's respectful of her father and the fact she had to work for where she is today.  Her own kids may not experience the hardship she has, due to her being who she is, but you can bet she will still instill those "hard working values" in them as much as she can.  She is one of the last iconic stars living who actually worked for where she is.  Not to take that from anyone who came after her, but it's just true!  And she still works hard!  :luv:

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7 minutes ago, The Ghost said:

Hope there's more detroit videos looks like an emotional show.


Since the Virgin Tour.

I'm tired of being far away from home

Far from walking home

Far from where it's safe

Hope it's not too late...

Detroit Rock City - a town of notable ups and downs - a town of survivors...

A town to feel homesickness to.

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2 hours ago, kokobananas said:

I think I'm getting pit tickets for Vancouver and I'm leaning toward Pit 2 (the Burning Up side). Is it worth it, you guys? Anyone have any experiences from either pit?

The best seats imo are the pit and front/around tip of main catwalk. You'd actually see more of her closer from the other pit, but she performs better numbers on the Burning Up side. She spends a lot of time on that main catwalk.

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21 minutes ago, Homogenic79 said:

“Madonna taps controversial Omar S to open Detroit concert”


First off, thank you for posting this.  I personally find this article ridiculous. Rather concentrate on the actual star of this concert, the usual media decided to go after the DJ she hired to open the show.  Chances are she scheduled him to perform before his altercation in November. Even still, while I don't condone what he did nor care one bit about him, he still has to make his living. People can boycott him, but until he's convicted in court and put behind bars, he's still free to make a living. I don't believe anyone really noticed or cared he open the show until the media spotlighted this. :Madonna007:

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3 minutes ago, McDonna said:

First off, thank you for posting this.  I personally find this article ridiculous. It's like they couldn't find anything to criticize Madonna for, so they decided to go for the DJ she hired to open the show.  Chances are she scheduled him to perform before his altercation in November. Even still, while I don't condone what he did nor care one bit about him, he still has to make his living. People can boycott him, but until he's convicted in court and put behind bars, he's still free to make a living. I don't believe anyone really noticed or cared he open the show until the media spotlighted this. :Madonna007:

So I ain't losing a thing by being unable to read that?

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2 minutes ago, McDonna said:

It's pure trash. Rather just review her show, they concentrated on the DJ opening. No one cares about the DJ which I'm sure he doesn't deserve! :gasp:

Oh now I do wonder why I was blocked to read that...

...I had once read an article equally shameful (about Kylie), and it seemed when I tried read it again, some paywall appeared asking to "help fund" the website... They're more and more outrageous in these times "everybody can be a journalist"...

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12 hours ago, milotjuh said:

Haha, this is quite funny:04: Can anyone make out what she says around 00:40?

'what can I say, I'm distracted!?'

15 hours ago, FraP said:

Never claimed that. I just stated that her performance was respectable. She managed to maintain reasonable pitch while singing songs of moderate complexity.

And perhaps it's the last time she sang decently.

One thing is for sure: she's never performed vocally as bad as on this tour. Even during the Sticky & Sweet Tour, which was a vocal disaster, she still seemed to be in better shape. She just sang bad without trying.

There was simply no autotune on her microphone, and she used backing vocals less extensively.

Here, there's practically autotune in 70% of the concert. 

Autotune doesn't help her; it tunes her voice even on the wrong notes because she's so off-key that autotune makes her sound even more out of tune than she actually is (since it tunes to the nearest note, if you're slightly flat or sharp it corrects, but if you completely miss the notes and are practically tone-deaf, it alters your voice to different notes than intended). Just listen to Frozen. It's a disaster. Even the final note is tuned by autotune to a different note than she intended.

Frozen truly is a disaster on this tour. So was Rain. There are only three songs that sound consistently bad on this tour, and that's two of them right there.

Nothing Compared 2 U was far better than the public and press made out. I don't think she's done one performance since where she's sounded better. I enjoyed it, a lot.


1 hour ago, madgic2005 said:

Wish she lowered the key to Crazy for You - it would suit her current range way better

Sometimes going higher works better. Nothing Fails on RIT she made higher than the record if I remember correctly and it worked out very well, except in Lisbon 😄

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