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Did teachers and or professors you had in school like or dislike Madonna?

Blue Skies

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I mean if they mentioned her at all.


The only time I remember her being mentioned was by religion teachers in Catholic schools.  And ironically both times it was positive.  


In middle school my religion teacher talked about that Oprah interview she did for Evita at the time.  Her impression was she was a very beautiful and intelligent sounding woman despite her controversial background.  She was very impressed she named her daughter Lourdes after the town in France miracles take place in.  


Ditto a high school religion teacher.  He was impressed as well she named her daughter Lourdes.  He joked well she's not exactly a Virgin but yeah my take away was that he thought she seemed cool.



So yeah that I think put it in my head to try and learn more about her than I became a fan 

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I studied in public schools the whole elementary cycle and never heard or saw anyone saying anything bad about her. When I was in the 9th grade (1993) Madonna came to Brazil for the first time and she was all around. I was already a fan at the time and both classmates and teachers used to bring me newspapers and magazines clippings and we even worked the lyrics of "In This Life" in one of the English classes. I took a cassette tape with the song and we followed the lyrics and she explained the vocabulary. 
Back in 1989 one of my clasmates took her cassette tape of "Like A Prayer" to show us and everyone was like, "oh, my God, put it on, we want to listen to the song (which had been released a few weeks before and everyone was in love with it).
Even in high school my classmates and teachers used to mention they had seen her video or an interview on TV or heard her song on the radio and came to me to ask if I had the album or the CD.
So, all my memories of that period, at least for me, were realy great.

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How can I explain this in English?

Well, in 1989, I was the DJ at the end-of-year dance at a Catholic spanish school run by nuns. They explicitly prohibited me from playing Madonna’s music, labeling it as ‘cabaret music’ that was not suitable for girls aged between 14 and 18 years old.

The funny thing is that many of those girls kept asking me to play ‘Like A Prayer’ all night long. I played it once, and the head nun ran out like the Road Runner to ask me to turn it off (she actually asked me very kindly) and I didn’t play it again.

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My professor in college who taught Theory of the Litterature was a hardcore fan. He was much older than M, could have the age to be her father. We had some altercation as I also did to some other professors (I came very young with no clue to college, thinking my previous amount of knowledge regarding my faculty would earn me some good reputation to the academy and in the end as it's so typically me I burnt all bridges I could have made there, but tis very past, it was two decades ago), but in the end we did make it up. I miss him now. Would love to have the chance to talk to him in the present. The things you do when you're just 18 in such environment. I was a freshman in every sense of word!

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32 minutes ago, Anapausis said:

My professor in college who taught Theory of the Litterature was a hardcore fan. He was much older than M, could have the age to be her father. We had some altercation as I also did to some other professors (I came very young with no clue to college, thinking my previous amount of knowledge regarding my faculty would earn me some good reputation to the academy and in the end as it's so typically me I burnt all bridges I could have made there, but tis very past, it was two decades ago), but in the end we did make it up. I miss him now. Would love to have the chance to talk to him in the present. The things you do when you're just 18 in such environment. I was a freshman in every sense of word!

Hmm now that I think about it at 18 in an Abnormal Psychology class at Community College brought up her Sex book.  Was too shy though to say I was familiar with it in front of the class :sad:.  

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Another professor I had who taught writing 1st year in college commented he thought Britney Spears was the most dangerous role model for girls/women.  With Madonna he literally said "At least with her whole message to girls was to get fucked".  versus he thought Britney who tried to put out a sweet/virgin like image for a while there despite dancing with exotic animals in her performances.  

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16 minutes ago, Blue Skies said:

Another professor I had who taught writing 1st year in college commented he thought Britney Spears was the most dangerous role model for girls/women.  With Madonna he literally said "At least with her whole message to girls was to get fucked".  versus he thought Britney who tried to put out a sweet/virgin like image for a while there despite dancing with exotic animals in her performances.  

Did your professor live in a cave with other nearderthals? Or he was just a "church rat" as we say here in Brazil to the people who are ultrareligious just to hide their own skeletons in the closet?

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20 minutes ago, Anapausis said:

Did your professor live in a cave with other nearderthals? Or he was just a "church rat" as we say here in Brazil to the people who are ultrareligious just to hide their own skeletons in the closet?

He was actually a very liberal professor that always spoke of how macho oriented American society is.


Which is pretty ironic from my experiences that one religion teacher I had in middle school was sort of type to instill The Fear of The Lord in us….  But she spoke very kindly of M that time 

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1 minute ago, Blue Skies said:

He was actually a very liberal professor that always spoke of how macho oriented American society is.


Which is pretty ironic from my experiences that one religion teacher I had in middle school was sort of type to instill The Fear of The Lord in us….  But she spoke very kindly of M that time 

From experience: the most liberal people are also the most conservative people. Sometimes repression finds a different way to happen.

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4 minutes ago, Blue Skies said:

He was actually a very liberal professor that always spoke of how macho oriented American society is.


Which is pretty ironic from my experiences that one religion teacher I had in middle school was sort of type to instill The Fear of The Lord in us….  But she spoke very kindly of M that time 

This is why I don't follow any particular church or religion.  If you have to instill fear into people to believe or have faith in something, then something is very wrong. 

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35 minutes ago, McDonna said:

This is why I don't follow any particular church or religion.  If you have to instill fear into people to believe or have faith in something, then something is very wrong. 

I still remember this teacher well.  


I hear what you're saying but at the same time being grown up I respected her passion/where she was coming from as well.  Will leave it there.  

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4 minutes ago, Blue Skies said:

I still remember this teacher well.  


I hear what you're saying but at the same time being grown up I respected her passion/where she was coming from as well.  Will leave it there.  

Yeah, but there is no excuse for it.  It's just another way of forcing one's way of life on another. 

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I had an English teacher who told us that you must put your first and last name at the top of every assignment. She said you can't go by your first name only because you aren't Madonna or Prince.

Then I had a speedwriting class in high school and that teacher wanted us to do a presentation on someone who had an impact on society. She told the class "pick someone had who had a real impact and not someone like Madonna". Seemed like an odd assignment for a speedwriting class. They mostly gave that teacher random stuff to teach.

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recently when I was going to see her show, I told my colleagues during lunch that I was going to see madonna and I was very excited about it. My professor and a few other senior researchers (age 40 - 60) were surprised that I am her fan. My male professor told me that he had a crush on her in 80's and another female lecturer said she grew up with her music. They didn't say anything bad about her. They said she was very famous in the 80's. 

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I guess M is very polarizing at colleagues for obvious reasons. I would never guess some other female popstar from her times to have such achievement of a debate in the academy. And, as for today, colleagues discuss about THAT woman - and also for obvious reasons - but naturally not the same as M's ones.

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