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What Madonna Song am I Thinking Of? -- MeantToBeIconic's New Game!


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Yeah!!!Regarding versions: there's the actual version, instrumental and orchestral, but i don't know if the orchestral truly was genuine or fan made? I did have an acapella of it too? But i think the acapella was filtered?


I have no idea honestly! I only listened to the original version, that's all!  :rip:

Good choice by the way! Most generally all the songs she recorded during the Music sessions are pretty good! :-)

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I have no idea honestly! I only listened to the original version, that's all! :rip:Good choice by the way! Most generally all the songs she recorded during the Music sessions are pretty good! :-)

Here's the orchestral:This video says it's from the ROL sessions, but i'm convinced it was from the Music sessions....https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=madonna+angel+passing+orchestral&source=video&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwju75nr5rjKAhXHxRQKHWXXBocQjjgIHTAA&url=intent%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DfVnLlZ2TIcs%23Intent%3Bscheme%3Dhttp%3Bpackage%3Dcom.google.android.youtube%3BS.android.intent.extra.REFERRER_NAME%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.google.co.uk%3Bend&usg=AFQjCNHuWW5tJWkwGTfDbIqgqcpaYg9AtA&sig2=QTWDWI61HEzgF0CbATmlkA(Sorry, but i can't get the video to be embedded, the address is about 10 lines long so maybe that's why?)I actually prefer it to the original.EDIT: it turns out this link is not working properly. @@Gargamel has posted the video down the page.
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That's the one. I think it's my device, the link looked strange when i pasted it. I tried a few times. I don't know why it's not working when i try though as it usually works.


I really don't know! When I clicked on your link I got an error message about intent protocol...that's the first time!

Anyway...thanks for the intention especially since I didn't know that great orchestral version! Sounds even better than the original one to me!!!  :-)

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Yeah!!!Regarding versions: there's the actual version, instrumental and orchestral, but i don't know if the orchestral truly was genuine or fan made, though i think it was genuine? I did have an acapella of it too? But i think the acapella was filtered?

The orchestral is stems made ! That's why I didn't think of this one, plus it's from 1999, not 2000  :monkey:  :monkey:  :monkey:

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The orchestral is stems made ! That's why I didn't think of this one, plus it's from 1999, not 2000 :monkey::monkey::monkey:

Ah, ok. I said i wasn't definite about the orchestral, though i admit i didn't know it was from 1999. Yeah, i guess the Music recording sessions would have taken place during 1999 as well of 2000. My bad 😳, lol. Ooops.
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Just wondering if this cover was really supposed to be included to Music or if it was recorded for another project?!

I mean it's a beautiful song for sure but in the same time it sounds soooo different from the general mood of the album...

Is there anyone who can shed some light on this?  :-)

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^Just wondering if this cover was really supposed to be included to Music or if it was recorded for another project?!I mean it's a beautiful song for sure but in the same time it sounds soooo different from the general mood of the album...Is there anyone who can shed some light on this? :-)

I think I remember back nearer the time hearing that they recorded it for fun during the recording of Music just for themselves and never had any intention to release it. Not 100% sure though.I guess this could have been done in the early recording process, maybe before Mirwais was involved? Maybe the Music album was originally going to be just an Orbit collaboration like ROL??From Wikipedia (not always trustworthy):"Like an Angel Passing Through My Room" Madonna and Orbit covered this ABBA song during the Music sessions.[127] The demo and the Orbit instrumental leaked onto the internet on August 15, 2008.From the ABBA LAAPTMR Wikipedia page:"In 1999, William Orbit recorded a version of the song with Madonna for her album Music but it was never released. It was leaked onto the Internet in August 2008"It says here it was recorded 1999. Oops, sorry.
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